Hongshang Foundation Building.

Goto Shintaro was standing upright in front of his desk with his hands behind his back, expressing his thoughts.

"President, I don't think the core coin should be given to Eiji Hino. He... is not suitable."

After observing for this period of time, Goto Shintaro always thought that Eiji Hino was indecisive and not a good candidate to save the world.

He has always been working hard to make himself stronger.

In order to contribute to the protection of the world.

But he never thought that he would be no match for a wanderer after training himself so hard.

This made him feel very unbalanced, and even a little jealous of Eiji Hino.

Especially since he often had to send equipment to the other party, he felt even more uncomfortable.

Because he was so fulfilled, it was not easy to make people stronger and protect the world, but in the end he was like a courier.

Either sending this thing or that thing, which made him very uncomfortable.

Looking up at Goto Shintaro, Mitsuo Hongshang was not angry because of the other party's doubts.

Standing up and walking to the window, looking at the sun in the distance, Mitsuo Hongue asked back.

"Do you care about the fact that all the core coins are gathered in Oz's hands?"

Goto Shintaro nodded decisively and affirmed.

"Yes, this is a very dangerous thing."

Looking back, Mitsuo Hongue had a peaceful smile on his face.

"No, I think this matter is very interesting."

"You can do research, but I don't think someone like Eiji Hino is suitable to save the world!"

He could never accept in his heart why the person who saved the world was not himself but Eiji Hino.

Why is the other party special? Where is the special place?

These questions are currently unclear to him.

Raising his hand slightly to interrupt Goto Shintaro, Mitsuo Hongue came to sit down in front of the piano in the office.

"Listen, Goto, the Oz transformed by Hino Eiji is very powerful and sealed all the greedy people eight hundred years ago.

He can use the power of the core coin at will, and can also use the amazing power generated by the combination for his own use."

As he spoke, he turned on the piano and started playing.

"I think Hino Eiji is fighting such a battle now..."

Only Hong Shangguang knew that in order to use Oz's driver, one needs to have a strong enough desire.

And Hino Eiji is such a person.

He knows very well what kind of person Hino Eiji was before and what kind of desire he had.

The reason why he was able to successfully become Oz is inevitably related to his own strong desire.

And Goto Shintaro obviously didn't understand this, and at this moment he also said what he thought in his heart.

"There's nothing wrong now, but it may not be the case in the future.

I don't know if he's joking or serious. If he lets an ordinary person like him go to fight, it's better for me to go!"

Mitsuo Hongo, who was playing the song, stopped playing immediately after hearing this.

Slowly standing up, Mitsuo Hongo didn't even look back at him.

"Goto, don't let the person you're talking about disrupt your pace. This... is not like you."

Then, Mitsuo Hongo skipped the topic directly.

"By the way, Goto, do you know the whereabouts of the two coins that were stolen from Oz?"

He didn't want to dwell on the question just now. It's not that he looked down on Goto Shintaro, but that the other party was really not suitable.

The person who can truly become Oz must be a person with a strong desire.

Obviously, Goto Shintaro didn't have such a strong desire.

Seeing that his own president had deliberately changed the topic, even though Goto Shintaro was very unhappy, he didn't continue to talk about this matter.

"According to the investigation, the person who stole the two core coins should be from the museum."


When he heard these three words, Mitsuo Hongu fell silent for a while.

Earlier, he learned from Eiji Hino that two core coins were stolen, so Mitsuo Hongu specially took out the lion core coin he kept and gave it to the other party.

He didn't want Eiji Hino to fail, and he didn't want the remaining core coins to be taken away.

Now that he knew that the core coins should have been taken away by the museum, Mitsuo Hongu was a little embarrassed for a while.

He knew what kind of organization the museum was.

The other party was not easy to mess with. Now that the core coins were in the hands of the other party, it would be very difficult to get them back.

However, it was not impossible to negotiate.

It was business.

He knew that the museum needed a lot of funds to study memory, and even with the help of Consortium X, it still needed more funds.

If he could use a sum of money to exchange for the two core coins, it would be a good deal.

But he himself couldn't say how much the money would be, but he was afraid that the other party would not let go easily.


With a slight sigh, Mitsuo Hongue really didn't want to deal with the museum, but now it seemed that he had to.

Take out his cell phone and call Sonosaki Saeko.

He had met Sonosaki Saeko before and knew that she was a very shrewd woman.

I am afraid that I will be severely punished this time, even Hong Shang Mitsuo feels uncomfortable.

Soon the call was connected, and the voice of Sonozaki Saeko came from the other side.

"Hello! Why did President Hong Shang suddenly think of calling me?"

Sonozaki Saeko, who was working hard in the company, was also confused after seeing the caller ID.


At this time, the president of the Hong Shang Foundation in the neighboring city called me, and I am afraid it would not be to chat with me.

The two sides rarely talk on the phone and don’t have much intersection. How can there be free time to chat.

"Ahem! President Sonozaki, I called today to verify something."

Hearing this, Sonozaki Saeko was even more confused.

It always feels strange that the other party suddenly came to me to verify something.

"President Hong Shang, please tell me, if I know, I will definitely tell you."

The leading enterprise in the city next to the Hong Shang Foundation involves all walks of life, and its status is the same as that of the museum in Fuuto.

There may be many possibilities for cooperation between the two parties in the future, and Sonosaki Saeko will certainly not refuse right away.

"It's like this. A few days ago, Kamen Rider Oz from our city suddenly ran to Fuuto and lost two strange coins.

It is said that these two coins were taken away by the people in your museum, President Sonosaki. I hope... I can buy these two coins back with money."

At this time, Sonosaki Saeko finally understood what the old guy Hong Shangguang Guangsheng was talking about.

It's not a strange coin, it's probably a core coin.

Sonosaki Saeko is still very clear about the core coin.

This old guy said the core coin was a strange coin, probably to deceive himself, worried that he would swallow the core coin.

With a smile on the corner of her mouth, Sonosaki Saeko pretended to be helpless.

"President Hongshang, I'm very sorry. I don't have the two coins you mentioned.

But I know who has them, and... he is in your city now."

Hearing this, Hongshang Mitsushi's eyes suddenly lit up.

But he also knew that it would be impossible to get this news from Sonosaki Saeko without paying a price.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket from Qiuyu Hongyan! .

Chapter 226 Hongshang: What's wrong with my brain? Encounter at the restaurant

At this time, in order to get useful information and recover the core coins, he really had to pay this price.

"President Sonosaki, don't worry, if you tell me this news, a sum of money will be transferred to your company's account immediately."


However, facing the conditions he proposed, Sonosaki Saeko just smiled and didn't say anything.

This is purely a case of not seeing the rabbit, not throwing the eagle.

To put it bluntly, it means to transfer the money first, and then consider whether to tell you after seeing how much it is.

No response was received, only laughter was heard.

Mitsuo Hongu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The former Sonosaki Ryubei was an old fox, but after this guy left, his eldest daughter was also a little fox, just as cunning.

There was no other way. Now he had to ask for help, so Mitsuo Hongu could only bear the pain and send a huge sum of money.

Just a piece of news, it takes such a huge sum of money.

But there was no other way, otherwise who knows where the core coins would be.

On this side, Sonosaki Saeko also successfully received the news of the payment. Seeing the huge amount of money in the account, Sonosaki Saeko showed a charming smile on her face.

"Haha! President Hong Shang is really polite. I'll take it. What I can tell you about this news is that the two core coins that were taken away are in my husband's hands.

My husband is currently in your city. If you want to get the core coins back, you can go talk to him.

Anything else? If not, I'll hang up first."

The other end of the phone was completely silent, and Hong Shang Guangsheng was also in a daze.

Without getting any response, Sonozaki Saeko hung up the phone casually, and saw a huge amount of money added to the account, and her face was full of smiles.


Sonozaki Wakana, who had just walked in from outside, saw her sister laughing there, and was confused.

"Sister, why are you laughing so happily? Is there something good?"

"Haha! Nothing, just a huge amount of money for nothing, and I didn't pay anything."

Walking over, Sonozaki Wakana was stunned by the huge amount of money that appeared in the account.

"Ah?! Why is there such a huge amount of money? Could it be... that a fool transferred it to you?"

She really didn't understand what means her sister used to make someone transfer such a large sum of 22 yuan to the company. Is the other party crazy?

"I think so, hehehe!"


On the other side.

Hong Shangguang Mitsuo listened with a dull face, and heard the sound of the phone being hung up.

Who am I? Where am I? What should I do?

The three fatal questions kept echoing in his mind.

Noticing that Hong Shangguang Mitsuo didn't move, Goto Shintaro hurriedly stepped forward and shouted twice in confusion.

"President? President!"

Finally, Hong Shangguang Mitsuo came back to his senses, looked down at the phone that had been hung up, and was speechless.

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