Is there something wrong with my brain? !

I actually spent a huge amount of money to buy such a piece of news!

Ah! !

I must be crazy!

After scratching his hair vigorously, Hong Shangguang finally calmed down after a while.

He noticed that Goto Shintaro was standing next to him. The other party must have seen what he looked like just now, and he coughed twice in embarrassment.

"Ahem! Goto, I don't have anything to do here, go and do your own thing. If you don't have anything to do, then go home after get off work and go back to rest."

His performance just now was probably seen clearly by the other party, and he needed him to ease the embarrassment at this time.

After coming to his senses, Goto Shintaro was indeed the first time he saw the president lose his composure like this, and he nodded and left the office quickly.

After Goto Shintaro left the office, Hong Shangguang patted his forehead in distress.

If he had known this earlier, he shouldn't have given such a large sum of money. It's too late to say anything now.


It can only be regarded as a lesson learned by spending money. It's useless to feel heartache, and the money can't be returned.

Although he got some useful information, the two core coins that were stolen are now in this city.

What kind of person is Sonosaki Saeko's husband?

He still doesn't know about this question.

After all, it's a matter of the neighboring city, and it has little to do with his own city. How could he pay attention to other people's family affairs?

Then, Hong Shangguang immediately asked Goto Shintaro to investigate the matter.

It is necessary to find out the detailed information of Sonosaki Saeko's husband.

Goto Shintaro, who received this order, clenched his fist unwillingly.

He knew that this was another trivial matter.

But he still chose to do it, all for the sake of protecting world peace.


Abandoned bar.

After an hour or two, Gamel, who was originally beaten into a pile of coins, finally gathered together again and turned back to his own appearance.

When he woke up, he looked at his body and touched his stomach.

Turning his head to look at Metzl beside him, Gamel held his head in confusion.

"Metzl, what happened to me just now?"

This guy has completely forgotten what happened before, this forgetfulness is really not ordinary.

Hearing this, Metzl smiled sweetly.

"Jamiel, remember, never do anything to Lu Li in the future.

He let you go this time, but next time, there may not be such an opportunity, do you understand?"

After being reminded by Metzl, Jamel also remembered what happened before.

I... was defeated by the opponent in two moves? !

With his head slightly lowered, Jamel was quite unwilling in his heart, but he knew that Metzl was doing this to keep himself alive.

"I know."

Jamiel replied in a muffled voice, and he didn't want to make Metzl unhappy.

At this time, Jamel seemed to suddenly think of something and immediately looked at Kazali.

"By the way, Kazali, when I was fighting with Oz just now, I saw someone else gave him a core coin. It's yours."

Kazali, who was bored, froze when he heard this.

His body suddenly became strong, and Kazali came to Gamel, put his hands on his shoulders and asked loudly.

"What did you say?!"

Gamel repeated what he just said.

His body shook slightly, and Kazali was a little bit unable to accept this situation for a while.

"How could it be? Why does someone else have my core coin?!"

Even though he was very smart, he realized at this time that in addition to them and Anku, there were other people who had core coins on hand.

As for who this person was, he didn't know.

But it was certain that the other party was hiding in the dark, and they hadn't discovered him yet.

Since the other party had his own core coin, it was possible that he had someone else's core coin.

Kazali, who was a little distracted, walked out of the abandoned bar alone.

Now, he had to think calmly and sort out what the whole thing was about.

Witnessing the soulless Kazali leaving the abandoned bar, Wufan looked at Metzl in confusion.

"Metzl, what happened to Kazali?"

Metzl replied with a faint smile.

"I think... he must be very disappointed, after all, his other core coin fell into Oz's hands.

Kazali, I don't think he will come back."

Wufan raised his eyebrows.

"Why do you say that? Where else can he go?"

Shaking his head, Metzl probably guessed it, but there was no need to say more.

"Nothing, just a simple feeling."


Kazali left the abandoned bar and shuttled through the streets.

Looking at the crowd coming and going, Kazali's eyes were a little dull.

He was thinking about the problem.

[Why did Oz suddenly have an extra core coin of mine in his hand?

Who gave him the coin? This is too strange.

Maybe besides us, there are other people who have core coins. If this continues, we will be finished before we are fully resurrected. 】

Kazali doesn't want to sit and wait for death any longer.

He had to find a way to get back his core coin.

Due to the hiding of the core coin, it was impossible for him and Wu Fan to coexist peacefully, at least they could not trust each other.

Now, he doesn't need teammates who hold him back.

But it's hard to find his own core coin by relying on his own strength alone.

He also needs to find someone who is temporarily more reliable.

Thinking of this, Kazali reached out and pressed down the hat on his head, and walked along with the crowd.


After successfully defeating the wild bull monster, Hino Eiji and Anku went directly back to Kuskuchi.

"I spent so much effort to get rid of Gamer's monster, but only got a coin. Do you think it's interesting?"

"Anku, this has nothing to do with whether it's interesting or not. I can't let the monster threaten people's safety."

"Forget it, it's up to you."

As soon as the voice fell, the two of them pushed open the door of the restaurant at the same time.

"I'm back."

Izumi Hina, who was chatting with Lu Li, immediately stood up and said with a smile after hearing Hino Eiji's voice.

"Welcome back."

Hino Eiji was about to say something, but when he saw Lu Li sitting opposite Izumi Hina, he froze.


Anku frowned slightly when he noticed Hino Eiji's abnormality.

Following Hino Eiji's gaze, Anku also saw Lu Li.

"Lu Li?!"

The next second, the two of them called Lu Li's name at the same time.

For a moment, the two of them were as if they were facing a great enemy, and they all showed vigilance.

Anku was even ready to fight.

They never thought that Lu Li could find this place.

The other party suddenly came to the door, could it be that they wanted to rob them of the remaining core coins?

They had already seen Lu Li's terrifying and powerful fighting power before, even Oz, who used the lion, tiger and leopard combined form, was no match for him.

With the core coins they currently had, it was impossible to threaten Lu Li.

Hearing the two people calling Lu Li's name, Izumi Hina's eyes flashed with doubt.

"Eh?! Do you know Lu Li?"

She knew that Lu Li had always been in the nearby city.

Logically speaking, Anku and Hino Eiji should not know Lu Li.

She didn't know that Hino Eiji and Anku had been to Fuuto before.

It was because Hino Eiji and Anku had not joined Kuskuchi at that time, so she naturally didn't know about that.

Without waiting for Anku and the others to answer, Lu Li interrupted.

"Of course I know them. They just went to Fuuto not long ago. It was at that time... that I met them~!"

The last three words were a little heavy, and Lu Li looked at Hino Eiji and Anku, who were very vigilant, with a smile.

Quite curious, Izumi Hina looked at the two and asked in confusion.

"Hey! Eiji, Anku, did you go to Fuuto before? Why didn't I hear you mention it?"

"This... is... just that there was something to deal with before, so we went there, don't you think so, Anku?"

In his opinion, Izumi Hina was just an ordinary girl.

Although her strength was a little bit unusual, Eiji Hino didn't want to involve her.

You know, Izumi Hina's brother, Izumi Shingo, is now possessed by Anku. If his sister is involved at this time, Eiji Hino will feel uneasy.

He elbowed Anku and Eiji Hino winked at him frantically.

However, Anku was not interested in looking at Eiji Hino's eyes. He folded his hands and snorted coldly, and walked inside on his own.


He also saw that Lu Li should not have the idea of ​​fighting with them for the time being.

Since there was no idea of ​​fighting, there was no need to be too vigilant.

"Hey! Anku!"

Anku pretended not to hear Eiji Hino's call.

Izumi Hina, who was beside Lu Li, had a flickering look in her eyes. She was very smart.

She saw at a glance that Eiji Hino was deliberately hiding something.

But she didn't know what he was hiding.

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