After turning her eyes back to Lu Li, Izumi Bina asked in a low voice.

"Lu Li, did something happen between you two?"

Hearing this, Lu Li just smiled and did not answer her question.

"Okay, Bina, it's almost time, so I'll leave first."

After a simple farewell, Lu Li stood up and prepared to leave Kuskuchi.

"Eh? Why did you leave at 7:30?"

Izumi Bina wanted to keep Lu Li, but she didn't know how to keep him.

When passing by Hino Eiji, Lu Li's mouth curled up slightly, and he left a sentence in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Hino Eiji, I will stay in this city from now on, please give me more advice."

Hearing this, Hino Eiji widened his eyes slightly.

When he reacted, he found that Lu Li had left the restaurant.

Coming back to his senses, his face was slightly solemn, and Hino Eiji felt that things were becoming more and more complicated.

The things about the Greedy Man and the Devouring Monster almost made him feel overwhelmed.

Now suddenly there is another Lu Li, and he is also the backer of the greedy Metzler.

Next, where will things develop, Hino Eiji can't say.

The careful Hino Eiji looked a little solemn, as if he was worried, and Izumi Hina asked carefully.

"Eiji, are you okay?

What's wrong with you? Why did your face suddenly become so ugly?"

Hearing this, Hino Eiji shook his head pretending to be relaxed.

"It's okay! I just felt a little uncomfortable in my stomach just now. Maybe I accidentally got a stomachache."

"Is it... like this?"

Izumi Hina knew very well that Hino Eiji was definitely hiding something from her.

She didn't know what it was, but she felt that this matter should be related to Lu Li.

But since the other party was unwilling to say it, she really couldn't continue to ask.

Everyone has their own secrets. It's not good to blindly explore the other party's secrets, which is easy to disgust people.

At this time, another new guest came in.

Without continuing to ask Hino Eiji, Izumi Hina hurried to greet the guest.

"Welcome, today our theme is the Edo period, would you like a themed set meal?"

When Izumibinai went to greet the guests, Hino Eiji shook his head, as if he wanted to throw away all the troubles in his mind.

Now that there are guests, it's time to work.


Night falls.

The lights in the city are shining, and the traffic is busy, very prosperous.

At night, it is exactly the busiest time in the city. Most people are out of work at this time.

In the attic of Kuskuchi.

This is a room that was temporarily vacated and given to Hino Eiji and Anku to live in.

That is, Shiraishi Chiyoko. If it were any other boss, there would be no way they would hire the two of them.

One of them does almost nothing, and he has to live and eat here. Which boss is willing to do such a loss-making business?

After washing up and returning to the room, Hino Eiji lay on the bed in a pair of boxer shorts.

"Hey! Anku, do you know why Lu Li suddenly came to us?"

At this time, Anku, who was holding a popsicle, took a bite of the popsicle.

The sweet feeling was refreshing.

Only when it was attached to a person, he could experience such a wonderful and magical taste.

PS: Thanks to ——??Guo Tianqing for the monthly ticket! .

Chapter 227 Lu Li's calculation, the sudden cooperation, the door

Eight hundred years ago, he was also a greedy person, but Anku, who was not attached to a person, could not experience any human perception.

No matter what to eat or drink, all of them have no taste.

Although only one arm was resurrected, Anku was very reluctant to leave in this state.


"Don't shout, I heard it, and I don't have any clue.

I don't know what that guy is doing, but I'm's not that simple."

Anku didn't really think that Lu Li was just here to play, how could it be that simple.

He came all the way here to play, can't he play with the wind?

For once, the two reached a consensus.

Lu Li had no place to live in this city, but wasn't it easy to find a place to live?

The best hotel, the highest floor, the best room was occupied by Lu Li.

And, it was the kind that didn't cost money.

There was no way, it could only be said that the hotel manager's willpower was too weak, and Lu Li easily controlled his mind.

Holding a glass of sober red wine, Lu Li stood by the window, looking at a building in a certain direction.

That building was naturally the Hongshang Foundation Building.

"Hongshang, that guy, should know my news now."

Since he had snatched the core coin, it was impossible for Hongshang Guangsheng not to investigate.

It was just that it was unclear when he investigated.

Kara had already been reproduced, and Lu Li had already known how to make core coins.

It would take a lot of time to make qualified core coins, and Lu Li had no idea of ​​making core coins at present.

To make core coins, corresponding instruments and equipment were also required, and many conditions had to be met. It was too troublesome, but he could consider it later.

What's more, Lu Li is now more committed to the fusion of memories.

However, this does not prevent him from being interested in core coins.

Especially the set of fantasy dinosaur core coins that represent the desire of nothing, which even has the power to destroy other core coins.

But it is not clear where the thing is. Even if Lu Li has the Earth Library, he does not know where the thing is.

It is true that the Earth Library can find a lot of information, but this does not mean that the Earth Library is absolutely omnipotent.

Shaking the red wine in the glass, Lu Li drank it all.

At this time, a pool of flowing water slid quickly in the air and approached Lu Li at a rapid speed.

Then it passed through the window and fell directly on the carpet in the house.

After a surge of water, it turned back to Metzler's appearance.

After finding this place to live, Lu Li naturally notified Metzler, otherwise, she would not have been able to find this place.

Metzler, who turned back, threw herself into Lu Li's arms with a happy face and rubbed hard.

If someone else saw Metzl like this, they would probably just think she was a girl in love.

How could they have thought that such a cute and soft girl could be a terrifying greedy person.

Looking up at Lu Li, Metzl's eyes flickered, and she looked very expectant.

"Lu Li, have you missed me after not seeing me for an afternoon?"

Since she decided that her love target was Lu Li, Metzl has completely turned into a little girl in love in front of Lu Li.

Of course, this is only limited to Lu Li. If it were other greedy people, it would naturally not be the case.

Patting her little head gently, Lu Li asked with a faint smile.

"How is it? How do you feel about seeing your companions again?"

Asked this question suddenly, Metzl immediately let go of Lu Li, and supported her chin with her white little hand to think about this question.

"There is not much change between Gamel and Wufan. Gamel will definitely listen to me, and Wufan will not disobey me at present.

As for Kazali, he will not come back to join us.

He is very thoughtful, even I have to be careful, maybe it is a good thing for him to leave."

Metzl got the news about Kazali from Wufan.

She and Kazali are both more fond of thinking.

But the other party is the kind of person who is rebellious. It is certain that once it is linked to his interests, he will even betray himself without hesitation.

"By the way, I didn't tell Kazali about the fact that you have two of his core coins.

I guess that thing should still be useful to you. How about it, am I awesome?"

After saying that, Metzl raised his neck slightly, and the expression seemed to say, I am awesome.

His fingers gently stroked the smooth little face, and Lu Li nodded in response.

"I am indeed still useful, Kazali will bring me what I want."

Lu Li knew that Kazali would choose to cooperate with Maki Kiyoto later.

And Maki Kiyoto will get the box of dinosaur core coins that have not been unsealed.

With two core coins of Kazali in hand, there is no need to worry that he will not give it to him.

If Kazali does not do what he says and wants to play tricks.

That doesn't matter. Lu Li will let him experience what it means that the core coins can be destroyed.

Before Kara, Lu Li had a way to destroy the core coins even with his strength.

Now that Kara, the alchemist who made the core coins, has been replicated, it has become easier for Lu Li to destroy the core coins.

Not only can he destroy the core coins, but he can also make them.

Metzl was not surprised at all that Lu Li would plot against Kazali.

To be precise, he had thought of this from the beginning.

After all, when he was in Fengdu before, Lu Li could choose to snatch the two types of core coins from Anku, but he only took Kazali's.

From that time on, Metzl felt that this matter was not that simple.

She is indeed very smart, worthy of being the think tank of the greedy, with a sharp mind.

At this time, Kazali, who was still wandering outside, suddenly felt an inexplicable chill.

“What is this…?”

Rather than a chill, he felt that someone was thinking about him.

Whether it was eight hundred years ago or now, Kazali always thought that he was the smartest and most cunning one among the greedy ones.

But now, he felt as if things were not as he expected, as if everything had gone beyond his estimation.

Unexpectedly, in addition to Anku and Oz, there were people collecting core coins.

Kazali still hadn’t figured out the purpose of the other party collecting core coins.

But it was certain that he had to figure it out in advance, otherwise… no matter what plan he had next, it would probably go wrong.

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