If possible, I would quite like to poach you. "

People who are good enough will become even better if they can use memory.

Erika Satonaka, who has a strong fighting ability, may not be able to become a museum official.


Suddenly asked this question, Erika Satonaka didn't even react for a while.

She works in the best company in the city, and her salary is extremely high.

Generally speaking, she never considered that someone would come to poach her.

And Lu Li suddenly wanted to recruit her to his side, which surprised Erika Satonaka.

In addition to wanting to add more cadres to the museum, Lu Li of course also wanted to add more secretaries to himself or Sonosaki Saeko.

As the company develops, there will be more and more things happening in the future, and it cannot be limited to memory.

As a hands-off shopkeeper, of course I won't be able to handle things myself, so I need to find a few more secretaries.

It’s not a bad idea to form a secretarial group!

Before Erika Satonaka could answer, a burst of hearty laughter suddenly came from the door of the cafe.

"Hahaha! It seems I came at the right time."

It was Kosami Mitsuo who arrived here.

"As soon as I came in, I heard that Mr. Lu was poaching my secretary. It was such a coincidence.

Mr. Lu, this is a bit unethical. I finally found such an outstanding talent as my secretary, and now you want to take it away. "

With that said, Kogami Mitsuo sat opposite Lu Li, sitting side by side with Erika Satonaka.

With a slight shrug, Lu Li leaned back on the chair casually.

"President Hongshang, that's not what you said. Since Miss Sataka is a talented person, she naturally needs to seek better development.

It should be okay for me to say that, right? Everyone has the right to pursue a better life, do you think I am right? "

These words were indeed irrefutable, and Kosami Mitsuo smiled slightly awkwardly.

"Mr. Lu is right, everyone has the right to pursue better conditions and a better life.

However, Li Zhong can still be considered a member of our company now. At least at this stage, she is still in the contract period and cannot leave the company yet. "

Lu Li smiled and did not continue to dwell on this issue.

"Okay, President Hongshang, tell me your purpose. You suddenly came to me early in the morning. It shouldn't be just to chat with me, right?"

Lu Li knew why the other party suddenly came to look for him.

Last night, Sonosaki Saeko had already spoken to Lu Li on the phone and told Lu Li the contents of her conversation with Kogami Mitsuo.

It would be strange if Hongshang Guangsheng didn't arrange for someone to come find him this morning.

Seeing how happy Lu Li was, Hongshang Guangsheng did not continue to be secretive.

"Okay! Since Mr. Lu is so forthcoming, I will get straight to the point.

Mr. Lu, I learned from Hino Eiji that you have two core coins in your hand. If possible, I hope to exchange these two core coins with you.

Of course, I definitely can't let you suffer, Mr. Lu. If you have any conditions, you can raise them. If I can accept it, I will definitely complete it. "

He spoke very arrogantly and could only say that he was indeed the richest man in the city and was not short of money at all.

Drinking coffee leisurely, Lu Li looked at Hongshang Guangsheng with a half-smile.

This guy doesn't think he has something he values, does he?

It's not impossible to say that there is, but Lu Li can be very sure that it is absolutely impossible for Hongshang Guangsheng to give it to him.

That thing is a complete set of dinosaur core coins that I don’t know if they have been unearthed yet.

The purple dinosaur-type core coins only appeared later, and Lu Li was not yet sure whether they were in Hongshang Guangsheng's hands.

Being stared at by Lu Li like this, Hongshang Guangsheng always had a bad feeling in his heart.

It was as if something precious that he owned was being targeted.

Immediately afterwards, Hongshang Guangsheng heard the conditions for Lu Li's departure.

"President Hongshang, what I want is...the purple core coin."

When he heard the words "Purple Core Coin", Koshang Mitsuo's pupils suddenly contracted.

He never expected that Lu Li would actually know about the purple core coin.

For a long time, very few people knew about the purple core coin. He was one, and the director of the research institute, Maki Kiyoshi, was one.

Other than that, no one else should know.

But now, Lu Li suddenly asked for the purple core coins, which made Hongshang Guangsheng doubtful in his heart.

Could it be Kiyoto Maki who leaked the news? !

PS: Thank you————Meteor’s Oath monthly ticket!

Thank you for your monthly ticket——The Cycle of Time! .

Chapter 229 Transaction failed? Kazali was targeted by Lu Li

But when I thought about it again, I thought it was impossible.

He is confident that he knows what kind of character and state Maki Kiyoto has been like.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be the other party.

But it is even more impossible for me. Is there anyone else who knows about the purple core~coin besides myself and Maki Kiyoshi?

Erika Satonaka, who was sitting next to her, noticed that Mitsuo Kogami's body stiffened slightly and his expression changed slightly.

She had rarely seen the president show such a complicated expression.

Purple core coin?

She had never heard of that kind of thing. It seemed that she had accidentally learned some secret.

After a long while, Hong Shang Guangsheng, who had come to his senses, looked at Lu Li deeply and pretended to be calm.

"I don't know where Mr. Lu heard about this matter. Not many people know about the purple core coin."

He now felt that he had almost no secrets in front of Lu Li.

As a superior, this feeling made him very uncomfortable.

If possible, he hoped to avoid such unexpected things as much as possible.

Seeing Hong Shang Guangsheng's series of wonderful changes in his expression, Lu Li couldn't help but smile.

"President Hong Shang, it doesn't matter how I know you have the purple core coin.

I can only tell you that as long as it is something I want to know on Earth, there is nothing I don't know."

For the first time, Hong Shang Guangsheng suddenly found that he seemed to be unable to understand Lu Li in front of him.

The other party was too mysterious and knew everything about him, even such a hidden thing as the core coin.

But he didn't know the other party at all. He only knew the other party's identity and name, and nothing else.

In the first confrontation between the two, Lu Li had already completely defeated Hong Shang Guangsheng, the old fox.

Taking a deep breath, it was impossible for Hong Shang Guangsheng to hand over the purple core coin.

Even if Lu Li had the cat core coin in his hand now, he would never hand it over.

"Since there is no way to reach an agreement on this matter, the two core coins can only be placed with Mr. Lu first and taken later."

Now, he could only let it go.

What else can he do?


But the question is whether he can rob it.

Although he did not know much about the museum, he also knew that the specific power produced by the museum was very strong.

And as a core member of the museum, it was not surprising that Lu Li had the power of memory.

If he wanted to force it, he would probably be the one who would be unlucky in the end.

After thinking about it, this matter could only be left unresolved.

The core coins could not be taken back for the time being, so they could only be placed with Lu Li.

Lu Li did not find it strange that Hong Shang Guangsheng did not agree to his conditions.

After all, it was a complete box of purple core coins, and no greedy person was born.

But if Lu Li got it, no one could say whether a new greedy person would be born.

He knew that the purple core coin was a core coin that symbolized nothingness and fantasy, and its power was extremely terrifying.

He couldn't hand over such power to someone he didn't know at all.

"Since President Hong Shang doesn't plan to make a deal, let's stop here today."

Having said that, Lu Li stood up and prepared to leave.

Since he couldn't get what he wanted, he would just leave it at that for now.

But Lu Li would definitely get the purple core coin.

Just as he walked to the door of the coffee shop, Lu Li suddenly remembered something and turned around to remind him.

"Oh, by the way! President Hong Shang, I haven't paid for the coffee yet.

Please help pay for it together. After all, you have delayed me for a lot of time. It's always right to treat me to a cup of coffee."

After saying that, Lu Li finally walked out of the coffee shop, leaving behind a gloomy Hong Shang Mitsuo.

Noticing the gloomy look on the boss's face, Erika Satonaka was quite curious.

"President, I just heard you talk about the purple core coin? What is that thing? Why haven't I heard you mention it?"

Coming back to his senses, Mitsuo Hongu suppressed the gloom on his face.

"That was something I dug up when I was excavating in Europe before.

No one knows about that thing, but why does Lu Li know about the purple core coin?"

He secretly complained in his heart, and he could never find a reasonable explanation.

He also couldn't figure out why Lu Li wanted the purple core coin.

According to what Hino Eiji said before, Lu Li should have very powerful power.

But since he has powerful power, there should be no need to take the core coin, which doesn't make sense.

There are very few records about the possession of purple core coins, but they are all about some records of everything returning to nothingness.

The purple core coin gives people an ominous feeling and a very terrifying power.

If such a powerful power is mastered by the wrong person, it is likely that everything will be a terrible disaster.

Ever since Mitsuo Hongu saw the purple core coin, he has been carefully sealing it.

It's better not to release this thing.

Compared with other greedy people with strong desires, greedy people who have no desires and want to turn everything into nothing are more terrifying.

Nodding thoughtfully, Erika Satonaka continued.

"President, now that you and Mr. Lu Li have broken down, will it affect the future?"

If this negotiation affects the future, it will probably be more troublesome.

The situation in the city is already very complicated, and another person has come to disrupt the situation. I am afraid that the situation will become more complicated.

"Hey! Who knows! Even I can't say for sure about this matter."

The sudden change made Mitsuo Hong feel very headache.

The situation was a little out of control, and he didn't like this feeling very much.

The situation has always been under the control of Mitsuo Hong, and even if there is a little accident, there will not be too much problem.

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