But now, the problem is very troublesome.

Other forces suddenly intervened, and now the water is becoming more and more turbid.

Since she started working at the foundation, Erika Satonaka has never seen Mitsuo Honge so troubled as now.

No matter what time it was before, the other party always looked confident, as if everything was under control.

But now it is different. Lu Li, the man who suddenly appeared, made the president, who has always been very confident, show such an expression, which is really rare.

Afterwards, Mitsuo Honge stood up and said immediately.

"Okay, Satonaka, go pay for the coffee first, let's go back first, and then we will discuss it later."

"Uh... President, the coffee money should be reimbursable."

Mitsuo Honge, who was about to leave, stopped immediately.

Twisting his neck stiffly, Mitsuo Honge nodded.


"That's good."

Knowing that the expense could be reimbursed, Erika Satonaka immediately went to pay the bill.

For some reason, she always felt that the president's voice just now had a hint of gnashing teeth.

Lu Li, who had left the coffee shop earlier, couldn’t find anything to do for the time being.

It is certain that the purple core coin is in the hands of Hong Shang Guangsheng, and it is not easy to get him to take it out.

Lu Li thought about coercion and inducement, but considering that coercion and inducement may not make much sense to Hong Shang Guangsheng, he gave up.

Anyway, Kazali’s two core coins are in his hands, and he should have contacted Maki Kiyoto now.

When Maki Kiyoto betrays Hong Shang Guangsheng, the purple core coin will be taken away together. I believe Kazali will know what to do at that time.

But before that, Lu Li thinks it is necessary to meet Kazali.

Let the other party know who to listen to in the future.

Why didn’t Lu Li tell Kazali about this when he first met Kazali?

It was because Kazali at that time didn’t want to betray other greedy people, let alone join Maki Kiyoto.

Now that he has joined Maki Kiyoto’s camp, it is naturally time.

As for how to find Kazali, it is not difficult for Lu Li.

As long as he holds his core coin, he will be able to feel it when he is close to it.

Before, the reason why the other party could not feel the existence of the core coin was of course because Lu Li played a trick.

He now has the power of Kara to control space, and even if he does not have the power of Kara to control space, he still has the power of the space awakening card.

It is easy for him to separate the core coin in another space.

This is why Kazali did not notice anything unusual when they first met.

With a slight smile on his lips, Lu Li turned and walked towards the Hongshang Biotechnology Research Institute.

Kazali... is there.


On a high tower in the city.

A red figure stood blankly on the top of the tower at this time, looking at the city.

"Coin... Where is the coin? Where am I?!"

He stretched out his left hand, and the bright arm with wings was exactly the same as Anku's right hand.

That's right, so the red figure is "Anku" who has awakened from his slumber.

Eight hundred years ago, Anku lost consciousness due to the seal on his arm.

The remaining core coins lost their consciousness and stopped moving.

The core coins have a characteristic, that is, when they are missing, they will give rise to the desire to find the core coins.

After eight hundred years of precipitation, Anku's sleeping body has long formed a balance.

Before, Hong Shang Guangsheng suddenly took away a core coin of Anku.

It was precisely because of the sudden taking away of this core coin that the originally balanced body once again lost its core coins.

The remaining core coins naturally gave rise to a new desire to find the core coins.

That is the current "Anku".

After waking up, the newly born consciousness "Anku" had no memory of eight hundred years ago, and some were just confused and ignorant.

He knew nothing and remembered nothing, but only knew that he needed to find the core coin.

Then he fled from the place where Hong Shang Guangsheng placed him and came to the city.

He could feel that his core coin was in this city.

Although the Greedy Ones have a weak sense of their core coins, they will not feel it if they are far away.

Even though they have been successfully revived, "Anku", who has just been born with consciousness, only knows that he needs to find the core coins, find himself, and make himself complete.

·· ··Please give me flowers· ···

However, since he has just woken up, he still needs cell coins.

At the same time, he also needs the Desire Devourer he created to lead out the part of his body that he lost.

To do this, he needs to find someone with strong desires to become the host of the Desire Devourer.

"Desire... found it."

"Anku"'s eyes suddenly changed, he has noticed that someone's desire has become strong.

Jumping down from the tower, "Anku" fell straight to the ground.

But then a red light flashed, and a bright red wing appeared on the table of "Anku", flying towards a distance at a fast speed.

Not long after, "Anku" came to a park, and the desire came from this park.

At this moment, there were not many people in the park, and "Anku" directly locked onto someone who exuded the breath of desire.

"Found it."

He appeared behind the other person silently, and took out a cell coin in his hand.


The coin was accurately put into the coin slot that appeared on the back of the other person's head.


The person who had completed the coin insertion suddenly trembled.

After doing all this, "Anku" quickly hid in a tree with dense branches and leaves.

Next, he just needed to wait for the fruit to grow quietly, and he didn't need to intervene.

A monster wrapped in bandages, like a mummy, crawled out of the body of the person who had just been chosen as the host.

After landing, the incomplete Desire Devourer immediately began to fulfill the desires of his host.


Hongshang Biotechnology Research Institute.

Before choosing to cooperate with Maki Kiyoto, Kazali wanted to get enough cell coins in addition to obtaining information.

....... ... 0

The information provided by the other party makes it much easier for me to get the core coins back.

Moreover, the other party can provide me with cell coins, so I don't have to worry about not having enough cell coins, nor do I have to create a Desire Devourer to obtain cell coins.

Of course, since Wufan and his team didn't create a Desire Devourer, he can also find a suitable host and create a Desire Devourer.

Anyway, even if Oz is destroyed in the end, most of the cell coins will return to this place and will still be in his hands at that time.

The loss is not big, and it is not a loss-making business.

At least I don't have to work hard to create a Desire Devourer like before, and it was destroyed by Oz after it was cultivated, leaving nothing behind.

Kazali was bored in the laboratory, playing with a cell coin in his hand.

Maki Kiyoto was busy doing his own experiments at the moment and had no time to care about him.

At present, the coin drive he made is almost completed, and the final stage of testing can be started immediately.

After completing the final stage of testing, even ordinary people can fight against Desire Devourers.

This was also the request made by Hong Shang Guangsheng. After all, the collection of cell coins should be left to his own people as much as possible.

Relying only on Anku and Oz, the amount of cell land obtained is not enough.

If Hong Shang Guangsheng wants to complete his plan, he still needs a lot of cell coins.

Suddenly, Kazali's face changed suddenly, and the cell coin he had just thrown up fell directly to the ground.

"This is... my core coin?!"

His tone was full of surprise. He never expected that his core coin would appear nearby.

Sensing that his core coin was around, Kazali certainly couldn't sit still and left the room instantly.

Running out of the research institute quickly, Kazali tried hard to sense the location of the core coin.

"This way!"

After determining the direction, Kazali ran quickly in the sensed direction.

He could feel that the core coin was not far away from him, but it was moving.

Finally, he got the news of the core coin, and he couldn't let the other party escape from his hands no matter what.

No matter how he chased him, he seemed to never catch up with the other party, and could only perceive that the core coin was moving.

This made Kazali feel very uneasy. What was going on?

Who was the person holding the core coin? Why could he move so quickly?

Kazali, who was sharp-minded, had already realized that the person holding his core coin was definitely not simple.

But even if the other party was not simple, he had to go. The core coin must be taken back!

After chasing for an unknown period of time, Kazali felt that the core coin seemed to stop moving.

"No movement?!"

Kazali quickly rushed over after realizing that the other party did not continue to move.

At this time, under a bridge, Lu Li stood by the water waiting for Kazali's arrival.

The reason why he took so much effort to lead Kazali to such a far place was, of course, to prevent Maki Kiyoto from being suspicious.

Maki Kiyoto's brain was very smart. He might be exposed if he made a little movement.

Before getting the purple core coin, Lu Li was not going to let Maki Kiyoto know that he had contact with Kazali.

PS: Thanks to Dr. Bayi for the monthly ticket!

Thanks for the monthly ticket of 13644..!

Thanks for the monthly ticket of Flying Broom!

Thanks for the monthly ticket of The Only Journey! Factory.

Chapter 230 Wind vs. Wind, embarrassed Kazali, yes or no?

After a while, Kazali finally arrived under the bridge.

There was a figure by the river under the bridge, and the back of the figure seemed familiar.

He seemed to have seen this back somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

He observed the surroundings vigilantly and found nothing unusual.

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