But Kazali was very careful and didn't dare to be careless.

The other party deliberately led him here. What if this was a trap? Wouldn't it be bad?

It's always right to be careful. Once you really get into trouble, you can escape from here as soon as possible.

Approaching step by step, Kazali stopped at a distance of about ten meters.

"Don't be so cautious. Don't worry. There is no one else around. Now there is only you and me here."

As a voice came, Kazali saw that the familiar figure had turned around.

But after seeing the other person's face clearly, Kazali reacted immediately.

"You are... Lu Li!"

He never thought that the person who led him here would be Lu Li.

Could it be... that his core coin is on him?

But he felt something was wrong. Obviously, the two had met before, and at that time, they were so close that he didn't feel the existence of his core coin.

But now, at a distance, he can feel the existence of his core coin.

The core coin he currently feels is on the other person.

What is this person's purpose? How did he do it?

Does all this have something to do with Metzl?

With a lot of thoughts in his mind, Kazali's face was slightly solemn.

Lu Li smiled and said casually.

"Why? Are you surprised to see me? I spent a lot of time to lure you out."

Seeing Lu Li decisively admit that he and the other party should not have much intersection, why did the "730" other party lure him out?

Suddenly, Kazali recalled something.

Before, Anku and Oz went to the neighboring city Fengdu.

But then they suddenly came back, and since then, the other party seemed to have never used their joint group.

Could it be that... the last time the two of them went to Fengdu, Lu Li had already taken away their core coins? !

Suddenly, Kazali seemed to have sorted out everything.

It makes perfect sense!

According to this analysis, it is reasonable for his core coins to be in Lu Li's hands.

"Lu Li, what do you want to do with my core coins? You suddenly lured me out, it's impossible that you just want to talk to me?"

Kazali was full of vigilance.

He knew that Lu Li suddenly lured him out, and he must have his own purpose.

"Very smart."

At some point, two cat core coins appeared in Lu Li's hand.

One is a lion, and the other is a cheetah.

When he saw these two core coins, Kazali's pupils shrank unnaturally.

He could only feel the core coins, but he didn't know how many there were.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li actually had his own two core coins on hand.

What does this guy want to do?

What is the purpose of luring himself out suddenly, and taking out two core coins that belong to him?

"My core coins! Give them back to me!"

At this time, Kazali's mind was completely thinking about the core coins, and he didn't care about anything else.

The commanding tone made Lu Li laugh.

It seems that Kazali didn't seem to realize the gap between him and himself.

"Kazali, do you want the core coin? Then listen to me." Lu Li said calmly.


Kazali on the opposite side once thought that there was something wrong with his ears, otherwise how could he hear such words.

He is a greedy person, how could he listen to others.

Even with other greedy people, or Maki Kiyoto, it is just a cooperative relationship, there is no such thing as who listens to whom.

And this Lu Li, who has only met for the second time, actually asked him to listen to him, how could Kazali be willing.

At this moment, he only has his core coin in his eyes, and Lu Li is naturally an obstacle in his eyes.

Since he has become an obstacle to himself, he should... eliminate him and take back his core coin.

Kazali's mentality is wrong because of his desire. He knows that Lu Li is very strong, but he is not a fool like Gamel.

Before, Lu Li solved Gamel in a few moves, which only showed a strong power, but it does not mean that he is fast enough.

Kazali has the speed of the wind, and he does not think he will lose.

"I said, give me back the coin!"

Instantly switching to the Greedy Form, Kazali launched an attack.


Pushing his hands forward violently, a yellow tornado rushed over instantly.

"Wouldn't it be better to be obedient? You must resist and make yourself uncomfortable."

Lu Li put away the core coin, immediately took out the Ace of Hearts awakening card, and swiped it across the awakening device on his waist.


Lu Li was wrapped in power and completed the transformation directly.

Holding the awakening bow, Lu Li drew out an awakening card, the 6 of Hearts Hurricane Eagle.

"Tornado (Eagle)!"

A violent green hurricane collided directly with the yellow tornado.

The collision of the hurricane and the tornado intertwined, and the two forces exerted force on each other.


The forces of the hurricane and the tornado canceled each other out.

Seeing this, Kazali certainly couldn't give up. The two sharp claws on his hands stretched out and approached quickly.

Although he didn't understand why Lu Li didn't turn into the scary monster before, Kazali couldn't care less now.

His core coin was the most important thing, and everything else could be put aside.

He wanted to win by speed, defeat Lu Li in the shortest time, and take back his core coin.

Facing the aggressive Kazali, Lu Li didn't take it to heart at all.

But since the kitten didn't want to obey, let it know who is the boss.


Waving the awakening bow, he easily bounced off Kazali's sharp claws.

[Power... so strong! ! ]

When his claws were bounced off, Kazali was shocked.

Just now, he used the fast speed to launch the attack, and the inertia was still quite large. Unexpectedly, the opponent could easily bounce off his claws.

He even felt his hand stiffen for a while, which made Kazali feel quite solemn.

The guy in front of him is not only very strong, but also very fast in reaction.

He thought he could take advantage of his speed, but judging from the current situation, it seems that it is not what he thought.

Kazali was bounced away by the powerful force, and his body stiffened slightly.

But it was precisely because of this stiffness that he could not dodge Lu Li's series of attacks later.

A punch hit Kazali's abdomen, and a severe pain came.


It was also thanks to Kazali that he did not have a human stomach, otherwise this would be enough to make him vomit.

Kazali was hit into the air by this punch, and his body was fiercely arched and kept rising.

Lu Li jumped up with a sudden step forward on the ground.

This kick left a deep footprint on the ground.

Kazali, who was hit into the air by a punch, was a little confused at this time.

Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?

He didn't even have time to react, and Lu Li had already hit him into the air.


The pain from his abdomen temporarily made him lose his strength.


He only saw a black shadow passing by him, and the next moment he heard a voice from above.

"Kazali, take a good look at the gap between us!"

"Mach (Jaguar)!"

The shadow of the Spade 9 Mach Jaguar emerged and instantly attached to Lu Li's legs.


Moving at supersonic speed, bursts of sonic booms splashed in the sky.

During this period of time, Kazali fully experienced what unspeakable pain was.

An elbow hit Kazali's left waist fiercely, and the powerful impact caused Kazali to drop a lot of cell coins.

If the greedy had no so-called kidneys, I'm afraid that facing this blow, the kidneys would really be directly destroyed on the spot.


With a scream of pain, Kazali's scream had not yet fallen, and his body turned quickly, and he felt a huge force coming from behind.


If there were other people here, they would be able to clearly see that a figure was flipping back and forth quickly in the sky, as if some mysterious force was quickly hitting this figure.

With every collision, a lot of cell coins fell out.

Kazali had never thought that he would be so embarrassed, and was kicked back and forth like a football by the opponent.

Even when facing the king of eight hundred years ago, he had never been as embarrassed as he was now.


With an angry roar, Kazali burst out his power with all his strength.


Wanting to rely on explosive power to get rid of the current predicament.

"Do you want to go down? Then... I'll fulfill your wish."

Lu Li's cold voice came.

Just hearing this devil-like voice, Kazali couldn't help but tremble his heart.

The power that was still bursting suddenly stagnated.

Looking up in horror, Kazali saw Lu Li right above him.


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