A fist like a hammer hit the top of his head hard.

Kazali's body was like a cannonball, launching towards the ground.


The real question hit the ground with a loud bang, splashing countless gravel and a lot of dust.

For a while, the smoke and dust filled the air, making it impossible to see what was going on below.

After completing this blow, Lu Li slowly fell from the sky and landed smoothly on the river bank.

Lu Li murmured as he looked at the place filled with gunpowder smoke.

"After carrying so much, it should be... almost done."

He had tried his best to control his power just now, so as not to directly destroy Kazali.

After all, this guy is still useful to me, so he can't die just yet...

Otherwise, Lu Li might have just rewarded him with a one-shot kill and sent him back to the west.


A low voice came from the smoke-filled river bank, and it sounded very weak.

With a wave of his hand, a strong wind instantly blew away the smoke and dust in the sky.

There was a big crater where Kazali had just smashed it down.

The embarrassed Kazali was lying helplessly in this big pit.

There are many cell coins scattered in the pit, and one or two core coins can even be seen lying quietly not far away.

Even in the previous battle with Oz, Kazali had never been in such a panic, and even the core coins were forcefully knocked out.

Slowly arriving at the edge of the pit, Lu Li looked down at Kazali.

"Do you want to continue? If you want to continue, then stand up quickly. My warm-up is not over yet."

Listen, is this human talk?

Kazali, who was in unbearable pain all over his body, felt extremely insulted.

But now, what can he say? Can he still fight?

He is not a single-minded person, and he cannot defeat Lu Li.

Unless there is something wrong with his brain, he would still choose to stand up and get beaten at this time.


Kazali remained silent, and he didn't even have the strength to pick up the core coins beside him.

As a greedy person, Kazali has never been in such a mess as now.

Noticing that Kazali had no intention of continuing to fight, Lu Li immediately canceled his transformation.

"It seems you can listen to me quietly now, right, Kazali?"

At this moment, Kazali realized that the man in front of him was simply a demon, and a very terrifying demon at that.

As a greedy person, in front of the other party, just like a human being facing himself, he is so weak and powerless.

What can he do?

At this time, you can only be obedient, and only by being obedient can you live longer.

The fact that the other party didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue it already showed that it was still useful for him to keep him.

"……you say."

He forced himself to sit up, picked up the core coin that fell on the ground, and integrated it back into his body.

"I brought you out because I need you to do something for me.

Don’t worry, I won’t let you do this now, but I’ll let you do it later.

After you complete this matter, I will give you both core coins. "

With that said, Lu Li took out the two core coins belonging to Kazali.

The core coin was clearly right in front of him, but now he couldn't reach it at all. Kazali felt very aggrieved and furious.

But he has seen the strength of the man in front of him, and he knows very well that even if the core coin is placed in front of him, he has no chance.

You might as well listen and see what this man wants you to do.

If you can do this yourself, it's not impossible.

Besides, one is a swordsman and the other is fish and meat. Is there any choice?

Kazali, who had completely calmed down, understood that he had no choice, so he said in a deep voice.

"......you say."

Seeing that Kazali had clearly seen the situation, Lu Li smiled and nodded.

"Very well, now that you have thought it through, I will say it.

I know that you have now joined the 1.3 Maki Kiyoto side. Next, I need you to do something for me.

It was after Maki Kiyoto betrayed Kogami Mitsuo that he handed me the purple core coin in his hand.

Those are core coins that have not yet been released, and there are ten of them in total. "

When he heard the news, Kazali looked at Lu Li in disbelief.

Eight hundred years ago, he had never heard of purple core coins. How could there be core coins that he didn't know about?

Moreover, why did this man know that Maki Kiyoto would eventually betray Kogami Mitsuo?

Why...why does he know so much?

There are too many questions in his heart that cannot be explained, and Kazali doesn't like this feeling very much.

"Are you...are you sure that Maki will betray you? And how do you know that he will take away those purple core coins?"

Lu Li casually picked up a cell coin next to him and threw it at Kazali. Lu Li smiled.

"Haha! Kazali, you don't need to ask so many questions, and you don't need to know how I know.

You just need to complete the task I assigned you. Remember what I just said, after completing the task, your two core coins will naturally be returned to you. "

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li had already stood up and was about to leave.

Seeing Lu Li about to leave, Kazali shouted quickly.

"Wait! What if he didn't betray? Or what if he didn't get the purple core coin you mentioned?"

To put it bluntly, he couldn't completely believe whether the things Lu Li just said would happen.

If these things didn't happen at that time, then he would never be able to get his two core coins back.

Of course, Lu Li knew his worries.

Without looking back, Lu Li continued to walk forward on his own, tossing the two cat core coins casually in his hand.

"If he didn't betray, or didn't take the purple core coins, I would return the coins to you even if you didn't do anything.".

Chapter 231 Forced transaction, fusion critical value, bird-type devouring monster

"However, if I know that the things are really in my hands, but you don't complete my requirements, then you won't see your core coins again.

Don't doubt what I said, I have the power to destroy the core coins.

If you don't believe it, now... you can try it."

As he said, Lu Li held the core coin in one hand.

The chill in the words made Kazali shudder.

The coldness on Lu Li's face made Kazali panic.


Although it was unclear what Lu Li's so-called ability to destroy the core coin was, did Kazali really dare to try it?


He didn't dare to gamble!

He might die if he tried!

If his core coin was really destroyed by accident, everything would be over.

Seeing that he was so nervous, Lu Li stopped teasing him and turned away.

"Haha! Don't worry, the core coin is absolutely safe with me. Even Oz can't get it from me."

The voice faded away.

Soon, Lu Li disappeared from Kazali's sight.

After Lu Li disappeared, Kazali relaxed.

He collapsed in the pit and fell into deep thought.

A powerful being like Lu Li should not be willing to lie to him.

Since he said it, he should do it.

Now Kazali is facing a big problem.

Even if he collected all the other core coins, he still had to get the core coin in Lu Li's hand to become a complete body.

Otherwise, he could not become a complete body.

After a long time, Kazali barely stood up from the pit and merged the two core coins in his hand into his body again.

As the core coins merged, Kazali's previously lost power returned to a part.

Seeing the cell coins scattered around, Kazali certainly couldn't waste them.

Immediately controlled a small tornado and collected all the coins together.

"Lu Li... Who is this guy? Why is his strength so terrifying? I don't even have the power to fight back.

Now there are five core coins in my hand, Lu Li has two, and Oz has two.

As long as I can get these core coins, I can be completely resurrected."

Having figured out where the core coins he has are, Kazali felt a little more comfortable.

Just figure out where the core coins are and find a way to get them.

At present, it is difficult to get the two core coins in Lu Li's hand, so he can only settle for the second best and set his target on Anku.

Lu Li had put forward the conditions before, and Kazali had no reason to refuse, and it was impossible to refuse.

The core coins are still in the hands of the other party, and the other party is even powerful enough to destroy the core coins.

If he doesn't obey, it will be his core coins that will be destroyed.


Sighing deeply, Kazali had just left the greedy and found his own partner, but he didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.

After absorbing the fallen cell coins, Kazali felt a little relieved.

But the pain is real, and pain cannot be faked.

After barely climbing out of the big pit, Kazali staggered towards the research institute.


Hongshang Biotechnology Research Institute.

After some adjustments and tests, the driver made by Maki Kiyoto finally reached the stage of conducting the final experiment.

As soon as he returned to the office, he found that the office was empty.

Kazali, who was supposed to stay here, disappeared inexplicably.

Maki Kiyoto was not in a hurry at all.

He knew from the beginning that Kazali would never be idle.

Since both parties have reached a cooperation, he believes that Kazali will never leave before achieving his goal.

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