The legs burst out with powerful force, and rushed up in an instant, fighting with the armored warrior monster.

Oda Nobunaga was a general with strong strength when he was alive. Now that he has been resurrected, he has cast his body with cell coins, so he naturally has more powerful strength.

Just now in the melee, the armored warrior monster's lobster-like red claws slammed into Oz's back.

Oz, who was hit hard, staggered immediately.

Taking this opportunity, the armored warrior monster kicked him fiercely in the chest again.

At the same time, the sword raised high slashed Oz's chest.

After being hit twice in a row, Oz flew backwards instantly and hit the wooden box in the factory.

Facing the sudden appearance, the armored warrior monster had no intention of staying and launched a crazy attack.

Faced with this situation, Oz was caught in a difficult battle for a while.

However, the lion core coin given by Hong Shang Guangsheng before was still in his hand.

In addition, the other core coins are now in Anku. He is not around for the time being and cannot be switched.

He immediately took out the lion core coin and replaced the first eagle core coin.

"Lion! Tora! Batta!"

The head transformed into a lion form, and the azure eye armor lit up.

The next second, Oz's head burst into a terrifying golden light.

The armored warrior monster, who was just about to launch a second attack, felt very dazzling when facing the sudden strong light attack, and stopped his sprint.

The strong light was dazzling, and facing the monster who had never suffered this loss, this trick was still very useful.

Oz took this opportunity to immediately stretch out the tiger claw in his hand and launched a quick attack on the armored warrior monster.



One after another fierce attack hit the armored warrior monster, and a lot of sparks splashed on the opponent's body.

Then there was a roundhouse kick, and the powerful locust leg directly kicked the armored warrior monster far away.

After hitting the ground violently, the armored warrior monster felt that his condition was particularly bad at this time.

He staggered away, running away at a very fast speed.

When Oz chased him again, he found that he didn't see any armor warrior monster.

After walking around the factory for a while, a man in red clothes suddenly walked out from the side.

But after a few steps, he staggered and fell to the ground, unconscious.

Oz didn't know what the situation was for the time being, but he was sure that the man in front of him was definitely not in a good state.

There was no way, as a great philanthropist, how could Hino Eiji watch such a thing and not care about it.

If someone was in trouble, he would lend a helping hand to help the other party at the first time.

Even if helping the other party might harm his own interests, it didn't matter to him at all.

After some thought, Hino Eiji decided to take this person back to Kuskuchi first.

He was in a coma now, and he would let the other party go home by himself after waking up.

However, things were completely different from what he thought.

When he brought Oda Nobunaga back, he found that he seemed to have lost his previous memory, like a blank sheet of paper.

He didn't know anything when asked.

He even ate with his hands.

Facing such a pitiful person, Shiraishi Chiyoko, the store manager, certainly couldn't let him run around outside. What if he encountered danger?

So he was temporarily left behind.

"My name is Hino Eiji, what's your name?"

Hino Eiji squatted in front of him and introduced himself to him in a friendly manner.

Oda Nobunaga, who was eating fried rice with his hands, hesitated for a moment and said two words.


When she first heard these two words, Izumi Hina looked at him in disbelief.

"Oda Nobunaga? Impossible."

As long as the word Nobunaga is mentioned, the first person that many people think of is naturally Oda Nobunaga.

Hino Eiji, who was squatting next to him, also felt that it was impossible. After all, the person had been dead for so many years, how could he still be alive.

"What's your surname?"

A hint of confusion flashed in his eyes. Oda Nobunaga has now forgotten who he is.

"...I don't know."

Then he looked at Eiji Hino in confusion.

" this place? Who am I?"

Such a confused look can easily be associated with amnesia.

"Did he lose his memory?" Shiraishi Chiyoko asked in confusion.

If it is amnesia, then the trouble is not ordinary. It is not so easy to find his true identity and relationship with people.

At this time, Oda Nobunaga suddenly noticed the underwear in Eiji Hino's pocket.

Gaudy green.

With curiosity in his eyes, he was about to reach out for it.

After Eiji Hino stepped back.

Not for anything else, just because the underwear in this pocket and the change on it are his most important things.

Seeing the other party's look of being at a loss, Eiji Hino took out his underwear.

Even though he knew that this was his important thing, Eiji Hino handed it to him without hesitation.

"This? If you want it, I'll give it to you."

Oda Nobunaga, who was in underwear, couldn't wait to open his underwear and then... put it on his head.

That silly-looking look made it impossible to doubt that this person was the historical Oda Nobunaga.

Anku, who came down from the attic, looked at Oda Nobunaga sitting on the ground, squinting his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

He could feel that this man was definitely not an ordinary person, but he couldn't say what kind of existence he was.


The setting sun shone in the city.

People working in the city also began to go home one after another.

Hongshang Foundation Building.

Hongshang Mitsuo looked at the setting sun in the distance, holding a glass of red wine in his hand.

Shaking the goblet in his hand, looking deeply into the distance.


The office door was opened, and Goto Shintaro walked in hurriedly.

"President, we haven't found Oda Nobunaga's whereabouts, and it's not clear where he went for the time being."

Goto Shintaro's face was slightly depressed.

He was just looking for a person who had just been resurrected, and the other party was unfamiliar with the place, and he couldn't find him.

This made him feel very embarrassed. Is he really so incompetent?

After listening to the report, Mitsuo Hongo was not angry. He turned around and looked at Shintaro Goto who was lowering his head with a smile on his face.

"Okay, Goto, don't be so disappointed. It's normal that you can't find it. After all, he is not an ordinary person. He is a soul full of resentment and comes back for revenge.

At the same time, his soul is full of desire. He wants to seize this world and will surely take action soon.

We just need to wait slowly, he will appear."

Even though Mitsuo Hongo said this, Shintaro Goto's mood did not get better.

The president did not blame himself for being incompetent, but it did not mean that this matter really had nothing to do with it.

Clenching his fists tightly, Shintaro Goto lowered his eyelids. He must prove his strength.

Moreover, he heard that the drive using the cell coin has been completed.

The final test has almost been completed, which means that as long as he can become a user, he can also fight against the Desire Devourer.

Maybe even if it is a greedy person, he can fight them.

But if he wants to use the driver, he must show his ability and value, otherwise why would the president give him the things.

"Oda Nobunaga has come back to this world. I am curious about how far he will go, that guy with strong desires."

As he said, he drank the red wine in the glass. Hong Shangguang was looking forward to the development of the next thing.


Under the night.

Lu Li and Metz returned to the base.

As soon as they came back, they saw a lot of snacks in the living room.

Why there were so many snacks suddenly, you don't have to think about it, you know, it must be brought back by Gamer.

After tasting the joy brought by the food, Gamer was completely addicted to it.


Behind the pile of snacks that entered the hill, a voice suddenly came.

It was Gamer's voice.

Metz raised his eyebrows and walked around.

At a glance, he saw Gamer eating a lot.

He was lying in the pile of snacks with a comfortable face, touching his stomach while eating.

Greedy people don't feel hungry or full, they just eat delicious food, and Gamel has no intention of stopping.

"Gamel, what are you going to do?"

With a slight twitch in the corner of his eyes, Metzl pointed to the pile of snacks next to him, and was quite speechless.

Gamel, who was eating snacks, came back to his senses after hearing the voice, and saw Metzl next to him, and stood up with a smile on his face.

"Metzl, after Boss Lu Li gave me that thing, I was able to taste it. These are so delicious.

So I went to get a lot of them back. Do you want to eat them?"

As he said, he handed the snacks in his hand to Metzl.

Rolling his eyes helplessly, Metzl didn't expect that Gamel would keep thinking about eating snacks after gaining the perception of this world.

This is really unique.

However, this is more in line with Gamel's personality.

He only does things that he is interested in, and he won't even look at things that he is not interested in.

Loyal to his pure desires, which is completely different from other greedy people.

"By the way, Gamel, where is Wufan?"

I haven't heard Wufan speak for so long since I came back. It shouldn't be possible unless he is not here.

"Wufan went out in the afternoon. He said he was going to do something, to test his strength or something."

After hearing the news, Metzl nodded thoughtfully.

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