·· ··Please give me flowers· ···

She probably knew what Wu Fan would do.

Most likely, after gaining the power of the fusion memory, he couldn't wait to verify his new power.

As for who to verify, is there any need to say? Naturally, he would find Oz.

It's not difficult to find Oz. You just need to create a desire-eating monster and you can find it easily.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with her, and Metz doesn't worry about Wu Fan at all.

"Jamiel, then you eat slowly, we'll go upstairs to rest first."

Patting Jamel's head, Metz couldn't wait to go upstairs to change the new clothes he bought.

"Yeah! Good!"

Nodding obediently, Jamel was completely immersed in the world of snacks.

Lu Li and Metz walked towards the rest room upstairs.

As soon as he returned to the room, Metz couldn't wait to change his new clothes.

There was no sign of shyness at all. She changed from one outfit to another in front of Lu Li.

You know, even though Sonozaki Saeko and Lu Li have been together for so long, there will always be times when they can't let go.

Not to mention Sonozaki Wakana, who would ask Lu Li to turn his back whenever she took off her clothes.

But Metzl had no such scruples at all, and showed off her perfect figure to her heart's content.

After a while, Metzl, who was wearing a female high school student's outfit, looked at herself in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction.

Then she ran to Lu Li and turned around impatiently.

"How is it? Does this dress look good?"

After looking carefully up and down, Lu Li nodded slightly.

"It looks good, but you look like this. It makes me feel... you look like a student."

....... ...... 0

Indeed, compared with Sonozaki Saeko and the others, Metzl is a little thinner.

Dressed in a female high school student's outfit, it's no problem to say she's a female student.

Jumping up and hugging Lu Li's neck, Metzl didn't know where she learned it, and gently bit Lu Li's earlobe.

"Then... are you going to be a teacher tonight?"

Good guy!

Lu Li's heart was slightly shocked. Metzl actually learned so much.

Turned over and pushed her down.


It was late at night, and only the light was swaying in the room.


Kuskuchi at night.

Since there were two people living in the attic, Oda Nobunaga could only squeeze in with Hino Eiji tonight.

After Oda Nobunaga fell asleep in the room, Anku immediately took Hino Eiji out of the room.

"Eiji! I tell you, this guy is definitely not simple. He has a very special smell on him, similar to... a desire-eating monster."

When Anku said the last three words, Hino Eiji's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Hey! Anku, what are you talking about? How could Ashin be a Desire Devourer? Don't joke like that.

I have seen Desire Devourers, how could there be a Desire Devourer who looks like Ashin?"

This is true. All Desire Devourers use various means to satisfy their desire to worship their ancestors.

And among all the Desire Devourers, I have never heard of any that look like humans.

At least among the five Greedy Ones, no one can create a Desire Devourer that looks like a human.

This is why Anku is not sure in his heart now, it's just a guess.

"I just told you this, be careful, anyway, this guy is not ordinary, you just need to remember this.

Also, don't let anything go wrong with the core coin I gave you."

Anku naturally knew that Ashin should not be a Desire Devourer, but there was always a feeling that he couldn't explain.

Hearing this, Hino Eiji nodded.

"I know, I will pay attention as much as possible."

He didn't take this matter too seriously in his heart, maybe it was just Anku's illusion.

The two had been together for quite some time, so Anku naturally knew that Hino Eiji probably didn't take his words to heart.

He shook his head slightly. He had reminded everyone that he should have. If Eiji didn't pay attention, there was nothing he could do.

Anyway, as long as there was no problem with the core coins, especially the core coins that belonged to Anku.

He only had three core coins that belonged to him, which was already very few, so there must be no problem.

Especially now that he knew there was another self, the other party must be looking for him, wanting to devour him and take all the core coins.

Unless he got the same number of core coins as the other party, otherwise... he might not be his opponent.

Once he lost in the fight for the core coins, it meant that he would most likely be devoured and lose consciousness.

This was something he absolutely could not tolerate!

You have to know that he was the real main consciousness, and the other guy was just taking advantage of his absence to occupy the magpie's nest.

He had to do everything he could to take back his own core coins and become a complete body again.

After experiencing everything in the human world, Anku's heart was also changing unconsciously.

Especially under the influence of Hino Eiji, Anku himself didn't know that he was gradually changing.

PS: Thanks to————仮ライダー for the monthly ticket! Factory.

Chapter 240 The negative effects of the fusion memory during the plan

In the next few days, Oda Nobunaga's cognitive ability, which was originally like a blank sheet of paper, was quickly filled with all kinds of knowledge.

But at the same time, his desires were also filled.

As his understanding of the world became deeper, his desires became stronger.

In order to learn more and faster about the world, he ran to the library and read almost all the books he could use.

Since he was no longer an ordinary person, but a man-made man composed of cell coins and Oda Nobunaga's desires, learning the knowledge of the human world was simply too fast.

With his outstanding abilities, he collected a lot of funds at a very fast speed and even became the president of a company.

After that, he made a lot of money crazily.

For him now, making money is a very easy thing.

He even began to acquire shares of the Hongshang Foundation.

However, Hongshang Mitsuo attached great importance to his Hongshang Foundation and always held it in his hands.

Holding shares and so on, naturally far exceeded 50%.

Even after the acquisition, Oda Nobunaga only obtained more than 10% of the shares.

As time goes by, maybe there will be a little more, but it will never exceed half.

As for why he wants to acquire the Hongshang Foundation, of course it is because Oda Nobunaga already knows that he is from the research institute under the Hongshang Foundation.

He is still interested in the research.

How did he... get resurrected.

At the same time, in just a few days, a monster appeared in the city and killed many people in succession.

At the scene of the murder, a piece of paper with a pattern drawn on it was left, and the pattern was crossed out.

And the initiator of all this was Oda Nobunaga.

He has been taking revenge on those who may have killed him. As long as they are the descendants of those people, "Seven Sixty" will not let any of them go.


Night falls on the city.

Under a tram line bridge.

The armor warrior monster approaches a woman step by step with a big sword in his hand.

"Did you kill me?"

Facing the sudden appearance of the monster, the woman's eyes were full of panic and confusion.

She didn't understand why she was targeted by this monster, and she was still asking herself if she killed him.

Isn't this sick?

Big brother, you are a weirdo!

You said I would kill you, do I really have the ability to do so? !

However, without waiting for the woman to answer, the armored warrior monster raised the big sword in his hand without hesitation.

"Heavenly Punishment!!"


The sharp sword cut across the chest, and blood spurted out.

The woman only felt a pain in her chest, her body gradually softened, and she slowly fell to the ground.

The light in her eyes gradually dissipated, and finally lost her vitality.

After doing all this, the armored warrior monster took out the previous notebook again, took out a pen to draw a cross on a pattern, tore it off and threw it on the ground.

He wanted revenge one by one, anyway, the descendants of those who might kill him, all... must die!

Not far away, a gaze was quietly watching this side.

The armored warrior monster who witnessed it gradually went away, and the owner of this gaze murmured.

"The time is almost up, I think we can move to the next step soon."

That's right, the gaze that was watching the armored warrior monster killing people just now came from Lu Li.

According to the current situation, it won't be long before Oda Nobunaga's body will gradually begin to collapse.

When that time comes, Maki Kiyoto will take out the three core coins made through experiments.

That thing is one of the key items to produce Core, so Lu Li will naturally pay attention to it.

Relying on Core to crystallize the Earth's Memory Fountain, Lu Li can use it for himself.

One of the key items should be soon, so the only thing he needs to prepare is the memory memory.

Lu Li naturally knows the place where Ming Hai Shouji killed his assistant.

He doesn't need to worry about the things over there. After a phone call, Sonosaki Saeko will naturally arrange someone to deal with it.

He only needs to pay attention to Oda Nobunaga now, keep an eye on this guy, and don't let him be killed.

After all, there is no dinosaur greed now, so there will naturally be no dinosaur greed monster.

Without the intervention of the dinosaur greed monster, Ozwanyi killed Oda Nobunaga, and that situation is not what Lu Li wants to see.


The next day.

At a high-profile auction, Oda Nobunaga successfully bought the tea set, Hatsuhana, which originally belonged to him, at a very high price.

The person who competed with him at the auction was none other than Mitsuo Hongue.

Through this auction, Mitsuo Hongue successfully got back part of the shares that originally belonged to his company.

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