Two days ago, Mitsuo Hongue had already noticed this problem.

Someone was secretly buying his shares. As the richest man in the city, Mitsuo Hongue was very quick to grasp the information.

He found out that the person who bought his shares was Oda Nobunaga.

He just knew that there would be an auction for Hatsuhana today. He could not only take back his shares, but also use Oda Nobunaga as an experiment.

So he bid hard at the auction and successfully got back his shares.

At this moment, an extended car.

Mitsuo Hongue, wearing an orange suit, and Oda Nobunaga, wearing a black suit, sat in the back row.

Erika Satonaka and Shintaro Goto sat on the side.

Holding champagne in his hand, Mitsuo Hongue crossed his legs and quietly shook the goblet in his hand.

"I really didn't expect you to have such great ambitions.

It's really surprising that you actually want to swallow up my Hongshang Foundation.

It's really dangerous."

Mitsuo Hongshang sighed with a faint smile on his face.

Although he said it was dangerous, he didn't seem to be nervous at all, because he held more than 50% of the shares, and he didn't have to worry about anyone's shares exceeding his own.

At most, it would only affect some operations of the Hongshang Foundation, which was harmless.

Hearing this, Oda Nobunaga looked down at the tea set Hatsuhana in his hand and said confidently.

"One day, I will get everything in this world."

The extremely strong ambition and naked desire were fully displayed in front of Mitsuo Hongshang.

Facing Oda Nobunaga who had such a desire, Mitsuo Hongshang smiled.

"Haha! It's wonderful! In order to pay tribute to your desire, I will give you a gift."

As he said, Mitsuo Hongshang looked at Erika Satonaka.

Noticing the president's eyes, Erika Satonaka handed a large gift box that she was going to put next to her to Nobunaga Oda.


Took the huge gift box and opened the lid.

When he saw that the thing inside was a belt, Nobunaga Oda instinctively told him that this thing was definitely not simple and might be able to help him.

"What is this...?"

When Shintaro Goto, who was sitting next to Erika Satonaka, saw the belt, his eyes widened.

You know, during this period of time, he was training himself very hard.

In order to make himself a qualified user of the belt.

Even if the belt has not been fully debugged, it is undeniable that with this power, he can fight against the Devourer and the Greedy.

Now, in front of him, the belt was handed over to Nobunaga Oda by the president, which made Shintaro Goto feel very unbalanced.

Why did he work so hard to train, but couldn't get this power?

But this power was handed over to Nobunaga Oda so easily.

The other party is a dangerous guy after all, how can you give him such a dangerous thing?

But facing his eyes, Mitsuo Hongo didn't even stay for a second.

He has made a decision and will not change it because of others.

"It's a new power, Kamen Rider Birth!

With such a huge desire to excite the whole world, how will you use this power?

I'm really looking forward to it, let me open my eyes."

Not long after, the extended car finally stopped slowly, and Oda Nobunaga got out and left.

When he left, he also took the Birth driver.

Finally, when the car was driving again, Goto Shintaro couldn't help complaining.

"President, why did you give the driver to that guy?"

Hearing this, Mitsuo Hongo looked confident and said calmly.

"Goto, don't worry. This is just an experiment. Don't worry about it.

And there's nothing to be afraid of that person. He's just a puppet at best."

From the beginning, he knew that Oda Nobunaga would disappear as time went by.

Even if it still exists now, how long can those coins last?

There's not much time left. Oda Nobunaga is already dying.

Even if he doesn't do anything, it won't have much impact on him.

Of course, Hong Shangguang Mitsuo is not a person without fear in his heart.

This person is naturally Lu Li from the Fuuto Museum.

Obviously from other cities, but he ran to his own city to make trouble.

And he got two core coins, and even wanted to ask him to hand over the purple core coin with a complete core.

This person is really tricky. In Hong Shangguang Mitsuo's view, all the others are not a problem.

Since the president has said so, does Goto Shintaro still want to refute it?


Now he can only hope that what the president just said is true.

As long as Oda Nobunaga doesn't live long, there won't be much of a problem.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Mitsuo Hongu drank up the champagne in the glass.

He handed the driver of Danqi to Oda Nobunaga, perhaps to test Lu Li's idea.

At the same time, it was also to get the final combat data of Danqi. As long as these data were obtained, Danqi was basically completed and could be put into use.

With Danqi, collecting coins may become a little easier.

Although he already has a lot of cell coins, it is still not enough for Hong Shang Guangsheng.

More cell coins are needed. When the number reaches a certain value, it will cause a qualitative change...

Lu Li is a very difficult opponent. If he doesn't deal with it well, it may cause big trouble.

Hong Shang Guangsheng must ensure that Oz has the power to defeat Lu Li in the future.

As long as Lu Li can be completely defeated once, the two core coins can be taken back.

But before that, he must get enough cell coins. For this, the Danqi plan is imperative.


Wu Fan is in a good mood now. Since he used the fusion memory, he has gained powerful power.

This power is not even weaker than his complete form, making him feel unprecedentedly powerful.

He has even imagined that once he turns back to the complete form and uses the power of the fusion memory, he may become even stronger and surpass himself in his strongest period.

This was something he never dared to imagine before, but now, this power is in his body.

To celebrate his powerful strength, he created a new Desire Devourer.

Of course, it was not just to celebrate his powerful strength.

He felt that after integrating the power of the memory, although he became stronger, his consumption also increased a lot.

Having powerful strength will inevitably bring certain consumption, Wu Fan knew this very well.

However, he was willing to pay the price of cell coins to exchange for powerful strength.

But in order to maintain this powerful strength, he must have more cell coins, so he must create Desire Devourers.

In the past, when creating Desire Devourers, Wu Fan still needed to think carefully about whether it would be destroyed by Anku and Oz.

But now it is different. He is not worried about this at all, because he already has enough power, even Oz is not his opponent.

I don’t know if it is because of the effect of the memory power, even the Desire Devourers he created have become more powerful.

It is obviously a bug-type Desire Devourer, but it can use fire skills. You know, this was only limited to Anku’s Desire Devourers before.

The fact that the Desire Devourer has improved its combat power is of course a great thing for Wu Fan.

When facing Oz again in the future, it will be more difficult to deal with his Desire Devourer.

The host of the Rhinoceros Beetle Desire Devourer is a drunkard who likes to drink very much.

Facing this desire, the way to satisfy it is also very simple.

That is to find him all kinds of wine, let him drink hard, drink non-stop, drink and sleep, sleep and drink, and repeat this step over and over again.

In order to make this desire strong enough, the Rhinoceros Beetle Desire Devourer even gradually found him more fine wine.

The drunkard who has drunk good wine will naturally have a stronger desire for good wine.

The desire has become stronger!

"I want to drink good wine, the best kind, bring it to me quickly!"

Looking at the drunkard with a red face, still shouting for wine, Wu Fan had a sneer on his face.

"Drink! Keep drinking! The more you drink, the faster you grow."

After the Rhinoceros Beetle Desire Monster completed its transformation, it has been filled with many cell coins and has become very powerful.

In order to get enough fine wine, the Rhinoceros Beetle Desire Monster naturally has to collect it everywhere, which caused a lot of trouble. 1.3

This time, the Rhinoceros Beetle Desire Monster found Oda Nobunaga's company to find wine.

Since becoming a rich boss, Oda Nobunaga will naturally collect these fine wines and so on for his own tasting.

In the office, Oda Nobunaga was looking at the Danqi driver on the table at this time, his eyes fell into deep thought.

If he wanted to get this world, he naturally couldn't use the power of force, so he had to make himself have enough reputation in advance.

Since he wanted to have enough reputation, he had to let people report his existence.

By becoming Danqi and destroying monsters, he would naturally become famous and let everyone know that he was a Kamen Rider.


At this moment, the window was suddenly broken, and a black shadow quickly rushed in.

This black shadow was the Rhinoceros Beetle hybrid. After he rushed in, he immediately took away a bottle of fine wine on the locker.

Looking at the hurried Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster's back, Oda Nobunaga did not show an uncomfortable expression on his face, but instead smiled.

I didn't expect that Cao Cao would come when I mentioned him!

Since the other party has already taken the initiative to come to the door, it is just right to test the power I just gained.

Taking out the Danqi driver, Oda Nobunaga quickly chased in the direction of the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster.

Not long after, he successfully found the location of the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster.

Seeing that he had found the other party's nest, Oda Nobunaga did not rush to transform and fight, but took out his mobile phone and called the TV station.

"Hello! Is this the TV station? There will be something very exciting next. Come to xxx, I believe you will thank me."

After receiving the news, the TV station didn't know whether the matter was true or not, but considering that there was no explosive news recently, they decided to go and see.

Therefore, the TV station decided to take action and immediately asked the reporter to lead the filming staff to the destination.

Chapter 241: Danqi appears! Experimental verification, the transmission of memory power

After doing all this, Oda Nobunaga slowly walked out.

He put the Danqi driver in his hand on his waist, took out a cell coin and put it in the slot next to it.

At the same time, the knob on the right was left, and the half-silver and half-green sphere in the middle seemed to unfold.

A transparent barrier enveloped Oda Nobunaga, and pieces of armor covered him.

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