The main color tone of the whole body is black, with silver and green as decorative colors.

A pair of eye armors that look like sharp horns are shining red, which looks very powerful.

Kamen Rider Birth!

The Rhinoceros Beetle Devourer noticed someone approaching at the first time.

When he saw Birth, his eyes suddenly changed.

The other party is obviously not a simple guy. He is not a good guy at first glance. I am afraid... he is here to cause trouble.

Wu Fan, who was hiding in the dark, frowned when he saw the suddenly transformed Birth.

I thought he could lead out Oz, but he didn't expect to lead out an unfamiliar guy.

It was the first time he saw Birth. The other party's magical driver actually used the cell coin to transform.

It seems that it should come from the guy holding the core coin on the other side.

Wu Fan was not in a hurry to go out.

He wanted to see how powerful the Rhinoceros Beetle Devourer he created was now.

By the way, he could also test the combat power of this newly appeared Kamen Rider.

The battle... is about to start!

Danqi, who originally wanted to establish a reputation for himself, certainly couldn't stand in such a crowded place.

He immediately rushed forward with the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster to the crowded area.

He also wanted to let more people see his battle and let more people know that he was protecting them.

Only in this way can he gain enough fame, which will be of great benefit to his future in this world.

The battlefield switched, and the two suddenly came to a more prosperous street.


Seeing the monster suddenly appear, these ordinary people screamed in fear.

One by one, they turned around and fled in a hurry. They didn't want to become food in the monster's mouth.

Witnessing the screams of fear from these people who fled in all directions, the corners of Danqi's mouth under the mask rose slightly.

This is the effect he wanted, to let all 22 people know the horror of the monster, and then he would come forward to solve the monster.

He immediately took out Danqi's destroyer gun and stuck the magazine containing cell coins on the destroyer gun.

Aiming at the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster on the opposite side, Danqi pulled the trigger without hesitation.

One after another, the cell coins turned into bullets and fired wildly at the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Each cell coin has a very good power, hitting the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster and making it retreat continuously.

The Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster looked extremely embarrassed with bursting flames on his body.

But Wu Fan, who was hiding in the dark, had a sneer on his face.

He knew that after using the fusion memory, he had the power of hot and metal memory.

The created Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster also has the characteristics of the power of metal memory.

That is, the strong physique and defense. Facing this kind of attack, even if it looks a little embarrassed, it is ultimately painless.

"Damn it!"

Facing Danqi's attack, the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster was obviously angry, and the horn on its head suddenly burst into lightning.

One after another terrifying lightning struck instantly, attacking Danqi madly.

Facing one lightning after another, Danqi had already determined the path to dodge and easily avoided all lightning attacks.

Every time a lightning hit the ground, it could leave a charred mark on the ground, and even pits and cracks appeared on the ground.

Some people in the frantic fleeing crowd were almost hit head-on. If they had not been tripped by others suddenly, they would have been burned by the electric shock.

The Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster saw Danqi dodging constantly, knowing that the other party did not dare to withstand his attack, and sneered in his heart.

The small wings behind him flapped rapidly, and the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster's body quickly rose into the air.

He raised the horn on his head and hit Danqi fiercely.

The horn on his head flashed with thunder, which was very dangerous.

Danqi obviously knew that he could not withstand this attack, otherwise he would not feel good.

He rolled to the side and barely avoided the impact of the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster.

After successfully avoiding the impact, Danqi quickly took out a cell coin and put it back into the drive slot.


A ball popped out from the ball on the right arm, and instantly exploded into countless fragments attached to the right arm.

The right arm suddenly turned into a strong arm with a wire hook and a shoulder winch.

Facing the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster that attacked again, Danqi no longer chose to dodge this time, but violently ejected the wire hook in front of him.

The wire hook accurately wrapped around the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster and bound its wings behind it.

This caused the flying Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster to fall to the ground immediately.

The shoulder winch exerted a strong force, and instantly burst out a powerful force, throwing the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster that was caught by the wire hook fiercely, and smashing it on the building next to it.

Then he exerted force in the opposite direction and threw the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster to the ground again.

The people who were still fleeing stopped to watch from a distance at this moment.

"Who is that guy? He looks so powerful, he can beat monsters like that?!"

"Is it Kamen Rider? I heard there are Kamen Riders in Fuuto, so there should be some in our city too!"

"Kamen Rider? He sounds pretty good, that mechanized arm looks really strong!"

"That monster seemed quite fierce just now, why is it so temperless now? It was completely beaten!"

"Isn't this a good thing? If it wasn't beaten, we might have been the ones injured!"


Some people were whispering in the distance, and some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

At this time, the TV reporter who received the call earlier had rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

After seeing the battle on the scene, he quickly asked to shoot live reports.

The TV reporter also immediately began to explain the scene and report in real time.

Although there were no monsters in other places and no one knew about Danqi, many people knew that Kamen Rider also existed in this city because of the TV broadcast.

There were rumors before, but many people didn't believe it. Now it can be regarded as an indirect confirmation of this.

Seeing that the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster he created was played like a monkey, Wu Fan frowned fiercely.

The coins on his body surged, and he turned back to his greedy appearance.

He has now adapted to the power of the fusion memory. The green armor on his body has completely turned silver, and his eyes, which were originally green, have now turned red.

He had finally created the Desire Devourer, and he already had quite a few Cell Coins, so he didn't want to be killed.

When he was about to go to help, a hand suddenly pressed on his shoulder.

"Who is it?!"

Turning around suddenly, Wu Fan was extremely nervous at the moment.

Without him noticing at all, a person appeared behind him silently.

How could he not be nervous?

His two friends attacked him, so was he killed now?

But when he turned around, he found that the person standing behind him was none other than Lu Li, who had given him the fusion memory before.

His nervous mood suddenly relaxed, and Wu Fan said in a deep voice.

"Boss Lu Li, do you have any instructions?"

Facing Lu Li, although Wu Fan still had some small thoughts in his heart, his thoughts had faded a lot compared to before.

It was because he knew that Lu Li possessed extremely terrifying power.

He could easily hand over such a powerful fusion memory to himself, so it was conceivable that he himself probably possessed even more powerful power.

Lu Li shook his head slightly and whispered.

"Don't do it for now, just watch first, and by the way, see how strong the Desire Devourer you created is.

If your Desire Devourer can't bear it, you can go again."

This made Wu Fan, who was originally eager to move, immediately calm down.

He might not care about what others said, but he had to care about what Lu Li said.

"... Yes."

After a slight silence, Wu Fan finally nodded and agreed to Lu Li.

He didn't want to offend Lu Li because of a Desire Devourer. There was no need for this.

Once he offended Lu Li, he could imagine how serious the consequences would be.

That was definitely not something he could afford!

For the sake of his own life, he decisively chose to agree.

"Don't worry, all the cell coins are yours, no one will fight with you, just a little test."

Lu Li had considered this issue before, and this time it was also an experiment.

Wu Fan became more powerful after using the power of the fusion memory, so would the Desire Devourer he created also be affected by this power?

Judging from the current situation, there is indeed such an impact.

For example, the Rhinoceros Beetle Desire Monster that is being abused does not seem to have inherited the power of fiery heat, but has inherited the power of metal.

The armor on his body is faintly silvery, and his defense has become much stronger.

Even after being thrown many times, the Rhinoceros Beetle Desire Monster did not suffer much damage.

The power of the metal memory was passed to the Rhinoceros Beetle Desire Monster by Wu Fan.

Such a magical experimental result makes Lu Li, who has the knowledge of Kara, feel quite curious.

Perhaps it is because Wu Fan’s current core coin is affected by these two forces and attached to these two forces.

This is why the Desire Monster he created can also obtain some of the corresponding power.

Good thing!

Originally, I just wanted to experiment with the fusion memory, but I didn’t expect that the fusion memory and the core coin could also react, which was a bit beyond my expectations.

After being thrown several times in a row, the Rhinoceros Beetle Desire Monster was also angry.

The horn on his head flashed with lightning, but he did not shoot the lightning on his head, but passed it to the wire hook through himself.

Then the wire hook passed it to Danqi.


Danqi was caught off guard by the sudden lightning, and his body trembled slightly.

The wire hook in his hand loosened as if it had lost power. As soon as the rhinoceros beetle devoured the monster, the wings behind it flapped violently and slammed into Danqi fiercely.


The thick horn hit Danqi's chest violently, and the strong impact knocked Danqi away on the spot.

Fortunately, Danqi had recovered from the paralysis state, did a backflip in the air, and landed steadily on the ground.

The pain in the chest made Danqi serious instantly.

The rhinoceros beetle devoured the dust on his armor and said with disdain.

"Humph! Your attack is only worthy of tickling me, it doesn't hurt at all."

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