The contempt in the other party's words made Danqi feel a little unhappy.

Was he actually underestimated by a monster?

He quickly took out a cell coin and put it into the groove of the driver, twisting the knob next to it.

The lifting arm on the right arm disappeared, and a ball popped out from the right arm, bursting into countless armor fragments and quickly attached to the right arm.

"Drill. Arm (Steel Drill Arm)!"

This time the weapon on the right arm was switched to a huge drill, which looked quite powerful.

Compared with the previous lifting arm, the steel drill arm is a component for close combat.

The battle continued, and after Danqi had the steel drill arm, the close combat power became more powerful.

Even though the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster had a relatively strong defense, it could not withstand the high-speed rotating drill.


The high-speed rotating drill slammed into the chest of the Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster, splashing a lot of cell coins.

The Rhinoceros Beetle Desire Devourer was unable to do anything to Danqi for a while, and was beaten back step by step.

After observing for a while, Lu Li knew that it was almost done.

The Rhinoceros Beetle Desire Devourer exerted part of the power of the metal memory, enhancing its own physique and defense, but it was only part.

It did not fuse too much of the power of the metal memory, perhaps because Wu Fan had only been in contact with the fusion memory for a short time, and the power had not been integrated more deeply.

As time went on, the power of the fusion memory penetrated into the core coin, which might bring greater changes to the Desire Devourer.

"Go, but one thing, don't kill that guy for now, I'll keep him for use."

760 Lu Li nodded slightly and casually instructed.

Knowing that he could take action, Wu Fan was immediately delighted and clenched his fists fiercely.

"Don't worry, Boss Lu Li, I will definitely spare his life."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Fan jumped up impatiently.

He jumped high, condensed a powerful fireball in the air with his right hand, and threw it towards the battlefield on the ground.


He followed closely behind the fireball.

Danqi, who was in an advantageous position, suddenly felt a threat coming, and this threat came from the sky.

Looking up suddenly, Danqi noticed a wildly spinning fireball heading straight for him.

At this distance, he couldn't dodge!

In this situation where he couldn't dodge, he didn't plan to continue dodging.


With a cold snort, he quickly smashed the steel drill in his right arm.


The fireball hit the steel drill and exploded.

The powerful impact force pushed Danqi back violently, and he slid several meters before stopping.

However, before he could stand firm, the threat from the sky came again, even stronger than before.


He thought the crisis had been resolved, and when he was ready to think about who else the enemy was, there was an attack!

A silver-white figure slammed into him. Fortunately, Danqi reacted quickly and blocked the terrifying attack with the steel drill in his hand.


The sharp claws scratched the steel drill, splashing a lot of sparks.

There were two deep dents on the steel drill, which were left by Wu Fan's claws just now.

Looking at the target vigilantly, Danqi finally knew who his enemy was.

When he saw Wu Fan, a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

He didn't know who the guy in front of him was, but he could feel the threat emanating from the other party.

This is a fighting instinct, engraved in the depths of the soul, and will not change.

The Rhinoceros Beetle Devouring Monster also hurried to Wu Fan at this time, covering his chest with one hand. Obviously, it was very uncomfortable to drop some cell coins just now.

"If you touch my Devouring Monster, at have to say hello to me, right?"

Wu Fan wiped the claw in his hand, which flashed with cold light, giving people a chilling feeling.

The battlefield changes rapidly.

When I was hiding in the dark and observing this battle, I thought that the Kamen Rider they were talking about would win, but unexpectedly, an unexpected situation suddenly occurred.

Another monster appeared!

And judging from the appearance of this monster, it seems to be stronger than the previous monster.

This battle is his battle of fame, and he has to fight it whether he wants to or not.

If he chooses to retreat at this time, it may be difficult to gain a high reputation.

If he wants to get this world, he must have enough reputation.

He knows this very well in his heart, and he must not retreat easily.

He took out another cell coin and put it into the groove and twisted the knob.

"Caterpillar.Leg (caterpillar heavy leg)!"

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of Prince Yongye! .

Chapter 242 The final stage of the experiment begins, the complete body

Two balls popped out of the leg armor, exploded into countless armor fragments and merged on the legs.

The legs are equipped with heavy caterpillar heavy legs.

The heavy tracked legs can help the Danqi move faster and even perform powerful kicks. It is a close-range combat component.

"Heh! Are there other equipment? But... so what?

I am no longer the same person as before! I will use you as my whetstone!"

With a sneer, Wu Fan's contemptuous voice came.

He is very confident in his current strength, and there is no way he can compete with this guy in front of him.

"Then... give it a try."

Danqi assumed a fighting stance.

Even if it was one-on-two, he didn't have any fear.

As someone who wants to conquer the world, he must have powerful force. not afraid of any challenge!

Then, the two collided together again, and the collision of weapons burst into bright sparks.

The Horned Celestial Devourer assisted from the side, using lightning to launch attacks at tricky angles.

"Clang clang clang!!"

In such a fierce collision, Wufan, who had obtained the power of the integrated memory, was completely at an advantage.

He poured out his power crazily, although his own cell coins were consumed relatively quickly, which made him enjoy the state of his power explosion.

If he had such a strong combat power before, there would be no way that Oz could steal the core coins.

Under the double attack of Wufan and the Unicorn Fairy Devouring Monster, Danqi retreated steadily.

Even the armor on his body showed varying degrees of damage.


Hearing the alarm sound coming from the system in his ears, Oda Nobunaga's eyes revealed a cold light.

He really didn't expect that he would be forced to such a point.

If you continue to fight, your chances of winning are slim.

But if he doesn't fight, the reputation he has just built with great difficulty may be shattered.

Absolutely not!

His goal is to conquer the world, so he must have enough fame.

Even in the past, he only relied on enough reputation to get to that point.

Witnessing his defeat, Wu Fan and the One-horned Immortal Desire Monster were so powerful that the people who had taken pictures with their mobile phones had already fled to nowhere.

For ordinary people, living is the most important thing, and nothing else matters.

Who cares whether you save him or not? Only when he is alive can we talk about whether to save him or not. If he dies, there is nothing left.

The knight armor on Danqi was gradually damaged during the battle, and it was only a matter of time before he was defeated.

When the One-horned Immortal and the Desire Devouring Monster collided with Fei Danqi again, Wu Fan immediately seized the opportunity and jumped up fiercely.

"Hmph! Let's see how long you can keep your mouth shut! Ah!!"

With a fierce roar, Wufan's silver-white armor burned with blazing fire, and his whole body was wrapped in blazing flames.

From high in the sky, he violently launched a flying kick towards Danqi on the ground.


The scorching flames flew and kicked, and with bursts of air explosions, they rushed straight towards Danqi.

Lu Li, who was standing far away, suddenly raised his eyebrows when he saw Wu Fan performing the fire kick.

Good guy!

Is it the other way around?

How could this guy Wu Fan use such a trick? Isn't this a knight's kick?

Facing Wu Fan who fell from a high altitude, Danqi couldn't care so much at this time.

“Bah ba ba ba!!”

The crawler tracks under the heavy crawler legs and the steel drill on the right arm were spinning crazily.


With a loud shout, Danqi used the maximum power he could currently use.


Wufan and Danqi, who fell suddenly, finally collided.

The terrifying energy tilted towards the surroundings crazily, and the monstrous flames spread far away in an instant.

If the people around him had not retreated in advance, they might have been overwhelmed by the terrifying flames by now.

Within the crazily burning flames, a figure flew out like a cannonball.

The figure flying out was none other than Danqi.

At this time, the armor on his body was completely damaged, and there were burnt marks one after another on the armor.

Wu Fan, who uses fiery power, is not so easy to catch the flames that burst out.


The badly damaged body hit the ground, Danqi's driver fell aside, and the transformation was released.

Oda Nobunaga, who fell to the ground, struggled to get up from the ground, with scars on his face.

However, since it is made of cell coins, this scar is nothing at all.

The scars on his face disappeared in an instant, but the wounds on his body were not easy to heal.

After standing up, Oda Nobunaga staggered away from the scene without caring about the fallen drive.

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