I thought I could reap a wave of fame this time, but unexpectedly something unexpected happened.

He didn't want anything to happen now and could only retreat temporarily.

He has already tried the power of the drive, but unfortunately, it is not suitable for him.

Compared with his own strength, it is not much stronger, but it is a bit of a drag.

For ordinary people, it might be enough, but for Oda Nobunaga, it is not of much use.

At the center of the day's flames, Wu Fan was not afraid of the surrounding flames. The flames had no impact on him.

With a fierce wave of his hand, the surrounding flames quickly dispersed as if under control.

Although the other party was allowed to escape, Wu Fan's goal had been achieved.

Lu Li had told him before not to kill the other party now, and he remembered this deeply in his heart.

Anyway, he just wanted to show off his powerful power, and it didn't matter whether he killed the opponent or not.

The One-horned Immortal and Desire Devourer came to Wu Fan and respectfully waited for instructions.

"Continue to help that guy and satisfy his desires. I need more cell coins. 々!"

In the battle just now, Wu Fan and others showed great fighting power, but it was not without cost.

The price paid is naturally cell coins.

The cell coin provided a large amount of energy, which allowed Wufan to complete the blow just now.

Therefore, he now needs Cell Coins very much.


With a quick response, the One-horned Immortal Desire-Eating Monster quickly left the scene.

Glancing at the damaged Danqi drive on the ground, Wu Fan had deep disdain in his eyes.

With a leap, Wufan jumped a high distance and left the scene of the battle.

Here, Lu Li also started to take action.

According to the current situation, Oda Nobunaga's current body should have reached its limit, and Honggami's experiment is about to enter the final stage.

Lu Li followed Oda Nobunaga from a distance and would not let him discover him.

As for the Danqi driver, Lu Li had no interest at all. Although he could use the power of the cell coin, that was all.

The upper limit is placed in that place, it is tasteless to eat, it is a pity to discard it, and it is useless.

Not long after Lu Li left, Shintaro Goto arrived on the scene on a motorcycle.

He came here to recover the Xingqi Drive.

Since the previous battle was broadcast on the TV station, everyone could see it clearly.

Hongshang Mitsuo is naturally no exception.

After watching the battle just now, Koshang Mitsuo discovered that although Danqi was good, his power was still limited.

There's nothing wrong with collecting cell coins, at least it's up to standard.

And when he saw that Ufana looked completely different from before, he was filled with surprise and uncertainty.

"Isn't this guy a greedy insect? Why is he like this?"

He had never heard of a greedy person suddenly changing his form.

There must be something going on here, but now, even he, the president, doesn't understand it.

This kind of uncontrollable thing is something he hates in his heart.

However, this kind of thing happens often recently, such as Lu Li before, and Wu Fan now.

When something happens more than expected, it means there is likely to be a problem.

For a time, Koshang Mitsuo was really one of the top two.

I had just tried out the Danqi, but I got beaten up and the equipment probably needed repairs, which was a headache.

This is considered a failure.


Rubbing the center of his eyebrows vigorously, Koshang Mitsuo was a little upset at this time.

I always feel that since Lu Li came here, my affairs have always been unsatisfactory.

Either there's a problem here, or there's a problem there, or problems just keep coming.

Oda Nobunaga's side.

The defeated Oda Nobunaga returned to his company.

However, due to the severe injuries, his body has already developed problems. Faced with many things, he cannot handle or even understand them.

I feel that the knowledge I have acquired is disappearing bit by bit, and I am becoming blank bit by bit.

Although he was successfully resurrected with cell coins, it is undeniable that he was always just a collection of cell coins, barely gathered together by the power of desire.

And as time goes by, when desires are satisfied bit by bit, there will no longer be that strong desire in the heart.

Naturally, it is difficult to maintain an artificial human body composed of cell coins.

I walked up the stairs with difficulty, but my feet slipped and I fell down.

There was a strange feeling in his hand. Oda Nobunaga looked at his hand as if it was becoming void, as if it was about to disappear.

"No! I can't disappear yet! I still have unfulfilled desires!"

Leaning against the wall with difficulty, Oda Nobunaga felt very uneasy.

He didn't want to disappear so suddenly, he wanted to continue and take over the world.

"Ta~! Ta~! Ta~!"

There was a faint sound of footsteps, and the sound gradually approached.

Oda Nobunaga, who was in a bad state, suddenly raised his head and saw a man wearing a black windbreaker and glasses walking towards him.

On his arm sat a doll wearing white clothes.

"The experiment has reached its final stage. Now...let us begin the final step."

As soon as the voice fell, Maki Kiyoto took out three core coins he made.

The three core coins were black, and they were scorpion, crab, and shrimp.

These three core coins were not made by Kara, but by Maki Kiyoto based on his research on core coins.

Of course, there are only three of these three core coins, unlike other core coins, which have a total of ten.

Throwing the three core coins in his hand to Oda Nobunaga, these three core coins seemed to be affected by desire and rushed into his body crazily.


Feeling the three core coins pouring into his body, Oda Nobunaga felt that something was wrong with his body.

But he didn't have the feeling of disappearing before.

But even without the feeling of disappearing, he could still feel that something was wrong with his body.

It was as if... something was coming out!

After doing all this, Maki Kiyoto turned around and left.

He just came to do the final experiment, and now he just had to wait for the results.

The data of the three core coins has been recorded, and they can be made again if you want.

However, the price of making three core coins is a little high.

Hino Eiji also saw the broadcast on TV, and saw the defeated Danqi and Oda Nobunaga after he quit the transformation.

Even though the other party is completely different from himself, Hino Eiji always thinks he is his friend.

Judging from the battle just now, Hino Eiji was worried that Oda Nobunaga was seriously injured, so he rushed to Oda Nobunaga's company as soon as possible.

As soon as he got off the car, Hino Eiji hurriedly put down his helmet and ran into the company in a hurry.

Lu Li watched all this quietly outside and did not want to stop it from happening.

There is no need to stop it, everything is already destined.

From what he saw Maki Kiyoto just now, he already knew the state of Oda Nobunaga.

Now all he has to do is wait for him to become a complete experience, then defeat him and get the core coin.

The main reason is that the memory is on Lu Li's side, not according to the plot, which means that no one has so much hatred for Kamen Rider.

It is not clear whether the Core can be created for the time being. Lu Li must find someone who hates Kamen Rider.

Lu Li already has a candidate in mind for this person.

However, we have to wait until we get the three core coins before considering this issue.

At the same time, before Hino Eiji entered the company, Oda Nobunaga dragged his staggering body outside.

Seeing Oda Nobunaga staggering and looking like he might fall at any time, Hino Eiji immediately walked up to help him.

Just when his hand was about to touch Oda Nobunaga, Oda Nobunaga pushed him away.

Raising his head, a faint black aura emanated from his body, Oda Nobunaga asked with great difficulty.

"¨¨... Eiji!"

Covering his heart and speaking with difficulty, Oda Nobunaga felt that he was about to lose control of this power.

"Kill... Kill me!"

He is the dignified Oda Nobunaga, even if he is a former ghost, this is unquestionable.

How can I lose to the so-called coins, absolutely not!


Hearing this, Hino Eiji was also stunned.

He never expected that Oda Nobunaga would make such a terrifying request, and even let him kill him (King Zhao).

If the person was not in front of him, he even suspected that the other party was joking with him.

Just when he hesitated, Oda Nobunaga could no longer suppress the power of the three core coins.


A roar like a beast sounded, and his whole body was wrapped in an extremely terrifying force.

The next second, three black core coins flew out of him and immediately merged into his forehead and arms.

With a terrifying red light in his eyes, Oda Nobunaga once again transformed into a Kaimusha monster.

And under the influence of these three core coins, he directly turned back into a complete body.

The head that was originally wrapped in bandages has turned into a terrifying blue-black mummy head, with a hat on his head and a black banner behind him.

Armored Warrior Monster, complete form!

He released an extremely powerful energy. Hino Eiji, who was close at hand, could not resist this powerful force at all and was instantly blown away.

His body fell to the ground, and Hino Eiji could not help but let out a cry of pain.

The big sword in the hand of the armored warrior monster burst into golden lightning.


He slashed at the building next to him.

A terrifying golden lightning instantly made a huge hole in the building next to him.


Countless rubble flew. If this sword had not completely destroyed the load-bearing capacity of the building, the building would have collapsed by now.

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