The sudden appearance of monsters and terrifying attacks startled everyone around them.

They all screamed and started running for their lives.

Countless flying gravels fell towards the ground.

Hino Eiji, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, widened his eyes and shouted harshly.

"Stop!! Nobuo!"

However, at this moment, the armored warrior weirdo had lost consciousness.

He raised the big sword in his hand and pointed it at Huono Eiji, his scarlet eyes not hiding his murderous intention at all.

At this moment, he has become a monster who only knows how to destroy.

PS: Thanks————fate. . Monthly pass! .

Chapter 243 Kamen Rider Core! W: Don’t talk about martial ethics!

Hino Eiji couldn't help but watch as Oda Nobunaga turned into a monster of an armored warrior and continued to destroy.

He immediately transformed into Oz and fought with the armored warrior monster.

Oates, who was only in the form of an eagle mantis and locust, was no match for the fully armored warrior monster at this moment, and was defeated step by step under the opponent's fierce attacks.

Fortunately, Anku arrived at the scene in time, switched to the insect-type linkage form, and fifty clones performed their special moves together, and then successfully defeated the armored warrior monster.

Oda Nobunaga eventually turned into a pile of cell coins.

Seeing the cell coin in front of him, Hino Eiji had mixed feelings in his heart.

Recalling everything he had with Ashin before, he felt very unwilling.

But at this moment, he had to accept the reality that Ashin... was dead.

Grabbing a handful of cell coins, Hino Eiji showed a sad expression.


But at this moment, the cell coin was shaking slightly, and there seemed to be something inside.

The next second, three core coins with black gold edges flew out from inside, exuding a faint golden light.

"Is this...a core coin?"

Seeing that the core coin so close at hand was something he had never seen before, Hino Eiji was filled with confusion.

Why are there other core coins?

Anku also noticed this situation, with a look of surprise flashing in his eyes.

"What's going on?! Why are there core coins that I haven't seen yet?!"

At this time, the three black core coins floating in the air seemed to be pulled by some kind of force and flew quickly in a certain direction.


Under the surprised gazes of Anku and Huano Eiji, one hand held the three core coins.

When the two saw the person who got the coin, their eyes widened.

"Lu Li?!" x2

Both of them shouted out the name of the owner of this hand.

That's right, the person who got these three black core coins was Lu Li.

His goal is these three black core coins.

"Thank you for your hard work. I will accept these three core coins first. I have other things to be busy with. Goodbye."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li turned around and left directly.

Now, he has more important things to do.

Anku is not the type of person to watch others take away the achievements.

Anku frowned and said sternly.

"Hey! Wait! Hand over those three core coins! That's what we got!"

As he spoke, he was ready to rush forward and snatch the core coins.

However, before he could take full action, Hino Eiji suddenly grabbed Anku's arm.

"Anku, calm down! He is Lu Li!"

The two words "Lu Li" made Anku, who was a little hot-headed, calm down instantly.

Recalling the scene in Fengdu, 777 felt deep fear in his heart.

Lu Li = Can't afford to offend!

Only two core coins were lost before, no more.

But next time, there may not be such luck.

If he continued to annoy Lu Li at this time, it would probably lead to even greater trouble.

Feeling very unwilling, Anku really wanted to rush forward and snatch back the three unseen core coins.

But he knew very well in his heart that he could not and could not do this.

Watching Lu Li disappear into the distance, Anku stamped his feet fiercely.

"Damn it! That bastard! He actually stole the core coins again, and I've never seen him before.

Just wait and see! After I recover to my full body, I must teach him a lesson! "

Of course, these words were just what Anku said verbally.

He knew very well in his heart that even if he returned to his perfect form, it would be difficult to target Lu Li.

Oates can completely destroy him by combining with Lu Li.

Even if he has recovered to his full body, the possibility of winning is almost zero.

Putting aside the two of them, Lu Li immediately headed to Fengdu after getting the three black core coins.

at the same time.

Sonosaki Wakana left the company and went to the place Lu Li mentioned before.

As a native of Fudu, Sonosaki Wakana is very familiar with various places in Fudu.

Not long after, Sonosaki Wakana arrived at her destination.

The wind is by the sea.

After the space shook for a while, Lu Li appeared in the curved corridor of the building.

Sonosaki Wakana, who was already waiting here, didn't feel any surprise when she saw Lu Li suddenly appeared.

She had already known about Lu Li's ability to suddenly appear from another place, so she naturally didn't think there was anything strange about it.

"Lu Li, I brought you what you asked for."

As she spoke, she handed the memory device to Lu Li.

Memory memory, the ability is to see the past.

"Lu Li, what do you want this thing for? This memory does not have any powerful ability, it can only see the memory of the past."

With curiosity in her eyes, Sonosaki Wakana wanted to know what Lu Li was going to do.

Before, Lu Li only said that he wanted a memory memory, but did not say what it was used for.

Hearing this, Lu Li took out the three black core coins.

"Look carefully, you will know what it is used for soon."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li immediately pressed the memory memory in his hand.


The memory memory emits bursts of green light.

Then, Lu Li saw some things that happened in this (ccbd) area.

The memory will present the memory of the time according to what the user wants to see.

Soon, a thing that happened in this place appeared in front of Lu Li.

What happened to Ming Hai Shouji in the past is the painful memory of Kamen Rider.

And when these memories were presented, the three black core coins in Lu Li's hand trembled slightly.

Feeling the vibration of the black core coin in his hand, Lu Li smiled slightly.

This is the result he wanted. The two forces were attracting each other. The black core coin wanted to obtain the power of the memory memory.

To be precise, the black core coin wanted to obtain the power of the Kamen Rider through the memory memory.

Pain, resentment...!

He released the control of the three core coins and threw away the memory memory in his hand at the same time.

These three core coins seemed to have found a suitable host. The coins were emitting a faint flame around the edge of the memory memory.

The speed of rotation was getting faster and faster. Under the influence of this force, the memory memory also burst into a flame-like light.

Looking at this scene in front of her, Sonosaki Wakana's eyes were full of curiosity, and she didn't feel scared.

She herself had enough strength, so of course she didn't need to be afraid of this.

Some were just curious about what would happen next.

Sonosaki Wakana knew that Lu Li must have his purpose for doing this, and it was definitely not because of boredom.

In the end, the two forces successfully intertwined and merged together.

A brilliant fire suddenly appeared, and the terrifying flames shot up into the sky.


A dull voice came.

An extremely huge body appeared in front of the two people. Judging from the height, it was nearly twenty meters.

From the overall shape, it was a huge Kamen Rider.

The whole body was burning with flames, giving people a very powerful feeling.

However, his body seemed incomplete. Some parts were armor made of flames, while some parts were not.

"I am a warrior made of Gaia memory and core coins! I can turn the sorrow and resentment of becoming a monster into power!

I am... Kamen Rider Core!!"

Kamen Rider... Core? !

When she heard this name, Sonosaki Wakana looked confused.

What is going on? How could a Kamen Rider be created inexplicably?

The most important thing is that this guy is not a good guy at first glance, and he should have nothing to do with the Kamen Rider who protects the city.

Sonosaki Wakana could only focus on Lu Li, wondering.

"Lu Li, what's going on?"

Facing the huge Core, Lu Li still didn't show any nervousness.

"He... is the target I'm looking for."

As his voice fell, a green light burst out not far from Core.

"Is that... Earth memory data?"

Having completed the ultimate evolution, Sonosaki Wakana certainly knew what this power was.

When she completed the evolution, she was protected by this power.

Suddenly, a huge palm burning with flames slapped the two of them.

It was Core!

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