Core is not a righteous Kamen Rider, he is just wearing a similar skin.

The blazing flames on his body are the flames of revenge, the flames of revenge against Kamen Rider.

His primary goal is to get rid of the two guys in front of him.

Before Sonozaki Wakana could react, Lu Li put his arm around her waist.

Then the space shook, and the two disappeared.


The huge palm burning with flames instantly smashed the corridor into pieces.


A lot of rubble fell to the ground.


Core also noticed the sudden disappearance of Lu Li and Sonozaki Wakana, and was full of surprise.

He didn't know how the two disappeared, but he was sure that he didn't take pictures of them.

But now he has other things to do, and he didn't go to Lu Li and Sonozaki Wakana.

He walked to the side with big strides, and the two big hands burning with flames slammed on the ground.


The powerful force suddenly poured into the ground, extending to the depths of the ground.

That place can allow him to gain endless power, but he must guide this power out.

With the infusion of Core power, the ground cracked, and countless cracks extended in all directions around.

A stream of green energy poured into his body, making him feel that the energy he had just lost was now replenished.

"Hahaha! My power is endless!"

At this time, Lu Li, who had already appeared in another place, put Sonozaki Wakana aside.

"Wakana, leave the next thing to me. I'll deal with this guy first. It may take a while, so you go back first."

Hearing this, Sonozaki Wakana pouted unhappily.

"Humph! That's too much! After all, I came here to deliver something to you, but you want me to leave so soon. That's too much!"

Although she said so verbally, Sonozaki Wakana could feel that the guy just now had a very strong power.

Even if he uses the ultimate form, it may be difficult to deal with it.

Lu Li rubbed Sonozaki Wakana's head hard and smiled.

"Yes, yes, yes! Thanks to our Wakana, but the next battle is indeed dangerous, you should not participate in it.

Go back and wait for me, I will sleep in your room tonight."

When she heard the second half of the sentence, Sonozaki Wakana's pretty face immediately blushed.

"You said it, don't stand me up."

"Of course, I keep my word."

When Lu Li was about to leave, Sonozaki Wakana hugged his neck and bit him hard on the mouth.

Then she jumped away like a frightened little rabbit and waved her hands in disgust.

"Okay, go quickly, be careful."

This girl...

Lu Li smiled helplessly, the space around him blurred for a while, and disappeared in the next second.

And the satisfied Sonozaki Wakana, looking at the fire in the distance, didn't care at all, and went back to the company happily.

She was not worried about Lu Li's safety. They had been together for such a long time, and she knew what kind of person he was.

Whether in the past or now, Lu Li would never fight a battle without confidence, and would not do things without confidence.

Since Lu Li asked her to go back and wait, she just needed to wait.

Back to a few minutes ago, there was such a big commotion at the seaside, and the flames that shot up into the sky were naturally very eye-catching.

Zuo Xiangtaro, who was completing the commission, noticed the situation here and immediately rode the Tough Guy to the scene at high speed.

No matter who it was, as long as they were causing trouble in Fengdu, Zuo Xiangtaro would definitely find ways to catch the other party.

He rushed all the way, and when he arrived here, he finally knew what was going on.

A huge flame giant, who looked a bit like a Kamen Rider, but was wreaking havoc.

Frowning deeply, Zuo Xiangtaro didn't know who this guy was, but he was sure that he was not a good thing anyway.

Since he was not a good thing, in order to protect the city, he would kill him.





Countless fragments attached to Shotaro Zuo, Kamen Rider W Gale Ace is back!

Philip was also shocked when he saw the huge flame giant in front of him.

"Shotaro, what is this?"

"I don't know what this is, anyway, I just came here, but this guy is wreaking havoc, of course I can't let him do what he wants!"

Before he finished speaking, W jumped up.

Just preparing to greet Core first.

As a result, W was greeted very uncomfortable.

Jumping up, W, who had not had time to kick out, was hit by a huge flaming palm.


His body fell heavily to the ground, and W really wanted to say, no martial ethics at this time.

He just jumped up, and before he had time to kick out, the other party actually slapped him, which was really unreasonable.

Unwilling to admit defeat, W got up and prepared to try again, but was hit by another palm just as he jumped up, and flew far away.


W was stunned by these two slaps.

Good fellow!

Are you really so unreasonable?

One time would be fine, but he actually hit me twice. Do you really think I have no temper?

Just as W was thinking this, he hadn't stood up yet, and the leg made of flames swept over.


The building next to him exploded with explosive flame power.

The terrifying impact instantly blew W away, and he fell to the ground in a mess again.

"This is the terrifying power of Kamen Rider!" Core shouted loudly.

After absorbing some green energy, Core's body exuded a faint green light.

It felt like the flames of his whole body turned into green flames.

Then, from the two corners of his head, a green laser was released and swept towards W.

Such an unreasonable and crazy attack made W look very embarrassed.


There was no intact land where the green laser passed.

Mud splashed and flames rose.

W, who dodged in a hurry, barely avoided the frontal attack of the laser, but was affected by the power of the laser explosion and was blown away again.

Falling to the ground in embarrassment again, W had never encountered such an unreasonable opponent, and it was difficult to even approach him.

"Damn! This guy is too scary, not only is he powerful, but he can also release such dangerous rays!"

This was the first time that Zuo Xiangtaro faced such a difficult opponent. Of course, the previous Lu Li didn't count.

Compared with the huge guy made of flames in front of him, Lu Li was different.

The green laser slid across the sea and swept across the buildings on the coast of Fengdu.


A violent explosion suddenly occurred in the buildings swept by the laser, and the flames shot up into the sky, and countless buildings were engulfed by flames.

PS: Thanks to Wangchuan for the monthly ticket! .

Chapter 244 Time acceleration, piercing by wild wind! Killing intent

"Damn! What's wrong with this guy? Why does his energy seem endless?

There is no way for us to get close. If we continue to fight, I'm afraid that Fengdu will suffer more serious losses."

W was anxious at this moment.

He is the Kamen Rider who protects this city. How can he watch the city he protects being destroyed so badly and remain indifferent?

But the enemy in front of him is too troublesome. With his strength, he can't get close at all.

If he can get close, he may find a chance to attack.

When W felt very embarrassed, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"You came quite fast."

This extremely familiar voice made W's body suddenly stiffen.

Turning his head, W saw Lu Li with a smile on his face.

"Lu Li?!"

Suddenly, Zuo Xiangtaro seemed to have thought of something.

"This guy, could it be that you also made it?"

The main reason is that he really can't think of who would make such a big guy.

But now that Lu Li is here, doesn't it explain the answer?

Facing the question raised by Zuo Xiangtaro, Lu Li nodded calmly.

"Yes, this guy was indeed made by me, but... he seems to be a little too fierce."

Lu Li didn't think of letting this guy destroy the city.

But this guy was influenced by the power of resentment and only wanted to destroy everything.

"Asshole! You actually created such a terrifying guy?! What on earth do you want to do?!"

W pointed at Lu Li angrily, glaring at him.

He really wanted to rush up and give Lu Li a good beating.

But after thinking about the huge gap between his own strength and Lu Li's, he forced himself to hold back.

Facing an opponent he couldn't beat at all, what's the point of him rushing up?

Sending a head?

The smile on his face disappeared immediately, leaving only a coldness.

"I naturally have my own purpose for doing this, and I don't need you to question or doubt me.

If you have nothing to do, just get out of the way and don't get in the way."

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