As soon as the voice fell, Lu Li walked directly towards Core.

As he moved forward, an awakening device appeared on Lu Li's waist.

Taking out the Ace of Hearts, Lu Li casually swiped the awakening device.


Another force enveloped Lu Li, and the transformation was completed in the next second.

Pushing W away casually, Lu Li walked towards Core slowly.


Looking at Lu Li's back angrily, W was helpless.

He couldn't handle a Core, not to mention that Lu Li was here now.

Philip, the think tank, suddenly said.

"Shotaro, although I don't want to admit it, we can't do anything with our strength.

The wind is the headquarters of the museum. As a cadre of the museum, Lu Li can't just watch the wind being destroyed.

Although he created that big guy, he must have a way to deal with it.

Just now I noticed that the big guy seems to draw energy from deep underground. Perhaps as long as the energy supply from the earth is cut off, he should not be able to continue to obtain energy."

When he was beaten out by the wolf just now, Philip had been paying attention to the situation on the battlefield.

Core just drew energy from the ground, and he also noticed it.

As long as the opponent is not allowed to draw energy, it should be easy to solve without energy.

"I know."

W immediately rode on his tough guy and prepared to go to the huge pit that was smashed by Core just now.


Lu Li continued to move forward. A laser slid in front of him, and the power of the explosion did not blow him away.

Pulling out the King of Hearts awakening card in the card box, Lu Li did not hesitate at all and swiped the awakening device again.


All the awakening cards of the Red Heart series floated behind Lu Li, and then merged together into Lu Li's body.

The golden light shone, and Lu Li completed the final form under the golden light.

Masked Rider Kalis-Wild Form!

As in the previous situation, even if Lu Li transformed into the wild form, the fusion of the undead creatures in his body did not improve at all.

It still requires a strong force to break through the critical value of the body, which can help himself reach the next stage and continue to fuse the undead creatures.

"Huh? Kamen Rider again! Humph! Let me show you the difference in power between us!"


Core was very confident in his heavy punch as he smashed out a flaming fist.

He didn't believe that the other party could withstand his punch.

Core, who was much larger in size, was naturally more powerful.

However, Lu Li's strength could not only be calculated by his small body in front of Core.

Facing the fist that was smashing down at a high speed, Lu Li did not mean to withstand it. Why should he withstand it when he could dodge it?

Is he crazy or stupid? Isn't it better to dodge?

"Time acceleration!"

Lu Li instantly activated time acceleration.

The extremely terrifying fist in front of Lu Li became very slow at this moment.

His figure suddenly accelerated, and Lu Li stepped on the ground fiercely and jumped up immediately.

Then he landed on Core's arm, and Lu Li used his arm to jump up again.

He pulled out the Wild Slasher from his legs and directly changed to the awakening bow state.

Taking out the Wild Awakening Card, Lu Li casually swiped the awakening device component.

That's right, Lu Li planned to perform a fatal blow right away.

As for why, of course it was because Core's role had been completed.

His role was to crystallize the Earth's Memory Fountain. After completing this purpose, Core naturally lost its original role.

For a target that has lost its value and is not under his control, there is naturally no need to continue to exist.

Lu Li pulled the awakening bow in his hand to the full moon state, and a golden arrow appeared in the center of the awakening bow.

Target, Core's head!

"Wild Cyclone!"


The golden arrow was launched instantly, carrying the power of the emerald green wind, and it flew towards Core.

"Speed ​​up and stop."

As Lu Li's cold voice fell, Lu Li, who was originally in the accelerated state, also returned to the normal time flow.

Core, who was only in the normal time flow, had no reaction at all. When he continued to punch, he found that a golden arrow was carrying a green cyclone and was heading straight for his head.

The terrifying energy instantly pierced Core's head.


Core screamed in pain as his head was pierced by this terrifying energy.

Under the impact of the terrifying energy, his extremely huge body suddenly fell backwards.


The huge body hit the ground heavily, splashing a lot of mud.

Core, lying on the ground, roared unwillingly.

"Ah! Why?! Why?! Ugh!!"

He obviously possessed inexhaustible energy and extremely powerful strength, but he was no match for this man.

I thought that I could at least seriously injure the other party with one punch, if not destroy him.

But I never thought that I would lie down first.

The power was gradually dissipating, and the flames on my body were extinguishing.

The Core exploded with an unwilling roar.


There was a loud bang, and the flames of the explosion shot up into the sky, seeming to dye the sky red.

W, who was standing far away and witnessed this scene, was confused for a while.

He didn't even see clearly what happened. How could this huge guy suddenly disappear?

"Gurgle~! Philip... Philip, did you see anything just now?"

Zuo Xiangtaro swallowed hard, his tone full of doubt.

He was sure that he really didn't see what happened just now.

"No... But I can probably guess that Lu Li was too fast just now, and we didn't see his movements clearly at all.

There is another possibility, that is, Lu Li controlled... time."

It must be said that Philip is worthy of his brain. He can analyze the biggest possibility in such a short time.

He guessed almost right, it can be said that he was very close.

Lu Li achieved super-high speed movement by accelerating his own time flow. This accelerated speed is even much faster than the speed of the police trial.

Perhaps a lot happened in just a blink of an eye.

"Control time?! Philip, are you kidding me?"

If Lu Li can really control time, it goes without saying how strong he is.

With W's fighting power, even if he can continue to become stronger, there is no chance of winning.

"...This is just my guess."

Philip can only explain this way without wanting to hit Zuo Xiangtaro too hard.

At this time, Zuo Xiangtaro suddenly noticed that Lu Li, who had just solved Core, had a new move.

Lu Li jumped down from a high place and jumped into the huge pit that Core had just smashed.

I don't know what Lu Li will do, but Zuo Xiangtaro always feels that he can't do nothing.

In his eyes, Lu Li is not a good person anyway. Whatever he does must have a purpose, and it may even harm Fengdu.

W's previous goal was to the center of the earth. Now that Lu Li has gone there, he naturally doesn't want to fall behind.

Quickly ran to the edge of the pit with a diameter of several meters and jumped down.


Deep underground.

Lu Li looked at the crystals condensed from the Earth Memory Spring in front of him, which exuded a very majestic energy.

Even though he hadn't touched it yet, he could feel that this energy was indeed helpful to him.

When he came to the crystal of the Earth Memory Spring, Lu Li slowly raised his right hand and pressed it.

The Earth Memory Spring crystals, which were like a green crystal mountain, suddenly burst into a dazzling green light.

Under the cover of this green light, Lu Li felt full of energy.

The critical value originally reached by fusing undead creatures seemed to be loosening a little bit.

The body was rapidly absorbing this powerful energy, and the golden knight armor on his body appeared emerald green under the strong green light.

Keeping this state, Lu Li felt that his body was unprecedentedly comfortable.


The power was constantly growing!

The body slowly floated up and came to the top of the crystallized Earth Memory Spring.

·· ··Please flowers· ···

Spreading his hands, Lu Li devoted himself to absorbing this powerful energy.

If it was Lu Li before, his body might not be able to withstand such a large amount of energy injection, but as he merged with more and more undead creatures, Lu Li's own tolerance limit had already exceeded the previous time.

With such a huge amount of energy pouring into his body, Lu Li not only did not feel uncomfortable, but felt very comfortable.

The critical value of undead fusion is rising, and the fusion speed is further accelerating.

And with this huge amount of energy pouring in, Lu Li's fusion progress is rapidly increasing.

At this speed, it will probably not take long to successfully complete the fusion of all undead creatures.

And W, who came after Lu Li, finally arrived deep underground at this moment.

Just after landing, W felt a burst of emerald green light shining, and quickly covered his eyes with his hands.

After a little adaptation, W finally noticed the situation in front of him.

"That is...?!"

Zuo Xiangtaro saw this thing for the first time, and his heart was full of surprise.

Compared with Zuo Xiangtaro who was surprised, Philip must not be surprised at all.

He had already considered that this would be the case before, and he didn't feel strange at all when he saw it with his own eyes.

"Sure enough, that guy just now crystallized the memory of the Earth. The evil heart of that monster was transmitted to the Earth's memory crystal through the memory, thus obtaining a continuous supply of energy."

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