At this time, Zuo Xiangtaro suddenly noticed that there was a figure floating above the Earth Memory Crystal.

"That is... Lu Li?! What is that guy doing?"

For some reason, Zuo Xiangtaro always felt that Lu Li, who was floating above the Earth Memory Crystal, had a great sense of oppression.

....... ....... .......

This kind of oppression was even stronger than before, and he felt something was wrong.

Unlike Zuo Xiangtaro who didn't understand these things, Philip was shocked when he noticed the energy flow around Lu Li.

"Could it be... he is absorbing the energy of the Earth Memory Crystal?!"

Zuo Xiangtaro was speechless.

Can't you speak more clearly? Why do you always say half of the words? He can only ask without shame.

"...What are the consequences of absorbing positive energy?"

"Consequences...The energy of the Earth Memory Crystal is very huge. If the energy goes out of control, it is likely to cause big trouble.

No matter how strong Lu Li is, he should not be able to completely absorb the energy of the Earth Memory Crystal. I am worried...If his energy goes out of control, it will be a big trouble."

Philip's tone was a little heavy, and he was not joking at all at this moment.

If this matter is not handled properly, it is really possible that something extremely terrible will break out.

"Ah?! Big trouble!"

Touching the back of his head, Zuo Xiangtaro was speechless at this moment.

Lu Li is a big trouble in himself. If it becomes a bigger trouble, can he really handle it at that time?

He also had a big question mark in his heart, and he had no confidence in this matter at all.

"Philip, what should we do now?"

After pondering for a while, Philip said solemnly.

"...Destroy the Earth Memory Crystal. As long as that thing is destroyed, there should not be such a terrible energy provided to Lu Li, and he will not go into a state of runaway."

"Okay! I understand!"

Then, W immediately raised his right hand.

The Extreme Memory rushed over quickly, grabbed W of the Extreme Memory, and immediately started the Extreme Evolution.


With dazzling colorful light emitting from his body, W instantly transformed into the Extreme form of the Wind Ace, holding the Prism Radiance.


After inserting the Prism Memory into the hilt, W did not rush to take out the Prism Holy Sword.

Instead, he took out four more memories and put them into the four memory slots on the Radiance Holy Shield.





Four Extreme Drives!

The energy of the four extreme drives of the four memories condensed on the Prism Radiance, and a cold light flashed in W's red eye armor.


Suddenly pulling out the Prism Holy Sword, the Prism Holy Sword in W's hand radiated four colors of light.

With a sudden step forward with his left foot, his body jumped up.


W roared, and slashed at the Earth Memory Crystal.

Bicker.Charge.Break! !

The prism holy sword emitting four-color light came with unmatched momentum.

Lu Li, who was immersed in absorbing this powerful energy, could naturally feel that there was an external force raging wildly.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and the green eye armor burst into a faint light.

"Don't... hinder me!"

As his extremely cold voice fell, an extremely terrifying sense of oppression came.

Killing intent!

Soul-shaking killing intent!

Under this terrifying killing intent, W, who released his ultimate move, actually felt that he could not move.

Chapter 245 Crazy improvement, fusion progress 99%!

The fear from the bottom of his heart spread infinitely in Zuo Xiangtaro's heart.

He was very afraid of Lu Li himself, and the reason why he dared to release his ultimate move was mainly because his target of attack was not Lu Li, but the Earth Memory Crystal.

A strong sense of fear spread to the depths of his soul, and Shotaro Zuo felt his body trembling.

The Earth Memory Crystal, which was originally close at hand, seemed out of reach at this distance.

His hand softened, and the Prism Holy Sword was directly inserted into the ground.


The Prism Holy Sword quietly inserted into the ground looked so dazzling.

The power of the extreme drive was thus eliminated.

The W in the extreme form of the Wind Ace must be completely coordinated by both parties to maintain.

At this moment, Shotaro Zuo, who had been eroded by fear, could not even hold his weapon steadily.

The left side of his body suddenly softened, and he could only rely on Philip on the right side to maintain his balance.

"Hey! Shotaro! How are you?! Hey!"

He held his head with his left hand, and kept muttering in his mouth.

"So... so scary! Gulu~! What... is he?! So scary! So scary..."

The trembling of his words showed the fear in his heart at this time.

In his current state, there is no possibility for Shotaro Sa to continue fighting.

Although he has not yet released his transformation, his combat power is close to zero at this moment.

No matter how Philip called, Zuo Xiangtaro seemed to be wrapped in a nightmare and couldn't come back to his senses.

He called many times in a row, but got no response.

Philip also knew that there was no way to wake Zuo Xiangtaro immediately.

There was no way to wake him up, which meant that W had lost his combat effectiveness and it was almost impossible to stop Lu Li.

Looking at Lu Li who was still absorbing energy, Philip was very worried about Lu Li's physical condition at the moment.

It's not that he cares about Lu Li, but he is very worried that Lu Li will go berserk after absorbing too much energy.

Once Lu Li, who is so powerful, goes berserk, it will probably be a disaster for this city, no, it will be a disaster for the whole world.

If it really comes to that, he really doesn't know what he should do to be able to stop it from happening.

With W's power, there is no way to defeat Lu Li.

The extreme memory automatically fell off, and Philip and Zuo Xiangtaro also lifted the transformation state.

Sitting on the ground, Zuo Xiangtaro's face was full of panic.

The whole person looked very helpless, like a frightened child.

Noticing Zuo Xiangtaro's current state, Philip's eyes showed a hint of helplessness.

Although he could be fearless, Zuo Xiangtaro couldn't, and he was still a human being.

Since he was a human being, there would always be something to be afraid of.

Without feeling the murderous gaze from Lu Li, Philip mustered up the courage to step forward and shouted loudly.

"Lu Li! Stop quickly! The rise of the earth memory has a very huge energy. Once you absorb too much, it is likely to go berserk!

You can't go back after the berserk. Don't forget my sister! Don't you care about her?!"

Philip hoped to call Lu Li back in this way.

But unfortunately, Lu Li still didn't move, and quietly floated above the earth memory crystal.

It was as if he didn't hear what Philip said just now, and there was no reaction at all.

Seeing that Lu Li didn't respond, Philip could only stand there anxiously at this moment. In this situation, it was impossible for him to get close.

In his heart, he could only silently hope that Lu Li would never have any problems because of this matter.

Otherwise, his sister would probably be a widow in the future.

In the final analysis, he still couldn't let go of his family affection.

Even though he already knew what kind of state he was in now, it was just the materialization of the earth's data. Once he knew the concept of family affection from the heart, he would think about it uncontrollably.

Whether it was Sonozaki Saeko or Sonozaki Wakana, both of them were his sisters, real sisters!

And he also knew what the relationship between Lu Li and Sonozaki Saeko was.

It was equivalent to Lu Li being his brother-in-law, and also his relative.

He couldn't watch his relatives go to the end.

At least in his opinion, Lu Li's crazy absorption of the energy of the earth's memory crystal was a very dangerous thing. If he didn't do it well, he might die at any time.

It was too crazy!

He really couldn't figure out what Lu Li was thinking in his mind.

There was no response at all. Philip had no other way at this moment, so he could only wait.

Staring at Lu Li who was still madly absorbing energy, Philip murmured.

"I hope nothing happens, otherwise it will be too late."

He could only hope so. Since he couldn't stop it, he could only rely on fate.


Lu Li, who was madly absorbing the energy of the Earth's memory crystal, had not reached saturation even after absorbing so much energy.

The progress of the fusion of undead creatures, which had reached the critical value before, has now completely broken through.

While absorbing energy, the undead creatures are fused more quickly.

The fusion progress of undead creatures is rapidly increasing, and Lu Li is getting stronger.

The body is more comfortable than ever. Even though Lu Li has absorbed so much energy, he doesn't feel any discomfort.


This feeling of rapid increase in strength is simply too good.

According to this progress, the complete fusion of undead creatures is just around the corner.

After completely merging all the undead creatures, Lu Li's strength will inevitably enter a new world. He himself can't say how strong it will be.

Absorbing crazily, absorbing non-stop.

This process lasted for almost half a day, and time had unknowingly come to night.

Being underground, there is no way to see the sunlight outside, so naturally, you can't notice the flow of time.

Philip saw Lu Li, who was no longer absorbing energy and floating quietly above, and his eyes were a little solemn.

I thought Lu Li would go berserk because of absorbing too much energy, but I didn't expect that Lu Li could absorb all the energy of this part of the Earth's memory crystal.

Not only did he absorb all the energy, he didn't have the slightest intention of going berserk, but was very calm.

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