Since the energy of the Earth Memory Crystal has been absorbed, the Earth Memory Crystal that is like a crystal mountain has long disappeared.

Of course, this does not mean that Lu Li has absorbed all the energy of the Earth Memory.

He only absorbed the crystallized Earth Memory energy, and only a part of it was crystallized.

Although the Core is very powerful, it cannot crystallize the entire Earth Memory.

But even if Lu Li only absorbed the crystallized Earth Memory energy, it is still a very terrifying thing.

Philip did not even think that Lu Li could absorb all of this energy, which exceeded his expectations.

Since Philip is here, Zuo Xiangtaro is of course here too.

At this time, Zuo Xiangtaro has fallen asleep on the side, but his face is still full of fear.

With cold sweat all over his head, it is obvious that he should be having a nightmare.

After being afraid for a long time, even if he falls asleep, he still feels fear. It may not be easy to get rid of it.

Lu Li, floating in the air, emits bursts of emerald green light from his golden armor.

This is just like when Sonosaki Wakana completed the ultimate evolution.

At this moment, Lu Li felt that the fusion progress of the undead creatures in his body was infinitely close to 100%, but there was always a little difference.


Just one percent, just a little difference!

Previously, he absorbed energy and reached this value that was almost close to the peak.

But after reaching a few 9%, the fusion progress did not continue to increase.

Only one percent, what exactly is the problem, Lu Li couldn't tell for a while.

It seems that if you want to completely achieve 100% fusion progress, it is not enough to rely solely on huge energy infusion.

You must think about what is still missing, or what problems have not been solved.

But Lu Li has no clue in this regard for the time being.

Lu Li has been in the state of transformation, and suddenly found that the wild Calis he transformed into has also changed.

There are some sharp spikes on his arms, ankles and other places, and the overall look is more ferocious.

This should be the reason why the fusion progress of the undead creatures is too high, Lu Li doesn't think it's strange.

It's not a bad thing, it's just like having more weapons.

The heart in the middle of the awakening device on the waist seems to have changed.

At this moment, the heart in the middle of the awakening device has turned golden, just like when using the Yongqi extreme form.

Feeling the surging power in his body, Lu Li couldn't tell how strong he was now.

Anyway, it feels that if it is in the Core, it will be easier to solve, and even time acceleration is not needed.

The armor on his body disappeared, the awakening device also disappeared into the body, and Lu Li returned to his original appearance.

Slowly falling from mid-air, Lu Li focused his eyes on Philip.

According to the time Lu Li calculated before, it should be midnight now, but Philip has not left yet.

As for Zuo Xiangtaro, this guy is now in fear, and it is not easy to recover.

Seeing Lu Li slowly landing, Philip's eyes are quite complicated.

He thought that Lu Li would go into a runaway because he could not bear the powerful energy and forcibly absorbed it.

The result was completely opposite to what he thought. Lu Li not only did not run away, but became even stronger. As for how strong he was, it was not clear for the time being.

Just standing in front of Lu Li, Philip could feel an extremely terrifying threat of power.

That extremely terrifying sense of oppression was even stronger than before.

Lu Li... became stronger again!

This was the most real feeling in Philip's heart. Lu Li was not someone he and Zuo Xiangtaro could deal with before.

Now he has become even stronger. In the future... will there be a fight?

A huge question mark suddenly appeared in his heart. Philip suddenly found that the opponent standing in front of him seemed to be unbeatable.

Facing an opponent who could not be defeated before, now the opponent has become stronger, and they are still standing still. How can they win?

There is no chance of winning at all. It can even be said that they lost from the beginning...

Especially now, Zuo Xiangtaro is in a particularly bad situation. I am afraid that Lu Li's fear will be difficult to erase in the future.

This... is a battle that cannot be won.

After taking a deep breath, Philip took two steps forward and came to Lu Li.

"Lu Li, what do you want to do?"

Hearing this, Lu Li had a faint smile on his face. This showed that he was in a good mood and didn't mind answering Philip, his brother-in-law.

"Brother-in-law, since you have already asked, then I will tell you. I absorb these energies to become stronger.

As for how to become stronger, it has nothing to do with you."

Lu Li didn't plan to tell anyone about the awakening cards and undead creatures.

This is also one of Lu Li's abilities to make a living, and he couldn't tell others.

Hearing Lu Li actually call him brother-in-law, Philip didn't know why, but he felt a little happy in his heart.

Then he shook his head, put aside these inexplicable thoughts, and asked hurriedly.

"After absorbing so much energy, don't you feel something is wrong? Don't you feel full and uncomfortable?"

"No, I'm in good condition now, and I'm full of energy. It's time to go.

Don't stop me, otherwise... even if you are my brother-in-law, I can be rude to you.

Although I promised Shroud that I would not hurt you, you must not challenge my bottom line again and again.

If I am really impatient, I don't mind turning you back into a pile of data."

After saying that, Lu Li patted Philip's shoulder gently.

This can be regarded as a threat. Lu Li wanted Philip to retreat and stop intervening in some dangerous things.

Philip wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

From the previous contact and battle with Lu Li, Lu Li did stay with him, otherwise with his and Zuo Xiangtaro's strength, the other party would have solved it long ago.

It turned out that Lu Li kept his life again and again, all because of his mother's instructions.

After warning Philip, Lu Li turned around and left the underground. He knew that a long time had passed.

During the day, he promised Wakana that he would go back at night.

Now it was so late, and he was afraid that he would be complained again.

But it was not a big problem. There was nothing that could not be solved by sleeping. If one sleep didn't work, then sleep again.

After Lu Li left the underground, Philip did not come back to his senses for a long time.


The image of Shroud appeared in his mind. Although he couldn't see the real face clearly, he knew that it was his mother.

After a long time, Philip finally came back to his senses and woke up Zuo Xiangtaro who was lying on the ground.

The two then left the depths of the underground. After this incident, Philip would no longer continue to oppose Lu Li.

One is that the other party let him go many times because of his mother, and he should learn to be grateful, instead of repaying kindness with hatred.

The other is... Zuo Xiangtaro.

In this state, Zuo 1.3 Xiangtaro has already reached a very high level of fear for Lu Li.

If I provoke Lu Li again, I'm afraid... it will cause very serious consequences.

Fear is an influence on the spiritual level, and it is not easy to overcome it.

Moreover, this layer of fear has been deeply engraved in Zuo Xiangtaro's heart, and Philip has noticed it before.

After this incident, the fear of Lu Li will affect Zuo Xiangtaro all the time.

Under normal circumstances, there may not be much difference between him and normal people, but once he sees Lu Li, Zuo Xiangtaro will fall into extreme fear.

This point cannot be changed.

Even Philip has no way to overcome the negative impact of this fear.

"Alas! Xiangtaro, don't bother Lu Li anymore." Supporting Zuo Xiangtaro, Philip whispered.

Zuo Xiangtaro nodded unconsciously after hearing this instruction, and seemed to recall Lu Li in his heart, with a strong fear flashing in his eyes.

Philip rode the Tough Guy and took Zuo Xiangtaro away from this mess.

Through the space conversion, Lu Li went directly back to the Sonozaki home.

To be precise, it was Sonozaki Wakana's room.

However, as soon as Lu Li appeared, he heard a complaining voice in his ear.

"Damn it! Lu Li! You are a dishonest guy! I clearly said that I would come back today, but I haven't come back yet!

Ah! You stood me up! Damn it! When you come back, I must..."

Before Sonozaki Wakana finished speaking, Lu Li's voice suddenly rang in the room.

"What do you want?"

This sudden voice made Sonozaki Wakana, who was lying on the bed and complaining constantly, sluggish for a moment.

He turned his neck stiffly and saw Lu Li staring at him with a smile.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket from Sunshine Moon Shadow! .

Chapter 246 Lu Li's curiosity, Anku being controlled

[Ah! ! When did he enter my room? Why didn't I know anything?

Could it be that Lu Li heard everything I said just now? ! ]

Seeing her dull expression, Lu Li walked to the bedside.

He stretched out his hands and rubbed her dazed face.

"Huh? Why don't you talk? Weren't you talking very enthusiastically just now?"

The fair face turned red instantly, and Sonozaki Wakana's head was almost buried in her chest.

She didn't care that Lu Li was rubbing her face and whispered.

"Who told you not to come back for so long? Yes! That's right! It's your problem!"

As she said this, the girl stared at Lu Li with an expression of "I'm not wrong".

When she was outside, she felt like an unattainable princess.

But in front of Lu Li, why did this girl seem not very smart.

"Really? Then you mean it's my problem, otherwise... I'll leave."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li stood up and prepared to walk to the door.

"Eh?! Don't leave!!"

Sonozaki Wakana was a new wife, and it had only been a short time. Naturally, she was very yearning for the taste of it. How could she let Lu Li leave?

She immediately hugged Lu Li like a koala, saying nothing.

The crescent moon at night was covered by dark clouds, and it was hazy and very beautiful.

A few days later.

After a few days, Hino Eiji finally came out of his grief. The death of Oda Nobunaga still had a certain impact on him.

In the past few days, he was in a bad mood and felt like he had no energy.

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