Even if he went to destroy the Desire Monster, the strength he showed during the battle was not satisfactory.

But fortunately, he finally recovered. Anku had a headache for a few days because of this matter.

In the past few days, the two of them had encountered a rather special appetite-devouring monster.

This lust-devouring monster actually has the characteristics of two greedy people, one is a lion and the other is a jellyfish.

This is worth pondering!

Logically speaking, it is impossible for a greedy person to create this kind of hybrid appetite monster.

Anku only thought of one possibility, that is, the Khazali guy might have fused the power of Metzler's core coin.

Anku, who guessed this situation, felt very surprised.

22Kazali is notoriously cautious among all greedy people, and now he is willing to fuse the core coins of other greedy people.

Is this guy crazy?

To do such a dangerous thing!

If the integration of other core coins leads to a runaway situation, it is almost foreseeable what the final outcome will be.

Even Anku had never thought of doing such a thing.

The door to the attic was opened, and Eiji Hino shouted at the door.

"Hey! Anku, the store is a little busy. Come over and help when you have time."

"Tch! Don't bother me with this kind of thing, I'm thinking about something."

He has absolutely no interest in helping with the store or anything like that.

There are only two things that interest me, one is the core coins, and the other is the popsicles.

Apart from these two, he is not interested in anything else now.

When he mentioned the core coins, Anku's face couldn't help but become solemn.

In the past few days, he finally saw another Anku, which was his own body.

When he saw that the body that once belonged to him was now occupied by another newly born body, Anku was naturally very unhappy.

But what can he do?

no way!

It is not an easy task to get the core coins back from the opponent.

And he must be careful. If the other party seizes the opportunity and absorbs the core coin, his consciousness may be wiped out.

Once he loses consciousness, he is truly gone.

Currently, he has a limited number of core coins in his hand, only three in total, and that cunning guy Kogami Mitsuo must have a core coin of his own.

In other words, now another Anku should have five core coins on hand.

A rash fight would be detrimental to him.

If possible, it is best to grab one or two core coins first, which will be more advantageous in the future battle.

Seeing that Anku seemed to be deep in thought again, Hino Eiji helplessly shrugged and could only continue to seize the time to work.

When he returned to the lobby of the restaurant, he saw the man who made him feel very dangerous.

Land from!

Why is he here again? !

That's right, Lu Li actually appeared in the multinational restaurant again.

Regarding Lu Li, Huano Eiji did not dare to let down his guard at all and said suspiciously.

"What are you doing here again?!"

He wasn't sure what Lu Li's purpose was, but he didn't dare to let down his guard at all.

Seeing his vigilant look, Lu Li smiled slightly.

"What? Is this how you welcome guests? I am a guest here to eat. Isn't your attitude not very good?"

He had a calm look on his face, as if he didn't take Hino Eiji's vigilance seriously at all.

Looking at those eyes as deep as an abyss, Huano Eiji felt in a trance.

After reacting, he quickly turned his head to the side.

He wasn't sure what was going on with him just now, but the eyes of the man in front of him seemed to have a devouring magic power, as if they were trying to suck in people's souls.

At this time, Izumi Hina, who was greeting other guests, noticed the situation here and quickly came over.

She also knew that Huino Eiji and Anku didn't deal well with Lu Li.

"Ying Si, you go greet the other guests first. Lu Li will let me greet them."

Izumi Hina's voice brought Hino Eiji back to his senses, and he looked at Lu Li with a wary expression.

"Binet, please be safe and don't get close. This guy is too close. He is very dangerous."

"Okay, okay, go ahead."

With a casual remark, Izumi Hina knew that Hino Eiji was worried about her.

However, Izumi Hina believes that she can still tell whether others have malicious intentions towards her.

She and Lu Li had known each other a year ago. If he really had any ill intentions towards her, he would have gotten into trouble long ago, and there was no need to wait until now.

"Lu Li, come here to cook, do you still want to order today's theme dish?"

"Binet, just do whatever you want, this is your home court."

Lu Li didn't pay much attention to what he ate, as long as it tasted good.

Hearing this, Izumi Hina showed a smile on her face.

"Okay! Leave it to me then. I'll get ready right away."

Saying that, Izumi Hina immediately ran towards the kitchen.

After Izumi Hina left, Anku, who was hiding in the attic, sneaked down and was about to go to the kitchen to get a popsicle.

As a result, he caught sight of Lu Li sitting at the corner table, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

[Why is this guy here again? ! 】

He was deeply afraid of Lu Li.

Moreover, not long after this, he felt that the pressure on him from the man in front of him became stronger.

Has this guy become more powerful again?

This thought suddenly popped up in his mind, and Anku shook his head and threw the thought out of his mind.


It's not that easy to become stronger. He knew that Lu Li was already very strong. How could he become stronger in such a short time?

Lu Li certainly couldn't fail to notice Anku's vigilant eyes.

He looked up at him and hooked his hand slightly.

This action was already very obvious, just asking Anku to come over and talk.

Seeing this, Anku couldn't help but be more vigilant, but he still walked over bravely, came to the position in front of Lu Li, and sat down with a big sword.

"What do you want to do?"

As soon as he sat down, Anku got straight to the point.

Lu Li suddenly came to him, there must be something wrong.

But he couldn't tell what it was for the time being.

"Anku, I think... you should be in a headache now, after all, there is a consciousness different from yours, and it occupies your former body.

You look like you really want to take it back, but with your strength... it's not possible."

After hearing this, Anku frowned.

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes. Who likes to be told no, even the greedy ones are the same.

It's not strange that Lu Li knew about this matter.

After all, Lu Li and Metzl have cooperated. Metzl may have known about this matter. It's not strange to tell Lu Li about his own affairs.

But he guessed wrong. Metzl didn't know about this matter yet, so how could he tell Lu Li about it.

Lu Li, who is familiar with the plot, can certainly predict it.

"What do you want to express? Are you here to laugh at me?"

Anku frowned, and he hated others laughing at him.

"Laugh at me? I'm not interested in laughing at you.

I just want to ask, do you want to take back your core coin?"

Lu Li obviously meant something else.

The sudden question made Anku confused for a moment, what is Lu Li's attitude.

Does he want to help him?


Anku, who has lived in the human world for such a long time, naturally knows that there is no free lunch in the world.

He did not reply to Lu Li immediately. Anku squinted his eyes and tried to see what details were hidden on Lu Li's face with a plain smile.

However, even after staring at him for a while, Anku still couldn't find the answer he wanted.

"Tap tap tap!"

The right hand fingers tapped lightly on the table, and Anku decisively gave up observing Lu Li and said directly.

"What are your conditions?"

Anyway, he didn't believe that Lu Li would help him unconditionally, and he must have his purpose.

But no matter what the conditions are, the most important thing for Anku is the core coin.

As long as the conditions proposed by Lu Li are not excessive, it is not unacceptable.

Taking back the core coins that belong to him is the most important thing at the moment.

Leaning back on the chair, Lu Li shook his head slightly.

"As for the purpose, I don't have any special purpose, but I'm very curious about what you will become after getting all the core coins.

Will you be like other greedy people, unable to satisfy your inner desires and want to destroy the world?

I want to observe you and see if there is any difference between you and other greedy people."

The greedy people will become complete after successfully collecting nine core coins.

At the same time, the desires in their hearts will become infinitely strong.

Their desires cannot be satisfied, and they will try every means to satisfy their inner desires, and the final result is to devour the world.

In the original drama, Anku did not really take back all the core coins.

When destroying another Anku, the core coin was damaged, which caused him to lose the opportunity to be completely resurrected.

At that time, Anku, because he stayed on Izumi Shingo for a long time, unconsciously experienced the emotions between people, and established an inseparable emotion with Hino Eiji.

So much so that in the end, he was even willing to take out the core coin that had already cracked to transform Hino Eiji.

Anku has been with Hino Eiji for a while now, but he hasn't reached the final stage yet.

Lu Li is more curious about whether Anku can maintain his current status after being fully resurrected.

Maybe, or maybe not.

This matter doesn't mean much to Lu Li, it's just to satisfy his curiosity.

When Anku heard from Lu Li that it was such a meaningless reason, he didn't know how to refute it for a while.

He knew that Lu Li was very powerful and terrifying.

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