In this case, it is not impossible for him to do something interesting.

Since he wants to observe himself, let him observe it. Anyway, this matter will not have any impact on him.

As for the other Anku, he now feels a headache and doesn't know where to start.

Without a way to get it, his chances of winning are very slim.

After all, the number of core coins he got in his hand was not many, at least less than the other Anku.

Moreover, the opponent has all the body except the right arm, but he only has the right arm, so he is obviously much weaker in terms of strength.

He didn't even know how to let himself win and successfully regain his body.

Even if he has Hino Eiji, his fighting ability is good, but if he really has to fight another self, the possibility of winning is not very high.

Although the insect-type unit has good abilities, it is naturally restrained by flames, and the combat effectiveness it can exert is even more limited.

Cat Contact Group, 777 currently only has two core coins of Kazali, and there is no way to achieve it.

As for the bird-type linkage group composed of three bird-type core coins including his own consciousness, he did not dare to let Hino Eiji use it easily.

If you are not careful, there will be big problems.

Moreover, even if you get the bird-type linkage group, you won't have much advantage when facing "Anku" who is also a bird-type.

Taking the current situation into account, one word is...difficult!

If you can find a powerful ally to help you and regain the core coins at this time, it will be a great thing.

It would be no exaggeration to say it was a God-given opportunity.

What's more, the other party hasn't put forward any conditions yet, he just wants to observe what he will be like after he is fully integrated.

Why wouldn't he agree to the conditions that were completely beneficial to him?

With a flash of excitement in his eyes, Anku immediately agreed without any hesitation.

"Of course! I want to get the core coins that will belong to me all the time!

As for my complete body, you will be able to see it after you get back all my core coins. You will not be disappointed! "

Anyway, he didn't have anything for Lu Li to plot, so in this case, he might as well give it a try.

As long as you can get your own core coins back, everything will turn around.

When Lu Li returns to his complete form, even if Lu Li takes action, he will not be without the strength to resist.

But Anku didn't know that even if he transformed into a complete body, the gap between him and Lu Li could not be bridged.

"Lu Li, the set meal you asked for is here, eh? Anku, why are you here?"

Izumi Hina came over with a smile on her face, but when she saw Anku, she immediately frowned slightly.

Anku was in a good mood at this time, but he forgot that when he was taught a lesson by Izumi Hina, he immediately retorted arrogantly.

"Does it matter to you where I am? Can you please stop annoying me so much every day?"

Upon hearing this, Izumi Hina understood in her heart that it seemed that she had to give Anku the pine skin properly, otherwise he would forget who he was.

He eats and drinks every day, and he also likes to use Hino Eiji's money to buy popsicles.

Izumi Hina really doesn't like this guy with a nasty personality.

But there was no way, if it weren't for the fact that her brother still needed this guy to stay alive, she really didn't want to see Anku.

Izumi Hina, who had just put down the set meal, unconsciously touched Anku's ear with her crystal clear jade fingers.

"What did you say?"

With a little force of his fingers, Anku was so painful that he begged his father to call his mother.

"I'm going! It hurts! It hurts! Let me go, you stinky girl! What do you want to do?! Let me go, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"I want to see why you are so rude to me? Hmm~!"

Izumi Hina's voice was drawn out and she was completely uninterested. She meant to let go, but instead she twisted even more fiercely.

"Ahhh! It hurts! Let go, I was wrong, I was wrong, let go!"

He never thought that one day he would be groomed and submissive by a human girl.

The problem is that he still can't do anything with this girl. I don't know if it's because of his body.

Chapter 247 “A bolt from the blue”! Fusion memory target

After driving Anku back to the attic, Izumi Hina immediately ran over to apologize.

"Lu Li, I'm really sorry just now. That's what Anku is like. Don't mind."

It was rare to see the very arrogant Anku defeated, and Lu Li felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Last time, Lu Li left too fast. Izumi Hina had something she wanted to say, but she didn't have time to tell Lu Li.

I haven't found any new opportunities yet.

Now, Lu Li comes to the restaurant again, which is an excellent opportunity.

If I miss this opportunity again, I don’t know when the next one will be.

After all, Lu Li didn't come here to eat often.

Lu Li had great control over his heart, and he also noticed that Izumi Hina seemed to have something to say to him.

Lu Li said calmly as he ate slowly.

"Binet, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. Do you think you don't regard me as a friend by being so coy?"

Hearing this, Izumi Hina shook her head hurriedly, her little head like a rattle.

"No! Of course not! How could I not regard you as a friend?"

There was a blush on her face, and she didn't even dare to look at Lu Li.

His hands were fidgeting uneasily, and his head was almost touching his chest.

Noticing the girl's appearance, Lu Li unconsciously thought of Sonozaki Wakana.

That girl seemed to have had this situation before, could it be... Izumi Hina is the same.

But thinking carefully, I didn't have much contact with Izumi Hina. I had contact with her for a while a year ago, and then I had contact with her for a while recently.

In general, the contact time is not long. This girl looks quite rational, so she shouldn't like me.

Lu Li thought so, but the next second, he was slapped in the face.

"Lu Li, I want to know if you... do you have a... girlfriend?"

When asking this question, Izumi Hina spoke hesitantly, and she took a long time to think about a sentence before finally saying it.

The movement of his hand paused slightly, and Lu Li looked at Izumi Hina in surprise.

No way!

Just now, he said that this girl shouldn't like him, but now he suddenly asked this question?

Sensing Lu Li's eyes, Izumi Hina's blush deepened.

Even the roots of her ears were slightly red.

The two hands were clasped together nervously, waiting for Lu Li to give an answer.

"Girlfriend? Of course I do."

Nodding slightly, Lu Li decisively admitted that he had a girlfriend.

There was nothing to deny, of course he had a girlfriend, and... more than one.


Izumi Bina, who was originally shy, suddenly raised her head after getting this answer.

There was a trace of mist in her eyes, and her blushing face turned pale in a short time.

She quickly held the chair next to her with her hands, and those three words echoed in Izumi Bina's mind.

Of course I do... of course I do...

She opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't know what she could say.

The other party already has a girlfriend, do you still have to keep pestering her? Wouldn't that be stealing someone's girlfriend?

And Lu Li's next sentence made Izumi Bina stunned on the spot.

"Not only do I have a girlfriend, but I have more than one."

Boom! !

It was like a thunderbolt hitting the top of her head, and Izumi Bina was numb.

Her eyes widened, looking at Lu Li in disbelief.

She never thought that Lu Li, who looked so polite and dignified, was actually... a scumbag!!

She... actually fell in love with a scumbag? !

Under such gazes, Lu Li was still very calm.

"Don't look at me like a scumbag. They know each other's existence, there is no conflict, and they live together most of the time."


What? !

Another bolt from the blue.

Izumi Bina felt that she really couldn't do it anymore. Was it because she didn't understand, or was the world changed.

How could it suddenly become like this?

Originally, I thought Lu Li was probably a scumbag, but now it seems that it is not what she imagined.

Scumbags have a definition, and Lu Li's behavior doesn't seem to be related to scumbags.

For a moment, Izumi Bina didn't know what to say and fell into silence.

She couldn't understand what those girlfriends mentioned by Lu Li were thinking.

They actually acknowledged each other's existence. This is too outrageous!

If Izumi Hina knew that the so-called girlfriends in Lu Li's mouth were more outrageous and special than each other, she would not have such a feeling.

"What? Is there anything else you want to ask?"

Shaking her head hesitantly, Izumi Hina didn't know what else she could ask for a while.

She didn't even know what to do now. Could she continue the previous topic?

Her mind was in a mess now. She needed to calm down and it was not suitable to think about other things.

Izumi Hina turned around and returned to the kitchen in a daze. She was a little absent-minded.

Noticing this situation, Shiraishi Chiyoko asked in confusion.

Hina, what's wrong with you? You seem absent-minded. Is there something on your mind?

Tell me, maybe I can help you solve your doubts. "

Coming back to her senses, Izumi Hina was a little embarrassed to bring up this question, so she used a friend as a substitute.

Telling this to Shiraishi Chiyoko from a friend's perspective, Izumi Hina really wanted to hear her answer.

After hearing this, Shiraishi Chiyoko didn't understand that this was Izumi Hina talking about herself.

Patting her shoulder gently, Shiraishi Chiyoko said with a smile.

"Hina, sometimes you don't have to think so much, just follow your own ideas..."

And Lu Li, who was outside, left after eating the food.

Since you want to see what will happen after Anku turns back to his complete form, what you have to do now is naturally to get the bird-type core coin.

But it will take a little time to find another Anku.

And Lu Li doesn't plan to find it by himself, and he doesn't need to find it.

He has other things to do now, which is to fuse the memory.

According to the data obtained from the previous experiment, the fusion memory has basically stabilized and has passed the human test.

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