The power that can be exerted by the fusion memory is more terrifying, but it also means that more energy will be consumed.

Compared with the powerful power, it is reasonable to consume more energy.

Earlier, Lu Li received a call from Sonosaki Saeko, saying that the experiment of fusion memory has been completed.

Since the experimental results have come out, Sonosaki Saeko will naturally not miss this opportunity.

She has always wanted to become more powerful, but the power of taboo has reached its peak, and it is almost impossible to go further.

And fusion memory, naturally became her hope.

Now that the fusion memory has been successful, Sonosaki Saeko can't wait to fuse the memory, and Lu Li can understand it.

Just after walking out of the restaurant, he lightly snapped his fingers, and his body suddenly blurred, and disappeared in the next second.

There was no one else around, so naturally no one noticed Lu Li's departure.

When he appeared again, he was already in the base of the greedy.

In the hall of the villa.

Lu Li's sudden appearance blinded Gamel.

Tilting his head, Jia Meier looked at Lu Li with a puzzled look.

"Boss Lu Li?"

"Boss Lu Li!"

Compared with Jia Meier, Wu Fan was obviously much more respectful.

Since he obtained the power of the fusion memory, Wu Fan has understood that Lu Li's means far exceed those of the greedy people.

I thought that once the greedy people become complete, they will be very powerful, but I didn't expect Lu Li to be able to give them even more powerful power.

Before, Wu Fan was more or less unconvinced in his heart, but now, he has nothing to be unconvinced in his heart.

"Wu Fan, I'll give you a task, find another Anku, and bring back all his core coins."

"Another Anku?" x2

Confusion flashed in Jia Meier and Wu Fan's eyes.

Obviously, they didn't know the situation of the other Anku, nor did they know what the other Anku was.

"Anku's body has been resurrected and has become another new Anku. I want you to bring back his core coins. Do you understand?"

Lu Li didn't explain too much, just briefly explained the situation.

Gamel, who had completely obeyed Lu Li's words, pounded his chest without hesitation.

"Okay! Leave it to me!"

Compared with the brainless Gamel, Wu Fan naturally thought more.

"Boss Lu Li, why did another Anku appear? What happened here..."

Before he finished asking his question, he noticed Lu Li's cold eyes.

His body trembled slightly unconsciously, and he lowered his head quickly.

He realized that he had asked too many questions just now, and there were some things he shouldn't ask.

"Just complete what I ordered, and don't ask other things."


Wu Fan didn't dare to ask about these things anymore.

Even though he has become stronger now, he also knows that all of this is given by Lu Li.

Since the other party can make him stronger, it means that he is not afraid of becoming stronger at all.

He had seen Lu Li's terrifying methods before, and he didn't want to provoke Lu Li.

If he is not careful, he may get himself killed, there is no need.

"Where is Metzl?"

Lu Li could feel that Metzl was not in the villa.

"Boss Lu Li, Metzl has gone to harvest the Desire Devourer and has been out for a while."

Knowing that Metzl was not here for the time being, Lu Li did not hesitate and snapped his fingers again and left the villa.

After Lu Li left, Wu Fan dared to raise his head.

When he recalled Lu Li's eyes just now, Wu Fan felt a wave of fear in his heart.

Clenching his fist tightly, Wu Fan felt very unhappy.

He didn't like the feeling of being suppressed. He had become very strong, but he was still suppressed. It was inevitable that he would feel unhappy.

But he didn't dare to disobey Lu Li blatantly, unless he didn't want to live.

Silently loosening his fist, Wu Fan walked towards the door of the villa.

He naturally had to complete the task assigned by Lu Li.

If he didn't complete it, once Lu Li asked about it later, this matter might not be so easy to settle.

The other Anku didn't know at this moment that he had become a target.


When Lu Li appeared again, he had returned to Fengdu, the president's office of the company.

Having long been accustomed to Lu Li's sudden appearance, Sonosaki Saeko didn't even look surprised when she saw Lu Li.

Sonosaki Wakana lost her ladylike demeanor when she saw Lu Li. She rushed over and hugged Lu Li.

"Lu Li, you're finally back. I've been talking about you all morning. Why haven't you come back yet?"


She glared at Sonosaki Wakana coquettishly. Sonosaki Saeko was almost accustomed to her sister exposing her shortcomings.

This sister, it feels like I've raised her in vain!

Lu Li casually touched Sonosaki Wakana's head and said with a smile.

"¨¨ Saeko, have you chosen which memory to fuse?"

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko nodded without hesitation.

Then she immediately opened the cabinet next to her and took out a dark red memory with a big letter J on it.

"Dear, this is the memory I want to fuse, the diamond memory!"

That's right, the memory that Sonosaki Saeko wants to fuse is the diamond memory.

As the name suggests, after using the diamond memory, you will get a body as strong as a diamond, with extremely terrifying defense, and can even create a crystal barrier, and can also create illusions.

Taboo itself already has super strong attack power. Although it has improved in defense, it is not very strong.

Once the diamond memory is fused, the power of taboo will grow even more terrifyingly.

Attack and defense in one!

Not only does it have super strong attack power, but it also has extremely terrifying defense power. The combination of the two is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Originally, Lu Li thought that Sonosaki Saeko would choose a golden high-level memory, but now it seems not.

Diamond memory is indeed a very good memory with strong power.

"Okay, then give me both taboo and diamond."

Only Lu Li can do the matter of fusing memory.

As for how to fuse memory, only Lu Li knows.

The power of the fusion memory is very strong and is not suitable for circulation in the market, otherwise it will cause a series of unmanageable consequences.

The reason why Lu Li wants to make the fusion memory is mainly to fuse the high-level golden memory he has on hand.

It is also to improve the combat effectiveness of the museum cadres.

At present, the memory is becoming more and more perfect.

The memories sold during this period did not cause any major problems, and the buyers were not corroded by memory toxins.

This is a good thing, which means that the memory life is officially on the right track.

In the future, there will be no random doping in the city, reducing unnecessary troubles.

Sonosaki Saeko put the forbidden memory she carried with her, together with the diamond memory, into Lu Li's hands.

When Sonosaki Wakana saw this situation, she immediately couldn't wait to say.

(Zhao Zhao Zhao) "Brother-in-law, what about me? What kind of memory do you think I should fuse?"

She naturally wanted to become stronger, because only by becoming stronger can she help Lu Li.

Sonozaki Wakana, who has now completed the ultimate evolution, is already very powerful, far exceeding ordinary cadres.

Even the taboo of Sonozaki Saeko's transformation is not a match for the ultimate form of the clay doll?

But this also means that the clay doll's memory cannot be fused.

Otherwise, it may cause abnormalities in the ultimate form of the clay doll. Lu Li thinks there is no need to take this risk.

Lu Li smiled after gently tapping Wakana's forehead.

"You don't need it. Your combat power is already very strong now. Fusion of memory will cause some uncertain situations.

So don't think about it, just do your job well."

Upon hearing Lu Li's words, the girl pouted unhappily.

"Huh! Forget it if it doesn't work."

She also thought at the beginning that maybe her clay doll's memory could not be fused, after all, she had achieved the ultimate evolution.

Unexpectedly, it was exactly the same as Lu Li said. She didn't think about fusion memory.

Of course, Sonozaki Wakana herself didn't care much about this matter.

She knew very well how powerful the clay doll's ultimate form was, and it had even surpassed her father. It was unlikely that it would become stronger by fusing memories.

Later, Lu Li went to Mina, Yuhara Lai, and Kujo Aya one after another.

All the cadres of the museum who could fuse the power of memory, Lu Li would naturally improve them.

This was equivalent to improving the overall strength of the museum.

Mina herself had the Queen's memory and many superpowers, and she was not lacking in both offense and defense.

After considering these, Lu Li felt that he might have to arrange some mobility issues for Mina.

With Mina's current strength, she was completely a standing output, and it was easy to be helpless in the face of high-speed moving enemies.

Considering these, Lu Li's first choice was naturally to fuse memories with the ability to move quickly.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket from Feng Hua! .

Chapter 248 The Use of Fear and Utopia, Defection

The first thing that came to mind was the Nazca memory and the Sabretooth memory.

Both memories can provide extremely fast speeds

But Nazca is a very complex memory, which needs to be evolved through layers to obtain the corresponding power.

But it is not easy to unlock the evolution.

The saber-tooth tiger memory is different. It has a super fast movement speed, which is not inferior to the police and judgement form, or even faster.

At present, the museum has enough cadres, so Mick was laid off gloriously and became a little cat who was salted all day.

Every day, he was either eating or on the way to eat.

Unconsciously, he has become a big fat cat.

The saber-tooth tiger memory that was supposed to be used by Mick is now in Lu Li's hands.

The queen memory is combined with the saber-tooth tiger memory, and given to Mina, it can form a very powerful new combat force.

The next is Yuyuan Lai, who uses the fiery memory that Lu Li made earlier.

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