The Blazing Memory itself has super strong attack power and can control fire at will.

Yuhara Lai often likes close combat when fighting, so naturally he has to focus on improving this direction.

When it comes to memory that improves close combat ability, Lu Li first thinks of the Ace Memory and the Skull Memory.

Both of these memories can improve close combat ability, and as long as the user's will is strong enough, the close combat ability will be stronger.

Compared with the Ace Memory, the Skull Memory is obviously more suitable for Yuhara Lai.

The skull represents death, and it has a good affinity with Yuhara Lai.

The fusion of these two memories can bring the greatest improvement to Yuhara Lai's combat power.

Next is Jiujiao Ling.

Before, Jiujiao Ling became a cadre of the museum, so naturally she didn't let her continue to use the Triceratops Memory, which is a general sale.

Even though the power of the Triceratops Memory is good, it is not worthy of the status of a cadre.

After she became a cadre, Lu Li specially made a new memory for Jiujiao Ling.

Titan bird memory! Golden high-level memory!

This is a memory that the museum had not produced before. The power of the golden memory is too strong, so the cost of production is naturally greater.

The museum has limited cadres and has not produced too many golden memories.

Titan bird mixed body has strong attack power and not weak flight speed. The sharp claws can even easily pierce the steel plate and tear the target.

And this time when fusing the memory, Lu Li did not think about improving its defense, but wanted to further improve the offensiveness of the Titan bird.

The suitable target in hand, Lu Li thought of the Quetzalcoatl memory.

Quetzalcoatl memory, also a golden high-level memory, will be more terrifying after the fusion with the Titan bird memory.

However, after fusing the Quetzalcoatl memory, there will be a 777 problem.

That is, the size will increase. After all, the Quetzalcoatl is the largest flying animal known so far.

The Quetzalcoatl memory made with it as a reference, of course, also has such characteristics.

But the overall strength will inevitably increase, this is beyond doubt.

After selecting the corresponding fusion memory, Lu Li immediately started the memory fusion in full swing.

He not only wanted to upgrade the memory for Sono Saeko and others, but also the memory he wanted to fuse before.

Fear memory and Utopia memory!

Lu Li didn't know what changes would happen after the two golden memories were fused.

Both golden memories were very powerful memories. Once the fusion was completed, Lu Li didn't know how strong the power would be.

I was looking forward to it!

When he came to the laboratory, Lu Li immediately started the memory fusion.

Lu Li didn't know how long this process would take.

The fusion speed of the memory was not fast, but multiple groups could be carried out at the same time, which could also shorten the time.

Group the memories that need to be fused and start fusion synchronously.

During this process, Lu Li had to watch on the side, so that if there was an unexpected situation, he could solve the problem in the first time.


Hongshang Biotechnology Research Institute.

During this period, Kazali successfully fused Gamer's core coin, and his power became stronger.

Although it has not reached the level of a complete body, it is much stronger than before.

But even so, Kazali is very clear in his heart that his current strength is not enough, and this little strength can't make any waves at all.

Recalling that day when Lu Li stepped on him hard, Kazali was full of fear.

That guy's power is too terrifying, and he can't defeat him.

Recently, he also learned some information from Maki Kiyoto.

Hong Shang Guangsheng seems to know that Maki Kiyoto has something to do with him, and he is afraid that he will attack him soon.

As for how to attack him, of course, he will use the Danqi driver.

He didn't expect that with the current level of human beings, they can actually make such props, which is really amazing.

And in recent times, he has met a new friend, this friend is Anku.

To be precise, it is another Anku.

Facing Anku who has just been born and has not been conscious for a long time, Kazali, the old shady, is naturally easy to fool.

Successfully fooled the other party, one more helper is always better than one more enemy.

At this time, the door of the research institute suddenly opened, and Maki Kiyoto suddenly walked in.

He walked hurriedly, and it was obvious that something must have happened.

When Kazali saw Maki Kiyoto in such a hurry, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"Why are you in such a hurry? What happened?"

Hearing this, Maki Kiyoto glanced at him, and then turned his eyes back to the puppet on his arm.

"Kazali, the president has known about our cooperation. Next, I am afraid I can't stay here with peace of mind.

In this case, it's time to leave."

As he said, Maki Kiyoto looked around his laboratory, and a touch of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

But soon, this touch of nostalgia in his eyes was wiped out.

What he wants to do is to let this world come to an end and let everyone's life go to destruction. There is nothing worth lingering on.

Everything in this world will be destroyed. Before that, it is meaningless to linger in this place.

"Oh? Has it been discovered? It seems that not everyone in this institute listens to you."

Kazali had a smile on his face, as if he was mocking Maki Kiyoto for not being able to manage his own people.

However, Maki Kiyoto was not interested in his mockery at all, and his expression did not even change.

"Okay, you have time to mock me, so you might as well think about it. It's time for us to leave. As for our next base, I have already arranged it."

Maki Kiyoto had anticipated the situation today from the beginning, and had already arranged the retreat in advance.

It must be said that he is indeed shrewd and thoughtful.

Since he knew that he and the president would go in two different directions, he had already made plans.

Now, it's time to leave.

With a slight shrug, the smile on Kazali's face disappeared at this moment.

Because he realized that what Lu Li said to him before had come true in part.

Maki Kiyoto really betrayed Hong Shang Guangsheng.

Then, the next thing should be to take away some things, among which should be the box of purple core coins that Lu Li mentioned.

A deep puzzlement flashed in his eyes. He really couldn't figure out how Lu Li knew about this matter.

When he told him about this matter before, Lu Li should not know what is happening now, but why does he know?

There are too many reasons in his mind that cannot be explained, and Kazali couldn't figure it out for a while.

Things are getting more and more interesting.

Kazali finally understood how terrifying Lu Li was at this moment, and what kind of things would happen in the next few years were already expected.

Such a guy still had his own core coins in his hand, and Kazali was very uneasy in his heart.

After taking what he wanted, would he really return the core coins to himself?

Kazali has always been confused about this question.

But in this matter, he has no right to choose at all. He can't do anything except obey.

Then, Maki Kiyoto took all the things he needed to take and evacuated the Hongshang Biological Research Institute directly.

Without any greeting, he took away everything he needed.

As for how he took it away, of course, he used the canned machines he made.

Those things were all made by him, and he knew how to use and control them.


On the other side, the Hongshang Foundation Building.

Not long after, Hongshang Mitsuio had received the news that Maki Kiyoto had defected from the Hongshang Biotechnology Research Institute.

When he learned the news, Hongshang Mitsuio was not surprised.

He and Maki Kiyoto had different opinions on the end of desire.

He had always tried to change Maki Kiyoto's desire for the end of the world.

But unfortunately, from the current situation, he did not succeed.

Without showing any anger on his face, Hongshang Mitsuio poured himself a glass of red wine, slowly walked to the window with the glass, and looked at the scenery outside.

"It is a sad choice to choose to say goodbye at this time."

As he spoke, he drank the red wine in the glass.

Putting the goblet on the table, Mitsuo Hongu looked into the distance expressionlessly.

"Not only did you betray me, but you also took away the purple core coin, Dr. Maki, is this what you planned from the beginning?"

Even though he knew that Maki Kiyoto had betrayed him and taken away the whole box of purple core coins, Mitsuo Hongu was not angry about it.

He admired people with desires very much, and what Maki Kiyoto was showing now was his desire.

In Mitsuo Hongu's eyes, taking away the purple core coin was a manifestation of desire, and he shouldn't be angry about such things.

But this time, Mitsuo Hongu's eyes were filled with anger.

He was betrayed inexplicably, and the very important core coin was stolen. One careless move could change the current situation.

He couldn't estimate what the consequences would be if one of the purple core coins was taken away to give birth to a new greedy person.

The power from fantasy creatures symbolizes the desire of nothingness and can extinguish other desires.

This means that the power of other core coins will not have much effect on the power of the purple core coin, and the power of the purple core coin can destroy other core coins.

Once the purple greedy person is really born, the consequences may be very serious, and even the current Oz may not be able to solve it.

The situation... is serious.

At present, the only thing that can be relied on is the Danqi driver made by Maki Kiyoto before, but after all, the power is limited. It is still Oz who can really resolve these crises.

Thinking of this, Hong Shangguang Mitsuio put his hand into his pocket.

Then, he took out a red core coin from his pocket.

This is the only core coin from Anku left in his hand besides the three core coins he used before.

Now it seems that it is time to hand it over to Oz.

The situation is extremely unfavorable for Oz, and he needs to become stronger.

"Sato, give this core coin to Hino Eiji."

As he said, he put the core coin in his hand on the desk.

He needs Oz's power now, so he should help if he can.

Even if he keeps this core coin, it won't be of much use. Giving it to Oz will be of the greatest use.

Erika Satonaka nodded, picked up the core coin on the table and left.

Only Mitsuo Hong was left in the office. He turned on the phonograph beside him and put the record on it.

Melodious music sounded in the room, and he tied an apron and started making cakes.

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