The sun sets.

Eiji Hino and Anku had just destroyed a nest-type devouring monster created by Metzl and were on their way back.

When they walked across a bridge, Anku suddenly stopped and looked up at the bridge.

"Anku, what are you looking at?"

Noticing Anku suddenly stop, Eiji Hino followed his gaze.

When he saw the three people standing on the bridge, Eiji Hino's pupils shrank.

He knew two of them, one was Kazali and the other was Maki Kiyoto.

As for the child between the two, he had never seen him before.

"Dr. Maki, why are you with Kazali?"

Eiji Hino had a bad feeling in his heart.

These two people mixed together, I'm afraid... it's not a good thing.

Before, Eiji Hino had seen Maki Kiyoto's indifference. If the other party reached a cooperation with the greedy, I'm afraid things would be very dangerous.

But Anku didn't pay attention to Maki Kiyoto and Kazali, but focused his eyes on the child between the two.

For some reason, he felt so comfortable when he saw this child.

The two looked at each other affectionately for a few seconds, and Anku was suddenly shocked.

Core coin!

He felt his core coin!

He took a step back unconsciously, and Anku's face was full of horror.

Now, he has guessed who this child is.

The other one...himself.

He quickly supported Anku, and Hino Eiji was also confused.

"Who is that child?"

The next second, "Anku" directly changed back to his greedy form.

When he saw his appearance, Hino Eiji reacted instantly. Isn't this the "Anku" he had seen before?

At this time, Kazali had a sinister smile on his face. When he saw Anku's shocked expression, he felt an inexplicable sense of pleasure in his heart.

"Haha! Anku, you... don't have much time left now, enjoy your last moments."

Pretending to be cool is a lifelong thing, and you can't lose face in front of your mortal enemy.

Kazali's core coins are not enough now, but he can still act very arrogant.

Without too much words, the three of them turned around and left.

Watching the three disappear on the bridge, Hino Eiji suddenly felt a great threat.

The Greedy Ones were already very difficult to deal with, and now there is another Dr. Maki, who made almost all the canning machines or coin devices.

If something really happens, it will probably not be so easy to solve the next thing.


Anku's body looked at another self eagerly, or more precisely, the core coins in his body.

As long as he can get back the core coins that belong to him, everything will not be too late.

What he is worried about now is how to get back these core coins, which is not an easy task.

Seeing the silent Anku, Hino Eiji could of course guess that he must have thought of many things.

There is no point in thinking about these things now, we can only make long-term plans later.

"Let's go, let's go back and think about these issues first, and ask by the way, whether President Hong Shang knows about Dr. Maki's situation."

As he said, Hino Eiji patted Anku's shoulder, as if to comfort him.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of 18211..! .

Chapter 249 Purple core coin, crazy idea

Not long after, the two returned to the restaurant.

However, there was another person here, who had been waiting here early.

This person was naturally Erika Satonaka.

"Miss Satonaka, please ask... is there anything?"

Nodding slightly, Erika Satonaka took out the core coin given to her by the president from her pocket and placed it on the table.

She raised her head slightly, and stared at Anku with her beautiful eyes without fear.

"Dr. Maki colluded with the Greedy and betrayed the president. The current situation is not particularly good.

The president decided to return this core coin to you. I hope you can do more in the next battle."

This is what Hong Shangguang said. He is already looking for a candidate to use the Danqi Driver.

But even if the user of the Danqi Driver is found, the power of Danqi is definitely far behind that of Oz.

It is still necessary to unite with Oz to have a chance to win back a game.

Maki Kiyoto, who took away only the core coin, colluded with other Greedy, and is now a very dangerous guy.

Hearing this, Anku stopped immediately.

Looking back, he was about to say that he deserved it.

But suddenly found the red core coin quietly placed on the table.

Anku was in a bad mood and was about to go back to the attic to rest.

Unexpectedly, Erika Satonaka actually took out her own core coin.

At this time, how could Anku leave?

Rushing over and picking up the core coin, Anku said excitedly.

"This is my core coin?!"

He knew that apart from the core coin he had, most of the other core coins were in another Anku, and there must be some in Hong Shang Guangsheng's.

Suddenly recalling that when I came back just now, Maki Kiyoto, Kazali and another self were now mixed together?

From this, it can be analyzed that Maki Kiyoto should have betrayed Hongo Mitsuo.

This made Hongo Mitsuo feel a huge pressure, so he wanted to unite with Oz to deal with the troubles that might arise next.

Thinking of this, Anku couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha! Hongo that guy also has problems! I thought he really had everything calculated.

It seems that being betrayed is not a good feeling, otherwise it would be impossible to hand over this core coin that belongs to me so quickly."

Hearing this, Satonaka Erika shrugged slightly and did not continue this.

She didn't want to discuss Anku too much on this issue. After all, he was her boss.

Since you have taken someone's money, you can't be disloyal.

Seeing Anku so arrogant, Hino Eiji winked repeatedly.

"Okay, Anku, stop talking."

After laughing for a long time, Anku finally calmed down.

After putting the core coin back into his arm, his strength was partially restored.

But unfortunately, with only one arm left, his strength was limited.

Feeling that his strength was not much, Anku's face darkened again.

Sure enough, without getting his body back, his strength would always be limited.

[Must kill that guy! ]

His eyes became deep and dangerous, and Anku clenched his fists tightly.

"Ms. Satonaka, what is the situation now...?"

Eiji Hino still hasn't figured out what's going on.

"I don't know how to explain this matter. Dr. Maki had already found the Greedy Man before and had been hiding him in the laboratory.

As a result, he was discovered by the president. Dr. Maki probably guessed that he couldn't stay in the laboratory any longer, so he chose to escape.

And when he escaped, he took some important things with him."

When he heard the words "important things", Anku immediately became interested.

"Important things? What exactly are they?"

Faced with this question, Erika Satonaka shook her head decisively.

"I don't know about this situation at the moment, and the president didn't tell me, but judging from the president's expression, that thing is very important anyway."

"An unknown important thing...?"

Falling into deep thought, Hino Eiji couldn't think of anything useful for a while.

But since it was something that was favored by Hong Shang Mitsuo, it must not be a simple thing, it must be very important.

Anku, who had just successfully recovered a core coin, snorted coldly.

"Hmph! What else could Hong Shang think was very important? Of course it was a core coin!

But I'm curious about what other core coins he has in his hand."

This time, he really guessed it right.

Hong Shang Mitsuo did lose a very important core coin, but it was different from the core coin he thought.

It was almost time to get off work, and Erika Satonaka took her working hours very seriously.

There was no overtime today, so she got up immediately.

"You two, I'm here just to give you the core coins. If you two still have questions, you can go directly to the president.

It's time for me to get off work now, bye!"

Pointing to the ladies' watch on her wrist, Erika Sataka quickly left the restaurant.

From now on, it's her private time.

Since it's private time, she can do whatever she wants and won't be delayed by work anymore.

Seeing Erika Sataka leave in a hurry when it's time to get off work, Eiji Hino shrugged helplessly.

"Miss Sataka is really a punctual person. She gets off work as soon as she says she's off work."

"Humph! You humans are so troublesome. What's going to work and getting off work? Aren't you tired?"

Although he said so verbally, Anku has almost gotten used to the human lifestyle.

Dinner time started, and soon customers came to the restaurant one after another. Eiji Hino didn't care about anything else and started to get busy.

As for Anku, it was impossible for him to help, and he slipped back to the attic alone.

Quietly thinking, how can I deal with the other self.

In terms of the overall strength of the two, I currently have four core coins, and the other self has five core coins.

The other party will be stronger with the body, but this is not absolute.

Anku, who just took back a core coin, barely made up for a little disadvantage.

But if I want to put myself in an advantageous position, it is impossible at present.


At night.

There is a light in a villa in the suburbs.

In the hall, Maki Kiyoto, Kazali and "Anku" are all here.

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