Maki Kiyoshi knew very well that as long as he was in a conspicuous place in the city, he would be discovered by Hong Shangguang.

In order to prevent himself from being discovered in advance, he deliberately chose a villa in the suburbs, where there were few people and the possibility of being discovered was much smaller.

He had made sufficient mental preparations to allow this world to end smoothly.

He was going to do something even crazier, and this thing would not only change him, but also change the world.

Anku, who had transformed into a child, was playing football in the hall of the villa.

Kazali played with him from time to time, but his mind was not on this at all, but on Maki Kiyoshi next to him.

He always felt that Maki Kiyoshi seemed to be brewing something.

Even though the two parties had become partners, Maki Kiyoshi still had some things that he had not told him, and there were secrets in it.

Kazali had no choice about this situation.

He had to stay with Maki Kiyoshi, and the task assigned to him by Lu Li had not been completed.

If he went to Lu Li empty-handed, the chance of getting the core coin back would be almost zero.

And he was worried that Lu Li could really destroy the core coin?

He didn't want his core coin to be damaged. Once the core coin was destroyed, everything would be over.

"Next... what are your plans?" Kazali asked intentionally or unintentionally.

He wanted to know what Maki Kiyoto was going to do next.

At the same time, he also wanted to ask about the purple core coin indirectly.

After all, that was his goal. If he could know in advance whether Maki Kiyoto had taken that thing out, he could take action.

Hearing this, Maki Kiyoto glanced at him with his eyes like dead fish, and then put his eyes back on the doll.

He carefully arranged the doll and said.

"Next, I need to complete a plan, which will help me bring this world to an end faster.

Of course... your help is indispensable."

"My help?"

Kazali frowned unconsciously, obviously he didn't understand what Maki Kiyoto meant by this.

He actually needs his help. What is this plan?

"You will know soon, very soon."

But Maki Kiyoto did not say it directly. Obviously, he did not intend to tell Kazali now.

[Old fox! ]

Kazali could not help but curse in his heart with his eyes narrowed.

He knew that Maki Kiyoto could not completely trust him, because he was always a greedy person.

Greedy people have no credit at all. As long as it is beneficial to themselves, they will do it without hesitation.

It is reasonable for the other party not to trust him. Kazali has never thought about gaining Maki Kiyoto's complete trust.

What he has to do now is just to make sure of one thing.

Did Maki Kiyoto take the box of purple core coins?

As long as this problem is figured out, he should have a chance to take back the two core coins from Lu Li.

Back in the room on the second floor, Maki Kiyoto took out a round stone box with dinosaur patterns engraved on it.

They are pterosaurs, tyrannosaurus and triceratops.

That's right, what he held in his hand was the box of purple core coins that had been sealed.

Although Kazali has now become a container and started to merge other core coins.

But this does not mean that Kazali will definitely be able to achieve the goal of ending the world.

He knew very well in his heart that Kazali was now cooperating with him just to achieve the goal of getting back the core coins.

Whether he will bring the world to an end according to his own ideas in the end is still unknown.

Maki Kiyoto has never been a person who likes to put everything on others.

·· ··Please give flowers· ···

Putting everything on Kazali is not as good as putting it all on yourself.

It is better to be the end of this world and bring this world to a perfect end.

Carefully take out a knife and cut off the excess part of the stone box.

Carefully open the box, and inside, ten core coins are quietly placed, nine in a circle outside, and one in the middle.

A complete set of purple core coins.

The lens reflected the cold light, and Makito Maki took out the core coin in the middle.

He... wanted to use himself as the carrier of the core coin and turn himself into a greedy person.

It can only be said that this is a very crazy move, and if you are not careful, you may be doomed.

But after a long period of research, Makito Maki can be very sure that as long as he adapts to the power of these core coins little by little, he can master the power of the core coins and become a greedy person.

He wants to fuse these purple core coins little by little, so that he can eventually become a complete body and lead the whole world to the end.

However... in order to fuse the purple core coins, the greedy person must help.


The next day, after a night of rest.

Makito Maki has completely recovered his spirit.

Looking at the complete set of core coins in the box on the table, he took out three core coins at once.

After closing the box, Makito Maki left the room.

As for whether the remaining core coins will give birth to consciousness, Maki Kiyoto is not too worried.

Even if it is to be born, consciousness needs a process and time, not that a complete consciousness can be born in an instant.


....... ......... ...

Just like Anku's body, after Hong Shang Guangsheng took the core coin, it was able to quickly give birth to consciousness. That is because after 800 years of sedimentation, the body has long been eager to find the core coin it lost.

There must be a strong enough desire, and it takes a certain amount of time to create a new consciousness.

Then Maki Kiyoto, who had the three purple core coins, returned to the hall and threw the three core coins to Kazali.

Catching the things thrown behind him, Kazali looked closely, and when he saw the core coin in his hand, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Purple core coin!!

He never thought that what Lu Li said to him before would come true.

Whether it was Maki Kiyoto's defection or the purple core coin in his hand now, everything was within his expectations.

How could he predict the future? Why does he know so many things? Who is he?

There are countless questions in his mind, and Kazali has not yet received a reasonable explanation.

Just when Kazali was thinking in a daze, Maki Kiyoto's voice without any emotion sounded.

"Kazali, throw these core coins into my body now."


Looking up, looking at Maki Kiyoto with an incredible face, Kazali once thought he had heard it wrong.

He couldn't believe that this was what a human said.

Even he didn't know what would happen after the core coins were integrated into the human body. This Maki Kiyoto was really a lunatic!

"Don't be so surprised, I just want to end this world with my hands. Since I want to end this world with my hands, then power... is naturally indispensable."

That matter-of-fact look makes people feel chilled when they hear it.

A complete lunatic!

In order to achieve his goal, he even turned into a greedy person, terrifying!

At this time, Kazali suddenly fell into a struggle, whether he should help Maki Kiyoto fuse the purple core coins.

He still remembered what Lu Li said at the beginning. As long as he could bring the purple core coin to Lu Li, he would return the two core coins that belonged to him.

But Kazali was not the kind of guy who was easily manipulated. He had his own ambitions and desires.

He gave all the purple core coins to Lu Li. What if he regretted it? Wouldn't he have no power to counter it?

But if Maki Kiyoto merged the three purple core coins and gave the remaining seven to Lu Li, he should not regret it.

Even if he regretted it at that time, he still had a trump card in his hand.

As long as the three core coins were successfully integrated into Maki Kiyoto's hands, Lu Li would return the two core coins that belonged to him to get the three core coins.

He did this, which was also a way out for himself.

At least he didn't have to worry about being abandoned by Lu Li.

Maki Kiyoto sat on a chair beside him and waited quietly.

"Let's get started! Come down and help me fuse these three core coins."

Seeing that he had thought of everything, Kazali stopped thinking too much.

He casually put the core coins into the coin slot on the back of Maki Kiyoto's head one by one.

When the three core coins entered his body, Maki Kiyoto suddenly felt a strange feeling emerging from his body.


"Although it doesn't seem strong, this is just the beginning of the fusion.

Chapter 250 The betrayer is betrayed, a hot potato

As time goes by, the connection between the core coin and Maki Kiyoto becomes closer.

His power will also become stronger, and he will become a real greedy person in the end.

And Kazali glanced at Maki Kiyoto's room on the second floor with a hidden look.

He knew that there was something he wanted there.

That was what he had wanted for so long, and he finally had a chance.

Pretending to walk to the second floor as if nothing had happened, Kazali couldn't wait to get the remaining core coins.

Maki Kiyoto was in the state of fusing the core coins at this time, and his mind was mainly focused on the core coins, and he couldn't care about other things at all.

This is... the best opportunity!

Enter the room stealthily At this time, Kazali saw the stone box on the table.

He carefully opened the box, and there were seven core coins quietly placed inside.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face. As long as he handed this thing to Lu Li, everything would be fine.

Although there were no nine purple core coins here, there were seven... It should be enough.

He used seven purple core coins to exchange for his own two core coins. This was a complete loss.

Thinking of this, Kazali immediately took out all the seven core coins in the box, leaving only an empty box on the table.

Then, he left in a hurry.

He had just come here yesterday, but he had to leave today. Kazali's face did not show any nostalgia.

From the beginning, his purpose of following Maki Kiyoto was not simple.

He did this to get his core coin back, and it was all worth it.

Now that he had the purple core coin, he would go find Lu Li immediately.

As for how to find Lu Li, Kazali only knew one way.


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