But his brain was really smart. When he saw the purple core coin, a light suddenly flashed in his brain.

"Could it be... Maki?!"

With a flash of surprise in his eyes, Kazali murmured.

He was not sure whether this Desire Devourer was from Maki Kiyoto.

But in his opinion, it was just a Desire Devourer, and it should not be able to fight against him.

He decided to stay and see what the situation was. Could this Desire Devourer be from Maki Kiyoto?

Time passed quickly, and a few minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

And in just these few minutes, the Desire Devourer that was sensed was not far from Kazali.

Suddenly, Kazali's eyes changed slightly, and Twilight stared straight at the sky above.

Just because he had seen the figure in the sky, in human form, with a bunch of wings like flesh wings behind him.

A fantasy Desire Devourer!

And the purple color on the other party was enough to explain its identity.

"I didn't expect that guy Maki would be able to skillfully use the power of the core coin so quickly, and even create a Desire Devourer."

Kazali also thought that Maki Kiyoto would eventually become a Greedy Man, but he didn't expect that time would be so fast.

It had only been a short time, and this situation had actually occurred.

Of course, now was not the time for him to think about these problems, because the Pterosaur Desire Devourer had already killed him.

With a dive, the Pterosaur Desire Devourer quickly pounced on Kazali on the ground.

Without time to think too much, Kazali immediately changed back to his true appearance and exerted the fastest speed he could burst out.


The figure turned into a residual image and rushed out at a very fast speed.

The swooping Pterosaur Desire Devourer. Noticing Kazali who was about to escape, he immediately turned around and flew.

"Don't think about escaping!"

Kazali must not be allowed to leave, he wanted to take back the purple core coin in Kazali's hand.

It is true that Kazali has a very fast running speed, but facing the Pterosaur Devourer with the ability to fly, he has no advantage at all.

Soon, Kazali was stopped by the Pterosaur Greedy who appeared in front of him.

With a sudden brake, Kazali's feet slipped on the ground and stopped abruptly.

"Hand over the core coin!"

A cold voice came, and the Pterosaur Devourer stretched out his right hand, waiting for Kazali to take the initiative to hand over the core coin.

"Haha! I didn't expect it to come so quickly.

But... it's not an easy thing to take the core coin from me."

Kazali easily threw up a core coin and caught it steadily in his hand without feeling any tension.

He would not hand over such a precious thing just because of a word from the other party.

In order to exchange for his core coins, he would never give these purple core coins to the other party.

"Humph! Since you want to die so much, then I will fulfill your wish."

The Pterosaur Devourer rushed over quickly, and the two instantly fought together.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Firing a series of destructive light bombs, the Pterosaur Devourer of Desires burst out with all its strength right from the start. It looked like it was ready to kill Kazali in one fell swoop.

Facing the series of destructive light bombs, Kazali quickly put his hands together, and a yellow tornado was launched from his hands.


The yellow tornado and the destructive light bomb collided and exploded instantly.

"Boom boom boom!"

And the Pterosaur Devourer of Desires had obviously been prepared for a long time, and jumped out of the smoke and dust of the explosion.

In the fierce battle, Kazali suddenly realized something.

That is, the combat power of the Devourer of Desires in front of him was much stronger than the Devourer of Desires he created.

It can even be said that both sides are not at the same level.

Shocked in his heart, Kazali never thought that he could fight back and forth with just a Devourer of Desires.

Even if he only had five core coins left, the Greedy was always the Greedy, how could he be comparable to the Devourer of Desires.

It has always been like this.

But this time, the appearance of the Pterosaur Devourer completely overturned Kazali's cognition of Devourers.

Too strong!

It shouldn't be so strong!


The sharp claws scratched across the chest of the Pterosaur Devourer, splashing sparks.

The Pterosaur Devourer staggered back two steps and looked at the curling white smoke coming out of his chest.

He patted it casually and was not injured at all.

"How could it be?!"

Seeing this situation, Kazali couldn't understand for a while what was going on.

He felt it very clearly just now that his claws did scratch the opponent's chest, but... there was no substantial scar left.

He used a lot of force, even Oz should be injured now.

But why did the Pterosaur Devourer in front of him not look injured at all? This kind of thing should not happen.

"Haha! Ignorance, we symbolize nothingness, and our desire is to turn everything into nothingness.

Your power full of desire has no effect on me at all, Kazali, hand over the core coin, and I can spare your life."

The Pterosaur Desire Monster looked as arrogant as he could be at this moment.

But it does have the capital to be arrogant now. Facing the pterosaur Devouring Monster that cannot be defeated, Kazali has nothing to do.

It would be very detrimental to him to continue fighting here. As time goes by, he will be caught by the opponent sooner or later.


The sound of a motorcycle suddenly came, and then two sales vehicles rushed to the scene.

Yes, I suddenly felt that the people here were none other than Hino Eiji and Anku.

However, the two of them did not come for Kazali, but for the Devouring Monster.

When the two came here, their eyes widened when they saw Kazali and the pterosaur Devourer in the middle of a confrontation.

Especially when they saw the pterodactyl, their eyes were full of disbelief.

"That appetite-devouring monster... I've never seen it before?! Anku, have you seen this kind of appetite-devouring monster?"

It was the first time that Huano Eiji saw this form of the Devouring Monster. He had never heard of it before.

Hearing this, Anku shook his head gloomily.

"No! I have never seen this type of lust-eating monster at all. Are there... other greedy ones?!"

He suddenly realized that the situation seemed to be becoming more and more unpredictable.

Lu Li's appearance out of nowhere had already made things very irritating, and now there was a new Desire Devouring Monster that he had never seen before.

There were too many messy things that made him very irritable.

But no matter who this appetite monster comes from, it's here now anyway, let's kill it first.

"Anku, give me the coin!"

Huano Eiji doesn't care about this. Anyway, no monsters are allowed to destroy the city, let alone harm humans.

"Take it!"

Throwing out three basic coins, Anku was still frowning and thinking about where the lust-devouring monster in front of him came from and which greedy person he came from.

PS: Thanks————18625.. for your monthly ticket! .

Chapter 254 Troublesome target, return

No known greedy person has ever created this type of desire-devouring monster.

Could it be...are there still unknown greedy people?

Eight hundred years have passed. Has a new greedy person been born? !

With his eyelids sinking slightly, Anku turned his attention to Kazali who looked slightly embarrassed.

"Hey! Kazali! What's going on with this guy? Why have I never seen this kind of appetite-devouring monster?"

Hearing this, Kazali glanced sideways slightly, then shrugged helplessly.

"Who knows? I can only tell you that a new greedy person has been born, and this guy is from the new greedy person."

Now that someone else has taken over the matter, Kazali will certainly not miss this opportunity.

If you continue to stay here, it will be very troublesome if you are targeted by that guy again.

The most important thing is that he already knows that his own strength cannot deal with the pterosaur Devouring Monster.

This matter, leave it to Oates who likes to ask for trouble - just right.

"Anku, thank you so much. If it weren't for your arrival, I probably wouldn't be able to leave. So...goodbye."

Before he finished speaking, Kazali quickly fled the battle, his body turned into afterimages and operated towards the distance.

Seeing Kazali who had disappeared, Anku could not help but curse inwardly.

"I xxxx! Kazali! Damn it! This bastard!"

But what could he do? He had no way to stop Kazali, so he could only watch the other party escape.

Oates, who had completed his transformation at this time, was already fighting against the pterosaur, the Desire Eater.

After just a few rounds of fighting, Oz already clearly felt that the Desire Devouring Monster in front of him was very different from the Desire Devouring Monster he had encountered before.

The first is power. The pterosaur-like Desire Devourer in front of him has far more power than the Desire Devourer he encountered before.

Very unreasonable!

No wonder Kazali was beaten so badly before they arrived, and it was understandable.

After several fights, Oates didn't take any advantage at all.

Instead, he was suppressed by the Pterodactyl Desire Eater and was completely at a disadvantage.

"Hmph! The core coin is desire, and desire... is of no use to me."

Before he finished speaking, the pterosaur Devouring Desire stepped on the ground fiercely, spread its wings and flew quickly.

Use a faster flying speed to hit Oz back and forth.


After barely dodging two blows, Oates failed to dodge the third one and was instantly knocked away by a force.

The body hit the wall, leaving a mark on the wall. There were cracks in the wall, and small gravels kept sliding down.

And Anku fell into deep thought for a while after listening to what the pterodactyl eating monster I said just now.

Frowning, he couldn't understand why the power of the core coin had no effect on the Devouring Monster.

"The core coins...have no effect on them?"

"Anku, give me the coins! Change to a company!" Oz got up from the ground and shouted immediately.

"I know! You..."

Anku was about to say something, but his eyes were shocked by the next scene.

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