The pterosaur Desire Monster that knocked Oz away fell back to the ground.

Slowly spreading its wings, it exuded waves of energy.

The faint purple light quickly turned into purple lightning, which instantly enveloped Oz.


Oz, who was enveloped by the purple lightning, couldn't stop shaking.

"What...what kind of power is this? I...I can't even use my strength?!"

Oz encountered this situation for the first time, and he didn't understand what was going on and why he suddenly couldn't move.

The next second, the three core coins in the drive automatically popped out under the influence of this strange power.

As the coins fell to the ground, the knight armor on Oz's body instantly collapsed, and he turned back to the appearance of Hino Eiji.

"How could it be?!" x2

Not only Hino Eiji, but even Anku had never encountered such a situation.

In the past, Desire Monsters never had the power to allow Oz to directly cancel his transformation.

What exactly is this power?

"Hmph! Desire will become nothingness in front of me, and everything will become nothingness."

The cold voice of the Pterosaur Devourer came, and the pair of cold eyes stared at Hino Eiji tightly.

Slowly raised his right arm, as if he was about to kill Hino Eiji.

And at this moment, a burst of shouting suddenly came.

"You wish!"


The Pterosaur Devourer, who was interrupted, turned around in surprise and saw a huge drill attacking.

Danqi is coming!

The huge steel drill hit the chest of the Pterosaur Devourer fiercely, and it rotated rapidly at the same time.

"Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!!"

The high-speed rotating drill splashed sparks on the chest of the Pterosaur Devourer.


The sudden attack caught the Pterosaur Devourer off guard and retreated several steps.

But it only retreated several steps in a row, and did not cause any other effects.

After removing his transformation, Hino Eiji even thought that he might be in trouble. Without the ability to transform, he had no way to defeat the Desire Devourer.

Human power is limited after all, and one must have strong power to fight against the Desire Devourer.

"Mr. Ida!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of Danqi, Hino Eiji breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, a master appeared and made him temporarily safe.

The Pterosaur Desire Devourer looked at Danqi and patted the place on his chest where he was hit by the steel drill just now. He didn't look like he was in trouble at all.

"Ah?! You are not injured? Even the cell coin is not dropped?"

Seeing this situation, Danqi was full of surprise and his tone was full of disbelief.

He couldn't understand it a little. When he solved other Desire Devourers before, he didn't drop even a cell coin like now.

It's not that the Pterosaur Desire Devourer doesn't drop a cell coin, but it itself is composed of only one cell coin.

As a possessed Pterosaur Desire Devourer, they come from things without any desire, dead things.

Therefore, the cell coins in the body will not increase at all. From the beginning to the end, there is only the cell coin obtained at the beginning in the body.

Originally, I wanted to solve the troublesome Oz first, but now suddenly another guy came and blocked me.

The Pterosaur Devourer still clearly remembered the order given to him by Maki Kiyoto before, which was to take back the purple core coin.

This purpose is the most important, and other problems can be put aside first.

Thinking of this, the Pterosaur Devourer did not want to delay here any longer.

The guy Kazali who holds the purple coin has now escaped far away. If he continues to leave it alone, he will soon escape to a place that is even more difficult to find.

"I'll let you go this time, but it won't be so easy next time."

Before the voice fell, the Pterosaur Devourer suddenly flapped his wings, took off into the air, and flew away.

"Hey! Do you have to run so fast? Can't you run slower?"

Danqi saw the Pterosaur Devourer who had already flown far away, and his heart was full of dissatisfaction.

He came here to earn enough cell coins, but he didn't expect that he not only failed to earn any, but lost two.

One is needed for transformation, and one is needed for steel drill.

OK! Now, the transformation was in vain.

Although he had such thoughts, Danqi did not sigh for it.

Not really, at least he saved Eiji Hino's life, and it might be useful in the future.

"Thank you, Mr. Ida, if you hadn't been quick just now, I'm afraid I would be miserable now."

Touching the back of his head, Eiji Hino smiled embarrassedly.

After canceling the transformation, Ming Ida asked in confusion.

"Hino, do you know what the situation was with that strange guy just now? Why does it seem different from the previous encounter with the Desire Devourer?

And how did you cancel the transformation? It seems that you are not seriously injured, right?"

Hearing this, Eiji Hino could only shake his head for a question that he himself did not understand.

"I still don't understand what's going on. Why does this new Desire Devourer appear?

But I just heard from that Desire Devourer that his power comes from the power of nothingness, which is ineffective against him, and the core coin is desire.

That is to say, with the power I have now, I'm afraid I can't deal with this guy."

With a serious expression, Hino Eiji didn't know what to do at the moment.

The situation is becoming more and more complicated.

Anku, who was thinking about the problem before, suddenly came over and said in a deep voice.

"Let's go! Let's go to the Hongshang Foundation Building."

Now, among the people Anku knows, there is probably only one person who can answer this question.

That is Hongshang Mitsuio.

Maybe this time, the matter has a lot to do with that guy.

"Oh, here I come."

With the idea of ​​also wanting to figure things out, Hino Eiji would certainly not miss this opportunity.

"Hey! Both of you are waiting for me! Okay, I am also a lifesaver, can't you tell me clearly?"

Yida Ming hurriedly chased after him, he also wanted to know what happened.


Not long after, the three of them came to the office on the top floor of the Hongshang Foundation Building.

As usual, Anku had no intention of knocking on the door at all, and pushed the door open directly.

As soon as he came in, he saw Hongshang Mitsuio making a cake, which seemed to have just been finished.

"Hey! Hong Shang! What on earth is that Desire Devourer that suddenly appeared today?!

Just now, Kazali said that a new Greedy One was born? What's going on here?"

Anku looked at Hong Shang Mitsuo with a serious face. For some reason, he always felt that the man in front of him seemed to know everything.

It's just that he didn't know it.

Hearing this, Hong Shang Mitsuo, who had just finished the final decoration on the cake, suddenly shouted.

"Happy.Birthday! The purple Greedy One and his Desire Devourer!

The purple core coin has the power of extinct creatures and fantasy creatures, and its desire is... nothingness!"


Anku had heard these two words from the pterosaur Desire Devourer before.

Hino Eiji, who came in later, couldn't wait to ask the doubts in his heart.

"President Hongshang, when I was fighting with that purple Desire Devourer just now, he used some power to make me cancel my transformation.

And my attack didn't seem to have any effect on him, and neither did Mr. Ida's attack. What's going on?"

·· ··Please give me flowers· ···

This was the first time that he encountered a situation where he had to cancel his transformation during a battle, and Eiji Hino had to figure out why it happened.

Otherwise, in the next battle, if this situation happened again, he would be very passive.

After untying his apron, Mitsuo Hongshang casually handed it to Erika Satonaka beside him.

He gently pulled at his suit and explained.

"I've said just now that the power represented by the purple core coin is nothingness, so the Desire Devourer created by the purple Greedy Man also represents nothingness.

The Desire Devourer born in nothingness has the power to resist desire, and the core coin is desire.

If you want to rely on the power of the core coin to defeat the purple Desire Devourer or the Greedy Man, I can only say... it's impossible."

The reason why he didn't release the purple core coin was because he knew about the terrorist attack.

Even Oz may not be able to deal with the purple greedy.

And what the purple greedy wants is to destroy everything and return everything to nothingness.

Mitsuo Hongo will not allow that to happen, which is why he has been sealing the purple core coin.

Now that the seal has been lifted and the purple greedy is born, things have become very troublesome, and I am afraid that it is no longer something that Oz can solve now.

"But why did the purple greedy come out for no reason? It happened at this time." Ida Ming touched his beard on his chin, his eyes revealing confusion.

It was born not earlier, not later, but at this time, there must be a reason.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in Hino Eiji's mind.

Maki Kiyoto, who always holds a doll and wears glasses.

....... ......... ...

Suddenly raising his head, Hino Eiji said in a deep voice.

"President Hongshang, could it be... that this thing is related to Dr. Maki?!"

The office suddenly fell silent, and after a while, Hongshang Mitsuo nodded slightly.

"This matter is indeed related to Dr. Maki, that is, he took away the purple core coins I discovered.

I just didn't expect that he had already prepared to take away the box of purple core coins before betraying me. I was careless."

I thought everything was within his calculations, but now I suddenly found that things seemed to have gone out of his control and slowly became uncontrollable.

The birth of the Purple Greedy Man means that the next battle may be very difficult, and Oz and Danqi may not be opponents.

Anku showed a clear expression on his face.

He had already guessed that all this must be related to Hongshang Mitsuo.

But I didn't expect that it was this guy who discovered a complete box of purple core coins.

It's useless to say these now. Since the Purple Greedy Man has been born, the matter is irreversible, so we can only find a way to remedy it.

Recalling the previous battle, Hino Eiji found that he couldn't figure out a problem and wondered.

“By the way, when we got there, we saw that Kazali seemed to be being chased by that purple Desire Monster.

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