His movements are so fast that even a 100-meter race cannot keep up.

Huano Eiji also came to his senses and quickly picked up the things he just dropped on the ground.

"Lu Li, why are you here again? What do you want to do here again?

I warn you, stay away from Binet! I will never allow you to hurt her! "

Huano Eiji was somewhat wary of Lu Li, and he was worried that something might happen.

If it really happens, I'm afraid he won't be able to stop it with just his strength.

Lu Li has seen Huano Eiji's power and knows it well.

I originally wanted to tease Izumi Hina, but I didn't expect that the real owner had already arrived.

Lu Li didn't take the so-called warning from Hino Eiji at all.

With the still indifferent smile on his face, Lu Li asked back.

"Why should I stay away from her? And... which of your eyes saw me hurting her?"


He wanted to refute, but Hino Eiji found that he really had no evidence that Lu Li had hurt Izumi Hina.

Just now, he just heard Izumi Hina's very abrupt confession to Lu Li.

Izumi Hina didn't know Lu Li's true situation, but Hino Eiji knew more or less.

How could he bear to let Izumi Hina jump into the fire pit? Lu Li was not a good person.

Seeing that the other party wanted to refute, but had no way to refute, Lu Li did not dwell on this matter any longer.

Now that we're here, it's almost time to get straight to the point. Lu Li is not just here to eat and get entangled in trivial matters.

"Where's Anku? Isn't he here?"

"He's upstairs in the attic. Do you want to find him?"

"Of course, there is something very important to find, and it will definitely interest him to call him down."

Lu Li was holding Anku's core coin in his hand, could it not be an important matter?

“…Okay, wait a minute.

Huano Eiji hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

Afterwards, Huano Eiji quickly ran to the attic.

"Anku, Anku!"

Anku, who was lying on the chair, frowned unhappily when he heard the sound coming from outside.

"What's your name? What do you want to do?"

"Anku, Lu Li is here!"

When he learned that Lu Li was coming, Anku's brows tightened 1.5.

He didn't know why Lu Li came suddenly. Who knew if it was because of bad intentions.

Before he could think clearly, Hino Eiji continued.

"He came to see you and said there is something that you must be very interested in."

"What am I interested in? Is it...?!"

Suddenly, Anku thought of what Lu Li said to him the last time he came to the restaurant.

He said he wanted to help him get back the high-tech coins. Is that true? !

Thinking of this, Anku naturally couldn't sit still, jumped down from the high chair, quickly opened the door and rushed to the hall.

Noticing Anku in such a hurry, Hino Eiji tilted his head in confusion.

"Weren't you not interested just now? Why are you running so fast now?"

Hino Eiji shrugged helplessly. He couldn't let anything happen in the store, so he hurried out again.

When Anku came to the hall, he immediately noticed Lu Li sitting next to a certain table and immediately ran over.


Slapping his hands on the table, Anku looked at Lu Li nervously.

"What do you want from me? Did you really get my core coin?!"

The tone was full of disbelief, and Anku couldn't be sure yet.

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled calmly and turned his fingers.

Under the astonished looks of Anku and Huino Eiji, Lu Li actually conjured two red core coins.

“Really my core coin!”

When Anku saw the core coin that belonged to him, he was extremely excited and couldn't wait to reach out and take it.

But when he noticed that the core coin was in Lu Li's hand, he quickly stopped his hand.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

He definitely didn't believe that Lu Li sent it specially to him.

This man must have other purposes.

As for what the purpose is, he hasn't figured it out yet.

PS: Thanks -

13538. monthly ticket!

Chapter 261 Conditions and Exchange, Invitation,

sudden arrival of guests

Staring at Lu Li blankly, Anku seemed to want to get some clues from his eyes.

Unfortunately, Anku ultimately failed.

He couldn't tell what Lu Li was thinking at all, so he calmly sat down and leaned on the chair behind him.

"Tell me, what do you want to do, and how can you return my core coins to me?"

Although there are only two core coins, with these two core coins, he has a total of six core coins on hand.

Even if the remaining three core coins are with another Anku, he is still very confident that he can get back the remaining three core coins in the opponent's hand.

As long as you fuse these two core coins, part of your strength will be restored again.

Although it's just an arm, he has the advantage when competing with his opponent for control of his body.

Huino Eiji, who was standing nearby, looked at Lu Li with doubtful eyes. He felt that Lu Li might not take it out so easily.

But the next second, Lu Li's movement shocked the two of them.

Lu Li casually threw two red core coins to Anku.

Seeing the core coin suddenly thrown over, Anku took it without hesitation.

"My core coin! Lu Li, what do you mean? Are you just giving it to me unconditionally?"

Having lived in the human world for a while, Anku also knew the current lifestyle of humans.

He always felt that such a free lunch was a bit unreal and a bit weird.

Why didn't the other party care about getting the core coin at all, and didn't even ask for anything?

It seems that there is no problem, but this is the biggest problem.

Holding the water cup, Lu Li said with a smile.

"Don't be so nervous, I don't need you to do anything for me, I just want you to take back control of your body and become a complete body.

I'm curious whether you can suppress the desire in your heart after you become a complete body.

Or will you be like other greedy people, who can't suppress it after becoming a complete body."

Not long ago, Metzl successfully merged the last core coin and turned back to a complete body.

Lu Li, who is familiar with the plot, knows that once you turn back to a complete body, the desire in your heart will become extremely strong.

But Metzl did not become uncontrollable because of this, and she was still the same as before.

The only change was that the love she showed when she looked at Lu Li became stronger than before.

Lu Li did not know whether there was any role of perception memory in this.

At least Metzl did not have a strong desire like in the plot.

Lu Li was very curious whether this kind of thing would happen to Anku.

This was equivalent to an experiment.

Of course, Lu Li was not completely unwilling to give back.

After all, he promised Wu Fan that he would take back his core coins.

"Anku, I am not completely without conditions. Give me Wu Fan's core coins, and I will give you the remaining three core coins as soon as possible."

When Anku learned that Lu Li was going to take Wu Fan's core coins, he frowned.

Before he could answer, Hino Eiji on the side could not wait to reject Lu Li's request.

"No! The core coin cannot be given to you, let alone returned to Wufan!

Once Wufan becomes a complete form, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble."

Even though he has not really seen the complete form of the Greedy, Hino Eiji knows that the complete form of the Greedy is terrifying.

Lu Li completely ignored Hino Eiji's interruption of the conversation between the two.

This matter is not something he can control, it depends entirely on how Anku decides.

A minute later, Anku has obviously made a decision.

He slapped the table with an expressionless face.

When he took his hand away, it was the core coin belonging to Wufan that was revealed.


Seeing this situation, Hino Eiji, how could he allow Anku to make such a wrong decision, and immediately prepared to take the green core coin.

There was no need for Lu Li to do anything, Anku blocked Hino Eiji, grabbed his collar, and said in a deep voice.

"Enough, Eiji, whether to give or not is up to me, not you!

In order to get back the core coins that belong to me, these core coins must be given!

I have no right to choose! I must get back the core coins that belong to me.

No one can stop me, not even you!"

His eyes were full of determination, and he would not allow Eiji Hino to question his decision.


For a moment, Eiji Hino suddenly found that he seemed to have no way to refute Anku.

The purpose of his being with him was to get back the core coins.

Now that the core coins are in front of him and he has already got them, there seems to be nothing wrong with doing this.

Lu Li took the green core coins casually and smiled calmly.

"Anku, you are also a smart person and know how to choose.

Don't worry, your remaining core coins will be back in your hands soon."

"I hope so.

Everything Anku did was to get back the core coins, and he didn't think he was wrong.

Even if he had to use all the other core coins as an exchange, he would not hesitate as long as he could get back his core coins.


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