Huano Eiji knew that he couldn't persuade Anku, so he sighed slightly and stopped arguing with him about this matter.

There was no point in continuing to argue about this matter. He could not expect Anku, a greedy person, to be as self-sacrificial as he was.

Thinking that Kiyoto Maki may be frantically looking for the remaining purple core coins, maybe Hino Eiji and Anku will become targets by then.

Before Lu Li witnessed his experiment, he didn't want anything to happen to them for the time being.

So Lu Li gave a friendly reminder.

"Anku, let me remind you one thing. The new purple greedy one has the power of nothingness and can destroy other core coins.

You should understand what this power means. "

When he heard that the power of the purple core coin could destroy other core coins, Anku's pupils suddenly shrank.

He knew very well that once the core coin was destroyed, the greedy person would not be able to transform back into his perfect form, and everything would be over.

The purple greedy man actually possesses such terrifying power that he can destroy the core coin.

But this was just Lu Li's one-sided statement, and Anku didn't believe it easily.

It could be seen from Anku's eyes that he didn't believe it, so Lu Li continued.

“I know this may sound a bit unbelievable to you, and you may not even want to believe it, but what I say is the truth.

In order to find another Anku and regain the core coins in his hand, Gamer and Wu Fan happened to be there, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

The end result is that dead.

"Gamel... is dead? What's the point? Just re-form it with core coins."

In Anku's view, the so-called death is just the state of having a body turned into a coin.

Suddenly, what Lu Li said just now echoed in his mind.

The power of the purple core coin can destroy other core coins.

Could it be? !

As if he thought of something, Anku suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Lu Li with a horrified expression.

"you mean..?!"

Yes, he had already guessed it.

Nodding slightly, Lu Li didn't hide anything.

Anyway, even if Anku doesn't know it now, he will know it later.

"You guessed it right, Gamer is truly dead, his core coin was destroyed by the power of the purple core coin.

Even if his core coins are stacked together again, there is no way to turn him back into Gamel.

If the previous news was enough to shock Anku, then the current news is enough to make Anku immediately vigilant.

I didn't expect that the other party had such terrifying power that could destroy the core coin.

The existence of this kind of guy is like a time bomb for greedy people, full of threats.

A little carelessness may lead to a big explosion.

"Okay, my goal has been achieved, and I have told you all the things that I should tell you. Pay attention to yourself, but don't be ruined, otherwise... you will really have nothing.

There is a way to become complete.

I also hope to see the results of my experiment, don't let me down. "

Afterwards, Lu Li was about to get up and leave.


At this moment, a person walked in from the door of the multinational restaurant.

This person was known to everyone present. He was Mitsuo Kogami's secretary, Erika Satonaka.

As soon as she entered the store, Erika Satonaka's eyes quickly glanced around.

Finally, her eyes successfully fixed on Lu Li.

In order to find Lu Li, she put in a lot of effort. Fortunately, she found him in the end, otherwise she would have died in pain:

"Mr. Lu Li, the president has something he wants to talk to you about."

When Erika Satonaka is at work, she usually wears a women's suit with a hip skirt, and her hair is slightly curly, looking very charming.

But such a delicate secretary has extremely strong fighting power.

She is not only Kosami Mitsuo's secretary, she often helps him with some work or eats the cake, she also works part-time as a bodyguard.

A pair of slender long legs that look very powerful.

Regarding Erika Satonaka's statement that Mitsuo Kogami wanted to talk to him about something, Lu Li just smiled contemptuously.

"Do you want to talk now? I remember when we were in the coffee shop, didn't he refuse very happily?"

They had already broken up in the coffee shop.

As for why he found him again, Lu Li probably guessed it.

It should be that Kogami Mitsuo is at his wits' end about the purple greedy person who is currently very troublesome:

Neither Oz nor Hongshang Foundation can deal with the purple greedy ones now.

If there is no way to solve this problem with our own strength, we can only solve this problem through other people's methods.

Of course, the first person to be found is myself. Why don't you let yourself come from the museum in Fengdu?

Erika Satonaka, who was here to send a message, knew that when they were in the coffee shop, Kogami Mitsuo did not leave any room for turning and decisively rejected Lu Li.

Now I want to ask the other party for help, which is easier said than done.

Considering that he would always get back the remaining three purple core coins, Lu Li would certainly not let Hong Shang Guangsheng sit back and reap the benefits.

There is no way for Xiang to take advantage of himself!

"Miss Satonaka, what I said before is still valid. I can offer the same conditions. If you come to work in my company, your treatment will be the same as before.

Normally there will be no overtime, even if you work overtime I will give you enough overtime pay, and I can even make you gain enough power. "

Lu Li's words were like the devil's temptation.

Erika Satonaka didn't understand why Lu Li valued her.

He is just a relatively good secretary, and he is also good at fighting.

There should be no shortage of people like me in the museum.

"Mr. Lu Li, let me think about this matter first. I will give you an answer after I think it through."

She was not in a hurry to answer Lu Li. After all, if she wanted to change her job, it would mean that she would have to go to Fengdu.

Even in neighboring cities, there is always a distance.

"Of course, you can think about it slowly, I'm looking forward to your reply.

As for Hongshang, since he wants to discuss things with me, let him come to see me in person.

The time is tomorrow morning, and the location is... the same coffee shop as last time.

This time, I hope he can show enough sincerity to negotiate with me.

Before collecting the remaining three purple coins, Lu Li was ready to rip him off.

The other party had already arrived at his door. Lu Li would really feel bad if he didn't cut off a piece of flesh from the other party.

Nodding, Erika Satonaka said with a smile.

"Okay, please don't worry, I will tell the truth to the president about this matter.

Even though she didn't know what Lu Li and Kogami Mitsuo were going to talk about, Erika Satonaka's intuition told her that the president would definitely bleed this time.

But now that the man is Daozu and he is the flesh of the fish, Koshang Mitsuo has no choice at all.

The company's side.

Sonosaki Saeko has basically finished her work.

While I was packing my things, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

"923 come in."

Mina, who was waiting at the door, quickly opened the door and walked in after hearing the sound.

"President, a guest is here. He is a special guest. He said he wants to meet with you and has something very important to discuss."

When they were in the company, Sonosaki and others were called according to their positions.

After all, this is a company, so work must be separated from life as much as possible.

The willow eyebrows were raised, Sonosaki was surprised that she obviously didn't know that there were any special guests at this time, and that she had important things to talk to her about.

But since Mina said she was a very important guest, it was still appropriate to meet her.

"I understand, Mina, you take the other person to the reception room first, I will come over later."


Mina left the office and immediately went to receive this special guest.

In the company lobby, a middle-aged woman wearing a black suit and short curly hair is sitting on the sofa nearby, waiting.

In addition to her, there were several strong bodyguards beside her, with bulging pockets that undoubtedly contained weapons such as pistols.

To be able to carry this type of bodyguard proves that you are a very special guest indeed.

"Miss, please come with me. Our president asked me to take you to the reception room, but your bodyguard..."

Mina glanced at the bodyguards around him, and the meaning was self-evident.

Since we were going to receive guests, we couldn't bring the bodyguard to the guest room.

The middle-aged woman obviously understood this and nodded to the bodyguard behind her.

"You all wait for me here, you will be down soon."

"Yes! Minister."

A kind of bodyguard respectfully calls a middle-aged woman a minister.

This title is enough to make people think deeply.

Then, under the leadership of Mina, the middle-aged woman who could become a minister came to the reception room.

The guests who originally belonged to the president's meeting should be handed over to Sonosaki Wakana.

But Sonosaki Wakana was arranged to deal with other things. As the secretary of general manager Lu Li, Mina could naturally help Sonosaki Wakana receive important guests.

Here, Sonosaki Saeko had also taken care of the matter. After sorting out her clothes, she went directly to the reception room.

She was curious about what kind of guest could be called special.

After arriving at the reception room, Sonosaki Saeko finally met this special guest.

When she saw the other person for the first time, Sonosaki Saeko felt that she should have met him somewhere, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Seeing Sonosaki Saeko, the middle-aged woman stood up immediately with a slight smile on her face.

"Hello, President Sonosaki, this is not the first time we have met."

"็ Hello Who are you..

The other party knows me, but I don't know the other party. I have just met him somewhere but can't remember it. It is obvious that the other party is probably prepared.

As for what the purpose is, it is currently unknown.

"President Sonosaki, I am Reika Mizusawa, the director of the Special Research and Development Headquarters of Nozama Pharmaceutical. I came to Fudu this time to discuss a business deal with you."

PS: thanks


Monthly ticket for cause and effect!

Chapter 262: Memory acquisition, a trick!

When the other party mentioned Nozama Pharmaceutical, Sonosaki Saeko immediately thought of Amazon.

The Amazon research project is a top-secret project that ordinary people may have never heard of.

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