But for a big force like the museum, it is not an absolutely unknowable secret, and it is known to some extent.

What's more, the museum also captured an Amazon before.

It's a pity that Lu Li's mind was filled with the desire to eat people, which was finally wiped out by Lu Li.

Mizusawa Reika briefly introduced his identity as soon as he came up, which surprised Sonosaki Saeko.

"Minister Mizusawa, I know a little bit about Nozama Pharmaceuticals, one of the top pharmaceutical companies in the country.

You came to me out of the blue this time, so there must be something very important, so let’s talk straight to the point. "

Even though Mizusawa Reika’s purpose was unclear, Sonosaki’s intuition told her that it must have something to do with Amazon.

Nodding slightly, Mizusawa Linghua directly stated his purpose of coming here.

"President Sonosaki, I would like to purchase a batch of memories from the museum."

"Purchasing a batch of memories?" Sonosaki frowned slightly in surprise.

At present, the memory produced by the museum has almost matured, and there is no need to worry about the impact of the earth's memory toxins.

However, except for mass-produced cosmetic memories, other memories are still unable to be mass-produced.

Each one is expensive, which is much more expensive than the memories that were once sold as experimental products.

After all, once such a memory is used, one can gain power beyond ordinary people.

Although it has been castrated to a certain extent, it still attracts many people.

Especially those with money are very keen on power.

Now, Mizusawa Reika suddenly said that he wanted to purchase a batch of memories, and Sonosaki Saeko had to think about this matter in the Amazon project.

There was a problem with the project plan before, and as a result, more than 4,000 Amazons were released from a research institute somewhere.

Now, terrifying creatures like Amazon are scattered throughout the city, and no one knows where they are.

With so many Amazoni running out of the research institute and scattered in various places, Sonosaki Saeko has reason to believe that Nozama Pharmaceutical will find a way to deal with these Amazoni.

The fact is just as Sonosaki Saeko thought.

In order to solve these problems and escape from Amazon as much as possible, Nozama Pharmaceutical has specially opened a subsidiary company called Peston Service Company.

On the surface it is a pest extermination company, but in fact it is almost a civilian military company.

His Highness Peston has an extermination team, an investigation team, a cleaning team, an analysis team, etc., all of which were established to eliminate Amazon.

But even so, humans are still humans. Even if they have weapons, they will always have limited abilities when facing the monster-like Amazon.

Even an experienced extermination squad cannot guarantee 100% that no one will be injured.

Amazons are divided into levels, with the lowest level being E level and the highest level being A level. The higher the level, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

It may be the same type of Amazon, but the levels are different, some are high and some are low.

As the top pharmaceutical company in the country, Nozama Pharmaceutical also knows that it is not easy to get rid of all Amazons just by relying on the extermination team.

To this end, they have also included the idea of ​​​​killing Amazon on a large scale, but the current progress is still relatively slow.

Reika Mizusawa, as the main person in charge of the Amaz0n project, had met Ryuhei Sonosaki and Saeko Sonosaki by chance before, and only learned about the existence of the museum later.


After a series of investigations, Mizusawa Linghua learned about the situation in Fengdu.

She then reported to the president of Nozama Pharmaceutical, Takaki Tenjo, that she planned to come to the Fudu Museum to purchase a batch of memories.

The purpose is to use the power of memory to get rid of Amazon wandering outside.

At least until weapons that can kill Amazoni on a large scale are developed, this is necessary, and Amazon must not be allowed to overly affect the security of the city.

Being released into the urban Amazon is too dangerous for humans.

In particular, Amazon has the instinct to eat people. Once the inhibitor in the armband is used up, it will awaken.

The cannibalistic instinct cannot be suppressed and will be dominated by the desire to eat people.

In order to reduce the occurrence of this series of things as much as possible, these special life forms must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Seeing that Sonosaki Saeko seemed to be confused, Mizusawa Reika didn't want to reveal too much about this matter.

"President Sonosaki, what do you think about this matter? Our company really needs to purchase a batch of memory, which plays a very important role." "

Things about Amazon don’t sound good when spread out.

If possible, Nozama Pharmaceutical still hopes to suppress this matter as much as possible, and the fewer people know about it, the better.

Once word really gets out, it will be a very big blow to Nozama Pharmaceutical.

Since we are here to do business, it is natural to discuss business, and Sonosaki Yueko does not want to delve too much into what the other party needs to do.

Leaning on the chair, Sonosaki Saeko looked at Mizusawa Reika with a calm expression.

"Minister Mizusawa, I can make the decision on this matter and sell you a batch of memories.

However, our company's memory production, except for mass-produced memories, cannot implement mass production of other memories.

The production process is complicated, but it has more powerful power.

Do you want to buy mass-produced memory, or are you prepared to buy memory that cannot be mass-produced? "

It is inevitable that the memory cannot be mass-produced. Even Lu Li cannot solve this problem:

The main reason is that it is very difficult to import memory data, and the power of memory experience that is not mass-produced is relatively strong. If it is widely spread in society, it will cause social problems.

of turmoil.

Museums don’t need a tumultuous world.

“To mass produce or not to mass produce?”

Wrinkling his eyebrows slightly, Mizusawa Linghua fell into silence for a moment.

She was thinking about how to choose.

Mass production has large quantities and is cheap, while non-mass production is strong and expensive. Each has its own advantages.

The reason for the hesitation was that he was considering whether to report this matter to the president Tenjo Takaki. After all, it involved a large amount of money.

But then he thought that Tenjo Takaki had left the entire matter to him to arrange from the beginning, and Mizusawa Reika no longer hesitated.

"President Sonosaki, I am going to ask for a batch of mass-produced memory, and at the same time, I also want a small amount of memory that cannot be mass-produced. Is that okay?"

She decided she wanted both.

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko nodded without hesitation, with a smile on his face.

"Of course, no problem. Then we will discuss the specific details, including the price of the memory, etc."

After saying that, Sonosaki Saeko nodded to Mina on the side.

Mina instantly understood what she should do, immediately left the office, and soon brought a laptop.

After turning on the computer, what is recorded above is the relevant information about the sale of memory and the corresponding price.

Seeing the prices of these memories that cannot be mass-produced, Mizusawa Reika couldn't help but twitch his eyes.


It can even be said to be ridiculously expensive!

But these memories all contain powerful power, and if used properly, they can help the extermination team clear out Amazon as soon as possible.

But what she doesn’t know is that these memories are all Gaia memories created before:

It has powerful power after use, but the influence of the earth's memory poison has not disappeared.

The reason for taking out these memories was, of course, that Sonosaki Saeko wanted to eliminate Amazon.

If you need more power, Gaia Memory is the first choice.

As for side effects, that depends on the person themselves.

"President Sonosaki, this price.

If you really want to buy the memory you need, you will really need to spend a lot of money.

Even Nozama Pharmaceuticals will feel a certain amount of pressure.

"The price of our memory has always been the same and has not changed without authorization. Our current memory technology has almost matured.

After using the memory, you will immediately have powerful power. Just paying money will help you solve your problems, right?

Isn't this a good deal? "

After saying these words, Mizusawa Reihua suddenly lost all thoughts of negotiating the price.

This is a fact.

In her opinion, the sales of memory are aimed at high-end people. Even if she doesn't buy it, there are still many people trying their best to buy it.

What's more, Amazon is in the city now: it can still be hidden, but no one can tell for a while.

Once Amazon is exposed to the public eye, the situation will become more serious.

What she wants is to get these memories back as soon as possible, not to bargain slowly here.

"Okay! I've already chosen it. Could you please arrange for someone to prepare it?"

After selecting the memory, Mizusawa Linghua breathed out slightly.

Perhaps with these memories, it will be more useful for the subsequent removal work.

“As for financial issues, don’t worry, I’ll call the company’s finance department immediately and ask them to transfer the money.

The items have been selected, and the payment must be made as soon as possible. Mizusawa Reika immediately took out his mobile phone and called the financial department of Nozama Pharmaceutical Company.

Although she is only the head of the Special Research and Development Headquarters of Nozama Pharmaceutical, she is very close to the chairman and is a confidant of the other party.

Before she came, Tenjo Takaaki had already told her that no matter how much money it cost, she could use it as long as it was reviewed by the company's finances and shown to him.

After calling the company's finance, Mizusawa Ling Huabian asked impatiently.

"President Sonosaki, please tell me when we can get these memories. I need them as soon as possible."

After pondering for a while, Sonosaki Saeko nodded in agreement.

"Let's do this, I will first give you a batch of mass-produced costume memories produced by the company. Although the power is relatively stronger than ordinary people, it is not bad.

The memories you customized will take a certain amount of time. I will arrange for someone to bring them to you after a few days. "

After getting the answer he wanted, Mizusawa Reihua secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and it was not unacceptable.

"Okay! President Sonosaki, please let me take the thirty mass-produced memories back first. Please return the remaining memories as soon as possible."

Soon, Sonosaki Seiko had received a huge sum of money from the company.

The recipient of the transfer was Nozama Pharmaceutical Company.

The money has already arrived. After collecting the money, it is natural to start doing things.

Standing up, Sonosaki Saeko stretched out her right hand with a confident smile on her face.

"Don't worry, our company will make the memories you need as soon as possible, and it will take a little time.

I will personally send someone to deliver it to you when the time comes, so you don’t have to make another trip. ”

At this moment, the cooperation between the two parties was officially reached. Mizusawa Reika immediately stood up and grasped Sonosaki Saeko’s jade hand.

“Okay, I’ll trouble President Sonosaki when the time comes.”

She looked at Sonosaki Saeko with a hint of envy.

How could she not be envious?

She was already over 40 years old, and was only the director of the special research and development department, while the other party was at the same level as the chairman of her own company.

Although the museum was an underground organization, its public company was a very famous company like Nozama Pharmaceutical.

And Sonosaki Saeko, who looked only in her twenties, had a much higher position than herself.

Mizusawa Reika had a lot of things to do, and this time she came to Fuuto, she also took time out in advance.

Now it was time to go back, and there were still many things waiting for her to deal with at the company.

When Mizusawa Reika left, she was carrying a silver-white suitcase in her hand.

The suitcase contained the mass-produced makeup memory.

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