The combat effectiveness of the costumed doped body is indeed much lower than that of the ordinary doped body, but it is much stronger than the average person.

After all, it is mass-produced, so you can’t expect too much, and the price is relatively reasonable.

Looking down at several black cars leaving below, Sonosaki Saeko murmured.

“It seems that Nozama Pharmaceutical’s current situation is quite serious and it is no longer possible to solve this matter by relying on its own strength.

This is good, and it is a good thing for the company.

Of course, it was a good thing. The company received a large order because of this, and all it paid was a few Gaia memories that were not used before, and some insignificant mass-produced cosmetic memories.

Just remembering the body.

After having dinner at a multinational restaurant, Lu Li was ready to leave.

Izumi Hina noticed Lu Li who was about to leave and immediately apologized to Chiseko Shiraishi before chasing him out.


Seeing Izumi Hina hurriedly chasing Lu Li out, Hino Eiji's expression was slightly complicated.

He clearly knew that Lu Li was very dangerous, but there was nothing he could do to stop Izumi Hina.

The two parties have been together for so long and can be considered friends. He doesn't want to watch Izumi Hina get hurt.

But he could only talk about this kind of thing from the perspective of a bystander, and it was impossible to directly slander Lu Li.

"Anku, you said that if Binai really falls in love with Lu Li, then... what should we do?"

While speaking, Hino Eiji turned his attention to Anku who was eating an ice stick.

Having just received his two core coins, Anku was in a good mood.

Faced with this question, Anku waved his hand indifferently.

"How do I know what to do? Besides, you humans are too complicated, and I have never experienced this kind of problem.

It's up to her what to do. Why are you worrying so much here? "

Rather than worrying about this problem, Anku is now more looking forward to the return of his remaining three core coins.

After getting all the core coins back, he will be able to completely transform back into his full body.

He was looking forward to that long-lost feeling.

Not long after he walked out of the restaurant, Lu Li was about to use the space transfer when he heard hurried footsteps behind him.

Even without looking back, Lu Li knew who the hurried footsteps came from!

Stopping, Lu Li turned around, looked at Izumi Hina who was standing behind him with his head lowered, and asked with a smile.

"Binet, what, is there anything else?"

The two little hands pinched together nervously. Izumi Hina looked up at Lu Li, her face slightly rosy.

"Lu Li, what I just told you... was serious. What did you think?"

What she said in the store so far was not a joke, but very serious.

Even though Lu Li's identity is relatively mysterious and he has some entanglements with greedy people.

But doesn’t Hino Eiji also have entanglements with greedy people?

Just because there was a dispute didn't mean he was a bad guy. Anyway, she didn't see where Lu Li was bad.

Moreover, she always felt that when she was with Lu Li, she had a strange feeling that she couldn't explain.

Anyway, it felt quite reassuring to her.

"Well, I know, what next?

I said it last time, I can't give you the same love as an ordinary person. After all, I'm not an ordinary person. "

When Lu Li heard Izumi Hina's confession in the restaurant earlier, he could also feel that she was very serious.

He himself doesn't mind, but it depends on whether Izumi Hina can accept such a relationship.

Chapter 263 Want to try? Slaughter Hongshang, other conditions

Mu Ran raised his head, Izumi Hina's bright dark eyes were staring at Lu Li closely, with a very serious look on his face.

"I.I want to try."

She decided to try it anyway.

If she didn't even have the courage to try, she felt like she was a total failure.

"Try it? Are you sure?"

Lu Li had a playful smile on his face.

Of course there is nothing wrong with him. The most important thing is to see what Izumi Hina thinks.

It felt like Lu Li's smile at this moment seemed a bit malicious, and Izumi Hina immediately lowered her head shyly.

The two little hands kept rubbing each other, feeling very nervous.


The voice was very small, but the firmness in her tone could be heard.

Taking a step forward, Lu Li stood in front of Izumi Hina, placing his hands on her long, silky hair.

"Then you know what? You can't try this casually. Once you start, you can't look back."

Hearing this, Izumi Hina nodded her head without any hesitation.

"Well, if that's the case then let's try it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li slowly spread his hands, as if waiting for Izumi Hina's next move.

Seeing this, even though she felt a little shy, Izumi Hina was very happy. She reached out with trembling hands and hugged Lu Li.


I don't know if it was because of being too nervous, but Izumi Hina couldn't control the strength of her hand for a while.

This strength is simply incredible!

Fortunately, Lu Li's body was strong enough. If it had been anyone else, whether they were there or not at the moment would have been a different matter.

Helplessly patting her back, Lu Li reminded her "kindly".

"Binet, your strength... is a little less strong."

At this time, Izumi Hina suddenly realized that she was very powerful.

He quickly let go of Lu Li, his face flushed with nervousness, and he looked at him cautiously, like a child who had done something wrong.

"Lu Li, are you... okay? I'm sorry! I just forgot that I was too strong.

Izumi Hina was at a loss and quickly bowed and apologized.

Gently lifting Izumi Hina's smooth chin with his fingers, Lu Li met her with his deep eyes.

"Just reminding you, your power can't hurt me yet. should be punished a little, otherwise you will never be able to control yourself in the future. "

After speaking, Lu Li gently bit Izumi Hina's pink lips.

The pupils shrank sharply. Izumi Hina had no idea that this was the kind of punishment Lu Li was talking about.

She could even smell Lu Li's scent, so close.

Her face turned red rapidly, and even her ears turned red. Izumi Hina hurriedly pushed Lu Li away and hurriedly ran back to the restaurant.

Before she even had time to say goodbye, her brain was already in a state of shutdown, and her mind was like a piece of mush.

Seeing the figure running away in a hurry, the corners of Lu Li's mouth raised slightly.

"It's really... cute.

After speaking, Lu Li left with satisfaction.


With a snap of fingers, Lu Li's figure had disappeared.

This is the restaurant.

Huino Eiji was a little distracted at the moment. He was mainly worried that Izumi Hina and Lu Li would be in danger if they walked too close.

In his opinion, Lu Li himself is a very dangerous person, and there is always the possibility of getting hurt if he comes into contact with him too much.

If possible, he really wanted to prevent Izumi Hina from contacting Lu Li.

But no matter what he said, Izumi Hina might not do what he wanted.

He had warned him before, but it was of little use.


Izumi Hina pushed open the door of the restaurant and ran in with a red face.

Then he closed the door, leaned against the door, and kept patting his chest.

Seeing Izumi Hina's appearance, Hino Eiji suddenly became anxious and quickly ran over and asked with concern.

"Binai?! What's wrong with you? Is Lu Li bullying you?!"

Unfortunately, at this time, Izumi Hina's mind was a mess and she didn't have much thinking ability at all.

"Binet? Binet!"

After calling twice in a row, Izumi Hina finally came back to her senses, looked at Hino Eiji with a rosy face, and asked stumblingly.

"Ei...Eiji, is there something wrong?"

She didn't hear what Eiji Hieno said just now, she only remembered that she ran back without knowing why.

"I mean, something's not right with you. Did Lu Li do something to you?"

This concerned inquiry made Izumi Hina feel as if a cat's tail had been stepped on.

His whole body suddenly became furious, and his face became even more rosy.

Shaking his little head vigorously, Izumi Hina hurriedly denied it.

"No, no! We have nothing! Really nothing!"

After saying that, he hurried to the kitchen. It didn't seem like nothing happened at all, but more like he was hiding something.

But unfortunately, Huano Eiji couldn't see anything.


Hino Eiji couldn't help but sigh slightly, feeling that the relationship between Lu Li and Izumi Hina had become closer.

He couldn't help but worry about whether Izumi Hina would be sad in the future.

Nozama Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Mizusawa Reika came to the president's office with a suitcase.

(chbj) "叩叩叩"

Knocking gently on the door, Mizusawa Reika was still respectful enough to Tenjo Takaaki.

Being able to become the chairman of Nozama Pharmaceutical and leading the company to break out from many domestic companies is enough to show that Tenjo Takaki has extraordinary means and strategies.

"Come in."

There was a deep and mature voice in the room.

After entering the room with his suitcase, Mizusawa Reika saw Tenjo Takaki with a serious look on his face.

Sitting in a wheelchair was an old man wearing a black kimono.

His hair is gray and his skin has deep wrinkles.

He is obviously seventy-two years old, so logically he should be considered half dead.

Even so, he still exudes the aura of a superior person.

Just a look can make someone feel very uncomfortable.

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