"I see."

At this time, Lu Li made another "kind" mention.

"President Kogami, don't forget that Erika's salary will still be paid by you in the future, don't forget it."

Upon hearing this, Hongshang Guangsheng felt angry.

But when he saw Lu Li's eyes that looked like a smile but not a smile, the anger in his heart immediately disappeared.

"Me! Hey! I understand. From now on, her salary will still be paid by me."


These are just small things, nothing intolerable.

"Erika, then please help deal with the issue regarding my shares and ask Chairman Kogami to send my shares over as soon as possible."

At this moment, Erika Satonaka also quickly stepped into the role and became Lu Li's secretary.

"Okay, please don't worry, Mr. Lu."

Seeing this, Hongshang Guangsheng clutched his chest in discomfort.

It was very uncomfortable for the secretary that he had worked so hard to train, and now he was helping outsiders deal with him.

But he also knows that Erika Satonaka is a loyal secretary. As long as she is the secretary of whomever she is, she will be loyal and pay regularly.

Lu Li said casually without looking at Hong Shang Guangsheng's pig liver-like expression.

"Okay, then our cooperation will officially begin. When the shares are settled, I will deal with the Purple Greedy One.

Goodbye, President Hongshang, and thank you for the coffee. "

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li had already walked out of the coffee shop.

Koshang Mitsuo was left with a depressed look on his face, feeling very unhappy.

But what can he do?

The knife has been put to the neck, if you don't agree, you will die!

Why did he happen to meet the evil star Lu Li?

Now, it's too late to say all this.

"President, let's hurry up and acquire the shares now, and hand over 25% of the shares to Mr. Lu as soon as possible. My mission will be completed.

You know I don't like working overtime, so let's hurry up. "

At this time, Erika Satonaka had already switched sides to Lu Li's side.

The secretary who was once his confidant was now on the other side, and he felt very complicated in his heart.

"Let's go, Satonaka...Secretary.

"President, please pay me. I am no longer your secretary."

When he went out for negotiations, he not only lost 25% of the foundation's shares, but also his secretary.


He went to pay the money honestly, and Hongshang Mitsuo felt like crying at this time.

Lu Li did not return to the Greedy One's stronghold yesterday, and he only went back now.

Ever since Lu Li left the stronghold yesterday, Wu Fan has been restless.

Just because he knew that Lu Li was going to exchange his own core coins this time.

How could he sit still in this situation?

After waiting all night, Lu Li didn't come back.

This made Wu Fan very nervous. Lu Li might be up to something.

Don't blame him for being suspicious, but this matter is related to whether he can become a perfect body.

Especially after seeing the terrifying power of the purple greedy person, he was even more eager to get his own power back.

Seeing Wufan who was still impatient and restless, Mezier said helplessly.

"Wufan, why are you so anxious? Will Lu Li still lie to you?"

Hearing this, Wu Fan turned his head to look at Mezier and nodded very seriously.

"Can I not be in a hurry? Now there is a guy who can destroy the core coins. I must get all my core coins back as soon as possible.

If one piece is missing, I won't be able to become a complete body. "

Not being able to become a perfect body is a very cruel thing for a greedy person.

"I said I would get the core coins back for you, and I will definitely get them back for you. Why are you anxious?"

Then a voice suddenly came, making Ufan tremble all over.

He quickly turned around and saw Lu Li standing in the hall.

He walked over with an expectant look on his face and asked excitedly.

"Boss Lu Li, how is the situation? Have you got my core coins?"

Lu Li spread his hands and saw several green core coins quietly placed on his palm.

"I will naturally get back what I promised you.

With that said, Lu Li tossed the core coin in his hand to Wu Fan.

Catching these core coins, Ufan's face was filled with joy.

"Collected them all! I finally collected all my core coins! Hahahaha!"

Wu Fan looked at the core coin in his hand and burst into laughter.

The next second, Wu Fan immediately transformed back into the greedy form.

These core coins were thrown into the silver-white armor.

The core coin entered the body without any obstruction. Wu Fan felt the power emerging from his body and shouted excitedly.


Bolts of green lightning bloomed around him.

Originally, because the core coin was incomplete, there was no armor on the legs. After the core coin was complete, the armor on the legs was finally restored.

Terrifying energy poured out crazily in all directions, and Lu Li, who was relatively close, watched helplessly as a green lightning struck.

But then it was offset by an invisible force, and the green lightning couldn't hurt Lu Li at all.

Complete body!

Wufan has now transformed into a complete form, with a golden stone appearing in the middle of the belt on his abdomen.


He felt that power was emerging crazily, a very powerful force.

The nine core coins in the body are echoing with the hot metal fusion memory, further enhancing this energy.

At this moment, Wu Fan felt stronger than ever before.

Even when he was in his perfect form, there was still a big gap between him and his current self.

The power of the fused memory was further stimulated, and Wufan's power at this moment reached an unprecedented height.

The body looked harder, and the silver-white armor glowed with a faint red light.

"Hoo ho!!"

The flames suddenly appeared, and the high-temperature flames instantly enveloped Wu Fan.

The flames did not affect Wufan, but made him stronger.

The green lightning and flames echoed each other, and their power reached an unprecedented level.

Mezier, who was watching all this quietly from the side, had a strange look in his eyes.

She did think that Wufan would be stronger than before after returning to his complete body. After all, there was the power of fused memory in his body.

I just didn't expect that the core coins could echo the power of the memory, and the energy was intertwined. It was far from as simple as one plus one equals two.

Lu Li was not surprised at all when he saw that Wu Fan had successfully recovered his full body and became more powerful.

The only thing that's a little surprising is that I didn't expect that after becoming a complete body, the core coin can actually echo the fused memory, which is a bit interesting.

Metzl had returned to her complete body before, and she had a sensory memory in her body, but she didn't seem to be affected by this power.

Is it possible to achieve resonance with the core coin by integrating memory? Or are there any other conditions?

Regarding this situation, Lu Li still doesn't know yet.

Maybe this situation is accidental, and it's hard to say that Wu Fan is just an exception.

After a while, Wu Fanneng's explosive energy finally calmed down.

The armor on his body was faintly glowing with green light, and seemed to be harder than before.

His condition was better than ever before. Wufan felt the surging power in his body, and even felt like shouting loudly.

Considering that Lu Li was still there, he held back forcefully.

"Boss Lu Li, thank you for your help, otherwise... I still wouldn't be able to restore my full body."

After twisting his neck, Wu Fan returned to his human form:

Hearing this, Lu Li nodded and gave instructions casually.

"Hurry up and get Anku's remaining core coins as soon as possible."

When he mentioned Anku's core coins, the appearance of a dinosaur greedy person appeared in Ufan's mind.

Thinking of the other party's terrifying power that could destroy the core coin, he felt vaguely afraid in his heart.

His hesitation was naturally noticed by Lu Li.

"What? You look like you don't want to go?"

The voice gradually became colder. Wu Fan, who came back to his senses, looked at Lu Li who was exuding a strong sense of oppression and quickly lowered his head.

Yesterday, he had already received news from Mezier that Kazali had died in Lu Li's hands.

Not only was the core coin broken up, but all the core coins were directly destroyed, including the one with consciousness.

When Wu Fan learned the news, he realized that not only the purple dinosaur greedy man could destroy the core coins, Lu Li also had such skills.


If he doesn't complete the task for Lu Li properly, I'm afraid his fate will be similar to that of Kazali.

He did not dare to challenge Lu Li's patience, so he nodded immediately.

"Don't worry, Boss Lu Li, I will definitely get back all three core coins belonging to Anku!"

Then, he fled the villa in a panic.

The longer he stayed here, the more he couldn't stand Lu Li's terrifying eyes.

He is obviously a greedy person, but his fearful emotion cannot be suppressed at all.

Since he dared to return Wu Fan's core coins to him, Lu Li had no worries that he would betray him.

Wu Fan should probably know the consequences of betraying him.

Asking for flowers....

This is the fate of Kazali. If he dares to violate the law, he will be the next one.

"Haha! Even though this guy Wu Fan has become a perfect body, he is still so afraid of you. He is so ungrateful. I thought he was going to resist."

Metzl smiled softly.

Just now, she really thought that Wu Fan had the courage to resist Lu Li, but she didn't expect that he didn't even dare to fart.

Even though he had become a more powerful being than his complete form, Wu Fan knew that he could not offend Lu Li.

Offending Lu Li was like hanging himself and seeking death.

"Although he is quite reckless, it does not mean that he has no brains. He knows the pros and cons of things, and he also knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

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