This is Lu Li's evaluation of Wu Fan.

On the other side, in a suburban villa that is relatively far from the attempt.

"Anku" is just like Maki Kiyoto at this time, with only three core coins of his own

Under this situation, his power is greatly weakened. Even if he finds another Anku, it may not be easy to become a complete self again.

Although Maki Kiyoto lost seven purple core coins, he actually gained six silver core coins this time, all from Gamer.

Maki Kiyoto has no idea about these core coins of different series.

If he wants to bring this world to an end, he must use other greedy people as containers for coins.

But when the number of core coins reaches a certain level, the terrifying energy will explode, and no one can escape

And Maki Kiyoto, who is watching the end of the world, will step into the end of the world together with this world.

Seeing Anku, who seems to be out of energy, Maki Kiyoto walked down from upstairs and said to the puppet.

"It's just two core coins that were lost. You still have three on hand, so you won't necessarily lose."

This was just to comfort him. Losing two core coins meant that in the process of fighting for the body, "Anku" had a high probability of losing.

Hearing this, "Anku" looked like a child at this time, and looked up at Maki Kiyoto.

"The current situation is very serious. I don't have enough core coins. When our consciousnesses collide, there is a high probability that I will lose to him."

"I can give you the core coins. With these core coins, your power will definitely become stronger."

While speaking, Maki Kiyoto put all the silver core coins in his hand on the table next to him.

The things have been given away. Whether to use them or not depends on "Anku" himself.

After putting down the core coins, Maki Kiyoto turned and walked upstairs.

He felt that the pterosaur Devourer that he created was coming back soon, and he was very curious whether the pterosaur Devourer brought him good news.

Kazali, that hateful traitor, actually dared to sneak away the remaining purple core coins behind his back.

If he could find that guy, he would not let Kazali go easily.

"Anku" was the only one left in the hall. He was in a dilemma when he looked at the silver core coins on the table.

Does he have any choice now?



"Anku" has no choice now. If he wants to get back his core coins, he must have enough power.

Even if it is the core of other greedy people, as long as it can help him become stronger, he will do it.

In the end, all this is to achieve the complete body. Only by restoring the complete body can he become complete.

After hesitating for a while, "Anku" still picked up the six silver core coins on the table.

He now needs other forces to help him, and the core coins must be taken.

Pick up one of the silver core coins and throw it into the body.

The silver core coin entered the body, but it did not lose control. Instead, it was stored very stably in the body.

After feeling the condition of the body, "Anku" breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Fortunately, everything was still under control, and he decided to continue to fuse more silver core coins.

On the corridor on the second floor, Maki Kiyoto nodded slightly after seeing this scene.

This is what he wanted. In his eyes, "Anku" is now just a handy tool, as long as he can achieve the end of the world.

When he came to the balcony on the second floor, he looked up and saw a smaller rapid development in the distance.

After a while, the Pterosaur Devourer finally landed steadily beside him.

Seeing the dusty Pterosaur Devourer, Maki Kiyoto had already seen that it was probably because he did not get the core coins back.

It was obvious that the opponent who could make the Pterosaur Devourer that he created lose face could not be Kazali.

Could it be... Oz?

This possibility is not ruled out, after all, he can't see it.

The Pterosaur Devourer explained the reason as soon as it landed.

"Oz and an unknown guy blocked me, so I couldn't find Kazali.

I don't know where the guy is now, and he hasn't shown up.

Maki Kiyoto's face changed slightly. He didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Oz and an unknown guy, could it be the Danqi he researched? Li.

Chapter 265 No lingering, fusion of purple core coins

The things he researched, now just came to block his plan.

This made Maki Kiyoto very depressed at the moment.

If he had known this, when he designed Danqi, he should have designed a switch to destroy the drive, and there would be no trouble now.

But there is no regret medicine, and it is meaningless to think about these now.

Without enough purple core coins, although he has become a dinosaur greedy, it is difficult to increase the strength.


The cold light reflected on the glasses, Maki Kiyoto exuded a cold breath.

However, what Maki Kiyoto didn't know was that the purple core coin he thought of had already fallen into Lu Li's hands.

As for Kazali, he had turned into fragments that could not be found even if the wind blew away.

"Keep looking! You must find him and bring me the core coin in his hand!"

The voice was full of indifference and dissatisfaction. Maki Kiyoto had to get the remaining purple core coins to complete the next plan.


The pterosaur devourer nodded, spread his wings behind him, and left the villa again.

After the pterosaur devourer left, Maki Kiyoto looked at a decoration on the corridor.

He took out a cell coin.

Just as he took out the cell coin, a coin slot appeared on the decoration, and he threw the cell coin in his hand into it.

It was exactly the same as the birth of the pterosaur devourer before. A ball of purple energy emerged and condensed into a solid, and finally became a new devourer.

It was also a pterosaur devourer, but the previous one was male, and this one was female.

"You go with me, help me find Kazali and take back the core coin!"

"Yes! Zhou

The female pterosaur lust-eating monster bowed slightly respectfully, and then left quickly.

With the two lust-eating monsters on hand, it was easy to capture Kazali.

With a new "503" pterosaur lust-eating monster, there was no need to worry about Oz and Danqi hindering him.

Since it had been negotiated, 25% of the foundation's shares would be exchanged for Lu Li to get rid of the purple greedy.

As soon as Hong Shang Guangsheng returned, he used a lot of funds to frantically recover his own shares.

After finally getting 25% of the shares, he wrote the transfer letter with tears.

The target of the transfer was naturally Lu Li.

As for the transfer amount, only one dollar was asked.

The most important thing is that he had to pay this dollar himself.

Good guy!

Lu Li was completely stingy and got 25% of his company's shares.

When he thought about working for Lu Li indirectly in the future, Mitsuo Hong was very unhappy.

But what else could he do? It had come to this point.

As Lu Li's secretary, Erika Satonaka would of course do her best to help him deal with this matter.

After confirming that the contract was indeed correct, Erika Satonaka prepared to send it to Lu Li immediately.

Seeing that the person who was supposed to be his secretary suddenly became someone else's, Mitsuo Hong was really very uncomfortable for a while.

But even if he was uncomfortable, what could he do? He had no room to regret what he had agreed to.

The most important thing was, did he dare to regret it?

Of course not!

For some reason, Mitsuo Hong felt that Lu Li was a more dangerous guy than the dangerous purple greedy person.

Otherwise, he would not have handed this matter over to Lu Li to solve.

"President Hong, I have confirmed that the contract is correct, so let's do it. I will send it to the boss first. "

After putting the contract away, Erika Satonaka was ready to leave.

Although she had a new boss, it had no effect on Erika Satonaka.

She was paid as usual and her working hours remained the same.

Another important point is that she finally didn't have to eat those cakes.

She had to eat them because of work.

In fact, she had no interest in cakes in her heart, but she had to eat them for work.

Without this restraint, Erika Satonaka naturally felt better than ever.

Seeing that Erika Satonaka had no attachment to her place at all, a trace of loneliness flashed in Mitsuo Hongo's eyes.

With an inexplicable sigh in his heart, Mitsuo Hongo said unhappily.

"Sonaka, don't you really want to stay with me and work? ”

Not only was the company's shares taken away, but her best secretary was also snatched away by the other party. How could she be happy?

Hearing this, Erika Sataka, who had already walked to the door, stopped and turned back with a smile.

"President Hongshang, I didn't say that. It was you who changed my boss. Can you blame me for this?

Although the treatment has not changed, there have been benefits.

That is, I finally don't have to continue eating cakes. I'm very happy!"

Before she finished speaking, Erika Sataka had already left the office.

After hearing this, Mitsuo Hongshang shook his head helplessly.

Making cakes by yourself is just a kind of fun, but I didn't expect that it would make Erika Sataka feel bored.

"Hey! "

Leaning back in his chair, he sighed helplessly.

He had completely admitted it.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, what could he do? Things had already developed to this point. Could he still regret it?

He even had a feeling that all this might be within Lu Li's expectations.

It was meaningless to say this now. He had no chance to regret it.

Lu Li's side.

Since he had already obtained the purple core coin, Lu Li naturally wanted to try to see what changes would occur after he merged the core coin.

The matter of merging the core coins naturally needed to be handed over to Metzler for help.

In the private manor, Lu Li and Metzler stood face to face.

At this moment, Metzler was holding something in his hand, which was the purple core coin he had obtained before.

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