Then he seized the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow, destroying Wu Fan's core coin.

At this time, Wu Fan finally realized that he was too naive and thought he could deal with the Dinosaur Greedy, who only had three purple core coins.

The terrifying void energy had already attached to Wu Fan's core coin, and cracks appeared.

Wu Fan, who wanted to stand up, found that his strength was rapidly draining away.

"Damn it! I can't use it. I can't use my strength.

In this situation, the only thing he could think of was that there was something wrong with his core coin.

"No! No, no! How could there be a problem with my core coin! Impossible! Absolutely impossible! "

Wu Fan, who was filled with fear, looked very terrified at this time.

His arms were turning into cell coins that fell down bit by bit, spreading from his arms to his body, and then his body broke directly.

A large number of cell coins fell down, and two core coins broke into pieces.

The core coin carrying Wu Fan's consciousness rolled around and fell to Lu Li's feet.

It was full of many cracks, and it looked like it could not be repaired at all.

Lu Li mastered the power of Kara, so he could naturally repair the damaged core coin.

However, he did not do so.

There was no need.

Lu Li only regarded Wu Fan, such an arrogant and reckless guy, as a thug that could be used.

Such thugs can be found again if they are gone, and there is no shortage of them.

Stepping on the cracked core coin, the terrifying force instantly crushed the conscious core coin into pieces.

There were still six green core coins left, lying quietly in the cell coins.

And the hot metal memory that was originally integrated into Wu Fan's body also exploded automatically after Wu Fan's body dissipated.

"Pop! ”

It turned into countless fragments and fell to the ground.

When making the hot metal fusion memory, Lu Li set a program in it that would automatically destroy it once the user was gone.

Seeing that Lu Li destroyed Wu Fan's conscious core coin without hesitation, the Dinosaur Greedy was slightly shocked.

He thought he was cruel enough, but he didn't expect that Lu Li was also cruel.

"Even his subordinates can be abandoned immediately without hesitation.

Lu Li, who had just crushed the core coin, suddenly clapped his hands.

"Pa pa pa!"

Seeing Lu Li suddenly clapping, the Dinosaur Greedy did not dare to relax his vigilance.

His intuition told him that the guy in front of him was extremely dangerous.

It is not clear how dangerous it is, but the degree of danger is much higher than that of Wu Fan just now.

"Pah, pah, pah!"

"As expected of Dr. Maki, with only three purple core coins, he can exert such a good power.

It's a pity that you want to bring this world to an end, but I don't want this world to end.

The world is so beautiful, how can you easily lead it to an end?"

A madman who wants to destroy the world, no matter how much he says, there is no way to change his mind.

Of course, Lu Li didn't think of anything else, just simply expounded his point of view.

"Humph! The world is indeed beautiful, but the world without an end is incomplete.

Only if it ends in beauty, then this world can be truly called beautiful!"

This kind of morbid idea can only be thought of by Maki Kiyoto.

Lu Li smiled slightly and suddenly stretched out his right hand.

When he turned his hand, a purple core coin appeared between Lu Li's two fingers.

"Maki, the purple core coins you have been looking for are now with me.

You should be able to feel it now."

After the voice fell, Lu Li released the power from the purple core coin.

The eyes turned slightly purple, and there was a very dangerous aura on his body.

"What is this...?!"

If the Greedy Dinosaur was already surprised when he saw the purple core coin.

Now that Lu Li released the power of the purple core coin, the Greedy Dinosaur was extremely shocked.

He never thought that, besides himself, there would be someone who dared to integrate the core coin into his body.

The remaining purple core coins should be with Kazali.

However, Kazali has not been found for some time, and there is no news about the purple core coin.

But I didn't expect that the news I wanted would come so abruptly now, just in front of me.

"Could it be...Kazali gave it to you?!"

0Please give flowers

The Greedy Dinosaur felt that he seemed to have figured out something in his heart.

No wonder he always felt that Kazali was hiding something from him before.

Now that he thinks about it, everything can be explained.

From the beginning, Kazali was probably arranged by Lu Li to be by his side, just to get the purple core coin.

After figuring out all this, the Dinosaur Greedy couldn't help but regret why he chose to cooperate with the cunning guy Kazali.

What the Dinosaur Greedy didn't know was that he guessed partly right, but not all.

Kazali was not someone Lu Li had arranged to go there at the beginning. He just reached a cooperation with Lu Li after contacting him later.

At most, we can only say that Kazali is two-faced, thinking about cooperating with Zhenmu on one hand and cooperating with Lu Li on the other.

However, it was precisely because of his two-facedness that he ended up with a death without a burial place.

"Dr. Zhenmu, you guessed right, it was indeed given to me by Kazali.

It's just that I didn't arrange it for you at the beginning, but he wanted the two core coins that belonged to him in my hand, so he was willing to cooperate with me.

But I didn't expect that he not only had so many tricks, but also did it.

Not only did he help you merge three purple core coins, but he also secretly hid a purple core coin.

I naturally don't like such a guy, so I sent him...down."

As he said, Lu Li also pointed to the pile of coins that Wu Fan had turned into.

Everything was clear, and the Dinosaur Greedy finally understood that he had thought he had mastered everything.

Unexpectedly, he was just a pawn in the eyes of others.

The conversation between the two was also transmitted from the canned machine to the display, and Hong Shang Guangsheng heard it clearly.


When he learned that Lu Li already had seven purple core coins on his head, he felt that he was not feeling well.

Good guy!

Suddenly he felt cheated.

I thought that the purple core coins were all with Dr. Zhenmu, but I didn't expect that Zhenmu only had three purple core coins, and the rest were all with Lu Li.

And he actually paid 25% of the foundation shares as a price for this thing.

Thinking of this, Hong Shang Guangsheng couldn't help but slap his forehead in anger.

He knew that he was calculated by Lu Li this time.

But it's useless to regret now. The things have been given out. Can you regret it?

And if Lu Li is unhappy, what should he do if he regrets it?


With a slight sigh in his heart, Hong Shang Guangsheng knew that he was cheated this time, and he was cheated a lot.

But what does it matter? Things have come to this point. He can do nothing but bear everything silently.

Regret it! Regret it!

He slapped his mouth hard again. If he had known, he would have said less at that time, at least 20% would be fine!

It’s useless to think about these things now. Things have become a foregone conclusion. We can only hope that Lu Li will deal with this matter as soon as possible.

Looking at the purple core coin in Lu Li’s hand, the dinosaur greedy just wants to get his purple core coin back as soon as possible.

Now, he can’t care about so much.

At this time, the male and female pterosaurs and the ankylosaurs came back quickly.

All of a sudden, the dinosaur greedy had three more helpers.

Although the power of the greedy monsters can’t be compared with the greedy monsters, it is also quite good.

And the greedy monsters created by the dinosaur greedy are more powerful.

Now, four to one!

Metzl was about to come over to help, but Lu Li stopped her.

"Leave it to me. Your battle is over. Watch carefully."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li walked forward step by step.

While moving forward, Lu Li took out the Knight's Belt Buckle that he had not used for a long time.

Since he was going to deal with the Dinosaur Greedy, he still had to show some respect.

Lu Li had not used the power of the Emperor Sword for a long time, so he took the Dinosaur Greedy to practice again.

According to Lu Li's guess, once he collected nine purple core coins and integrated them into his body, he would become the complete form of the Greedy in a sense.

At that time, a powerful force would definitely be born to help him break the last shackles and successfully complete the 100% fusion progress.

When all the undead creatures are completed, the Knight's Belt Buckle in Lu Li's hand may be useless.

After successfully completing the fusion of all the undead creatures, Lu Li can move his mind at will and easily use the power of various undead creatures.

Even if he wants to transform into a knight of the corresponding color, he no longer needs the Knight's Belt Buckle.

Of course, it might be useful in the future. Lu Li might return to the world where the seal slab is.

Insert the Ace of Spades awakening card into the Knight's buckle, close the card tray and wear it around your waist.

Unfold the Knight's buckle casually, and the spade logo appears in the center of the Knight's buckle.


A blue light curtain appeared out of thin air and automatically approached Lu Li.

Next step, the Emperor Sword!

Chapter 270 The golden emperor comes from the terrifying domination of the Emperor Sword!

After passing through the light curtain, a layer of knight armor automatically appeared on Lu Li's body.

Kamen Rider.Blade!

Draw two awakening cards from the awakening sword and swipe them one after another.

"Absorb.Queen! Evolution.King!"

The golden light enveloped the awakening sword, and also enveloped Lu Li in it.

The dazzling golden light made the Dinosaur Greedy feel very bad.

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