His heart was restless.

His instinct was telling him, go, go quickly!

However, the other party has the purple core coin that he wants, and the dinosaur greedy can't leave no matter what.

He must get back those purple core coins before he can transform back into his full body and speed up the end of this world.

"Go! Get the core coins back!"

Following his command, the three Desire Monsters quickly pounced on Lu Li, who was emitting dazzling golden light.

But before the three Devouring Monsters could get close to the dazzling golden light, an extremely terrifying energy burst out instantly.


Facing the invasion of this terrifying energy, all three Devouring Monsters were undoubtedly blown away and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

In the dazzling golden light, a tall figure appeared in the sight of Dinosaur Greed.


The golden figure slowly walked out of the dazzling golden light. Every step he took gave the dinosaur greedy an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

The knight's armor, whose main color is gold, looks very powerful, and its scarlet eyes are hard to look at.

The sharp horn standing on top of his head is like a crown, making him look like a terrifying emperor.

The relief sculptures all over the body look lifelike, as if they are alive.

Kamen Rider Blade.King.form (Emperor Sword)!

Transforming into the Imperial Sword again, Lu Li felt in advance that his strength had been greatly improved.

The last time he transformed into the Imperial Sword was when he was fighting against the old man. There was already a clear gap between Lu Li at that time and now.

As the fusion progress of undead creatures increases, the upper limit of Kig.form used by Lu Li will naturally increase, so it is not surprising that his power will be enhanced.

Lu Li held his hand in the air and saw a flash of golden light.

The next second, a terrifying sword appeared in his hand.

Reawaken the sword!

He casually inserted the Zhong Awakening Sword into the ground, and the terrifying power instantly smashed a pit into the ground.


Putting his hands on the end of the hilt of the Zhong Awakening Sword, Lu Li stared directly at the Dinosaur Greed with his red eyes.

"Dr. Maki, are you ready?"

An indifferent voice without any emotion came, exuding a chill.

At this moment, Lu Li was like a ruthless emperor.

As the opponent, Dinosaur Greedy felt great pressure.

But now, does he have a choice?

No choice!

Both sides need the purple core coins in the other's hands, and it is impossible to stop unless one party takes the initiative to hand it over.

The Dinosaur Greed immediately launched an attack with his Desire Monsters.

Since they had already taken the initiative to launch an offensive, it meant that the other party was fully prepared, so Lu Li would naturally not be polite.

Pulling out the Awakening Sword with one hand, Lu Li would show them what... power is!


The two pterosaurs immediately fired purple destructive light bombs and fired continuously.


Facing the numerous incoming destructive light bombs, Lu Li did not dodge. He drew out the Awakening Sword and swung it fiercely.

A golden light suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Boom boom boom!!"

All the destructive light bombs exploded directly in mid-air, destroying themselves without any attack.

Seeing this situation, the male and female Devouring Monsters looked at each other and came to either side of Lu Li.

A sonic attack was launched.

A sonic attack launched by one of them would not cause much damage.

However, when both sides launch sonic attacks at the same time, they will resonate/woo, releasing an explosive attack.

"too slow!"

Before the voice could finish, Lu Li suddenly disappeared from the spot.


The two pterosaurs, male and female, apparently didn't understand what was going on, and the target simply disappeared.



The male Winged Dragon Devourer suddenly felt a pain in his chest. He lowered his head slightly and found that his chest had been pierced by the golden sword.


A cold and ruthless voice came from behind, and Lu Li exerted a little force on his arm.


The reawakening sword came down from top to bottom, directly tearing the male pterosaur into two halves.


The cell coin that fell was also split into two halves on the spot by the Awakening Sword.

"how come?!"

The female pterodactyl Devourer was frightened when she saw her companion being killed instantly.

She didn't even see what Lu Li did. Anyway, he suddenly appeared behind his companion, impaled him and cut him in half.


Even if it is a Devouring Monster, it will still feel scared when faced with an object that it cannot match no matter what.

When Dinosaur Greed noticed this situation, his heart suddenly sank, and he immediately shouted to the Ankylosaurus Devourer beside him.

"Freeze him!"

Putting his hands on the ground fiercely, Dinosaur Greed released his frozen power.

After receiving the order, the spike-like protrusions on the body of the Ankylosaurus Devourer also emit extremely low-temperature cold air, quickly freezing everything around it.

Under the mutual influence of these two freezing forces, everything around him was quickly freezing, and it soon spread to Lu Li's feet.

The frost did not stop at all and continued to spread upward, freezing Lu Li's legs and then his torso.

Seeing that the power of freezing was effective, Dinosaur Greed was inexplicably happy.

Have the opportunity!

Just when he thought so and was about to make an extra effort to freeze Lu Li completely, he found that the freezing power could only extend to Lu Li's torso and could not continue


"How could it be?!"

Only half of the body was frozen, which was completely unreasonable in the eyes of the Dinosaur Greedy.

For a moment, he did not understand what was going on. No matter how he used the freezing power, he could not freeze Lu Li.

"Attack quickly!!"

At this moment, he could not care so much. The Dinosaur Greedy immediately ordered the remaining female pterosaur Devourer to attack.

Resisting the fear and terror in her heart, the female pterosaur Devourer suddenly spread her wings and released purple lightning.

At the same time, it fired a series of destructive light bombs for bombing.

"Humph! Naive!

Lu Li, whose lower half of his body had been frozen, snorted slightly.

The right hand holding the Reawakening Sword moved slightly, and the Reawakening Sword burst into a dazzling golden light, instantly completely removing the frost on his body.

"What? ! ”

The Dinosaur Greedy was so emo when he dispelled his freezing power so easily.

What the hell is this?

It was fine that his upper body couldn't move just now, but now he can easily break his freezing power with just a casual move.

Lu Li turned 360 degrees suddenly, and threw the Reawakening Sword in his hand at the moment his body turned around.

"Swish! !"

The sound of breaking through the air came.

"Ah! !"

With a sudden scream, the chest of the female pterosaur Devourer was instantly pierced by the Reawakening Sword.

Under this terrifying force, the female pterosaur Devourer was carried to the sky.

"Boom! !"

Soon after, there was a burst of explosions/woops in the sky, like a burst of fireworks blooming in the sky.

Lu Li, who kept throwing, said two lightly.

"Two. "

It was as if he had expected that he would be able to kill one with one move.

Each time he only used one move, or even no second move, he could kill a Desire Devourer.

In this situation, the Dinosaur Greedy was simply terrified.

Not only was he terrified, but Hong Shang Guangsheng, who was sitting in front of the monitor, was also terrified.

He had never expected that Lu Li would be so terrifying.

You know, Oz and Danqi couldn't even deal with a Pterosaur Desire Devourer, which was much stronger than an ordinary Desire Devourer.

Even such a Desire Devourer couldn't survive in Lu Li's hands, and his terrifying strength was already exposed.

He secretly rejoiced in his heart that fortunately he had not made an enemy before, otherwise now, he might not be able to get any benefits.

The possibility of dealing with Lu Li with the power of the foundation is almost zero.

Although it cost 25% of the shares and lost a large amount of funds , somewhat at a disadvantage, but this matter should be able to be resolved in the end.

As for the purple core coin, Hong Shang Guangsheng no longer has any idea.

What ideas can he have, can he dare to have any ideas?

Lu Li has been eyeing the purple core coin from the beginning, and he has already asked him to trade at the beginning, but he did not agree at that time.

After a series of twists and turns, it finally fell into Lu Li's hands. Can he still let the other party hand it over?

Isn't this just a fool's dream?

He still doesn't know what Lu Li wants to do with the purple core coin, but he can be sure of one thing, that is, Lu Li will never destroy the world.

In this case, there is nothing to worry about.

It's better to be in Lu Li's hands than in Maki Kiyoto.

Although he couldn't see what the expression of the dinosaur greedy was at this moment, Hong Shang Guangsheng could probably guess that it must be very exciting.

"Haha! Dr. Maki, it seems that your plan will end here, and this world... will not enter the end.

He even has reason to believe that as long as Lu Li doesn't have the idea of ​​destroying this world, no one can destroy this world.

Back to Lu Li.

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