The broken purple core coin did not attract Lu Li's attention.

That thing is of little use to him. If there is one more, it may actually make the purple core coin return to zero.

Lu Li casually tossed the two core coins. As if being pulled by some force, the two core coins went straight into Lu Li's body.

As the two core coins entered his body, a terrifying energy burst out from Lu Li's body.

The eyes glowed with a faint purple light, giving people the feeling of being able to swallow everything.


The terrifying energy that burst out spread out to the surroundings.

The canned mechanical bird/crow, which acted as eyes and ears in mid-air, lost power instantly under the impact of this terrifying energy and fell to the ground.

Koshang Mitsuo, who was in the Koshang Foundation Building, looked at the monitor with no picture in front of him and fell into deep thought for a while.

From what we just saw, we can know that Lu Li used his body as a carrier to integrate the purple core coin.

"So that's it! He wanted to fuse the purple core coins from the beginning! That's why he made an offer to me and wanted the purple core coins.

Unexpectedly, he actually made the same choice as Dr. Maki. "

He stood up and came to the window, looking at a distant location. That direction was exactly where Lu Li was.

"Lu Li, after you become a purple greedy person, what will you choose?"

In his opinion, since Lu Li merged with the Purple Greedy One, he would definitely turn into a purple Devouring Monster.

But what he didn't know was that although the core coin was very powerful, it was not enough to truly corrode Lu Li's body, and there was no way to modify his body.


He is still the same person, he will not lose his perception of the world, nor will he be full of desire.

Lu Li was exuding terrifying energy, floating slowly in mid-air, and the terrifying energy enveloped him.

The body is attached by a layer of purple energy, which symbolizes the power of nothingness.

Before using the Dread Utopia fusion memory, Lu Li had already felt a breakthrough in the fusion progress, but he was not able to achieve a complete breakthrough.

This time, he planned to use the power of nine purple core coins to break through this stubborn shackles in one fell swoop.

Under the impact of this powerful energy, Lu Li could feel that the shackles of the fusion progress were being broken bit by bit.

This time, we can definitely break through the last shackles.


Lu Li exploded with all his strength, echoing and merging with the purple energy from before.

Under this terrifying energy, Lu Li's clothes gradually became damaged, and in the end they were completely consumed by the energy.

After a while, Lu Li exuded a terrifying aura.



Finally, Lu Li successfully broke through the shackles of 99%, and his progress value increased again, quickly reaching 100%.

After successfully reaching 100%, all the fifty-two undead awakening cards that Lu Li carried (including jokr, without the 2 of hearts) flew out.

These fifty-two cards appeared in the air, and in an instant they all transformed into gold, shining with golden light.

When it completely transformed into gold, the fifty-two awakening cards turned into golden light and merged into Lu Li's body.

"Ah!! 1"

The terrifying energy was integrated into his body, and even Lu Li couldn't help but let out a roar.

Extremely violent energy erupted from his body, even stronger than before.

Metzl, who was standing not far away, quickly erected a wall of water in front of him, but even so, he was still pushed far away.

"too horrible!"

Metzl was very shocked. She had never expected that Lu Li had such terrifying power. It was simply beyond imagination.

Unable to understand!

I thought that I had become a complete body and was powerful enough.

However, after seeing Lu Li's truly terrifying strength and power, Mezier realized that he was powerful, but compared to Lu Li, there was no comparison at all.

It can even be said that there is a huge gap in the combat effectiveness of the two sides. Just a burst of energy can push the fully alert self so far.

While feeling surprised, Mezier felt even more proud.

This is my man!

Possessing unparalleled strength, terrifying power to the extreme.

Lu Li, shrouded in golden light, could clearly feel that his body was undergoing an inexplicable transformation.

The physical body has been further strengthened. It is unknown how much it has been strengthened, but it is certain that it is more than 99% stronger than before.

It's only a one percent difference, but the change in power it brings is worlds apart.

In the process of final fusion, Lu Li was able to completely master his own power.

The golden light on his body was absorbed back into his body, and Lu Li's strong body appeared again.

Lu Li casually took out a set of clothes from the space and put them on before landing again.

Opening his eyes slightly, a golden light flashed in the black eyes, which was very sharp.

When Mezier saw that Lu Li had landed, she immediately walked over happily. However, when she leaned against Lu Li, she felt a great sense of oppression.

The closer she got, the stronger the huge sense of oppression became, as if it was rejecting her from getting close to Lu Li.

"Lu Li... What's going on? Why can't I get close to you?"

Metzl moved forward with difficulty, trying to touch Lu Li, but when she was more than one meter away from Lu Li, her body seemed to be unable to move forward.

The golden light in her eyes faded, and Lu Li completely restrained his aura.

Metzl, who lost control, fell into Lu Li's arms.

"Just now I was just adapting to my strength, and now I'm adapted."

After getting this answer, Metzl finally understood what was going on.

But at the same time, she was even more shocked by Lu Li's strength.

Just adapting to the strength of the body actually made it impossible for her to get close. It was unheard of to be so powerful.

Metzl had a smile on her face. The stronger Lu Li was, the better.

"Metzl, where is the core coin of Anku you just got? Give it to me first. I am looking forward to what Anku will look like after he becomes a complete form.

Can he maintain his current state? Or will he be devoured by desire like other greedy people?"

Hearing this, Metzl handed over the red and new coins in his hand without any hesitation.

"Anku, that guy, has been attached to humans for so long and has experienced everything that humans can experience.

If he becomes a complete form, I am afraid that the strong desire will devour him and turn him into a machine driven by desire."

This is Metzl's opinion.

No one knows what the specific situation is. We will know only when Anku really becomes a complete form.

"Lu Li, you go first. I will go to collect Wu Fan's core coin. Although there is no core coin with consciousness, it may be useful in the future."

Metzl didn't feel anything about Wu Fan's death.

It is true that they were companions, but it was just for convenience, and it did not mean that they were real companions.

Nodding, Lu Li bit Metzl's soft face gently, and turned to leave.

Metzl, who stayed behind, saw the scattered cell coins and of course took them all for himself.

At the same time, he also recovered the remaining core coins of Wu Fan.

"Wu Fan, you can only blame yourself for being too careless, otherwise... it wouldn't be like this now.

It's a pity, you are still too weak."

Multinational restaurant Kuscuchi.

Anku didn't know at this moment that Lu Li had successfully taken back his core coins.

He was still thinking about how to lure "Anku" out and have the final battle between the two sides.

Although he liked this body very much and could experience everything that humans could experience, its combat power was always too weak.

He urgently wanted to take back his body and become a complete body.

At this time, Anku suddenly had a strange feeling.

The body... is back?

The first reaction in his heart was that it was impossible. He knew very well what his current state was, and his body was not here at all.

But he did feel that he...seemed to have gotten his body back?

Could it be that... "Anku" was killed by someone?

Thinking of this, Anku no longer hesitated and immediately separated his arm from his body to control Izumi Shingo, who was lying powerless on the ground.

710 In one second, Anku burst out with power.

The red light enveloped his arm, and all the core coins were emitting red light at this time, as if he was condensing his body.

Originally, Anku, who only had his right arm left, recovered his body little by little with the power of the core coins and the support of the cell coins.

The sudden burst of content naturally caused a lot of noise, and Hino Eiji thought something happened in the attic.

He quickly put down his work and ran upstairs in a hurry.

Izumi Hina was very worried about his brother's safety and hurried to follow.



Pushing open the house in the attic, Hino Eiji rushed in with a worried look on his face.

But when he rushed in, he saw an incredible scene.

Anku, who should have only one right arm, has recovered his body and seems to have become complete.

However, there is only one wing behind him, and the other side is empty. There is no golden crystal on the belt on his abdomen, which means that he has not become a complete body.

Izumi Hina, who rushed here later, saw his brother lying on the ground at a glance, and hurried over to help him up.


"Hehehe! Hahahaha!"

Feeling that his strength has returned, looking at his hands, Anku laughed up to the sky.

He never thought that he would actually recover.

Although he didn't know what happened, he was sure that there should be something wrong with the other body of himself, or it had dissipated.

Otherwise, he couldn't change back to his current appearance.

"Hey! Anku! What's going on?"

Seeing Anku, who had left Izumi Shingo's body, Hino Eiji felt irritated for no reason.

He knew very well that they could live in peace in that way before, but it didn't mean that they could live in peace in that way in the future.

Anku has now recovered his body, and I'm afraid he won't return to Izumi Shingo.

Can the two sides still get along like before?

Regarding this, Eiji Hino has no idea.

Gathering his strength, Anku shrugged helplessly.

"Don't ask me, I don't know why I was able to find my body back suddenly. It must be that the other me was killed.

Maybe it was that guy Lu Li. After all, he said before that he was curious about what I would look like after I became a complete body."

Looking at the world from the current perspective, everything loses its color and becomes black and white.

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