Anku has long been accustomed to the human perspective and the use of human senses to perceive the world.

Now it suddenly changed again, and he felt very uncomfortable for a while.

"Anku! If you leave suddenly, what will my brother do?"

Izumi Hina was seeing Izumi Shingo with a worried look on her face, wondering what his condition was.

Hearing this, Anku shook his head and explained.

"Don't worry, after this period of possession by me, his body has almost returned to normal and he will not die.

I believe you will wake up soon, don't worry.

PS: thanks

Fengling. Still a monthly ticket!

Chapter 272 The recovered body, Anku’s complete body!

Anku didn't notice that the tone of his voice was different from the previous domineering tone.

Whether this has something to do with the transformation back into a complete body is yet to be determined.

After getting Anku's affirmative reply, Izumi Hina, who was still worried, finally calmed down.

Seeing Anku who had returned to the form of a greedy person, Izumi Hina felt quite uncomfortable in her heart.

After all, the other person used to have the same face as his brother, but now it suddenly changed, which was strange.


Huano Eiji's face was quite complicated, and he didn't know what Anku was thinking at the moment.

Noticing the change in Huino Eiji's face, Anku couldn't help but frown.

"Hey! Eiji, aren't you happy that I'm back in good health?"

He always wanted to recover his body, but there was another self.

Now he has finally recovered, but Huano Eiji doesn't seem to want to recover.

After changing from the greedy person form back to his previous appearance, Anku was still a little uncomfortable with his current situation for a while.

After all, I have experienced the beauty of the human world, and suddenly it has become the current state of sensory loss. I am afraid that anyone would feel uncomfortable.


Noticing that Anku had turned back into his brother's appearance, Izumi Hina opened her mouth slightly with a look of disbelief on her face.

Good guy!

Your brother is still here, can't you change yourself?

Aside from their hair and clothing, Anku and Izumi Shingo look exactly the same.

Fortunately, the dressing styles and hairstyles between the two are different, otherwise it is impossible to tell the difference between the two.

There was no smile on his face, but a serious look on his face. Hino Eiji stepped forward and pressed Anku's shoulder.

"Anku, now that you have got your body back, what are your plans next?"

He couldn't help but worry a little bit whether Anku would do anything else.

If that were the case, it would be a big problem.

Seeing the worried look on his face, Anku was not stupid, how could he not know what he was thinking.

Waving his hands casually, Anku looked indifferent.

"No plan? Of course, I need to retrieve the remaining core coins and turn them into a complete body first.

Although I have taken my body back now, I can't experience everything in the human world now, and I don't feel as convenient as that body.

I can only realize this after becoming perfect.

Upon hearing these three words being mentioned in full, Huino Eiji felt even more worried:

After becoming a complete body, can Anku really control the strong desire in his heart?

After thinking about it, Hino Eiji finally did not say this.

In any case, the two of them can be regarded as partners who live and die together, and he does not want to doubt his partner.

"Well, now that my body has recovered, I'm ready to go out and find the remaining core coins!

This state makes me very uncomfortable. I can't feel the world. It's too uncomfortable. "

Now that Anku has a body, he is qualified to find his own core coin, and he does not have to rely on Oz for everything like before.

Anku, who has a body but does not have a body, naturally has a different fighting ability.

Just after finishing speaking, Anku couldn't wait to leave the attic, ready to get a popsicle first.

Although he can't taste it now, he can miss the taste.

Seeing that Anku had left the attic, Huano Eiji hurriedly followed him out.

"Anku! State

And Izumi Hina used his extraordinary strength. He put his brother on Hino Eiji's bed and left the attic together.

When Anku ran down from the attic, he saw the person in the hall who filled his heart with curiosity.

Land from!

"Land from?!"

Huano Eiji, who was following closely behind, naturally saw Lu Li.

The other party suddenly came here at this time. Is there something going on?

Anku has successfully taken back his body, and his perception is not a bit stronger than before.

When he saw Lu Li again, he only felt one thing, that is, the guy in front of him was terrifying.

Even scarier than the last time I saw it

Why such a big change happened in such a short period of time, Anku didn't know.

Izumi Hina, who came down last, saw Lu Li in the hall and ran over with a joyful smile on her face.

Qiao Shengsheng stood in front of Lu Li, looking at Lu Li expectantly.

"Land from"

The soft and waxy sound makes people's ears feel soft when they hear it.

Lu Li directly killed him with a slap on the head.

Izumi Hina's head was gently stroked, and a happy smile suddenly appeared on her face.

If it weren't for Eiji Hino and Anku, she would have thrown herself into Lu Li's arms.

With outsiders around, Izumi Hina was still quite clear-headed and knew to be calm.

When he heard Izumi Hina's soft voice, Anku widened his eyes in disbelief.

He looked at Izumi Hina hard, his eyes full of shock.

He couldn't believe that this was the super-powerful woman, who could be so gentle."

Is such a soft voice really what she should have?

Putting his eyes on Anku, Lu Li immediately noticed that Anku's previous state was different.

"Anku, it seems that you should have turned back to your complete form, right?"

It just so happened that "Anku" was solved here, and his body was destroyed, which meant that Anku could rebuild his body.

It was naturally nothing strange to be able to turn back to the Greedy form.

Seeing Lu Li so calm, as if everything was expected, Anku probably had a guess in his mind.

"Did you solve the other me?"

He couldn't be completely sure that it was Lu Li, but even if it wasn't Lu Li, there should be a certain relationship.

"It wasn't me, it was Metzl, she solved the other Anku, this... is the remaining core coins."

As he spoke, Lu Li turned over his hand, and there were three red core coins quietly placed on his palm.

When Anku saw that his only three remaining core coins were in Lu Li's hand, his eyes widened, and his breathing became rapid unconsciously.

He didn't expect that Lu Li's actions were so fast, and in such a short time, he got his remaining three core coins again.

Looking away from his gaze, looking at Lu Li with a complicated expression, Anku really didn't understand what the man in front of him was thinking.

Is it really just to see what he would look like after becoming a complete body? Will he be controlled by desire because of strong desire?

~~The thing he had been thinking about was in this man's hand, but Anku felt that it was a little unreal.

"Don't doubt it, since I said I would give it to you, I will definitely give it to you."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li threw the three core coins in his hand over.

Catching the three core coins, Anku finally successfully collected nine core coins.

This means that he can now transform back to a perfect form.

Standing next to Anku, Eiji Hino had a very complicated look.

He was a little worried about what kind of changes Anku would have.

If Anku had taken back all the core coins when he just woke up, he would have been eager to transform into a perfect form immediately.

But he didn't do that now.

Looking at the three core coins in his hand, Anku looked around the environment in the restaurant, held the core coins tightly, and walked out.

If he became a perfect form here, it would be unreasonable if he ordered the restaurant:

After all, Shiraishi Chiyoko has taken them in for so long. Although Anku didn't say it verbally, he was grateful in his heart.

"Hey! Anku."

At this time, Eiji Hino certainly couldn't leave Anku alone. He was very worried about Anku's state after he became a perfect form.

Watching the two leave the restaurant one after another, Lu Li knew the result even if he didn't see the end.

Anku...has already integrated into the complex emotions of humans without knowing it.

Just a detail of not wanting to destroy the restaurant is enough to show that Anku is no longer a pure greedy person.

Even if he turns back to the perfect body, he will not go crazy because of his desire for desire:

During the time when he became a human, he has experienced too many things.

It is precisely because of coming together with Eiji Hino that the two can complement each other and become what they are now.

Eiji Hino, a typical extreme altruist, can be said to be an overly idealistic person who does not consider himself at all, but only considers others.

And Anku, a typical extreme egoist, should be said that all greedy people are like this at the beginning.

It is precisely because of the companionship of Eiji Hino and the time spent together that they have integrated the complex emotions that belong only to humans.

This kind of emotion is something that greedy people like Kazali cannot experience.

It is also because of this emotion from humans that Anku has the ability to control his desire for desire in his perfect body state.

The two of them should have been at two extremes, but after meeting each other, their lives became complete because of each other, and each of them had different experiences.

Izumi Bina looked at the figure disappearing at the door of the restaurant, and a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

"Lu Li, the two of them

After a period of getting along, although she did not like some aspects of An Ku's behavior, she unknowingly found that An Ku was actually a good greedy person.

Patting her head gently, Lu Li smiled.

"Don't worry, they will come back. Okay, don't think too much, hurry up and serve me a portion of today's food."


Nodding heavily, Izumi Bina hurried to the kitchen to prepare the food.

The two rode a driving sales number and came to a river.

Taking off his helmet, An Ku slowly walked to the river.

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