Huano Eiji stood there, he didn't know what he could do now, and he didn't know whether he should prevent Anku from returning to his complete body.

After hesitating for a while, Hino Eiji finally lowered his tightly clenched fist.

He... chose to believe Anku.

The two have experienced so much together, and they already trust each other unconsciously:

Although Anku usually has a bad character, in essence, it does not mean that he is bad.

Anku naturally knew that Hino Eiji was watching him from behind, but he had no intention of stopping him.

With a slight smile on his lips, Anku took out the remaining three red core coins and integrated them directly into his body.



A burst of red energy instantly enveloped Anku.

His body was covered with red light, and the power of his body was constantly emerging.


Anku roared.

Behind him, a pair of beautiful red wings spread out. Compared with the previous incomplete single wing, the current wings appeared more complete.

Later, Anku finally returned to his greedy self.

Anku. Complete body!

After successfully transforming into a complete body, Anku could feel that the desire was becoming stronger.

But even though the desire became stronger, Anku did not feel that his desire could not be fulfilled.

The complex emotions belonging to humans affect him, and he becomes a complete greedy person, and his perception of the world becomes clear, just like he used a human body before.

Complex emotions emerged in his heart, and Anku stood quietly.

Seeing Anku standing motionless, Hino Eiji quietly walked over and came to Anku's side.


.How do you feel now? "

He asked with concern like an old friend.

Hearing this, Anku returned to his human form and nodded slightly.

"Of course, becoming a complete body again is what every greedy person wants, and I am no exception."

When saying this, Anku's eyes were a little complicated.

There was no crazy desire for desire, and he didn't understand what was going on.

But perhaps, this is the best situation.

He had already thought about this issue when he got his last three core coins.

Not being affected by crazy and strong desires, being able to be the same as before is the best feeling.

"That's good. In that case, let's go back. Fortunately, you made the choice just now, otherwise I'm afraid it would have made a mess in the store."

While speaking, Hino Eiji pointed at the stones around him that had been swept away by energy.

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked towards the driving and selling number, as if what happened just now were just ordinary things.

Anku turned around and looked at his back.

"Eiji! Now that I have full physical strength, aren't you afraid?"

He wanted to know what Hino Eiji was thinking now.

Stopping, Hino Eiji turned around, with the same smile on his face as before.

"Why should I be afraid? Anku will always be Anku, and this will never change.

As long as this is the case, even if you are already perfect, you are Anku first. "

After hearing these words, Anku was stunned.

I don't know why, but there is an indescribable feeling in my heart.

This feeling of being trusted made Anku feel inexplicably happy.

The corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, and Anku followed him in stride.

"Ah! Yes! I'm still me!"

He did not change because he became perfect; everything remained the same.

Night falls.

(Li Hao)

The city was shrouded in a dark coat.

On a certain road, in a sparsely populated area, a male employee who had just finished get off work overtime at the company was walking on the road with a tired look on his face.

"Damn it! You keep asking me to work overtime every day! And you won't give me a salary increase, you bastard!"

If it weren't for the fact that it's hard to find a job now, I might have resigned long ago.

Just as he kept complaining, a black shadow quickly approached.

At the corner of a dark alley, the man who had been cursing just now felt a huge force coming and was forcibly dragged in.


The next second, heart-rending screams were heard.

Because it was late at night and sparsely populated, no one heard the screams.

At this time, a van drove quickly from not far away.

After arriving at the entrance of this alley, a group of people wearing black clothes got off the box truck.

There were ten people, and the leader took out a costume memory first.

“Act now!


Others also took out their makeup memories and transformed.

As the memory was integrated into their bodies, everyone instantly transformed into costume-doped bodies.

After transforming into costumed hybrids, they did not rush into the alley immediately, but took out their weapons from the car.

If you want to eliminate Amazon, you can't do it by relying on the power of cosmetic memory.

Although the makeup memory can make them physically stronger, in any case, their combat power is still not enough compared to Amazo.

But at least with the costume memory, the survival probability of the team members assigned to perform the mission is greatly increased, and they will not suffer too much loss.

You must know that more than 4,000 Amazons have escaped from the laboratory. It will take many years and months to get rid of them all.

Until other methods are developed, although this method is a drop in the bucket, it is better than doing nothing.

This matter has not been exposed for the time being, and it is not that paper can cover up the fire.

Chapter 273 Mizusawa Yu and Mina in the "Water Tank": I... won't hide anymore!

As time goes by, sooner or later these things will no longer be concealed and will be exposed.

If all these Amazons can be dealt with before this, the trouble will be much less.

This was not only Mizusawa Reika's plan, but also Tenjo Takaaki's idea.

However, Tenjo Takaaki does not just want to eliminate Amazon, but also wants to create a new ecosystem.

Create a life in the true sense, a life form that is very similar to humans.

Three special teams are working day and night to find Amazon. As soon as the opponent wakes up the armband on his arm, the location will be immediately sent, and they will rush there as soon as possible.

on site.

This time too, they rushed here immediately after receiving the notice.

Everyone picked up their weapons and surrounded the entrance of the alley.

The two men in disguise were walking ahead with assault rifles in their hands, observing vigilantly.

As they kept getting closer, the situation inside the alleyway was finally exposed before their eyes.

There was blood on the ground, and there were even many broken limbs. The scene was extremely bloody.

An intense act of blood filled the air.

I saw a human-shaped creature lying on a body that had been dead for a while, gnawing away.

"Target confirmed!"

"Attack! Destroy it!"

Following the captain's order, everyone immediately pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang.!!"

The muzzle of the gun was spitting flames, and the sound of a series of shooting instantly interrupted Amazon, who was enjoying a delicious meal.

This is a bat-shaped Amazon, with a cloak-like black flying wing membrane behind it, like a pair of wings.

The dark golden body looked powerful, and its mouth was full of blood.

Pulling off the flight membrane behind him, the bullets fired by the task force poured wildly onto the flight membrane.

"Ding ding ding!!"

Bursts of fire were built in the dark alley. After shooting continuously for a while, the captain immediately stretched out his hand to signal everyone to stop attacking.

The alley finally became quiet, and Bat Amazon, who was surrounded by strong firepower, was now shrouded in gunpowder smoke.


The captain waved his hand, and the two people next to him immediately understood what to do and walked over with assault rifles raised!

Since they have become costumed adults, they are much bolder and don't have to worry about their lives being lost.

Just as the two of them were approaching, a black shadow suddenly fell from above, knocking one of the costumed dopers to the ground.

Although I don’t know what the monster in front of me is, Amazon doesn’t care so much and bites the doped body crazily.

Even if it uses memory and becomes a doped body, it cannot change the fact that it is a human being.

The dopant is still a human being in essence, and it also has a fatal attraction for Amazon.

At best, the cosmetic dopant can only withstand ordinary pistol bullets, and even an assault rifle can beat him into a sieve, not to mention Amazon, who has sharp teeth and claws.

Becoming a cosmetic adulterer is only slightly safer at best, but it does not mean that you will definitely be immune to Amazon's attacks.

Blood spurted out, and another person traveling with him shot wildly.

The captain who noticed the situation immediately ordered another shooting at Bat Amazon.

Amazon is not invincible, and may die if seriously injured.

With so many assault rifle fires at the same time, even though the bat Amazon had wing membranes as protection, it was still caught off guard.

Bat Amazon has reached level B and is very powerful. Firepower is generally required to destroy it.

“Bang bang bang.!


Bullets fired wildly, and a large number of bullets poured out.

Finally, it penetrated the wing membrane and shot through the body of the bat Amazon.

Black liquid splashed out under the bullets, and the Bat Amazoni retreated steadily, unable to stop the attack of this team.

In the end, the bat Amazon. could only drink his hatred and fall to the ground, eventually turning into a puddle of black liquid, leaving behind an armband with red eyes.

As for the costumed dopant who was attacked and fell just now, because the bite was caused by arterial blood vessels, which caused massive bleeding, he could not be treated in time and died on the spot.

And with his death, the makeup memory naturally lost its function.

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