After seeing this scene, the other team members could not help but feel sad.

"Captain, Hashimoto... was killed in action."

"Got it, we don't have time to mourn here, send his ashes back."

The newly formed task force cannot stop because of the death of one person.

In order to eliminate more Amazons, they must hurry up and not waste time here.

After successfully eliminating an Amazon, the captain reported the matter to Mizusawa Reika.

"Minister Mizusawa, the Amazon that just appeared has been eliminated by us, but we also lost a team member."

After hearing the report, Mizusawa Reika was not particularly angry.

It is reasonable to have casualties. If there are no casualties at all, it is obviously impossible.

"I know, you continue to hurry up and must eliminate more Amazons as soon as possible to reduce losses. "

If there are more and more victims, then this matter will surely be exposed in the end!

(abfb) Once the public knows about this matter, the first problem will be that Nozama Pharmaceutical will become the target of everyone's criticism.

At that time, even if the government wants to help Nozama Pharmaceutical, I am afraid that ordinary people will not buy it.

If things really get to such a serious point, Nozama Pharmaceutical will inevitably be pushed to the forefront of public opinion, and then the trouble will be really big.

Now we can suppress this matter as soon as possible, and also to prevent the situation I just thought of from happening.

"Yes! Minister Mizusawa, please rest assured! "

The captain of the team nodded vigorously. They were all hired by the company.

The company spent a lot of money to hire them, so they naturally need to work hard for the company.

Even if this job may endanger their lives, the other party gave too much and they could not refuse.

And even if they died, their families would be able to get a valuable compensation.

After hanging up the phone, Mizusawa Reika was a little unhappy when she thought that it had only been a few days and the memory loss had occurred.

After all, this was purchased by the company at a cost. Losing a memory means an unnecessary expense.

A few days have passed, and there seems to be no news from Sonosaki Saeko. Mizusawa Reika is a little anxious.

Thinking of this, she called Sonosaki Saeko again.

After a while, the call was connected.

"Hello! President Sonosaki, this is Mizusawa Reika. I would like to ask, when can the memories purchased before be delivered to us? ”

Saiko Sonosaki on the other end of the phone nodded and said casually.

"Minister Mizusawa, don't worry, I will arrange someone to send it to you in the next two days."

The museum itself has the memory mentioned before, but Saeko Sonosaki did not give it to Mizusawa Reika directly.

The main reason is that Lu Li plans to go and see it in person, but he has to finish the matter of the purple core coin.

So this matter has been delayed for a few days. Now Lu Li has finished the matter, and he should have time to go there in the next two days.

When she learned that she could get the memory in the next two days, Mizusawa Reika was silently relieved.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, President Sonosaki. '

Then she hung up the phone.

Mizusawa Reika was actually not in the company, but at home.

She slowly came to a room upstairs and opened the door gently.

This is a very simple room, almost all white.

Next to the door of the room, there is a large water tank with some small fish in it.

On the bed in the corner of the room, there lies a young man, wearing a white shirt, curled up.


Looking at the child on the bed, Mizusawa Reika had a faint smile on her face.

The young man on the bed was named Mizusawa You, and he was Mizusawa Reika's son.

Although he was declared to be an adopted son, in a sense, he was indeed her son.

Mizusawa You has both Amazon cells and human genes, a perfect combination of the two.

And the human genes came from Mizusawa Reika.

Therefore, it is not wrong to say that Mizusawa You is her son.

Even though Mizusawa You was just a life born through research, Mizusawa Reika did not just regard him as a research object, but poured her motherly love on him.

After coming to the bed and gently stroking Mizusawa You's face, Mizusawa Reika carefully left the room.

Just as she left, Mizusawa You slowly opened his eyes.


He didn't know what happened to him, anyway, his condition was not very good.

As for why he suddenly became like this, it was because he did not inject a drug.

He only had the memory of the past two years, and other than that, everything else was blank, like a blank sheet of paper.

His mother, Mizuzawa Reika, told him that he was too weak to go out.

He needed to take injections and medications every day.

He was not particularly averse to taking medications, but every time he took an injection, he felt an extreme disgust in his heart.

He was unwilling to continue taking injections no matter what, not because of Mizuzawa Reika's instructions.

Today, for the first time, he disobeyed Mizusawa Reika's order and stopped injecting the medicine.

Regarding this matter, Mizusawa Linghua doesn't know yet.

She never thought that Yu Mizusawa would disobey her and stop injecting the medicine.

And this potion is exactly the inhibitor!

On the other side, the Sonosaki family.

Lu Li has successfully retrieved the purple core coin, and has completed the undead fusion progress to 100%.

Currently, there is nothing to do in that city for the time being.

As for why I didn't bring Izumi Hina back, it was entirely because this girl was still studying fashion design and usually lived in her own home.

Since Izumi Hina wanted to learn fashion design, Lu Li would certainly not stop him. Everyone has their own hobbies, and he was no exception.

Moreover, Izumi Hina has not accepted so many women around Lu Li yet and needs time to slowly come to terms with it.

The newly added secretary, Erika Satonaka, has now been transferred to the company.

He has not been allowed to become a cadre yet. To become a cadre of the museum, it not only depends on ability, but also loyalty.

This can be cultivated slowly.

When the time is right, Erika Satonaka will naturally become a museum official.

At the same time, Lu Li directly handed over the position of general manager of his company to Sono Saki Wakana in order to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

After this period of study, Sonosaki Wakana is now able to stand alone.

Mina took over her position and became Sonosaki Kiko's secretary, while Satonaka Erika became Sonosaki Wakana's secretary.

Lu Li, who no longer had a position in the company, was relieved.

Anyway, he basically wouldn't go when he was the general manager.

"Dear, Mizusawa Reika called just now and said that he hopes we can send the purchased memories as soon as possible.

I promised to send it to her in the next two days. Do you think...when should we send it there? "

In this matter, Sonosaki Saeko did not make any decisions on her own, but left all the authority to Lu Li.

Hearing this, Lu Li nodded slightly. He clearly heard the content of the phone call just now.

"The day after tomorrow. I'll go there in person the day after tomorrow, and I'll take all these memories with me."

As for why it was said to be the day after tomorrow, of course it was because Lu Li had other things to do.

After these things are taken care of, it will be convenient to go to the city where Amazon is located.

"No problem, then I'll have someone make arrangements tomorrow to get those memories ready."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sonosaki Wakana couldn't wait to interrupt.

"Oops! What are you talking about? Lu Li, tell me, did anything abnormal happen after your body was fused with that purple core coin?"

She looked at Lu Li curiously, wanting to know what changes had happened to Lu Li's body.

There was a trace of worry deep in her eyes. She was also worried about whether there would be something wrong with Lu Li's body.

"Of course not. Since I dare to integrate the core coin into my body, it certainly means that I have enough power to suppress the erosion of my body.

Don't worry, I don't want to be unable to see the colors of the world and eat these delicious things, let alone you. "

There was a meaningful smile on his face.

Sonosaki Wakana didn't know if she thought of something, and her face suddenly turned red.

"Hmph! I just want to think about it every day. I won't wait for you. Go find Mina by yourself. She has been looking forward to saying it for a long time."

Good guy!

Mina was stunned on the spot when she heard this.

Okay, why did it suddenly involve you?

Although...even though she had been looking forward to it for a long time, Lu Li never responded, and it was impossible for her not to feel disappointed in her heart.

But she believed that as long as she persisted, Lu Li would always accept her.

Staring at the cute Kazlan's big eyes, Mina's incredible eyes seemed to say, why did you bring this matter to me?

"Hey! Mina, stop hiding it. It's not like I can't see the look in your eyes. Why are you hiding it? It's pointless to hide it anymore." Sono Saki Wakana crossed her arms and said seriously.

Its way of doing things.

Her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment, and Mina quickly lowered her head, not daring to look at Lu Li.

As the only male head of the family, Mina already belonged to Lu Li from the moment she joined the museum.

"Mina, what do you think?"

Lu Li looked at Mina with a smile on his face and asked her opinion.

Can I ask this kind of thing? !

Mina, who was almost stunned by this question, turned even more rosy and her head almost buried in her chest.

Then he nodded his head subtly, as if answering Lu Li's question just now.

Seeing this, Lu Li walked over and took Mina's hand, and the two disappeared into the hall in an instant.

Sonosaki Saeko looked at the little sister next to her pouting, as if to say, I am very unhappy now.

"Haha! Wakana, didn't you say it happily just now? Why did you suddenly change?"

"Tsk! I regret it now, okay? Forget it, we are all a family anyway.

Thinking about it or forgetting it, Sonosaki Wakana could naturally see that Mina's heart was completely focused on Lu Li.

This was just like her past self, she had no intention of stopping it.

As for Mezel, although she understands the situation of human society, she doesn't care about it at all.

Someone likes Lu Li, which means that Lu Li is strong and outstanding enough to attract others.

No words were spoken that night.

After tonight, there is one less girl in the world.

The next day, Lu Li began to deal with things.

Before leaving, one of the things he had to do was to turn the power of the three purple core coins into awakening cards.

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