This is the same as turning the memory into an awakening card before.

PS: thanks

13382. monthly ticket!

Chapter 274 Target: Sixth Company 000000, Earth’s Memory Core

Lu Li took out three purple core coins from his body.

The three core coins are the Pteranodon, Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops core coins.

After converting the power of these three core coins into awakening cards, Lu Li can use the awakening device to directly transform into Oz's Winged Horned Tyrannosaurus.

Looking at the three core coins on the table, Lu Li stretched out his right hand.

At the palm of the hand, a faint black light lit up and gradually enveloped the three purple core coins.

When this force comes into contact with the three purple core coins, the purple core coins seem to have a special effect.

It releases bursts of purple current. It seems that it is resisting the power from the sealing stone slab.

Seeing this scene, Lu Li felt quite surprised.

I didn't expect that the purple core coin could produce such a reaction.

But with this little resistance, can you hold on?

Soon, this power did not remain deadlocked for long, and the purple core coin was completely covered by black light.

After a while, the dark energy returned to Lu Li's body. The three purple core coins originally placed on the table now turned into one.

Awakening card.

The pattern on the awakening card has three purple core coins in the center. The pattern on it is very obvious, and there are countless purple lightning winding around it.

Conversion completed!

Although he took out three purple core coins, Lu Li's strength was not affected by the loss of the purple core coins.

His own power still comes from the recreated target and the fused undead creatures.

As for the power of the purple core coin, it is only suitable for foreign objects after all.

Putting it in the body does not improve one's own strength much, so it is better to use it to transform it into other powers.

There were still six purple core coins left in his body, and Lu Li already had other ideas.

It has never appeared in the feature film, but there is another very special existence in the Oz system.

That was the O00000 that the Xiuka leader transformed into. Lu Li called it the form of six eggs with more than three eggs (funny).

The six-link drive is used, which uses six core coins, which symbolizes six extremely evil organizations.

Respectively representing the six evil organizations of Shoka, Galshoka, Distron, G.O.D, Kalanda Empire, and Trusa Legion.

Using the power of the core coins corresponding to the six evil organizations, he transformed into the leader of Shuka 000000, and his combat power is terrifying.

Information about these six evil organizations is indeed recorded in the Earth Library.

Lu Li had indeed found this information before.

Through the data of these evil organizations, Lu Li can completely create the corresponding core coins by relying on Kara's powerful talents and abilities!

Lu Li's plan is that after creating these core coins, he is going to incorporate the power of the purple core coins into them, making the six created core coins become

More powerful.

As for whether it will get out of control, he is not worried at all.

The core coins created by Lu Li must be under his control.

It's just that it's not easy to make these six core coins by yourself, at least it can't be done in a short time, let alone today.

In addition to turning the three purple core coins into awakening cards, Lu Li also planned to find out all the data of the six evil organizations for the convenience of the future.


But Lu Li didn't plan to find it directly through this library. Instead, he planned to go to the Well of the Earth.

Lu Li, who has completely integrated all the undead creatures, is now confident that he can enter the Well of the Earth, and does not have to worry about being data-driven like Phillip.


After placing the Winged Horned Tyrannosaurus Awakening Card, Lu Li went to the Well of the Earth beneath Sonosaki's house.

Lu Li did not inform Sonosaki Saeko and the others about what he wanted to do.

The main reason was that he was confident about this matter. Telling Sonosaki Saeko would only make them worry, so Lu Li chose to hide it.

I took the elevator to the geographical space and looked at the Well of the Earth, which I had not been to for a long time.

Slowly walking over, Lu Li looked down at the Well of the Earth.

There was a faint green light emitting from the Well of the Earth, and it was impossible to see what was going on below.

When he came here before, Lu Li could still feel that the Well of the Earth posed a certain threat to him.

But now, there is no such feeling at all.

Lu Li jumped in without any hesitation.

The body fell vertically, as if there was no bottom at all.

The further down it goes, the more intense the surrounding green light becomes.

As Lu Li approached the center of Earth's memory, Lu Li could feel a force eroding away, as if it wanted to decompose his body.

But now his body is too strong, and even the power of the earth's memory cannot break it down.

Even if it breaks down a little, it will recover immediately.

Soon, Lu Li successfully landed.

He came to a space full of green light, surrounded by green light.

In front of him was a huge ball shining with green light.

This... is the core of the Earth's memory!

Approaching step by step, Lu Li ignored the decomposition and erosion of this force, and finally came to the front of this huge sphere.

At this position, the energy of the Earth's memory erosion is particularly strong. If it is not strong enough, it has been decomposed into data at this time.

Looking at this huge core, Lu Li stretched out his hand and pressed it on the huge core.

The moment his hand touched the core, a dazzling green light suddenly illuminated the entire space.

Under the shining of this dazzling green light, Lu Li was completely integrated into it.

Time came to the afternoon in a blink of an eye.

Ming/Wu Hai Detective Agency.

Because the museum's technology is mature, the memory sold will no longer be corroded by the Earth's toxins, and will not turn people into dopants.

This has caused the Ming/Wu Hai Detective Agency to lose a lot of commissions. They only received some small commissions, and almost no big commissions were seen.

As a result, Zuo Xiangtaro was completely idle.

He looked completely the same as usual. When he faced Lu Li before, the extremely terrified look seemed to be just a dream.

But only Philip knew that Zuo Xiangtaro's fear only came from Lu Li, not from others.

As long as he didn't see Lu Li, he wouldn't have much emotional change under normal circumstances.

The number of commissions decreased, and although the money earned was less, Philip became much more relaxed.

He could study and read his favorite books and learn the knowledge he wanted to know.

Philip, who was reading in the Earth Library as usual, suddenly felt a violent vibration in the Earth Library.

"What's going on?"

It was the first time he encountered such a situation. Why did the Earth Library vibrate inexplicably?

After staying in the vibrating Earth Library for a long time, the vibration became stronger and stronger.

Philip couldn't figure out the situation for a while, so he had to leave the Earth Library early.

Philip, who came back to his senses, frowned deeply, his eyes full of confusion and doubts.

He really couldn't figure out why the Earth Library was shaking so badly, it felt like an earthquake in the human world.

After thinking for a while, Philip still couldn't find the reason.

The Earth Library had never had such a situation. Could it be.... something wrong with the Earth itself?

Such a strange idea suddenly popped up in his mind, but Philip only thought about it, and didn't really think about it.

If there was really something wrong with the earth itself, it would be more serious.

At this time, Philip's heart suddenly palpitated, and he had a familiar feeling.

"This feeling...

Philip, who felt extremely familiar, widened his eyes slightly, ran out of the basement quickly, and hurried out of the office.

Seeing Philip in such a hurry, Zuo Xiangtaro hurriedly shouted.

"Hey! Philip!"

But Philip at this time had no intention of paying attention to him.

"Philip, what is he doing?"

Frowning, Zuo Xiangtaro was still a little worried, and hurriedly got up and followed him out.

When he came to the outside of the detective agency, he found Philip standing on the side of the road, looking up in one direction.

Moving his eyes to that direction, Zuo Xiangtaro saw nothing.

"Hey! Philip, what are you doing? ”

However, Philip, who was distracted at this time, did not hear what Zuo Xiangtaro said at all:

Seeing that he did not answer him, Zuo Xiangtaro felt something was wrong and patted Philip's shoulder vigorously.

"Huh? Philip!

Philip, who was in a daze, finally came back to his senses.

"Shotaro, did you feel it?"

Such an inexplicable question made Zuo Xiangtaro completely confused about what he was talking about.

"What do I feel? I don't feel anything, I just feel that you seem to be talking nonsense."

Shaking his head helplessly, Philip pointed to the direction he had just looked at.

"In that direction, I have an inexplicable feeling in my heart that I can't explain."

"Inexplicable feeling?"

Zuo Xiangtaro did not doubt Philip's words, but he did not feel it.

At this time, Zuo Xiangtaro's face suddenly changed, and he remembered what was in that direction.

"Zonozaki family!"

"Zonozaki family!"

The two said these three words in unison.

They had been to the Sonozaki family before, and it happened to be in this direction.

There weren't so many coincidences, there must be some connection.

"Is this matter... related to Lu Li?"

When Lu Li was mentioned, a deep fear flashed in Zuo Shotaro's eyes.

The hands on both sides of his body trembled unconsciously, and he was instinctively afraid of this name.

It can be said that Lu Li has left a very deep shadow in his mind, the kind that can't be shaken off.

Anyway, as long as it is related to Lu Li, Zuo Shotaro is now trying to get in touch with it as much as possible.

Now, Philip felt that there was something wrong with the Sonozaki family, and Zuo Shotaro instinctively wanted to avoid this topic.

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