"Shotaro... Don't worry about this matter. I want to figure it out by myself."

As soon as he finished speaking, Philip walked to the tough guy on the side and put on his helmet.


0. Flowers 0

Zuo Xiangtaro wanted to stop Philip because he knew very well how terrifying Lu Li was.

But he also knew that once Philip had determined something, he would definitely figure it out, and three bulls couldn't pull him back.

With a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart, Zuo Xiangtaro could only see Philip gradually going away.

He really wanted to catch up, but as soon as Lu Li's appearance appeared in his mind, his steps stopped abruptly.

Unable to face it, let alone dare to face it.

The fear that Lu Li brought to Zuo Xiangtaro was much deeper than the fear that Sonosaki Ryubei brought to him in the play.

Inside the Well of the Earth.

Lu Li, who was completely wrapped in the memory of the Earth, could feel a strange energy that was madly infiltrating into his body.

This energy , which is similar to the Earth memory crystal that Lu Li absorbed after killing Core.

However, this energy is now larger and rougher.

Lu Li doesn't need to absorb it at all, and this energy is flowing into his body crazily.

If it were Lu Li, who had not completely merged all the undead creatures before, he would probably feel very uncomfortable facing this situation.

And now Lu Li himself doesn't know how much energy he can accommodate now, and he doesn't feel any discomfort.

As this rough energy poured into his body, Lu Li felt refreshed.

Taking this opportunity, Lu Li quickly searched for the Earth memory about the six evil organizations.

For Lu Li, who was born in the center of the Earth's memory, to find the six evil organizations, Related memories, it is not difficult.

After a quick search, Lu Li found the most representative memories of these organizations one after another.

With these earth memories, it is not difficult to make the corresponding core coins.

However, in order to transform these memories into power, they must be made into corresponding memory bodies.

With the corresponding memory bodies, these powers can be materialized, and then the corresponding core coins can be made.

After successfully finding the information he wanted, Lu Li also felt that his own energy was in a state of balance with the energy of the earth's memory.

He did not continue to absorb frantically, nor did he give feedback.

In this state, Lu Li can easily browse all the memories of the earth. As long as it is recorded on the earth, everything can be seen clearly.

No Need to enter the Earth Library again, or... it can be said that Lu Li himself is a terminal of the Earth Library.

After successfully reaching this step, Lu Li's body's energy has further increased, and his own strength has become stronger.

After completing the goals one after another, Lu Li is becoming stronger step by step.

Lu Li, who has been connected to the Earth Memory, can visit the Earth Well at any time, and can let the Earth Memory provide him with a steady stream of energy.

The harvest this time can be said to be very huge, not just getting the corresponding data.

Raising his head slightly, Lu Li lightly stepped on his feet, and his body suddenly took off into the air, moving outward from the Earth Memory Core.

As he got farther and farther away from the Earth Memory Core, Lu Li could feel that the green light was getting weaker and weaker.

Soon, Lu Li left the Earth Well and returned to the underground of Yuansaki's house.

After leaving the Earth Well, Lu Li found that his clothes were gone again.

Good guy!

There is a price to pay for being reluctant!

Before, when the fusion progress reached 100%, the clothes disappeared, and now this trick is done again.

Fortunately, there was no one else here, so Lu Li took out a set of clothes from the space and put them on.

Perhaps because he had completed the synchronization and assimilation with the Earth's memory, Lu Li could even sense Philip's existence.

Because Philip himself was composed of data from the Earth's memory, it was not an exaggeration to say that he and Lu Li were of the same origin.

Of course, this feeling was only one-sided, and Philip could not feel Lu Li's existence in detail.

There was just a vague feeling that was hard to explain.

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Lu Li could feel that Philip was approaching his position.

Presumably, he must have felt something, so he rushed over here.

Lu Li left the underground space and returned to the Sonozaki family.

At this time, Philip finally rode the Tough Guy to the Sonozaki family.

Looking at the Sonozaki family in front of him, Philip slowly took off his helmet.

He had the idea of ​​going in and recognizing his family, but this idea flashed by.

In the final analysis, he was now at least standing on the opposite side of his family, and recognizing his family would only increase his pain.

Fortunately, the current museum no longer produces memories that carry the Earth's memory toxins, which can be regarded as a change in the current Fengdu.

Philip naturally knew about this situation

"Philip, it seems... you should have felt it."

A familiar voice came from the side.

Hearing this familiar voice, Philip suddenly came back to his senses.

"Lu Li!"

Looking at Lu Li vigilantly, he did not dare to be careless.

PS: Thank you 111118211 for your monthly vote! one

Chapter 275 You are really crazy! Go to Nozama

Seeing him looking at him nervously, Lu Li said with a smile.

"Don't be so nervous. I just felt you coming, so I came out to see you."

He has now merged with Earth's memory, and even has a much higher level than Philip in the Earth Library.

With just one thought, Lu Li could easily block Philip's access to the books in the Earth Library.

"Feel me coming?"

Phillip frowned, apparently unable to react for a moment as to the hidden meaning of Lu Li's words."

But Philip, who had a smart mind, quickly understood what Lu Li meant by his words after calm analysis and thinking.

As he was rushing here, he had an indescribable feeling, as if he was very familiar with him.

But this feeling can't be described, it's very strange.

He had known before that he did not really exist, but was composed of the data of the earth's memory.

The thing that can make me have this strange feeling should be the memory of the earth.

Looking closely at Lu Li, he could feel that the other person had a power similar to his own.

Suddenly thinking of something, Phillip's eyes suddenly widened.

"Did you...did you...enter the Well of the Earth?!"

The tone was full of disbelief, and when Phillip saw Lu Li standing here intact, he felt a surge in his heart.

After retrieving his memory, he already knew how he had lost his memory.

But Lu Li was now able to appear in front of him intact, and the current situation made him confused.

Lu Li didn't find it strange at all that Phillip could guess that he had entered the Well of the Earth.

"Bingo! Congratulations on your guess.

After all, Phillip almost has the smartest brain in the world, and it is reasonable to be able to quickly analyze what Lu Li did.

The analysis was done, but to accept such a result, Phillip couldn't accept it for a while.

In his opinion, Lu Li's behavior was no different from that of a lunatic.

He knew very well what it meant to enter the Well of the Earth.

It means...looking for death!

When he was a child, he accidentally fell into the Well of the Earth, and his final outcome was that his body was decomposed by the power of the Earth's memory.

But fortunately, the relevant memories were preserved by Earth's memory, and it eventually became what it is now.

Although it seems to have a body, in fact, it is just a body composed of data, which is still different from the real body.

Phillip didn't know what Lu Li's current state was.

But he didn't think Lu Li could withstand the erosion of the powerful power of Earth's memory. No matter how powerful a person was, could he be stronger than this world?

From Philip's perspective, it's impossible!

There is absolutely no way such a situation will occur!

He couldn't imagine what a terrifying guy he was that could withstand the power of Earth's memory.

When he thought that he still had two sisters who were with Lu Li, Phillip felt very angry.

"Lu Li! Do you know what you are doing?! Why are you doing such a dangerous thing?!

Aren't you afraid of death? What will happen to my sister if you die? You are a madman! "

Lu Li was slightly surprised that Phillip was so excited.

Unexpectedly, his brother-in-law still cares about him.

He already had memories of his childhood. Even though Philip didn't live too much with his family, it didn't affect anything.

Blood is thicker than water.

Even though Philip is just a data person now, the existence of memory prevents him from forgetting his family.

Stretching out his index finger and waving it slightly, Lu Li chuckled.

"Don't be so nervous, and don't be too sensitive. Since I dare to do this, it means that I am fully confident that I can do it.

I will not take my own life as a joke. This beautiful world still needs my existence.

Am I not standing in front of you now? Do you think something's wrong with me? "

Hearing this, Phillip's pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked at Lu Li carefully.

Indeed, the other party didn't look like anything was wrong at all.

And if he really became a data person like himself, even with the help of Earth's memory, it shouldn't be possible to help him recover in such a short period of time.


In other words, Lu Li still uses it now. His own body is not a body made of the earth's memory.

how come?

Did he really withstand the erosion of the earth's memory power? !

Philip, who came to this conclusion, was a little unable to accept it for a while.

Mainly because it felt outrageous that Lu Li could resist the erosion of the earth's memory power.

His power has become so powerful that even the earth can't help him.

After finally accepting this conclusion, Phillip didn't know what to say now.

Lu Li had already come out of the earth scene, what else could he say?

Taking a deep breath, Phillip came back to his senses.

Now he was fully aware that Lu Li's situation had far exceeded his estimate.

To defeat him is almost impossible in Philip's eyes.

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