He raised his head and pointed at the ceiling above his head.

"Right here, above us."

We only know where the other party is, but we don't know where the specific floor is.

The next step is to investigate layer by layer and find out where the Amazon is hiding as soon as possible.

Just as the extermination team took the elevator to the top floor, another car arrived here.

Several people got off the car. They were one of the teams in the task force that expelled the bat Amazon before.

When they saw the car of the extermination team next to them, the captain was slightly stunned, but didn't take it to heart.

Anyway, it depends on ability. Who can take down this Amazon depends on their own ability.

"Everyone! Go!"

With his order, these people began to act one after another.

They took out their makeup memory and collectively transformed into makeup doping bodies.

Then they immediately picked up their weapons and walked quickly towards the apartment.

Like the extermination team, as long as they can hunt down an Amazon, they can get the corresponding bonus.

They all have their heads tied to their belts, and they don't think they are worse than others.

At the same time

Nozama Pharmaceutical Company held a high-level meeting of the company.

As the director of the special research and development department, Mizusawa Reika naturally cannot miss this meeting.

Even if she is more concerned about the memory, that matter has been handed over to Shogo Gana to handle, and she is absolutely relieved.

The man sitting next to Mizusawa Reika is named Tachibana Yugo.

He is the director of the international business strategy department of Nozama Pharmaceutical Company.

He has always been paying close attention to the Amazoni project.

In his eyes, Amazon: is a very promising biological weapon.

He has great ambitions in his heart, and usually hides his ambitions very well. He tries every means to weaken the power of Mizusawa Reika, the person in charge of the Amaz0n project.

And there is no one sitting in the position of the company's president. There is a projection screen behind, and there is a black figure on it.

This figure is naturally the president Tenjo Takaaki.

As the meeting unfolded, the senior executives who were instigated by Tachibana Yugo in advance immediately began to question.

"Mizusawa, do you know that the budget of the extermination team is overspent?"

When the other party mentioned the extermination team as soon as he came up, Mizusawa Reika was of course very clear who the other party was following.

Standing up slowly, Mizusawa Reika responded calmly.

"This year's more active experiments have proved to be more difficult than originally expected.

As for countermeasures, the mass-produced memories brought back from Fengdu before have indeed played a good role.

Although the number of Amazons eliminated is still limited, it is much more effective than before.

I even think that the investigation team's equipment should be strengthened, more methods should be studied to eliminate them, and the pest control team should be expanded at the same time.

This includes the creation of new Amazon cells, which is currently underway.

But after 547 heard what he said, the senior executives sitting opposite shook their heads.

One of them pushed his glasses and questioned again.

"But so far, you haven't even controlled 1% of the experimental aftermath.

I don't see how cost-effective this is. I think we should consider making it public...

But before he finished speaking, a voice suddenly came from the president's position.

"It's not the money that's important.

When they heard this, everyone turned around and looked at the projection.

The whole conference room fell into a strange silence, and the people sitting on the chairs sat upright with a respectful look on their faces.

At this time, in addition to the sitting black shadow, the front image of it also appeared on the projection.

"It's not to cover up past mistakes. The Amazon cell project is the result of many years of research, and the information must not be leaked.

The future of this company depends on Amazon: cells."

Since the president Tian Tiao Longxian has said so, can they, the senior executives, still object?

Of course not!

They are the old people of the company, and they know in their hearts that once Tian Tiao Longxian makes a decision, it is absolutely not allowed to change.

No one dares to question his decision, and no one can change his decision.


A group of company executives lowered their noble heads. In front of this big man, they are nothing.

The senior executive who mentioned the budget issue before compromised.

"But our budget is limited at present, and the expulsion team should be carefully selected. Now we have lost two members. ”

Everyone in the company already knows that the extermination team lost two members.

You have to know that it is not easy to form this extermination team, especially for such a high-risk job.

And you must have quite good experience. Sending a novice there is no different from sending him to his death.

How could Shui Ze Linghua not have considered this issue?

"I'm very sorry, it was our mistake. It turned out that one of them was also an experimental subject."

"What? ! How could you be so careless about the experimental subject? !

The senior executive sitting on her left couldn't help but scolded him.

However, Shui Ze Linghua didn't give him the opportunity to continue speaking.

"It also happened to prove that Amazon has highly developed the ability to integrate with humans."

Upon hearing this, Tachibana Yuugo immediately smiled.

"Maybe one of them is in this room right now."

As he spoke, his eyes scanned the senior management present, making everyone feel tremendous pressure.

They feel like they have not ruled out this possibility. What if Amazoni really sneaks in among them?

Wouldn't that be dangerous!

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the conference room.

"Wait! Who are you? This is not a place for you to come! Get out of here!"

PS: Thanks -

One ilq monthly pass!

Chapter 277 The deterrent power of museums, the memory comes to your door

Everyone focused their attention on the door of the conference.

The next second, the door to the conference opened, and Yu Mizusawa struggled to break in, blocked by two security personnel.

It's a pity that the security personnel are only human, and Yu Mizusawa is Amazon, so how can they stop him.

This was a high-level meeting, but now it was suddenly interrupted. The company executive who just mentioned the budget issue frowned and immediately scolded.

"How is this going?"

The security guard's hat was pushed off, and he tried all his strength but couldn't stop Mizusawa Yu.

"I'm very sorry! Sir, he insisted on seeing Director Mizusawa. We tried our best to stop him, but he was too strong."

"Get him out of here quickly!


Just when they were about to continue to get it, Tachibana Yuugo, who was leaning on the chair, looked at Yu Mizusawa with a faint look, and suddenly said.

"It's useless. He is Amazon. If you are not careful, you will be...eaten."

As soon as they heard that Yu Mizusawa was from Amazon, all the senior executives became nervous and quickly left their seats where they were still sitting in the warmth.

They don't want to really be eaten, that would be too scary.

Being pulled hard by two security guards, Yu Mizusawa had no choice but to unleash the power of Amazon.


But in order not to hurt the two security guards, he suppressed his burst of energy as much as possible.

When Amazon transforms, it emits extremely high-temperature and high-heat energy.

The water in the water cup on the high-level conference table boiled instantly after being affected by the high-temperature and high-heat energy.

Thanks to the quick hiding of these high-level officials, Yu Mizusawa controlled the explosion of power, otherwise it would have been hard to tell.

Tian Tiao appeared on the projection, and his eyes widened slightly when he saw the situation in the conference room.


Seeing his son suddenly appear, Mizusawa Reihua's worries finally dissipated:

She had always been worried that something would happen to her son, but now it seemed that nothing had happened.

"I'm very sorry, but I came here to ask something."

Slowly standing up, Mizusawa Yu slowly stretched out his right hand, revealing his right arm that had transformed into Amazoni.

Staring at Mizusawa Linghua with questioning eyes, he asked loudly.

"What am I? What am I? Answer me."

Mizusawa Reika has always protected him very well, injecting inhibitors on time to suppress his Amazon instinct.

But I didn't expect that I couldn't hide it after all.

The senior executives who had just been thinking about reducing investment were now huddled in a corner of the conference room, with fear in their eyes.

In their view, as long as it is Amazon, it is a man-eating monster.

Now that the monster suddenly ran into the conference room, of course they would feel scared.

Compared with people like them who were full of fear, Mizusawa Reika and Tachibana Yuugo were very calm.

Mizusawa Linghua looked at his son with complicated eyes and spoke slowly.

"It seems you already know you are Amazon.

"Someone told me that there are Amazon cells in my body, and they are artificial cannibal cells! Do you think they are human?!"

There was a hint of trembling in his tone, as if he still couldn't accept this fact.

When Mizusawa Yu thought that he might be a cannibal in the future, he felt filled with hesitation.

After learning his identity, his first feeling was that he was not really human.

For someone who has considered himself human for so long, this is a very difficult thing to accept.

I feel like my world is about to collapse!

“I only remember these two years of life, never asking questions, just sitting quietly in that room.

No, I'm being held there! But during this time, I could feel a force trying to come out of my body.

That's... Amazon, what am I, a man-eating monster?

Mom, please tell me! "

Mizusawa Yuu, who looked confused, wanted to get answers from his mother.

When they heard his name, the eyes of the senior executives hiding in the corner were full of shock, and their expressions were very wonderful.

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