What the hell?

Why are they still mother and son?

"Mom?! What do you mean?!"

"Shui Ze? Who is this Amazon?"

Faced with the doubts of a group of senior executives and the questioning of her son, Shui Ze Linghua had already made a decision in her heart

"Everyone please stay calm. I am sorry that I didn't explain it to you right away.

This is the new Amazon in the expulsion team. He is not an escaped experimental subject and will not hurt us." "

After hearing this explanation, the senior executives who were originally very nervous turned from shock to confusion.

They didn't know the specific situation and what happened.

But Mizusawa Reika should not be aimless. Maybe this Amazon who suddenly rushed in was really a new member of the expulsion team?

Time goes back to half an hour ago.

At this time, Kano Shogo had already received Lu Li and Yuhara Lai.

When he saw Lu Li for the first time, although his expression did not change much, he felt a little incredible in his heart.

The main reason was that Lu Li's dress did not look like someone from the company at all.

He was wearing a comfortable casual outfit, feeling like a young master.

Even if he was confused, the other party had already stated his identity, so he couldn't say much.

After that, he also saw After seeing the four memory sticks in the suitcase, the doubts in his heart disappeared.

Since the other party came with the memory sticks, there is no doubt that he must be the target he wants to pick up.

So he drove the car and took Lu Li and Yuyuan Lai to the company as soon as possible.

Sitting in the car, Lu Li quietly jumped and looked at the scenery outside the street.

Although he himself is not an Amazon, he can feel that there are breaths that do not belong to humans on the street from time to time.

His extremely powerful perception can sense everything clearly.

If there is no human breath in this city, it can only be the so-called Amazon.

However, the breath is not strong, it should be an Amazon that has not awakened.

"Secretary Ghana, it seems that this city is not particularly peaceful."

Lu Li leaned back on the leather seat with a faint smile on his face.

Ghana Shogo, who was driving the car, was quite surprised, but did not show it on his face.

"What do you think, Mr. Lu?

Of course he knew that Mizusawa Reika had bought the memory stick before, but it should not be possible to expose the problem about Amazon.

The fewer people who know about this, the better.

And how could Lu Li know about this? This made him very curious.

The authorities and Nozama Pharmaceutical Company have been very careful to keep the news secret, so it should not be possible to spread it to other cities.

Seeing him playing dumb with him, Lu Li smiled.

"As long as I want to know something, there is nothing I don't know.

Maybe you think it's incredible and think I'm just joking, but... I'm just stating a fact."

Now that Lu Li can synchronize with the Earth's memory data, it's hard for him not to know anything about what happened on Earth.

Ghana Shogo, who didn't know how to respond, became silent, and Lu Li didn't continue to chat with him.

Ghana Shogo is a conscientious secretary. Although he is a human, he feels more like a robot.

After a while, the vehicle slowly slowed down and finally stopped in front of a tall building.

"Mr. Lu, we have arrived. This is the headquarters of Nozama Pharmaceutical Company."


After getting off the car, Lu Li looked at the tall building in front of him and looked around the surrounding environment.

It has to be said that it is worthy of being Nozama Pharmaceutical Company, and it is the top enterprise even in the country.

There is almost no building in the surrounding area that can be compared with this tall building. It is like a landmark building in this city.

Yuhara Lai followed Lu Li silently with a suitcase, just like a diligent bodyguard.

The cold breath exuded from his body made Kano Shogo feel that something was wrong.

He even had a feeling of... facing a dead person.

Of course, this can only be thought of in his mind, and he dare not say it directly.

If he offended the other party, wouldn’t it be asking for trouble?

"Mr. Lu, please."

Nodding, Lu Li followed Kano Shogo and walked upstairs to the company.

Yuhara Lai followed closely.

Not long after, under the leadership of Kano Shogo, they came to the meeting room where the meeting was being held.

This was also arranged by Mizusawa Reika.

In order to show the powerful power of memory as soon as possible, so that these guys who only know cost cost can shut up.

There are still so many experimental subjects that have not been eliminated, but there is no time for them to discuss the cost here.

After all, once this matter is exposed, it is likely to cause great turmoil, and trouble will be inevitable at that time.

Once this matter cannot be concealed, it will inevitably lead to serious losses for the company and shrinkage of assets, which is not just a cost issue.

As soon as he entered the meeting room, Lu Li naturally noticed Shui Zeyou. The aura emanating from the other party was too obvious.

The senior management over there had just stabilized, and when they saw another unfamiliar person breaking in, they were immediately unhappy.

"Hey! Ghana! Who are these two people? Why did you bring them into the meeting room? Don't you know this is a meeting of our senior management?"

"That's right! You are so unruly!"

"Get out! Don't delay our meeting here!"

Lu Li pretended not to hear what these guys said.

After taking a look at Tian Tiao Long Xian on the projection, Lu Li nodded and found a seat to sit down.

Seeing Lu Li's casual appearance, the senior management was furious. They didn't just treat them as air.

Shui Ze Linghua immediately came out to smooth things over and explained

"Everyone, please be patient. This person is not a casual person. He is from the Fengdu Museum. This time he is here to deliver memory to us."

When they heard about the Fengdu Museum, the senior management who were still restless calmed down.

They were naturally very clear about the name of the Fengdu Museum. It was the largest force in Fengdu. Even the official didn't dare to provoke it.

Compared with their top pharmaceutical companies, the Fengdu Museum was obviously more terrifying.

The high-level executives who were calling for weapons just now quickly retreated to the back, lowering their heads like quails.

She had just learned Lu Li's name from Kano Shogo.

"Mr. Lu Li, can you please take out the memory? We just had a problem here, and we can use it to demonstrate the power of the memory."

Just now, she had arranged for Shui Zeyou to join the expulsion team.

But he was still a little worried about Shui Zeyou's safety in his heart. If there were other people to help, it would be great.

Unexpectedly, he was stuck at this point. Lu Li didn't care about it and hooked his finger at Yu Yuanlai behind him.

", Yu!"

Yu Yuanlai immediately understood what Lu Li meant.

Put the briefcase on the table, open the briefcase, and there were four memory sticks quietly placed inside.

"Minister Shui Ze, these are the four memory sticks we traded. Now they are all handed over to you. You can do whatever you want with them."

As for whether he was worried about the memory being studied by the other party, Lu Li didn't have any worries at all.

Even if they give it to the other party for research, can they research it out?

And in order to create a memory, the help of the earth's memory data is necessary.

There is no need to worry about leakage at all.

So far, there are only three people who can get the earth's memory data.

One is Philip, the next is Sonozaki Wakana, and the last is Lu Li.

None of these three people can provide the earth's memory data to Nozama Pharmaceutical Company.

Even if they give it to the other party for research, they can't research anything at all.

The high-level executives who were originally afraid did not dare to come over.

After all, Mizusawa Yu is still here, and they are always a little scared in their hearts.

They can only peek in the corner to see what the memory looks like.

"Minister Mizusawa, just like the mass-produced memory I gave you before, these memories can be used directly.

However... I still want to remind you that the power of the memory is quite special. Although it is very powerful, if the user is not firm, it is also easy to be affected.

After all, obtaining powerful power often requires a price, you say... right?"

As he spoke, Lu Li set his eyes on Mizusawa Yu next to him.

This meaning is self-evident.

Shui Ze Ling Hua suddenly felt confused. Did Lu Li already know You's identity?

She did not doubt whether it was Kano Shogo who leaked the matter. She had absolute trust in Kano Shogo.

She promoted the other party by herself. She knew exactly what kind of personality and what kind of person he was.

But it must not be Kano Shogo. Then who told Lu Li?

Shui Ze Ling Hua could not figure out this question for a while, and did not continue to struggle with it.

Of course, she agreed with Lu Li's statement just now.

How could you get powerful power without paying a price?

"I understand. I already have the right person."

The memories that Lu Li brought (Qian Ma Zhao) were just those memories that were eliminated and could be sold.

The new version of pure memory can be used directly, but the power obtained is not strong, not as excessive as the doped body.

In view of the current situation of Shui Ze Ling Hua, Lu Li felt that it would be more useful to give the memory that can be transformed into a doped body.

He has his plan.

Taking out a memory stick from the suitcase, Mizusawa Reika put it in Mizusawa Yu's hand.

"Yu! It doesn't matter whether you are human or not. You don't have to live like a human, but... you have to find a way yourself.

Gana, let Yu join the extermination team, he should be able to use the new equipment.

Hearing this, Kano Shogo asked respectfully

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, now... this is the only way."

Mizusawa Reika has no choice now. If she wants to keep Mizusawa Yu, she must make him like an M-level Amazon.

"Yu, arrive at the scene and give this thing to the captain of the task force. He knows how to use it."

While speaking, Mizusawa Reika put the memory stick in Mizusawa Yu's hand.

And Kano Shogo immediately took Mizusawa Yu to the location of the new equipment.

"Yu, follow me, hurry up.

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