He hurriedly covered his buttocks and walked into the house.

"It hurts! Why is it so hot? My buttocks are almost on fire! Oh my god!"

It turned out that he was leaning against the wall by the door just now, and the high-temperature flames came in from outside and directly burned his buttocks.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise... I'm afraid there would be a meaty smell in the room.

Amazonl Omega's scarlet eyes flashed with surprise. He didn't expect that he could still feel such a terrifying heat wave even when hiding in the room.

Is the power from the memory really so strong?

"Stay away from the door!"

With Shito's reminder, everyone hurriedly moved towards the inside of the house, as far away from the door as possible.

The metal door was actually burned red, and a wisp of white smoke came out faintly.

Good guy!

If it was subjected to the dark red flame for a long time, they even suspected that the door would be melted.

Soon, the hot skull doping body almost wiped out all the soldier ants Amazon.

Of course, there are always some fish that slip through the net.

These fish that slipped through the net naturally need to be dealt with by themselves, and the Fiery Skull Admixture has no interest in it.

Burning all the way to the top floor, the Fiery Skull Admixture also saw the Queen Amazon.

She looks completely different from all the soldier ants Amazon, and the breath she exudes feels stronger. She should be the leader of these guys.

After using the power of fire, the Fiery Skull Admixture is about to try out his melee ability.

With the memory data of the skull, the Fiery Skull Admixture itself has a strong fighting ability, which is now further enhanced.

The Fiery Skull Admixture landed smoothly on the rooftop and looked at the Queen Amazon opposite quietly.

I thought my trap could eliminate everyone here, but I didn't expect such a terrifying guy to appear.

The Queen Amazon just saw with her own eyes that one soldier ant Amazon after another was burned into liquid and completely died.

The scene is simply too cruel!

Such a terrifying opponent, can I really deal with it?

The Queen Amazon had the idea of ​​escaping in her mind.

But will the Fiery Skull Admixture give her such a chance?

Obviously, it won't!

Under the explosion of flames, the speed of the Fiery Skull Admixture was extremely fast.

It appeared in front of the Queen Amazon in just a blink of an eye, and then suddenly punched out a terrifying fist.


With this punch, the Queen Amazon fell to the side.

The Queen Amazon even prepared to block it with her hand, but this punch broke her hand suddenly.

The terrifying power, only one punch crippled one of the Queen Amazon's hands.


Covering her broken arm, black and red liquid kept flowing out, and the Queen Amazon screamed miserably.

She originally thought that as long as she took this punch, she could use the sharp spikes on her back to sneak attack.

As long as she could sneak attack once, it would be enough to hurt the opponent.

But she obviously overestimated her strength and actually wanted to compete with the Fiery Skull Admixture.

In the end, she suffered a big loss.

Facing the Queen Amazon screaming in pain, the Fiery Skull Admixture had no mercy.

It was just a noisy guy. Since Lu Li had already ordered to help these people, the Fiery Skull Admixture would not let him down.

He walked forward slowly, and a dark red flame burned on his right foot.

The powerful fighting power plus the explosive flame power brought a lot of improvement.

The queen ant Amazon covered her arm and kept retreating, with panic in her eyes.

She was scared.

The guy in front of her was too scary, and she was no match for him.

If she continued to fight, there was no doubt that she would die.

Amazon had a very strong desire to survive, so how could she be willing to die here.

"Want to escape? No chance.

The Fiery Skull Admixture would not give any chance to escape.

With a wave of his right hand, the dark red flame instantly enveloped the queen ant Amazon.

"Ahhhh! ! "

The burning flames made the queen Amazon scream heartbreakingly.

Even downstairs, the extermination team and the task force hiding in the room could hear it clearly.

"On the top floor! It should be the Amazon from before!" Shito Makoto reacted immediately.

Amazonl Omega rushed out of the room immediately after hearing this.

Seeing that the outside had become a mess under the burning flames, there was no time to think so much, and hurried to the rooftop.

Seeing this, others also took action and ran to the rooftop immediately.

Amazonl Omega rushed to the rooftop at a very fast speed and saw the queen Amazon burned by the flames.

At this moment, the hot skull dope had come to the queen Amazoni.

The body squatted slightly and took a jumping posture.

"Boom! "

The body suddenly jumped up, and under the explosive power of the flame, the hot skull-mixed body suddenly jumped up and flew straight into the sky.

Then it flipped in the air and directly performed a flying kick.


The explosive flame energy was like a propeller, pushing the fiery skull-doped body toward the rooftop.

The body was covered in flames, and the target was aimed directly at Amazon, the queen ant, who was being burned by the flames.

A terrifying kick hit the ant queen Amazonl directly in the chest. Faced with this extremely powerful force, the ant queen Amazonl instantly flew backwards.

His body slammed against the water tower on the rooftop.

The next second, a loud bang was heard.


Due to the explosive energy poured into her body, the queen ant Amazon exploded instantly.

Black liquid splashed everywhere during the explosion, like a black fireworks during the day.

Amazonl Omega, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, felt terrified in his heart.

He was very sure that if it were him, he would never be able to withstand this flying kick:

The extermination squad and special task squad that rushed up from behind did nothing at first, but were splashed with black liquid.

"I'll go! Are you so unlucky? The battle was over as soon as you started, not to mention that you got covered in it!"

After wiping the black liquid on his face, Misaki Kazuya couldn't help but complain.

This is indeed the case. I originally thought that I could help a little bit by coming up, but I didn't expect that it would be over as soon as I came up. If they had known this, they shouldn't have rushed up.

Shitozhen took a deep look at the fiery skull dopant, with surprise and uncertainty in his eyes.

He wasn't sure who this dark red guy was, but he was certain that he was not easy to mess with.

With the end of Queen Ant Amazon, the battle is almost coming to an end.

In addition to the floors below, there are also some sporadic fish that have slipped through the net, and there is no need for the Blazing Skull Dopant to take action.

Turning his head to look at the Exorcist Squad and the others, the Fiery Skull Dopant didn't even say a word. He walked to the side and jumped downstairs.

403 has seen very terrifying abilities before, and no one will worry about whether the fiery skull dopant will be injured if it jumps.

The blazing skull-doped body jumped down and landed steadily on the road outside.

He took out the fiery skull memory and returned to Hahara Lai's appearance.

Driving the motorcycle according to the route just now, rushed towards the headquarters of Nozama Pharmaceutical.

Headquarters, this side of Mizusawa Reika's office.

After watching the battle scene of the fiery skull dopant, Mizusawa Reika was completely shocked.

She simply couldn't imagine that the power of memory could be so powerful.

Of course, judging from the performance just now, the combat effectiveness of the Beast Doped Body is quite good, but it is completely incomparable to the Blazing Skull Doped Body.

Such a powerful force will naturally attract her attention.

If she had such a powerful force, it would be much easier to deal with the Amazons who escaped outside.

But Lu Li would definitely not give him such a powerful power. Habara Lai was Lu Li's subordinate and was already so powerful. How much would he emphasize it?

This thought couldn't help but pop up in his mind. Mizusawa Linghua couldn't imagine how powerful Lu Li could be.

Being friends with such people is a good thing for yourself and the company.

As for turning against the other party, Mizusawa Reika didn't even think about it.

Such a terrifying existence, once they turn against each other, will probably bring about a devastating disaster, which is definitely not something she can bear.

Although he had already guessed that Lu Li might not sell the memory that was so terrifying just now, Mizusawa Linghua couldn't help but ask.

"Mr. Lu Li, does your company sell a memory as powerful as just now?

We'd also like to buy it if we could.

There was a trace of hope in her eyes. Of course she hoped to buy such a terrifying and powerful memory.

Hearing this, Lu Li shook his head slightly.

"Minister Mizusawa, it's not that I won't sell it to you, but the memory used by my subordinates just now has a relatively large limit.

If the control is not good, it may affect the user himself. It is true to gain powerful power, but... there is a price to pay, I think you should understand. "

The tactful rejection made Mizusawa Linghua a little disappointed.

After thinking about it, there was nothing wrong with what Lu Li just said.

If he suddenly gained great power without paying any price, Mizusawa Reika wouldn't believe it.

"Mr. Lu Li, it's really thanks to your subordinates this time. If it weren't for your subordinates, I'm afraid something would happen to these people under me."

Waving his hands casually, Lu Li didn't take this matter to heart at all. He happened to also want to check out other Amazons.

I had only seen one Amazoni before, and he solved it easily.

"It's easy. After all, we are also partners, so we should help."

This is indeed helpful, but it also shows the museum's toughness.

PS: thanks

Monthly pass for Yizzyin.

thanks one

Mo Wuyuan’s monthly ticket!

Chapter 282 As the ancestor of mankind, will he be targeted by Zongzi?

There is no doubt that Mizusawa Reika has understood that the museum is definitely a terrifying existence that cannot be provoked.

Even far more terrifying than top companies like Nozama Pharmaceuticals.

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