Even though Nozama Pharmaceutical is a top company in the country, it only has capital and official connections, and does not have such terrifying power.

Compared with the museum, Nozama Pharmaceutical is really not a little bit worse.

The matter has been handled, and Shui Ze Linghua naturally did not forget what he had promised before.

"Mr. Lu Li, I really trouble you this time. Let's do this. I will treat you to dinner tonight. Please don't refuse."

Lu Li, who was curious about this city, also planned to stroll around the city.

Of course, he would not refuse the other party's invitation to dinner.

"Okay, Minister Shui Ze, then you can do your thing first. I'll go outside for a walk. I haven't been to this city before."

"Okay, then I'll call you later."


Lu Li leisurely left the headquarters of Nozama Pharmaceutical.

After Lu Li left, Shui Ze Linghua was immediately called over by Tian Tiao Longxian.

Leaning on the wheelchair, Tian Tiao Longxian looked at the scenery outside the window and asked without looking back.

"Shui Ze, what do you think of what you just saw?"

Shui Ze Ling Hua, who stood behind respectfully, responded carefully

"President, the memory is indeed a very powerful force. You also saw the power displayed by Lu Li's subordinate just now. It was very powerful.

It's a pity that the museum doesn't seem to plan to sell this kind of memory. I'm afraid we can't get it."

After she finished speaking, the room fell into silence.

After a long while, Tian Tiao Longxian laughed suddenly

"Hahahaha! Not planning to sell? No! It's just that we didn't give something of sufficient value, so of course the other party wouldn't sell it to us.

As long as we take out something of sufficient value, I believe the other party will definitely not refuse to sell such a powerful memory."

In his opinion, there is no deal that can't be done.

It's just that the conditions given did not meet the other party's requirements.

As long as they can offer more tempting conditions and touch the other party's bottom line, the other party will always be willing to sell things to them.

"......Yes, President.

Although Shuize Linghua didn't care in her heart, it was the president who said it after all, and she couldn't refute the president.

When talking with Lu Li before, Shuize Linghua already knew that the museum would never sell such a powerful memory.

Once such a powerful thing is sold, it might create enemies for itself.

No one would be willing to create an enemy for themselves, wouldn't that be asking for trouble?

She didn't think the museum was the kind of force that liked to cause trouble for itself.

"Shuize, treat Lu Li well, don't let him underestimate our Nozama Pharmaceutical, we are the top pharmaceutical company in the country, show the courage we should have. "


Shuize Linghua already had an idea about how to entertain Lu Li.

After the fiery skull dope left, the people of the expulsion team and the task force cleaned up all the soldier ants Amazon that had not been dealt with.

The whole building was already in a mess, and of course they didn't need to care about such things, and naturally someone would deal with the cleanup.

Mizusawa Yuki followed the Extermination Squad on the Jungle Raider, and the dark red figure appeared in his mind.

He had an inexplicable feeling in his heart, that the other party seemed unusual.

It was not unusual in strength, but unusual in human form.

He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Inside the Extermination Squad.

Shito Makoto saw Mizusawa Yuki following him through the rearview mirror, and suddenly felt a pain.

To be honest, he didn't want Mizusawa Yuki to join the Extermination Squad.

Not for anything else, just because this kid didn't seem to find a reason to fight.

If a guy who had no reason to fight joined the Extermination Squad, it would cause a series of troubles.

His idea was to let Mizusawa Yuki go back to where he came from.

But Mizusawa Reika seemed to intend to let Mizusawa Yuki stay in the Extermination Squad, which was very uncomfortable.

He couldn't trust a person who had no reason to fight.

The goal of everyone in the Extermination Squad was the same, that is, to eliminate Amazon.

If someone who doesn't have this goal joins the extermination squad, in addition to being a drag, he may even kill his teammates.

Two teammates died before, and he doesn't want other teammates to die.

Even if Mizusawa Yu showed good combat power, it is still not his choice

"Misaki, find a reason to get rid of this guy after you go back, he... is not suitable to join us~ˇ."

Hearing this, Misaki Kazuya immediately looked at the co-pilot in confusion.


The other party just helped them solve a big problem, so are they going to drive him away now?

If they have the help of Mizusawa Yu, they will definitely be able to eliminate more Amazons and will not be robbed of more targets by the task force.

After all, the captain of the first team of the task force just now turned into a beast hybrid, with super strong combat power.

With more such powerful guys, if they don't absorb new members, can they rob those task forces next time?

The same will be Gao Shouwang in the future.

"Why not let him join us? If he can join us, we can hunt more Amazons, and then we will make more money."

In her opinion, Mizusawa Yu is a very good combatant. Joining them will definitely increase the combat effectiveness of the entire team.

Making money is their goal. If they hunt more Amazons, they can make more money.

Now that we have the opportunity to improve our combat effectiveness, why should we drive the opponent away?

Kota Fukuda, who was driving, glanced at Shito Makoto. The two had been partners when they were in the police, and he knew very well that Shito Makoto would never be innocent.

There must be something on his mind that made him want to send Yu Mizusawa away.

After a moment of silence, Shito Zhen patted his forehead and said helplessly.

"He... is very dangerous. I can feel that when he was fighting, he did not have a firm idea in his heart.

I can't possibly let such a guy stay in the exorcism class. We have already lost two people. I don't want... something to happen to any of you in the future. "

This was a very heavy topic, and the carriage instantly became quiet, with no one talking about Yu Mizusawa anymore.

After waiting for a while at the entrance of Nozama Pharmaceutical Company's headquarters, Lu Li finally waited for Habara Lai who had returned.

"How was it? How did you feel about this battle?"

This battle is not very difficult. What is a little troublesome is that there are many targets and it takes a little effort to solve.

But for Habara, who can control fire, this is nothing more than a trivial matter.

Parking the motorcycle on the side of the road, Hahara Lai, who had just taken off his helmet, nodded slightly.

"It took a little time, but the opponent is not strong and can be solved in a few or two strokes."

It sounds like a very arrogant statement, but that's the truth.

The power of the Blazing Skull Memory is much more than that, and its powerful fighting ability was hardly reflected in this battle.

Lu Li patted her shoulder gently and smiled.

"Of course, the power of the fused memory is far beyond what the previous separate memories can match, nor is it as simple as one plus one equals two.

Study it carefully, and when you fully master the power of fused memory, you will be even stronger than you are now. "

Nodding silently, Hahara Lai could understand that what Lu Li said made sense.

She also didn't expect to master all the power of the fused memory in a short period of time. The longer the memory is used, the stronger the power she will master.

"Let's go and take a walk in this city. I wonder if we will be targeted by attacks?

Lu Li had a slight smile on his face. He was curious whether he would be a target of Amazon's attack.

He is not sure whether he will become a target of Amazon, but he is certain that Hahara will not become a target of Amazon.

So far, Habara has always been an undead, and his state is somewhat similar to the Sigma type that was resurrected using Amazon cell technology, but overall he is still dead.


Even after seeing Habara, Amazon couldn't whet his appetite at all.

What the Amazon craves is active protein, that is, living human flesh.

Even if it is dead, it has just been killed and cannot be kept for too long.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are exceptions, and the flesh of the dead will be eaten.

As the ancestor of mankind, he is different from humans, but he does not rule out being targeted by Amazon.

Nodding slightly, Hahara Lai would not have any other opinions.

As for the motorcycle, it itself comes from Nozama Pharmaceutical Company. If you put it here, someone will take care of it, so there is no need to worry.

Due to Lu Li's sudden arrival, the plot that was supposed to happen has completely changed.

Lao Ren did not go to eliminate the queen ant Amazon because he was notified by Mizusawa Reihua, so naturally he was not caught.

Data on belts, etc. were naturally not collected.

Naturally, Tachibana Yuugo’s Amazon Sigma plan cannot be realized.

But even so, Mizusawa Reika still transferred the Amazon cell data to Tachibana Yuugo.

As the head of the international business strategy department of Nozama Pharmaceutical, in his view, Amazoni is a qualified biological weapon.

As long as it can be controlled, it will be a big killer.

He is obviously from Nozama Pharmaceutical Company, but he is thinking about how to tinker with biological weapons every day.

Especially after seeing Amazon's very good combat effectiveness, his ambition also quietly sprouted unconsciously.

As long as he has the detailed research data on Amazon cells, he believes that he will be able to make a qualified Amazon biological weapon.

Once the research on this kind of biological weapon is successful, it will be a huge credit to Nozama Pharmaceutical Company.

As the implementer of Amazon's biological weapons plan, he will naturally gain greater benefits.

But today, Tachibana Yuugo also saw the power of memory.

When he saw the Beast Dopant hunting the soldier ants AmazonE wantonly in the apartment building, he seemed to be in a very excited state.

As if he had discovered an unknown continent, his eyes were filled with light.

The power of memory!

He made the idea to Mizusawa Linghua and walked towards the other three memories, preparing to study them.

If Nozama Pharmaceutical Company can be allowed to produce memory, it will definitely bring very considerable benefits.

After informing the president of the matter, Tenjo Takanobu, Tenjo Takanobu hesitated for a moment.

But considering that if the memory can really be produced, it will be a very good thing for Nozama Pharmaceutical Company.

He agreed!

With the president's order, Tachibana Yugo ran to Mizusawa Reika with a proud look on his face.

Entering Mizusawa Reika's office, Tachibana Yugo couldn't wait to explain his purpose.

"." Minister Mizusawa, the president asked me to come and take the memory for research. "

Seeing that Tachibana Yugo was not tactful at all, Mizusawa Reika didn't feel strange at all.

After all, in the company, the biggest person is always the president, and he has the president's order, which is equivalent to the matter being settled.

Even if Mizusawa Reika is unwilling in her heart, she must hand over the memory.

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