Fortunately, she had made preparations in advance.

Mizusawa Reika moved his eyes to Shogo Kana who was standing aside.

"Gana, give him the stuff."

Hearing this, Shogo Kano glanced at Yuugo Tachibana expressionlessly, and then placed the suitcase in his hand on the table.

After opening the suitcase, there were originally four memories inside, but now only one was left.

Seeing this scene, Tachibana Yuugo frowned deeply.


Slapping his hands on the table and lowering his head slightly, Tachibana Yuugo looked down at Mizusawa Reika and said in a deep voice.

"Minister Mizusawa, are you kidding me?

I saw it before. There are three memory sticks left inside. Just take the previous one and forget about it.

Now there is only one left, what's going on?

I came with the president's order. Do you want to disobey the president's order? "

The president Tenjo Takaki was brought out at the slightest disagreement. Tachibana Yuugo just wanted to put pressure on Mizusawa Reika and ask her not to hide the memory.

Shaking his head slightly, Mizusawa Linghua explained with a faint smile on his face.

"Sorry, Minister Tachibana, I'm afraid I have to disappoint you. Except for this memory, I have handed over the other two memories to the second and third teams of the task force.

oh! By the way, there are three mass-produced memories here, take them if you need them. "

While talking, she took out the mass-produced costume memory used by the previous three captains from the drawer.

Looking at these three identical makeup memories, Tachibana Yuugo's eyes suddenly widened.

Just because he really didn't expect that Mizusawa Reihua's movement skills were so fast.


Things have already been given away, and it is impossible to say that you want to take them back at the moment.

Moreover, the president is still focused on the elimination of Amazon. At that time, he will not be allowed to study memory specifically, and it may even affect the elimination of Amazoni.

Tachibana Yuugo, who didn't know what to say, took all these memories away.

I was very angry, but I had nothing to say.

It is true that he has orders from the president, but Reika Mizusawa also has orders from the president.

And since he was a latecomer, he naturally couldn't interfere with the plans that had been made before.

Leaving the office angrily, Tachibana Yuugo could only make do with the memories on hand for research.

But he will soon learn that memory research is far from being as easy as he imagined, and is even more complicated than the Amazon Cell Project plan.

The most important point is that no one on their hands has access to the Earth's memory, let alone the Earth's memory data.

From beginning to end, the so-called plan Tachibana mentioned was a joke.

It's just that he didn't know it. By the time he realized it, it was already too late.

"Minister, if Minister Tachibana took away that memory, would it be possible?

Ghana Shogo would like to remind Mizusawa Reika that this matter will affect Amazon's removal.

Shaking his head calmly, Mizusawa Linghua's face was full of confidence.

"Of course not! State

Her words were full of confidence, as if everything was within her expectation.

The reason why she chose to buy four Gaia memories was because she had considered such a situation from the beginning.

I just plan to leave a Gaia memory for Tachibana Yuugo to slowly study Qiao.

This guy is not a peaceful master. Mizusawa Reihua has taken his problems into consideration from the beginning.

"The minister is wise."

Kana Shogo, who knew that he was just worried, praised expressionlessly.

Later, Mizusawa Linghua gave Garner another matter to deal with.

"Gana, inform the three teams of the task force to immediately step up their efforts to eliminate those experimental targets and reduce the losses in the city as much as possible.

By the way, I'm going to treat Mr. Lu Li to a banquet tonight and help me book the best restaurant in the city. "


PS: thanks

18625. monthly ticket!

Chapter 283 Have I become a delicacy in the world? Pu.To.Tyra (winged horned tyrannosaurus)!

The other side.

Although the listening device and tracking device were successfully installed, Takayama Jin did not know that the signal of the tracker had been tampered with long ago.

He ran to the beach, where he didn't even see a hair, let alone Amazon..

There was no response to the person's needs, and Takayama Jin also understood that his own methods must have been discovered by the other party.

Now that the plan has been discovered by the other party, there is no way to continue using the eavesdropping tracker and can only think of another way:

Reluctantly, he returned to the small house where he lived. As soon as he entered the door, Takayama Jin put the Amazon drive in his hand aside.

As if this is something unimportant, but it is not.

He must use the power of the Amazon drive to destroy those Amazons.

It's just that he didn't want to make himself too nervous at home.

Quan Qiyu, who was busy in the kitchen, heard the sound of the door opening and stuck his head out.

"Jen? From the way you look like this, it doesn't seem like there was a fight? Isn't there an Amazon around?"

Hearing this, Takayama Jin immediately shrugged awkwardly.

"Ah, Sister Qiyu, it seems that the eavesdropping tracker I placed has been discovered by the other party.

They also specifically changed the signal source to another location for me, so my trip was in vain. "

This is quite embarrassing.

I thought I could easily get the information about Amazon's whereabouts, but I never thought that I would be tricked.

What is true is that one is clever but one is misled by cleverness.

After hearing the news, Quan Qiyu immediately smiled!

"Forget it, since I'm back, let's eat something. Anyway, I'm just fine."

After a while, Quan Qiyu came out with a plate of fried chicken.

Jin Takayama is a person, but he is also an Amazon.

In order to eliminate the escaped Amazon, he transplanted Amazon cells into his body and indirectly became an Amazon.

A very crazy move, but all for the sake of destroying all Amazons.

Of course, this... also includes himself.

Complete lunatic!

Just to destroy all the Amazons, he would not hesitate to turn himself into an Amazon. Once all the Amazons are destroyed, he will also destroy himself.

Even later, not only did he want to kill all the Amazons, he was even unwilling to let go of his own son, his biological son.

Just because Qianyi was born with his genes, he is a more dangerous protozoa. The lysogenic cells in his body can infect humans and turn them into A.

In the end, without exception, he did hunt and kill his own son.

Not only his son, but also his lover, Quan Qiyu, who has become Amazon, he can also kill.

Just because of the obsession in my heart, I want to eliminate all Amazons!

Walking on the road, Lu Li looked at the city curiously!

This city gives people a depressing feeling. It seems that the sky is always so gray.

Suddenly, Lu Li stopped slightly.

Hahara Lai, who was following behind, noticed Lu Li who suddenly stopped and asked in confusion.

"What's wrong?

Hearing this, Lu Li chuckled.

"It seems... I'm being targeted."

He had already felt just now that someone had been following him, keeping a close distance.

After hearing the news, Hahara Lai's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Just when she was about to turn around to check, Lu Li gently patted her shoulder.

"Yu, calm down, don't be so nervous, it's just a small role.

Let's keep walking, I'd like to take a look,

What kind of tricks does this guy want to play? "

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li continued walking forward.

As for Haharai, who absolutely obeyed Lu Li's orders, he naturally did not raise any objections and followed him with long legs.

A moment after the two left, a man wearing a black hood and black clothes looked around cautiously and quickly followed.

Not long after, the man dressed in black noticed a hidden alley ahead.

His face suddenly became happy, and he licked the corners of his mouth unconsciously.

This is an unknown place, and as long as it is handled properly, no one will find out what they have done.

Following up quickly, he felt that he could hardly hold back anymore, and the hunger in his abdomen was particularly strong.

Yes, this man dressed in black is an Amazon.

Just now, he didn't feel any hunger.

But suddenly, when Lu Li walked past him, an extremely strong feeling hit his heart.

He clearly realized that the man who just walked past him was definitely extraordinary, and the smell emanating from his body was very good.

It felt like...a delicacy on earth.

As for the woman beside him, he had no appetite at all, like a...dead person.

Not only was he very curious about such a strange combination, but he was also very excited.

The main reason is that the smell emanating from that man is so good. No matter which Amazon it is, I can't stand it (agdh) when faced with such a smell.

Under this powerful temptation, he was completely unable to restrain himself and followed step by step.

In order not to alert the enemy, he was as careful as possible to prevent the other party from seeing his intentions.

However, what he didn't know was that his little thoughts had already been seen through.

Soon, family members of the man wearing black followed him into the alley.

When he entered the alley, he couldn't wait to take off the hood on his head, with a sinister smile on his face and saliva secreting continuously.

As if he had already seen the delicious food on his plate, he couldn't wait to start enjoying it.

But after he entered the alley, he found that there were only two people left in the alley, who were supposed to be a man and a woman.

And the other party did not continue to move forward, but stopped, recovered slightly, and focused on the man in black.

"Hey! Aren't you tired after following me for such a long way?"

The calm voice came, as if there was no sense of crisis at all.

The man in black only had Lu Li in his eyes at this moment, and he swallowed hard.


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