Or can we only break through from the other side!

Although the woman had a pistol, as long as she could withstand the firing of the pistol, she would probably be injured, but at least she would be able to escape.

Thinking of this, Crab Amazon: immediately mobilized all the strength of his body and began the final sprint.


Screaming heartbreakingly, Crab Amazon actually gave people a very tragic feeling at this moment.

Hahara Lai was unmoved by this and immediately raised his pistol and fired rapidly.

"Bang bang bang!"

Being hit by bullets one after another, Crab Amazon did not retreat like before this time, but faced him directly.

Black liquid splashed out under the bullets, but it still failed to stop his steps.

There is hope only when you are alive. If you are injured, you can recover with your strong recovery power.

"This guy!"

Noticing that the crab Amazon was preparing to run away desperately, Habara frowned slightly.

He changed the shooting angle and aimed at the crab Amazon's knees, and quickly fired two shots.

Two bullets accurately hit Crab Amazon's knees.

The sudden impact caused Crab Amazoni to stumble, but even so, he still persisted and did not fall.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, knocked Habara away, and staggered out of the alley.

But with him like this, what if he ran away?

In his current state, he simply cannot run for too long.

Even if he ran out of the alley and returned to his human form, the black liquid that kept spraying out was enough to prove that he was not a human being, and he would be discovered soon.

If discovered, the final result must be...death!

However, he obviously didn't have a chance to escape. He had to blame himself for targeting Lu Li.

Just as he was struggling to escape, the purple figure appeared above him again.

There is a pair of purple pterosaur wings behind him, allowing him to easily stand in the sky.

Crab Amazon. His heart is filled with despair.

Unexpectedly, he would die at the hands of the other party because he could not bear the temptation.

But he still didn't give up hope and turned around to escape in the opposite direction.

But there was no chance.

The purple dragon wings behind Lu Li flapped suddenly, and an extremely terrifying freezing air flow instantly invaded him.

Amazon, the crab, was about to escape in the opposite direction, but before he even took two steps, he felt his feet were frozen.

When he discovered it, it was already too late. It only took a moment for the pain to spread from his legs to his body and then to his head.

Amazon, the crab who was frozen into an ice sculpture on the spot, had a clear enough consciousness that he could feel his current state.

This is the most terrifying thing. Although he has been frozen into an ice sculpture, he still retains his consciousness and can watch his own death coming.

At this moment, Yu Mizusawa, driving the Jungle Plunderer, finally arrived.

However, what he saw was an Amazon frozen into an ice sculpture in the alley.

Above the ice sculpture, there was a warrior he had never seen before.

Lu Li was naturally aware of Mizusawa Yu's arrival, but he didn't pay attention.


A strong tyrannosaurus tail suddenly extended behind him

With a sudden flick of its tail, the terrifyingly destructive Tyrannosaurus tail swept across the ice sculpture in an instant.


The ice sculpture was instantly smashed into pieces, and endless ice flowers bloomed in the air.

The sky is full of ice flowers exploding, and there is even a special sense of beauty.

Mizusawa Yuu's pupils suddenly narrowed when he saw this scene with his own eyes.

too horrible!

His first feeling was that the purple warrior in front of him was extremely terrifying.

Let’s not mention for the moment how the other party froze Amazon. into an ice sculpture, but when he smashed the ice sculpture violently, it turned directly into ice shavings.

I felt a great sense of oppression from the other party, and there was an inexplicable fear in my heart.

This comes from Amazon’s instinct.

Even the artificial Amazon cell life still follows the laws of nature.

Has an instinct of fear.

Instinct told Mizusawa Yu that he couldn't afford to offend this guy in front of him.

Such a terrifying sense of oppression made him feel very uncomfortable. He had never felt this way when facing Jin Takayama before.

At this moment, Hahara Lai walked out of the alley next to him.

When he first saw Habara, Mizusawa Yu recognized him immediately.

It's that woman!

So is this purple guy... the Lu Li that his mother talks about? !

After his brain reacted, this was the first conclusion he came to.

"Mizusawa Yu, how are you? Do you think these ice flowers are beautiful?

The purple palm caught the ice fragments that exploded, and Lu Li's voice suddenly came.

After coming back to his senses, Mizusawa Yu slowly took off his helmet and walked over.

He didn't feel that the other party had any ill intentions toward him, at least not yet.

Since there is no malicious intent, maybe he is not an enemy.

"Is this...Amaz0n just awakened?"

Calling Amazon always makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

After all, he is also Amazon. Isn’t this talking about himself in disguise?

Shui Zeyou, who had just accepted his identity, was still full of hesitation. He had no clear goal and didn't know what he would do in the future.

After canceling the transformation, Lu Li threw the ice chips in his hand to the ground and patted off the ice dust powder in his hand.

"He... should be considered attracted by me. From the look of him, he seems to want to eat me very much.

So you saw the result, he is already dead.

Speaking lightly and horrifyingly, Lu Li was calm and didn't take Amazon to heart at all.

It was as if Amazon was just an ant to him.

It was indeed dead, and even the armband on its arm was shattered.

Shui Zeyou wanted to ask if this Amazon ate people.

But what's the point of such a question?

Amazon has already attacked Lu Li, and it is completely reasonable for the other party to kill Amazon in self-defense. There is nothing to argue about.

With a slight sigh in his heart, Shui Zeyou turned back to the Jungle Raider, put on his helmet again and prepared to leave.

Since Amazon has been solved, there is naturally no need for him to stay here.

"Shui Zeyou, I can see that you are very confused now. You don't have your own fighting goal, and you don't understand the meaning of your fighting.

If you want to survive, you must find a fighting goal.

You must understand the meaning of your fight, otherwise... you will die sooner or later. "

Lu Li did not hate or look down on Shui Zeyou's saintly behavior in the original play.

After all, Shui Zeyou is only two years old at best, but his body looks like an adult.

It is difficult for him to make a choice when he is only two years old. He does not have enough experience and even does not have much common sense.

It is understandable that he is confused and does not know which side he should stand on.

It seems to be a contradiction, but in fact, making those choices is the best choice he can make at the moment.

It was also a few years later that he finally grew up and found his true way of survival.

Now he is still in a wavering state.

Hearing this, Shui Zeyou looked at Lu Li and said nothing. He himself is also struggling with this issue now.

"Buzz buzz buzz!

The Jungle Raider quickly went away, and Lu Li saw the helpless back disappear at the end.

"Is there anything about him that's worth your attention?"

Yuhara Lai came to Lu Li silently and asked this question.

Lu Li smiled and replied, shaking his head slightly.

"No! I just saw his confusion. He is not worth my attention. I only have one goal in this city.

Yu, you should also want to be resurrected.

Lu Li retracted his gaze and looked in a direction.

That direction is where Nozama Pharmaceutical Company is located.

The purpose of coming here is just for the detailed information of Amazon cell technology.

In the process of Amazon cell research at Nozama Pharmaceutical Company, there are still many problems that have not been solved.

Otherwise, Amazon cells would not be like they are now.

The reason why Lu Li wants to get the detailed information of Amazon: cells is to conduct a new round of research.

With his intelligence and Kara's experience in the manufacture of life forms, it is not a problem to create more powerful Amazon cells and remove their weaknesses.

As for the others, Lu Li is not very interested.

In the Amazon series, there was a Sigma Amazon that allowed the dead to be resurrected and turned into Amazon.

This type of Amazon does not even need to eat, but only needs regular protein injections.

To So far, Lu Li has no way to revive Yuyuan Lai.

As long as Amazon cell technology can be thoroughly studied, it may become a new way of resurrection.

As for becoming an Amazon, Lu Li is not worried about this problem.

Yuyuan Lai is a dead person. If he can be resurrected, it doesn't matter even if he becomes an Amazon. Moreover, it may be possible after his own research.

Before coming here, Lu Li did not tell Yuyuan Lai what his real purpose was.

But Yuyuan Lai is quick-witted. Based on what he said before and what happened in the middle, he can probably guess the purpose of Lu Li's coming here.

...... Ask for flowers 0

Coupled with Lu Li's words just now, Yuyuan Lai also determined his thoughts.

With Lu Li's strong strength, he may not be very interested in Amazon at all.

He wants to resurrect himself.


A word that is very far away from her.

When she followed Da Dao Ke Ji before, she had completely accepted her identity as an immortal, a living dead.

Whether it is Da Dao Ke Ji or Da Dao Maria, they all believe that it is impossible for the dead to be truly resurrected.

Over time, she also gave up such an idea.

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