But since following Lu Li, although her body is still the same as before, she knows that Lu Li will eventually resurrect her in the future.

Not for anything else, just because Lu Li's extremely powerful power can definitely do this.

Habara chose to follow Lu Li at first, more or less to thank Lu Li for saving him and not letting him disappear.

As time went by, the gratitude in her heart gradually changed.

After staying at Sonosaki's house for such a period of time, she felt vaguely at home, which was not much better than when she was in the Undead Squad.

The original grateful mood gradually changed, and now she is willing to stay with the Sonosaki family and stay with Lu Li.

Opening his mouth, Hahara Lai wanted to say that there was no need to do such a thing, as there might not be any results.

But she couldn't say these words.

Of course she wanted to be resurrected, and she always wanted to have a warm body and be able to eat as she pleased.

Even if there was only a slim glimmer of hope, she didn't want to give up.

Lu Li is such a powerful being, but he is willing to help an inconspicuous person like himself. Even though Hahara Lai doesn't have many human emotions, he can still feel the formation.


Seeing that she seemed a little confused, Lu Li said with a smile.

"Yu, don't be so entangled. Since you are a cadre of the organization, you can naturally be considered a family, and a family does not speak the same language.

And if Amazon cell technology is used properly, it may have good uses in the future.

Don't think I'm just doing it for you, I'm just doing it for the future of the museum.

This seemed to mean that Lu Li didn't value Hahara Lai, but she couldn't understand that Lu Li was just looking for a reason for himself.

A forced smile appeared on her cold face. She didn't know how long it had been since she smiled, and she almost didn't know how to smile.

His big hand rested on her head and rubbed her black hair vigorously.

"If you can't laugh, then stop laughing. It's better not to smile at all.

Upon hearing this, Hahara Lai lowered his head in embarrassment.

She also knew her state, how could she laugh sincerely.

Night falls in the city.

The cold moonlight spread down, giving a glimmer of light to the dark city.

In a luxurious restaurant, Mizusawa Reika and his daughter Mizusawa Mitsuki were sitting at the table, quietly waiting for tonight's guests to arrive.

"Mom, I already told you that I don't want to come, why are you still dragging me here?"

Mitsuki Mizusawa pouted her mouth slightly, quite dissatisfied.

She was feeling upset about Yu Mizusawa's affairs, but her mother suddenly dragged her to the best restaurant in the area, saying that she wanted to get close to an important person.

But it doesn't matter if Fang Zhong doesn't have anything to do with Mizusawa Mitsuki. She just wants to know where Mizusawa Yu is.

This brother, who had been at home for two years but had hardly left the house, suddenly went out for such a long time and never came back.

How could she not worry in her heart, but in the end, she was just a student and couldn't do anything at all.

Her mother, Mizusawa Reika, also told her that someone had been arranged to look for her and the results would be available soon.

Tonight, my mother said that there would be a very important guest. Mizusawa Mitsuki happened to be at home too. Mizusawa Reika, who usually spends less time with her daughter, so she was also at home.

Brought over.

"Meiyue, it's usually difficult for me to have a meal with you. Today is a rare opportunity. Don't you want to have a meal with me?" Mizusawa Linghua looked calm.

A rhetorical question.


Mitsuki Mizusawa immediately shook her head. Of course she wanted to have dinner with her mother.

But she always felt a little awkward when outsiders were around.

"Since you don't have such an idea, just sit still. My guests will be here soon. Don't lose your etiquette."

That unquestionable look made Mizusawa Mitsuki immediately calm down and stop worrying about it.

[Yu, where are you now? If you were here, could we have a meal together? 】

This thought came to mind inexplicably, and Mizusawa Mizuki felt lost.

After a while, Lu Li and Hahara Lai finally arrived.

Seeing Lu Li appearing at the door, Shuizawa Linghua quickly stood up.

She didn't dare to neglect Lu Li in the slightest.

Judging from what he learned and the information he knew, Lu Li should be the real controller of the museum.

Of course, this also involves her own speculation.

Whether this is the specific situation, she is not particularly concerned about ten

Chapter 285 Mizuki Mizusawa, the changes brought about by the memory, the disappearing signal

A faint smile appeared on Mizusawa Linghua's face.

Even when facing the unfathomable Lu Li, she did not act very humble.

"Mr. Lu Li, thank you for your kindness and willingness to have this meal with me.

This is my daughter, Mitsuki Mizusawa. I haven’t been able to have a meal with her for a long time, so I brought her here today. Please don’t mind.

As soon as he entered the door, Lu Li had already noticed Mizusawa Mizuki.

She is still a student. Even though her mother holds a high position in Nozama Pharmaceutical Company, she does not live an extremely luxurious life.

Even at school, almost no students knew her identity.

She is an isolated student in school, with almost no friends and usually few words.

Since the arrival of Mizusawa Yu two years ago, Mizusawa Mitsuki felt that she finally had a friend to talk to.

This is why she pays close attention to Mizusawa Yu's affairs. In the play, she repeatedly cannot bear to deal with Mizusawa Yu.

The two are not only friends, but in a sense, they are siblings.

After all, they both have genes from Mizusawa Reika.

Lu Li smiled and shook his head, and set his eyes on Mizusawa Mitsuki.

"No, of course I don't mind, but I didn't expect that Minister Mizusawa already has such a lovely daughter."

As soon as Lu Li came in, Mizusawa Mitsuki stared at him for a long time unconsciously.

For nothing else, Lu Li's perfect figure, handsome face, and confidence all over his body.

For a little girl like Mizusawa Mitsuki, it is naturally very attractive.

Seeing Lu Li set his eyes on her, Mizusawa Mitsuki quickly lowered her head shyly.

It's not that she hasn't seen handsome boys before, but she swears that she has never seen someone like Lu Li.

Even though she is not a beauty fan, she was attracted by Lu Li's handsomeness.

The strong self-confidence of the other party is something that Mizusawa Miyue does not have at present.

She was bullied by a bad girl group at school and didn't dare to tell her mother when she got home. She lacked confidence and could even be said to be inferior.

Lu Li, who exuded such strong self-confidence, had a very special attraction for Mizusawa Miyue.

She felt a little inferior in her heart. Compared with this handsome brother, she was far behind.

Noticing that her daughter was blushing and lowering her head, Mizusawa Linghua looked a little strange.

Originally, she just wanted to take her daughter to have a meal together, but now it seems that her daughter might have some feelings for Lu Li, right?

Otherwise, why did she blush when they just met?

Of course, this is just her guess, and it is not 100% certain.

But if her daughter really has some special feelings for Lu Li, what should she do as a mother?

Even though she didn't know what the relationship between Lu Li and Sonozaki Saeko was, she could probably guess that the relationship between the two must be unusual, even a couple.

If she let her daughter interfere, with her daughter's personality, could she really beat Sonozaki Saeko?

Of course, she had such an idea, and Shui Ze Linghua quickly put aside this crazy idea.

My daughter is still studying and is still young. How could she think about these things? She must be overthinking.

Then, it was a very dull dinner.

Since Yuyuan Lai is an undead, he naturally doesn't need to eat, and has no interest in the food on the table.

From the beginning to the end, he never moved his chopsticks.

Seeing this situation, Shui Ze Linghua was quite confused.

How could a normal person not eat?

Even if he doesn't like to eat these things, he should try them at least, but Yuyuan Lai didn't even move.

"Mr. Lu Li, is it that the dishes tonight don't suit Miss Yu's taste? How about we change them?"

Since she was going to entertain the other party, she naturally had to entertain the other party well. She didn't want any mistakes to happen.

Hearing this, Lu Li shook his head slightly and explained with a smile.

"No, Yu's situation is special. It's the same even if the dishes are changed. There's no need to care about her. We just eat our own food."

After getting such an explanation, Shui Ze Linghua could only suppress the doubts in her heart.

She couldn't figure out why Yu Yuanlai didn't eat.

But since Lu Li didn't say it clearly, she certainly couldn't continue to ask

During the dinner, Shui Ze Meiyue would peek at Lu Li from time to time, and when she was discovered, she would shyly lower her head.

That look was like a young girl in love.

It's not that Shui Ze Meiyue fell in love with Lu Li after meeting him once, not to the extent.

It's just that the personality difference between the two is quite large, or even completely opposite, one is very inferior and the other is very confident.

In this case, it is normal for Mizuki Mizuki to be very curious about Lu Li.

After a rich dinner, Lu Li and Yuyuan Lai left.

As for where to stay at night, Nozama Pharmaceutical Company had already considered it and arranged the best hotel for them.

When Lu Li left, Mizuki Mizuki stared at the tall and confident back for a long time.

Noticing her daughter's appearance, Mizuki Reika couldn't help but laugh and cry.

Patting her daughter's head, Mizuki Reika teased.

"Meiyue, what are you thinking about?"

Hearing this, Mizuki Mizuki waved her hands quickly, like a child who was found to have done something wrong.

"No, no! I didn't think about anything, I... I.....

She stumbled and spoke, which was obviously abnormal.

"Well, it's getting late, let's go back together. ”


In the next two days, many Amazons were awakened one after another.

But with the help of non-mass-produced memory, the combat effectiveness of the task force was further improved.

As soon as they received the news, they would rush to the scene and launch an annihilation operation.

The task force had three teams, each of which was supposed to have ten people, but due to the lack of experience in combating Amazon, the number of members was drastically reduced.

Team 1 had slightly more people left, with seven people left, while Teams 2 and 3 suffered heavy losses, with only five people left.

Because of this, Teams 2 and 3 of the task force were directly integrated into a new Team 2, and the number of people in Team 1 remained unchanged.

For two days, the captains of the three teams used the memory relatively frequently.

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