But with specific use, they seem to have undergone some changes.

First of all, their eyes seemed to have become a little hollow, even cold.

At first, I could chat happily with other team members, but after this period of time, they talked less and less.

But no one noticed this change, they just thought that they might be too tired from fighting.

In the past three days, Lu Li had lived quite quietly, and nothing special happened.

Of course Lu Li knew about the changes in the three team captains.

He had known this would be the case from the beginning.

After all, it is Gaia's memory. If it is used too many times, the toxins of the earth's memory will corrode the user's body, causing it to change unconsciously.

Even now it's still the same body, but its essential character and so on have changed.

This was the negative effect of Gaia's memory.

If you want to gain great power, you should pay some price.

When she first purchased the memory, Sonosaki Saeko specifically reminded Mizusawa Reika:

But at that time, in order to eliminate Amazon as soon as possible, Mizusawa Reika didn't think that much at all.

The negative effects have begun to appear, but they have not reached the stage of explosion.

If they continue to use the power of Gaia's memory, the three captains will undoubtedly lose control and go berserk.

After losing control and going on a rampage, it's not that easy to deal with it.

Lu Li has the ability to solve it, but he will not take action easily unless the other party pays a high enough price.

For example....Amazon Cell Technology.

The purpose of coming here is nothing more than Amazon cell technology.

Of course, Lu Li could also choose to rob directly, but Lu Li never thought of rob directly.

Mainly it's not necessary.

There was obviously a better way, so there was no need for Lu Li to snatch it.

No matter how you say it, the relationship between the two parties is a contract. If it is spread that people from the museum have snatched other companies' core project information, and they want to find other companies to cooperate in the future, I am afraid it will become a problem.


Since the combat effectiveness of the task force squad has been greatly improved, the interests of the expulsion squad have been harmed.

Their movement speed is indeed not slow, but it is still far behind compared to the special task force.

The more Amazoni the opponent eliminates, the less money they get.

The Exorcist Squad also realized their combat effectiveness was insufficient.

Especially in the previous battle, the only Amazo in Mamoru's team was injured and was temporarily taken back to the research institute for treatment, and their combat effectiveness dropped a lot.

Expelled from the class.

Misaki Kazuya complained while eating instant noodles.

"Ah! Why do those guys in the special team move so fast? It's all a problem with those memories, they are too powerful!

It makes me feel like I'm about to be laid off. What should I do? Brother Zhen, the debt collector has called me several times! "

Misaki felt dizzy when he thought that he was still burdened with a mortgage.

When he eliminated Amazon, the bonus he got was indeed enough to repay those loans.

But because the task force moved too quickly to eliminate Amazon, they were all about to lose their jobs.

Hearing this, Shito, who was holding a can of beer, shook his head helplessly.

"What can I do? They are regular employees of the company. We can't ask the company to stop them all.

We must also improve our combat effectiveness. Only in this way can we take the lead in expelling Amazon. "

Gao Shouwang, who was punching the sandbag, stopped and took a few breaths.

"It's so easy to say. The memory used by the special class can turn them into monsters. The power is not comparable to that of humans. We

How can you win? "

I couldn't help but feel discouraged. I had worked hard, but I couldn't compare to the other party's power after using the memory to transform.

I always feel like I'm exercising in vain, it's meaningless.

Kota Fukuda, who was reading a book, ate the peanuts on his plate and raised his head slightly.

"This is the power of technology. Judging from the current situation, our technology is obviously not as good as the special team. There is nothing we can do about it."

It’s impossible to say there’s no rush, after all everyone is here to make money.

After all, they all gathered together for money. Now they are gradually unable to make money, and the military morale of the team is a bit weakened.

“Beep beep beep!

At this moment, a sound suddenly came from the computer next to him.

Hearing this familiar voice, Misaki Kazuya immediately dropped the cup noodles in his hand and ran over, pressing the enter key.

"Exorcism squad!"

"We just detected an ID number response! The location is at


As soon as they heard Amazon: ID number, everyone was stunned, and then immediately started to get dressed and rushed to the van outside.

The car started quickly and rushed to the destination quickly.

Gao Shouwang, who was sorting the equipment on the trunk, quickly put on his gloves.

"Finally, there is an Amazon! I have been robbed by those guys from the special task force these days. This time, I will never let those guys rob me again!"

While speaking, Gao Shouwang took out a sharp blade like a claw and waved it fiercely.

They had been robbed of the mission target previously, resulting in them not receiving the bonus, so they were naturally very unhappy.

Misaki Kazuya checked the shotgun used, noticed Gao Shouwang's eagerness to try, and couldn't help but agree.

"You're right, we must not let those guys take it away this time! This target must be ours."

The targets were snatched away one after another, and everyone felt a fire in their hearts.

This time, they will never let the special team take it away again.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Shito smiled and didn't say much.

He was holding a fire in his heart, but he didn't complain about anything.

The task force seems to be very powerful in the past few days, and has wiped out a lot of Amazons, but their team has also suffered a very heavy reduction, almost half of them have been lost.

How could he not notice such a huge loss:

This is also the consequence of lack of combat experience. Even with the power of memory, there is still danger in facing the extremely offensive Amazon.

Just as they were riding to their destination, the investigation squad's communication came again.

Shino Shito pressed the communication button.

"Expel Ban Shiteng, please tell me something."

The voices of the investigation team members came from the communication channel.

"Sorry, the ID number response has disappeared."


When he heard the news, Shito was immediately confused.

This was the first time he encountered this situation.

In the past, once the ID number reaction appeared, it would not disappear.

After hearing the news, Kota Fukuda, who was driving the vehicle, immediately pulled over.

Misaki Kazuya frowned and said dissatisfied.

"No, are you mistaken?"

"No! In fact, there was a very weak signal before that, which disappeared at the same place. I thought it was a false alarm, but"

Shito Zhen frowned and said doubtfully

"What does disappear mean?"

"I checked, and a weak signal appeared inside the tunnel."

Looking at the target signal fed back by computer 1.1, there is a big B on the data.

This also means that the target is B level!

"Brother Zhen, the target this time is B-level. Now that we lack Mamoru, it may be very difficult.

It would be nice if the green Amazoni was still around.

He had seen Yu Mizusawa's fighting prowess before.

In the past two days, Misaki Kazuya has been thinking about this issue.

If they had kept Yu Mizusawa instead of driving him away, maybe the number of Amazons they would eliminate would not have been so small.

You don't have to worry about collection issues.

"He's not dangerous, you're just too scared."

Gao Shouwang also believed that Shito was really too cautious and there was no need to worry so much.

At least judging from the previous situation, Mizusawa Yuu should be similar to Mamoru.

Shito pinched his brows in distress. He finally received a task and couldn't give up at all. After all, he still had to make money.

"Stop talking so much, Futian, drive to the tunnel first and take a look."

Hearing this, Kota Fukuda nodded and immediately started the vehicle and rushed to the destination.

at the same time.

It's not just the exorcism team that's heading to their destination, but also Yu Mizusawa.

With his strong sense of perception, he had already noticed the existence of Amazon, and rushed over in the Jungle Plunderer as soon as possible!

As for the task force, they have no interest in such weak signals for the time being. If they rush over and fail to find the target, it will be a complete waste of time.

All they have to do is find the substantive target and then eliminate it.

Indirectly, this time the elimination team got an opportunity to eliminate Amazon.

As for how it came about, it was completely because the special team looked down on it and left it out to them.

At this moment, Lu Li was sitting in the last row of a bus that was going through the city.

PS: thanks

A monthly ticket to get rid of its encumbrances! .

Chapter 286 Lu Li’s Plan: Capturing Experimental Subjects,

interception and encounter

At first, Lu Li didn't think about taking the bus.

But he has extraordinary perception of life forms that are not human beings.

When I happened to pass by the bus stop, I realized that the driver on the bus was not human.

In this city, apart from humans, there is only Amazon.

Amazon, who appeared driving a bus in the play, really existed, but Lu Li remembered it.

Butterfly Amazon, the driver of the route bus.

Use the passengers on the bus as food to raise the larvae of another butterfly, Amazonl.

It has always been unnoticed, but the larvae suddenly awakened and were exposed.

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