This time, Lu Li's target was the larval butterfly Amazon.

It seemed that Lu Li was living peacefully these past two days, but in fact, Lu Li was not spending his days leisurely.

He captured several Amazons who had not yet awakened and brought them back to Fengdu.

To conduct research on Amazon cell technology in the future, Lu Li would naturally need experimental subjects, and the Amazons he captured were naturally the best experimental subjects.

The reason why Hahara Lai was not with Lu Li was to guard the captured Amazons for Lu Li. After all, they were important experimental subjects.

Looking at the bus driver in front of him who seemed to be driving very seriously, who could have imagined that this bus driver would actually be Amazon, and he was also using humans to secretly feed him?

Raise a larvae.

At this time, Lu Li noticed a motorcycle following him from behind.

Seeing the peculiar motorcycle, Lu Li recognized Yu Mizusawa at a glance.

It is indeed the third type of Amazon, with extremely keen perception, especially for the same kind!

It feels like he is a perfect hunter, able to sense other Amazons of the same kind anytime and anywhere.

Yu Mizusawa, who was driving the Jungle Robbery and followed the route bus, had already felt that someone inside the route bus was Amazon.

He still doesn't understand the meaning of his fight, but he doesn't want to see anyone die, and he really doesn't want to see Amazon continue to eat people.

Now that Amazon's existence has been felt, he cannot allow him to use it to kill humans wantonly.

At an intersection, the route bus happened to pass by the deportation squad car.

Of course Shito Makoto and Fukuda Kota also noticed Mizusawa Yu who was driving the Jungle Robbery behind the route bus.

"What is he doing here? 07"

Quite confused in his heart, Shito really didn't understand why Mizusawa Yu appeared here at this time.

Ahead is their destination this time, the tunnel.

There was a vague feeling in his heart that Mizusawa Yuu was here now by no means by chance. He was probably feeling something.

Amazon can feel the presence of Amazon. Maybe there really is Amazon in that tunnel.

"Futian, follow me.

Nodding, Kota Fukuda immediately accelerated to follow.

And just as their car followed them, a yellow taxi followed them slowly into the tunnel.

The person taking the taxi was none other than Mitsuki Mizusawa.

She wanted to go to Nozama Pharmaceutical Research Institute today.

As for why she chose to go to that place, it was mainly because she wanted to find Mizusawa Reika, her mother, and find out what was going on with Mizusawa Yuu.

I obviously came back yesterday, but suddenly left again, saying I would never come back here again.

Mitsuki Mizusawa didn't know what was going on here, but she believed her mother must know.

To go to Nozama Pharmaceutical Research Institute, it happens to be this road and you need to go through this tunnel.

Yu Mizusawa, who had been following the route bus, suddenly accelerated and rushed to the front.

Then it quickly braked to a stop, blocking the only one-way passage.

The route bus following behind had no choice but to make an emergency stop when faced with a vehicle that suddenly blocked its way.

When the bus driver waited until he blocked the way, he already felt that this guy was not a human being, but Amazon.

When people of the same kind meet, they can feel each other's presence.

Both are Amazon, and he doesn't know why the other party blocks his way:

Whether it is an enemy or a friend, it is not clear for the time being.

The extermination squad following behind also stopped at this time, and the taxi behind was also forced to stop.

"What happened? Why did it stop suddenly?" The taxi driver looked confused.

Mizusawa Mitsuki was sitting in the back seat. Because the vehicle was blocking her, she didn't know what was happening in front of her.

"Master, what happened ahead?"

"I don't know. Maybe there's something wrong with the car. Let's wait."

"okay, I get it.

Mitsuki Mizusawa no longer thought about it so much. She lay in the back seat and began to think about how she should ask her mother.

The people in the eviction class got out of the car one after another and came to the front of the bus.


When Mizusawa Yu saw Shito Makoto who had arrived here, he was not surprised. After all, he was doing this job.

"Mr. Shito, this bus driver is probably their experimental subject!"

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately became vigilant and raised their weapons to aim at the bus driver.

"Sorry, please get out of the car.

Shito really didn't want the people on the bus to get hurt, so he wanted to get the bus driver off first.

However, the bus driver lowered his head and showed no intention of moving.

"Hey! Didn't you hear what he said? Come down soon!" Misaki Kazuya urged loudly

But the bus driver still made no movement, as if he didn't hear what they said.

Gao Shouwang immediately squatted down and found the bus door switch under the curtain.


The front and rear doors of the bus opened, and Misaki Kazuya rushed forward.

At this time, the people on the bus were still wondering why it suddenly stopped. They felt scared when they saw the man who suddenly rushed up, especially when they saw that he had a weapon in his hand.

"Sorry! Everyone, this bus may be carrying dangerous goods. Can everyone please get off the bus?

Feel sorry! Thank you for your cooperation. Please be careful when getting off the bus.

After all, he has a shotgun in his hand, which is quite a deterrent.

Everyone on the bus did not dare to raise any objection and quickly left the bus.

Just when Misaki Kazuya thought that everyone in the car had left, he was about to get off.

As a result, I suddenly discovered that there was someone sitting in the last row of seats.

Walking over helplessly, Misaki Kazuya urged again.

"Sir, as I said just now, there are dangerous items on the vehicle. Please cooperate."

If someone is injured during action, they feel somewhat sorry in their hearts, and if they can avoid it, they will naturally avoid it.

Lu Li turned around, slowly stood up and walked down.

His purpose is not the bus driver, but another butterfly Amazon larva hiding here, and there is no need to stay in the bus.

Finally, everyone got out of the car, and Misaki Kazuya got out of the car with peace of mind.

After Lu Li got off the bus, Mizusawa Mizuki's eyes were immediately attracted to him in the car behind him.

"That's Mr. Lu Li?!"

As if she thought of something, Mizuki Mizusawa couldn't help but blush slightly and lowered her head shyly.

"Huh? Why are these people running outside?"

The taxi driver was wondering why so many people got off the bus in front and walked outside.

Did something happen before?

"Miss, we may not be able to walk forward. How about we change the way?"

Hearing this, Mizuki Mizusawa looked confused when she came back to her senses. Apparently, she didn't hear clearly what the taxi driver just said.

"I'm sorry, I was thinking about other things just now. What did you just say?"

"I said we should go another way. This road may not work. Let's take a long detour."

Mizusawa Mizuki, who finally heard clearly, glanced at Lu Li who was standing beside the bus, thought about it, and quickly shook his head.

"No, I'll just get off the car here, you can go on your own.

With that said, she handed the money to the taxi driver, and Mitsuki Mizusawa hurriedly got out of the car.

Her eager look made the taxi driver think that a bomb had been planted in his car. Should he run so fast?

But after thinking that I had made money anyway, I didn’t think too much, so I turned the car around and prepared to leave the tunnel.

When Lu Li got out of the car, it wasn't just Mizusawa Mizuki who noticed Lu Li, there was another person who also noticed him.

This person is naturally Mizusawa Yu.

The two had met before, and Mizusawa Yu's biggest feeling about Lu Li was that this man was very dangerous.

He didn't expect that he would meet Lu Li here.

"Land from.

Compared to the bus driver, Mizusawa Yu felt that Lu Li was more dangerous.

Shito Zhen frowned slightly and unconsciously focused his gaze on Lu Li. He had never seen Lu Li before.

But since Yu Mizusawa was able to name the other person and seemed to be wary in his eyes, it proved that this Lu Li was probably not a simple person.

"Lu Li? Who is it? Do you know him?"

His first reaction was whether Lu Li was also an Amazon.

He unconsciously became vigilant in his heart, fearing that Lu Li would do something excessive.

"He is...Mom's partner."


This was the answer he got from Yu Mizusawa. Shito's face froze slightly, and then he realized that he was worried in vain.

Since the other party is Director Mizusawa's partner, it must not be Amazon.

Seeing that Shito really let down his guard, Lu Li smiled and said

"Everyone in the extermination class, this should be considered our first meeting. I have seen your style before when we expelled Queen Amazo."

Everyone in the exorcism squad was filled with doubts when they heard this.

At that time, they could be sure that except for them, the task force, and Mizusawa Yu and another woman who came to support, there should be no other people in the apartment building.

Why...why did he know what happened that day?

Just when everyone was confused, Mizusawa Yu suddenly interrupted.

"Mr. Shito, the woman who fought with us in the apartment that time is his person."

The seemingly cold figure of Hahara Lai could not help but appear in everyone's minds.

It exudes a cold aura, but it has the power of fire and is very strong.

Even now, they can't forget that that powerful figure saved them.

When he thought that Lu Li's people saved their lives, Shinya Shito felt sincere and nodded in thanks.

"I see, Mr. Lu, thanks to that young lady last time, please help us convey our thanks."

No matter what, I can't dislike a group of people who are kindhearted and do such dangerous work for their own reasons.

What's more important is that they are not standing against him, so Lu Li will naturally not do anything to them.

Waving his hands casually, Lu Li didn't take this matter to heart.

“Yu just did what he could, you’re welcome.

At this moment, the only remaining driver on the bus took this opportunity to push down the gear, stepped on the accelerator and accelerated away.


Facing the bus that suddenly hit him, Mizusawa Yu quickly hid aside.

Seeing the bus going away, he stood up, put on his helmet, and rode the Jungle Raider to catch up quickly.

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