"Hey!! Chase!"

After finally finding an experimental target, it was impossible to let it go no matter what. After Shito really called out loudly, the people who left work quickly boarded the box truck and accelerated to chase it.

Go up.

Mitsuki Mizusawa, who had already left the taxi, saw the familiar figure on the Jungle Plunder and shouted hurriedly.


Mizusawa Yu vaguely heard her call. He turned his head slightly and saw Mizusawa Mitsuki.

But at this time, he didn't have time to talk to Mizusawa Mitsuki, and he absolutely couldn't let the bus driver run away.

The other party is Amazon, what if it attacks someone?

He doesn't allow any Amazon to attack people!

Turning back firmly, Mizusawa Yu suddenly turned the accelerator and accelerated to catch up.

All the vehicles had disappeared, and only Lu Li and Mizusawa Mitsuki were left in the tunnel.

Looking at the back of the man riding the Jungle Plunder, who showed no intention of stopping, Mizusawa Mizuki had a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

I thought her calling would make the other party 820 stop.

But the result seemed to be completely different from what she thought. The other party didn't stop because of her.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Mizusawa Mitsuki's fair face.

She didn't know what Mizusawa Yu was going to do, but what was so important that she couldn't even stop and say a word?


The voice next to her ears brought Mizuki Mizusawa back to her senses immediately.

Then he remembered that Lu Li was still here, and he immediately lowered his head in embarrassment, his face turning slightly red.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu Li, Yu is my brother, but he hasn't been home for a while, so I was a little anxious just now."

After saying this, Mitsuki Mizusawa was stunned for a moment.

Why do you have to explain so much? ?

She had no relationship with Lu Li. At most, they only met once at a dinner party hosted by her mother.

Mitsuki Mizusawa was quite impressed by this man who looked very handsome and gave people a sense of security.

Mizusawa Mitsuki, who was in the age of a young girl, would naturally compare Lu Li unconsciously with the men she knew.

However, he found that Lu Li seemed to be the best among all the men he knew.

Of course, she had personal contact with and knew very few men.

The nobility exuding from his every move already showed that Lu Li was of high status, and even his mother had to be careful when speaking.

When they met for the second time, Lu Li found that this girl was quite interesting, even more interesting than Izumi Hina.

With a faint smile on her face and a confident temperament exuding from her whole body, she has a great attraction for Mitsuki Mizusawa, who has low self-esteem.

"You don't have to always call me husband, just call me brother or brother Lu Li.

As for Mizusawa Yu, he may be busy with something very important. After he is done, maybe you can have a good chat. "

There was a faint blush on his face, and he nodded imperceptibly.

"Well, Lu Li...brother Lu Li."

The voice was so subtle that if it weren't for his good ears, Lu Li might not be able to hear it clearly.

At this moment, Mitsuki Mizusawa suddenly remembered, why would Lu Li, a person of such status, take the bus?

Just when Mizuki Mizusawa was about to speak, Lu Li suddenly pressed his finger on her thin lips.


Seeing Lu Li's sudden move to quiet herself, Mizusawa Mizuki felt shy, but she calmed down immediately.

Then, Mitsuki Mizusawa saw Lu Li suddenly pointing his finger at the top of the tunnel.

With a flash of doubt in her eyes, Mizusawa Mitsuki looked in the direction of Lu Li's finger.

You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

When she saw the creature sleeping on the top, Mitsuki Mizusawa's face suddenly turned pale.

She had never seen such a creature.

I saw a large, strange thing lying on the top of the tunnel. It looked like it might fall down at any time.

If Lu Li hadn't warned Mizuki Mizusawa in advance, she might have started shouting now.

In any case, she is still just a student and has never seen such a terrifying monster.

Chapter 287 Is this magic? ! Mizusawa Yu's vigilance, Lu Li is very dangerous

The first time she saw Mizusawa Mizuki, who was just a student, she was naturally very scared.

The larvae of the butterfly Amazon are covered with a very hard shell.

It is difficult to carry out physical impact damage from the outside unless the force reaches an unbearable level.

But because of this solid shell, the larvae restricts other joints and cannot move on its own.

Now it looks like a monster with a twisted belly.

In fact, the adult changes are going on inside.

When the transformation is complete, the solid shell will break and the true form will be revealed.

"Okay, you stay here quietly for now, and I'll take care of this guy first."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li released his fingers from Mizusawa Mizuki's lips, turned around and looked at the butterfly Amazon larva on the roof of the tunnel.

Behind him, Mitsuki Mizusawa, although her face was still pale, felt inexplicably at ease in her heart.

Even though she knew that there was a monster in this tunnel, she was not particularly afraid.

The strong confidence exuded by Lu Li infected her, making Mizusawa Mizuki, who originally had a low self-esteem, inexplicably want to believe in him.

Looking at the butterfly Amazon larva lying on the roof of the tunnel, still showing no intention of coming down, Lu Li smiled.

"Don't you want to come down yet?"

This guy had clearly sensed the crisis just now, and he didn't get off the bus when he didn't get a call from the bus driver.

But the purpose of Lu Li's coming here was just for this guy. If it couldn't get down, the situation would be the same.

To deal with this "little guy", Lu Li didn't even need to transform.

Butterfly Amazon larvae are only relatively powerful at best, and have no other advantages at all.

The extremely powerful telekinesis was unleashed instantly, and Lu Li slightly shook his hand.

The butterfly Amazon larva lying on the roof of the tunnel felt an inexplicable strong pulling force.

The round body couldn't stick to it anymore and fell down immediately.


The huge body smashed into the tunnel, stirring up billowing smoke and dust.

The whole process was clearly seen by Mizusawa Mizuki. She just noticed that Lu Li shook his hand gently, and the terrifying monster lying on the top of the tunnel actually fell down.


It looked like he had fallen badly.

The little girl's eyes widened slightly, with a look of surprise in her eyes.

【Is this magic? Or superpower? ! 】

Mizusawa Mitsuki was naturally excited when she saw such a magical scene for the first time.

You must know that it is something that can only be seen in novels and fairy tales. Now it happened in front of her eyes. How could she not feel surprised.

Her beautiful eyes sparkled with curiosity, staring closely at the tall and straight back.

Brother Lu Li, who could he be?

Not only can he get a banquet from his mother, but he also has this magical ability.

Previously, Mitsuki Mizusawa even asked Mizusawa Reika specifically, but the answer she got from him was not to inquire.

She even told Mizuki Mizusawa not to have too much contact with Lu Li. This man was very mysterious.

Even Mizusawa Reika, as a mother, couldn't figure out what kind of existence Lu Li was.

Even though he usually didn't seem to be particularly concerned about his daughter, how could Mizusawa Reika really care about his daughter.

That was a piece of flesh that fell off her body. If she didn't feel sorry for it, who would?

Keeping Mizusawa Mizuki away from Lu Li is to prevent Mizusawa Mizuki from being harmed in the future.

Before this happened, she hoped to strangle it in the cradle.

But Mizusawa Linghua would never have imagined that Lu Li and his daughter would meet under such circumstances.

If she had known this earlier, she might have kept her daughter at home.

She even regretted taking her daughter to dinner that day, but there was no point regretting it now.

Now that everything has happened, there is nothing you can do but accept it.

Just when Mitsuki Mizusawa was about to step forward and ask what kind of ability Lu Li had just used, the butterfly Amazon larva that had just fallen to the ground had already splashed out of the ground.

Come out of the smoke and dust.

He has a chubby body and feels a bit honest, but this guy is not a good guy.

It can spit out a strange poem to bind the target, and at the same time extend the retractable tubular mouthparts from the mouth, inject dissolving liquid into the target, and dissolve the target's internal organs.

And absorb.

It should be said that every Amazon is not a good one.

Butterfly Amazon: The larva stared at Lu Li closely, his eyes full of anger.

At the same time, his eyes were still filled with bloodlust, staring at Lu Li as if he had great attraction.

Being disturbed, it would naturally not look away from the two goals in front of it.

It's going to tie up these two guys and eat their entrails!

The next second, the butterfly Amazon larva immediately spit out white silk, aiming directly at Lu Li.

Facing this ordinary attack, Lu Li didn't even bother to look at it.

With a wave of his hand, a purple energy invisible to the naked eye shot out instantly.

"Shua! 々"

The white thread that rushed towards Lu Li was cut directly without anyone even touching it, and dissolved instantly.

Seeing that the silk it spun out had no effect, the butterfly Amazon larvae obviously couldn't understand it for a while.

"There is no point in struggling and resisting. Just lie down with peace of mind."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li disappeared from the sight of the butterfly Amazon larvae.

"Hmm one by one?"

Even though Mizuki Mizusawa was very scared, she still clearly saw the scene in front of her.

She witnessed Lu Li disappear before her eyes and appear behind the monster in an instant.

Is this rapid speed really possible?

Such thoughts couldn't help but pop up in her mind, and Mizuki Mizusawa was even more curious.

Who is Lu Li?

The rumored superpower? Or a magician?

No matter which one it was, it was enough to make Mizuki Mizusawa feel very excited.

It's like discovering an unknown continent, how could you not be excited?

Feeling both excited and scared, Mizusawa Mizuki was extremely complicated in her heart.

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